Discussion: A Death Revealed....





Some people really love to bring in nerd rage and drama over the weirdest things.

Love the SSAs, please keep them coming Paragon, with and without spoilers as you see fit to tell the stories you want to tell.

As far as I am concerned, haters are gonna hate, and ragers are gonna rage; ignore 'em, they are not worth the time.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Maybe they all supposed to die, and we get new iconic heroes or old ones will get revamped costumes and more spotlight, and new shiny TFs.
That would be good.
But Positron will not die, of course.



For those who think knowing Statesman will die ruins the story telling, may I ask you:

Does knowing that in every other case Statesman (and any other hero, including yourself in the CoH Universe) is going to live ruin the story for you? We all know with 99.99999% certainty that the hero of a series lives. Does such cases of knowing that the hero doesn't die *ruin* the story for you?

Ordinarily, every time the hero is threatened with death... we know it ain't gonna happen. That's a story spoiler for you, then, right?

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
For those who think knowing Statesman will die ruins the story telling, may I ask you:

Does knowing that in every other case Statesman (and any other hero, including yourself in the CoH Universe) is going to live ruin the story for you? We all know with 99.99999% certainty that the hero of a series lives. Does such cases of knowing that the hero doesn't die *ruin* the story for you?

Ordinarily, every time the hero is threatened with death... we know it ain't gonna happen. That's a story spoiler for you, then, right?
Most stories aren't allegedly about the dramatic shock death of one of the main NPCs.


Darkonne: Pinnacle's (unofficially) mighty Dark Miasma/Radiation Blast enthusiast!

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My guess for the rest of it will be that next arc will have the "Emotional" death of Statesman. Then the rest of the arcs will feel hurried and incomplete. But why change how they have done every new thing they have put in the game now.

I really do hope I am wrong, just don't have much hope of it being any different.

Broomhilda BS/Regen/BM Scrapper, Fiddle Faddle Shield/ElecM/BM Tank,
And many others..
Dev's With all the Great new content, Please!! dont forget to fix the bugs with the old content. There is a storm a brewing because they are not getting fixed. If its a problem that no one is reporting them? Well Maybe you need to look at your tech support then..



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
For those who think knowing Statesman will die ruins the story telling, may I ask you:

Does knowing that in every other case Statesman (and any other hero, including yourself in the CoH Universe) is going to live ruin the story for you? We all know with 99.99999% certainty that the hero of a series lives. Does such cases of knowing that the hero doesn't die *ruin* the story for you?

Ordinarily, every time the hero is threatened with death... we know it ain't gonna happen. That's a story spoiler for you, then, right?

The point of the spoiler complaint with this is that there was no reason to reveal this. Allow speculation and discussion and interest for ep 5 to continue for weeks.(particularly after the generally favaorable ep 4 response I've seen.)

Then allow the story to tell itself and let the community bubble and churn on its own when ep 5 hits live. For the life of me I cannot think of one good reason for this to have been revealed. At all.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

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Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
The point of the spoiler complaint with this is that there was no reason to reveal this. Allow speculation and discussion and interest for ep 5 to continue for weeks.(particularly after the generally favaorable ep 4 response I've seen.)

Then allow the story to tell itself and let the community bubble and churn on its own when ep 5 hits live. For the life of me I cannot think of one good reason for this to have been revealed. At all.
Absolutely agreed. I may not care that much for States but I was enjoying the speculation and discussion. The only reason I can see that they have done this is because it mimics what some comics have done when trying to drum up interest by killing off a major character (only to bring them back later).

The flaw here though is that where there are legions of people who love Superman or Captain America, I can't think of anyone who has ever said, "I love Statesman" or words to that effect. Ever. As far as I can tell, he's almost universally loathed so trying to emulate the death of a beloved comic character has done nothing more than annoy the section of the community who were enjoying the SSAs.

It's ironic when I recall the April Producer's letter that stated:

We view City of Heroes is as a storytelling medium.
Moves like this make me wonder if they've ever read a good suspense novel. Just let the damn story speak for itself.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
This is all very confusing yet interesting at the same time. I think its WAI.
Exactly. I'm quite a bit more interested to see the repercussions of this on the world, and on my characters, than I ever was in the "who". We don't even know if this is the only death... other twists are possible.

If the game is truly about us, then I believe the "who" is far less important and revealing than our role in it, what we make of it, and how the organizations and characters we each care about (if any) respond and rebalance. I was hoping they'd choose Statesman, as his death should provoke the largest potential for change in the game world - offering more opportunities for us to participate in the changes, regardless of alignment or backstory.



Spot on, Chyll. That sums up the entirety of my feeling about this reveal, which was completely unnecessary. People were interested. People were curious about the hooks, and they were speculating in a good way about what was coming and who was going to die.

When you put the signature character of the game up in an ad and say 'oh, he's dying, but the how matters more than the who', then you automatically devalue the story. There's nothing to look forward to in this part, I already know what's happening. It doesn't matter how emotional, or engaging the scene might be, the fact that we know it is before the fact devalues it.

Part Five won't get discussed beyond 'oh, wasn't the death scene well done?' Those who want him dead will have been done celebrating, those who want him around (like myself) will have gotten over our disappointment, and the anticipation of the story will have faded.

Like I said before with movies and television and books: if you spoiled a big plot moment (no matter how telegraphed) in those media, you would be disappointing your audience. I hold its the same here.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



Could it be possible the following elements play a factor in 6 & 7?

Malleus Mundi
Shadow Shard

SSA#7 comes out in March(?) according to the schedule which possibly aligns with I22 (Death Incarnate)?

I'm not expecting Statesman to stay dead, but instead a master plan using him as a device to cause more problems for us to overcome.



All that this thread mostly reminds me of, is that I'd like a comprehensive guide to the timeline/story of the franchise. I've so many alts and so much stuff done spread over a few years, that I've lost track. I had forgotten about my main hero getting Omega Clearance, for instance.

Anyone any pointers? The Paragon Wiki doesn't quite do it for me, I fear...



Originally Posted by SupaFreak View Post
Could it be possible the following elements play a factor in 6 & 7?

Malleus Mundi
Shadow Shard

SSA#7 comes out in March(?) according to the schedule which possibly aligns with I22 (Death Incarnate)?

I'm not expecting Statesman to stay dead, but instead a master plan using him as a device to cause more problems for us to overcome.
Wait what? I22 is called Death Incarnate? Hmmm.

Hew in drag baby



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
No - the heroic ideal will continue to be Statesman - he'll still be the greatest hero in the CoHverse, even if he's dead - especially as the way he goes down is supposed to be pretty epic.
After SSA 4, I'm suspecting "epic death" means that heroside, your hero is forced to stand by helplessly while Statesman dies, while villainside, your villain stands by and applauds politely while somebody else kills Statesman.

Of course, besides the STF and Maria's arc, this will mean having to rewrite the last arc of the VEAT storyline.

34 heroes,
20 villains, Victory, Justice, Infinity, Virtue, Triumph, Exalted -- some more active than others



Originally Posted by Finsplit View Post
After SSA 4, I'm suspecting "epic death" means that heroside, your hero is forced to stand by helplessly while Statesman dies, while villainside, your villain stands by and applauds politely while somebody else kills Statesman.

Of course, besides the STF and Maria's arc, this will mean having to rewrite the last arc of the VEAT storyline.
Not necessarily. Using phasing, they can make both arcs remain as is until that particular character has completed the Who Will Die story arc. They could also add a disclaimer to the initial content saying the events in this story arc occur before the WWD Story Arc.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I wonder what Ms. Liberty's mental state will be like by the end of this arc? And Desdemona will also be affected.
My prediction for how this arc will play out:

Chapter 4: Ms. Liberty's mom dies
Chapter 5: Ms. Liberty's granddad dies
Chapter 6: Ms. Liberty's dog dies, her cat runs away and her favorite teacher from school dies
Chapter 7: Ms. Liberty single-handedly burns down Grandville, castrates Darren Wade, then kicks Rularuu's a** just to be sure.



Ok, so far, our characters have been at least somewhat interactive with what is going on both sides. I wonder if redside you get to off states, while blueside, well, I dunno. Blueside is for (insert insulting euphemism here).

Hew in drag baby



Originally Posted by Sin_Stalker View Post
So mad.

This is like the day Star Wars episode V came out. You are in line for the second show of the day when the first show comes flocking out. But they are all also chanting "Darth Vader is __________!" and destroying the big reveal for everyone else. Thank god we didn't have internet back then because it would have been ruined for so many.

The ball wasn't just dropped here, it fell and broke the foot. So Raged.
It pretty well seems that the Devs are announcing it in advance to attract attention, the way DC and Marvel have announced the "death" of characters to boost sales. (So far, those heroes, like John Cleese, all manage to "get better." Hmmm.)

Your point about spoilers pretty well sums it up. Part of what made "The Empire Strikes Back" such a great film was the very dark turns of the plot and the shocking surprises. (It was all chucked under the bus in "Return of the Jedi" as stuuuuuupid and perfunctory plot resolutions abounded while rainbows and unicorns sprouted and everyone sang Kumbayah, but that is another matter.) Plot spoilers stink. The Devs do not care--- they want the attention and "controversy." Broken foot, indeed.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



I didn't click the link ... I didn't want to know ... but ofcourse because the devs posted the spoiler some person decided to put it into a general chat channel.

Way to go devs ... thanks sooooo much



Maybe Statesman will come back later as a Red Statesman and a Blue Statesman made of pure energy...

Or possibly the essence of Statesman gets transferred into a special ring and a destined one can tap into the power by shouting "ENHANCEMENT DIVERSIFICATION!" complete with lightning strike and transformation.

Also, I'm suddenly reminded of this:



I had just an AWESOME idea.

Statesman gets replaced by the ULTIMATE patriot and American: Larry the Cable Guy!

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Originally Posted by Dante View Post
The flaw here though is that where there are legions of people who love Superman or Captain America, I can't think of anyone who has ever said, "I love Statesman" or words to that effect. Ever. As far as I can tell, he's almost universally loathed so trying to emulate the death of a beloved comic character has done nothing more than annoy the section of the community who were enjoying the SSAs.
Dante, you may be technically correct in that the words, "I love Statesman" are rare as hens teeth, but I think there are a good deal of folks that of fond of the character overall. At least the character as presented in the background lore, as opposed to some arcs of the CoH comic in which he is depicted as an archetypal shouting despot and the Insane Sentient Possessing Well of Furies lore, in which he is pretty much a buffoon. Then again, I cannot say that I "love" ANY superheroes that I grew up with currently because of the direction that subsequent authors have taken them. I have stopped reading them. I thumbed through a Superman comic in the later 90s only to see Superman pull a man's heart out of his chest (killing him) and incinerate another with his heat vision (ditto). No thanks. I choose to keep Superman as he was in my youth, not as the angsty Postmodern attention-seekers have made him with endless retcons. That is true in varying degrees to all of the heroes I once did love.

The Devs ARE trying to emulate the attention and acclaim that has accompanied the deaths of DC and Marvel heroes. They do not care what that does to the quality of the story. I think that you are right in that they have poisoned the well by depicting Statesman as a jerk as often as they have. While a number of folks are unhappy to see Statesman die, there is a large and vocal contingent who are responding with "Good riddance!" The Devs have wanted it both ways, and as you have pointed out, they are hoist upon their own petard with a large section of their audience.

"How do you know you are on the side of good?" a Paragon citizen asked him. "How can we even know what is 'good'?"

"The Most High has spoken, even with His own blood," Melancton replied. "Surely we know."



Big question is how will this effect the BM/statesman farm that he kills everything for ya? How else is my emp going to farm purples?

Damn it I wanted it to be Manicore now I lost the pool.



I have one more thing to say about this: I think that if they'd just named the SSA, "The Death of Statesman" or something similar, or "The End of an Era" and included the text in the OP as the general description of the story, then the whole "why would you spoil it" reaction wouldn't be happening in this way (though, there still would be people that thought it was a cheap stunt or whatever), because the story would have been about the how and why from the beginning.

It's not that there's anything inherently wrong with announcing that you're going to kill a character, it's that the story was set up as a mystery ("Who will die?"), and the mystery was revealed outside of the story, before we could learn it from within the story. Sure, now the story is about the how and not the who, but it started out as being about the who and was changed outside of the story to being about the how in the middle of it.

Anyway, again, I'm not super upset over this, just mildly disappointed. I just realized the above and wanted to provide it as feedback for future SSAs.

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Originally Posted by Melancton View Post
The Devs ARE trying to emulate the attention and acclaim that has accompanied the deaths of DC and Marvel heroes. They do not care what that does to the quality of the story.
For what it's worth, I'm mostly indifferent to the character. I never read the comics but the novels painted him in at least a good, if not amazing light. His throwdown with Recluse at the end of The Freedom Phalanx was still fun and showed he could throw a little light heartedness in too. I think a lot of people still either associate the character with Jack or dislike how belittled they feel because of his iconic status.

The main difference though is that he doesn't have the following like some of the iconic Marvel or DC characters. So when his death is announced, the reaction (judging from this thread and other places) seems to be a collective "Meh" or "Good Riddance".

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk



Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
Ok, so far, our characters have been at least somewhat interactive with what is going on both sides. I wonder if redside you get to off states, while blueside, well, I dunno. Blueside is for (insert insulting euphemism here).
This is the one thing i've been wondering. By the end of SSA #4 you know you aren't the only one looking for States, so will the ENTIRE SEARCH PARTY end up holding the idiot ball?

I seriously doubt redside will be the ones killing States, outside of some indirect method, at that.