Discussion: A Death Revealed....




Maybe Statesman and Recluse die.

All I know is I'm not excited to play the new episodes. I'll probably eventually get around to them but no rushing out to see who might die. The fun, which was trying a story arc, looking at any hints, then coming to the forums and seeing people's theories, and theorizing for myself, was the best.

And yes, there are other types of players who don't play or enjoy it that way. But there are many who do play and view it like that. So by spoiling it, the game just alienated a large portion of their player base.

The other types might be able to enjoy it still but the type that I'm in, now won't.

Still hoping this is all a red-haring though.

Hm, if its not, then I know the next story is going to be titled, "Who Get's Fired... for ruining a portion of the game for so many!"

So mad.

This is like the day Star Wars episode V came out. You are in line for the second show of the day when the first show comes flocking out. But they are all also chanting "Darth Vader is Luke's father!" and destroying the big reveal for everyone else. Thank god we didn't have internet back then because it would have been ruined for so many.

The ball wasn't just dropped here, it fell and broke the foot. So Raged.

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Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
We've already been told there's going to be a trial upcoming where we get to whack Tyrant.
WHACK? Or humble him and get attacked by Hamidon and have to team up to bring it down hence earning his respect and his allegiance against Battalion?

I know which one my money is on.

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Originally Posted by Issen View Post
I'm actually quite surprised. And really, anyone saying this kills the suspense forgets the most important part of what Zwill said:

"You know WHO dies, but you don't know HOW."

The 'How' has to be the most important part of this. I mean, we're talking about freaking STATESMAN here. Guy who punches things and lightning explodes everywhere. Someone with a direct link to the Well. How exactly could anyone just kill him? That's the suspenseful part. And if this person/thing could kill Statesman, what does that mean for everyone else?

Also, I'd be fine with Ms. Liberty. Honestly, after Part 3, I have no problems with Longbow's activities anymore. If Ms. Liberty goes full Vigilante, I'd have a characters who would be ALL too happy to help her. It would be fine time for a little eye-for-an-eye payback after being forced to act like an idiot the last 3 parts of this arc.
Sorry total disagree with this the how is not even close to as important as the who was going to die. I saw some one mention Superman's death and us all knowing it was coming, but honestly that is not even close to Statesman. I mean its the man of steel and other than Batman who has beaten him 3 times no one else has come close really. So the how was a big thing with his death. Statesman, hell we have all beat him and the the other members so bad and many times in the LRTF that they all should be working on the street corner selling there booties.

So Zwill have you and the others figured out this was a very very bad idea yet???? You guys won't communicate with us about stuff that needs to be talked about and avoid questions about problems with the game. But the one thing you guys should have kept you mouths shut about, blab blab blab. And then sit there and tell us that we are wrong to be upset about it. Makes me question were this game is headed and what is planned for the future of this game, add in the going with patches that are no were near ready and the other stuff that marketing has done WOW really.... I feel someone what higher up needs to step in and fix/fire the problem. But that's just mho

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Dev's With all the Great new content, Please!! dont forget to fix the bugs with the old content. There is a storm a brewing because they are not getting fixed. If its a problem that no one is reporting them? Well Maybe you need to look at your tech support then..



I wonder if we'll get a statue of Statesman added to one of the zones?
I think one in the park area between Atlas Plaza and the Vanguard building would be nice, with a pool or fountain around it.

EDIT: Actually, that might not be such a good place for it - it'd mean Ms. Liberty would be looking at it 24/7

Maybe replace the generic statue in the midlde of the lake in Prometheus park with a Statesman staute instead? And rename the park too, to be more sensitive

Another place in Atlas Park could be the sunken bowl area where the zowies are, although it mightn't be so nice to have his statue surrounded by mobs.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I really don't understand the point of announcing it early. Even if it could have been spoiled by people breaking the EULA to find it out, it makes no sense to me to end-run that by announcing it formally this far in advance.

It bugs me.

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This is all very confusing yet interesting at the same time. I think its WAI.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I really don't understand the point of announcing it early. Even if it could have been spoiled by people breaking the EULA to find it out, it makes no sense to me to end-run that by announcing it formally this far in advance.

It bugs me.
My interest in mystery stories thrillers leads me to believe this is probably a red herring or a way to throw us off the scent. And it's the comics, too, so is he "dead" or "dead dead?" I'm guessing the former. No matter what, I'm doubting this is quite the spoiler some are thinking it is.

It also potentially leaves things open for our particular character to take his place, which is interesting. Not sure how his TF is going to work with him gone, either. We'll see how it goes.

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Originally Posted by Lord_Kalistoh View Post
Maybe already said but my thoughts since they announced the Statesman & Recluse Tribute Helmets were that Statesman dies, and somehow Recluse takes the road to redemption, changes his name and costume, and take the lead of the Incarnates against the Praetorians and the Well.
I think the Praetorian threat will be considered over, but I like the idea of Recluse vs The Well.

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Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
My interest in mystery stories thrillers leads me to believe this is probably a red herring or a way to throw us off the scent. And it's the comics, too, so is he "dead" or "dead dead?" I'm guessing the former. No matter what, I'm doubting this is quite the spoiler some are thinking it is.
True, all they said was that "Statesman will die in Issue 5. Of 7."

What they didn't say:

Statesman will stay dead.
No other member of the Phalanx will die.
Statesman is the answer to the question: "Who Will Die?"



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
True, all they said was that "Statesman will die in Issue 5. Of 7."

What they didn't say:

Statesman will stay dead.
No other member of the Phalanx will die.
Statesman is the answer to the question: "Who Will Die?"
Right but by doing this, they make it a really strong posibility that there will be EVEN MORE twist and turns then before.

I would have rather discovered his death myself or through non official people after being released live. Then everyone thinks he is dead and the rest of the episodes are the aftermath. Then BOOM, ep 8 we revive him but ep9 someone else dies for good. The end, we got twisted and turned and had a fun roller coaster ride.

Instead, they spoiled the possibility of this. Another reason why sad.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
There's still plenty more suspense to be had in the remaining arcs .
Are telling us Someone else is going to die Zwill?

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
In true comic book fashion, Statesman’s backstory is deeply entrenched in the lore of the game’s various villains and heroes, and his absence will create a power vacuum for players to fill.
I'm highly amused by this ... since it essentially means that I "called it" when talking to Dr Aeon at the Player Summit after the Signature Story Arcs panel when everyone was breaking up to head out into the halls. I told Dr Aeon that *I* as a Player, of both Heroes and Villains, wanted to be the one responsible for CHOOSING the Death of Statesman ... and that his death would not only put Lord Recluse and Emperor Cole "on notice" but also (and I quote myself) "create a power vacuum which the Players would then need to fill" (unquote).

I'm feeling rather pleased with myself now ... since Zwillinger used precisely that phrasing for his announcement.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



This reminds me of the comic speculator craze of the early 90's. A major hero would die and they would broadcast it all over the news instead of letting the reader find out on his or her own.

It is really a coincidence that the day Star Wars early access launches we get this? Just like the "If you are leaving for Star Wars but still care about badges you better leave us 45 bucks" Loyalty program.

If I would have to take a guess I would say since this is 5 of 7 one of the FP sacrifices themselves to bring back Statesman, however that will work out.

I personally have liked the story so far and I don't feel they need to pander like this. Even if I left I still planned on coming back and doing VIP to get the last 3 parts. Now I'm not sure if it's just going to be "Let's do a Poor Man's Alan Moore and kill everyone just because we can".

And since I didn't say it before, good job on rethinking the super packs. It should have never got to that point in the first place but I do give them credit for not being stubborn and unyielding like other companies have been in the past when they have done something unpopular.



I'm not sure why this was revealed early, even having read Zwillinger's explanations. With this forum, revealing something plot-related in advance doesn't build anticipation. It only gives people the chance to run things down even more than they otherwise would. (Note that this isn't as true of things like revealing new gameplay systems, just story issues.)

In that vein, the OCR's should have told the dev team by now that the forums HATE anything even remotely resembling a plot twist, or even a plot development. After all, the motto of the fora is, "If it's on tvtropes.com, it's cliched and bad and a Suit ploy (unless one of a small number of writers used it; then it's Brilliant)." (Can you hear the sarcasm in my typing there?) Still, the vitriol being spewed against this arc in this thread disgusts me. If I were the development team, I would have long ago told the players to cram something in their whiny, pompous mouths, only I would've used much stronger wording. I can't fathom why the story team hasn't given up on people when 80% of the feedback they get is needlessly negative. (The other 20% is composed of the 10% that's needfully negative and the 10% that's positive.)

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Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
But Ultimus said babs was gonna die!
And he was wrong, never listen to people, unless you no for sure dude.

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Since CoH Freedom wet live, they've been tweaking the whole game to a more interactive comic book feel. That said, in true comic book tradition, I'm sure somewhere down the road he'll return to life. After all very few lead characters ever stay dead in comics.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I really don't understand the point of announcing it early. Even if it could have been spoiled by people breaking the EULA to find it out, it makes no sense to me to end-run that by announcing it formally this far in advance.

It bugs me.
Apparently marketing studies show people liked to be spoiled, which is why so many movie trailers give away most of the plot.



Maybe he is not the ultimate "permanent" death in this SSA.



Originally Posted by SuperOz View Post
Does this mean the 'heroic ideal' defaults to Ms. Liberty? Or Recluse? or Emperor Cole?
No - the heroic ideal will continue to be Statesman - he'll still be the greatest hero in the CoHverse, even if he's dead - especially as the way he goes down is supposed to be pretty epic.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I'm sorry to say Golden Girl that it doesn't feel epic anymore. But then noone actually seems to think he was anything other than a jerk, so that's ringing false as well....it's deflated a lot of how I felt the writers of the game arcs thought about these things, to be honest.


Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse



I was really enjoying the signature arcs and was telling everyone how much the storytelling has improved in the past year or so...

This "reveal" has taken what could have been an epic moment in playing through the arc and relegated it to "meh". I'm really disappointed at how casually this was done. The entire build up of the storyline so far was WHO will die, not HOW will Statesman die. Put another way, if the lead in to the initial arc had been "The DEATH of Statesman" ala "The Death of Superman", then yes the big reveal would have been how.

I mean, really. What the heck?

So, disappointed.



After all, the motto of the fora is, "If it's on tvtropes.com, it's cliched and bad and a Suit ploy
No, it isn't, but if you need to have that explained to you again there's no point in trying.

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Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
I don't have any faith in the storytelling team at all, so I'm not concerned. The entire "Who Will Die" thing was a cheap publicity gimmick to begin with, are you really surprised they have to resort to more publicity gimmicks to keep people's interest? At this point actually paying attention to new lore developments is like reading a Twilight parody, realizing you're actually reading Twilight, and deciding to treat it as a parody anyway.
Do the devs have contempt for fiction? Quite possibly so.



The only thing it seems that is truly dead are a lot of peoples interest in it now that its revealed.

You've ruined the suspense for those that were expecting the death part of the story to be the climax. Now people just have to watch the rest of it like an episode of csi, to find out how, or if anyone else.

At least i can say this about the whole thing...AT LEAST THIS GOT A STORY ARC.
They killed off vanessa de vore as a cut scene filler to prop up the GR poster child mm.

That is what killed my intrest in the game & my subcriptions.



To me this isn't really a spoiler. I was only half-paying attention to the story and was expecting it. But putting that aside, Statesman is like the Superman of this universe, and the Death of Superman was heralded well in advance of the actual event.

One thing that I've begun to wonder, is if the events in this SSA will be culminating in the release of this Mot entity everyone has been talking about which will coincide with the revamp of Dark Astoria.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound