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  1. The only thing it seems that is truly dead are a lot of peoples interest in it now that its revealed.

    You've ruined the suspense for those that were expecting the death part of the story to be the climax. Now people just have to watch the rest of it like an episode of csi, to find out how, or if anyone else.

    At least i can say this about the whole thing...AT LEAST THIS GOT A STORY ARC.
    They killed off vanessa de vore as a cut scene filler to prop up the GR poster child mm.

    That is what killed my intrest in the game & my subcriptions.
  2. Voided_Soul

    Comic Relief

    Rather than see resources used for one offs, i know i'm one of many that have been waiting years & years for the carnie pieces all to be available.
  3. With the travesty of a story given in the underground trial, i say leave it as is.
    Why wouldn't the carnival on both sides preatorian & primal, be p.od' about what happened.
    Now only if we could hunt desdemona into extinction.
  4. I too got the flashing with buildings being transparent.

    For me it happened after i was in one of my sg bases using the editor, and attempted to exit to PI.

    Upon trying to move the buildings became transparent & all npcs. were visible on a blue background, the client then crashed with multiple .pigg file errors.

    Graphics drivers are up to date as of 2 days ago, but running the repair patcher seemed to work, that is until attempting to edit in the base again.

    Since todays patch i've been getting 'map loading' please wait messages while entering the base via base portal or base tp'r.

    Walls in the base and items in the base are not rendering until i'm almost on top of them now.

    The biohazard symbols for everyone bug appears to be gone now, replaced with blank items in all of my bases.

    With the multiple .pigg file errors it appears its not graphics cards, but more likely the memory leak is hitting harder, because the .pigg files are getting corrupted/lost and need to be re-patched for the game to run correctly.
  5. To clarify on what my status was.
    I already had 5 hero missions done, did another 5, got the morality mission to reaffirm my alignment.
    Proceeded to do the 1st part of the SSA, and the system told me i was ineligible needing to re-affirm my alignment.
    It appears a full set of 10 tip missions and a morality mission must be run to be recongnized by the system, which as i posted above, is not worth my time to bother with the SSA's if these are the steps needed to get the alignment merits.
  6. Even after reaffirming morality i'm unable to claim the hero merit, so, not working as intended.

    If the intent is to make players grind out more tip missions i'll just skip on the SSA's.

    To have to do a full round of tips on all of my characters would take much longer than it would be worth it in the time spent.
  7. Do we get to kill desdemona in this one?...please =)
  8. In just staying on topic, and not replying to anyones comments, because it always turns into a pissing match.
    Always here, certain folks don't agree, and ends up making the whole PvP community, past and present, look bad because it gets off topic.

    My answer to the question is yes, i am whole heartedly in favor of TS, and HD being removed completly, but.. that would just be a start in the right direction.
  9. If you do happen to get your vet rewards issue resolved to what it should be, please let us know who it was that got it fixed for you.
    My vet rewards have been broken since way back at 18 months some years ago, they'reset' my account, and it started accumulating agin from that point on. that took a year and a half for someone to finally believe me.
    I'm short 18 months from the in between time on an account that has never seen downtime .This is with providing them the original email of the account activation & withdrawl dates from my bank statements, and a certain gm kept telling me i was wrong.
    I sent petitions every single day for half a year...
  10. As it stands i have only done the underground trial once & thankfully i got the badges on that run, because i will never do it again.

    First off to have to escort an npc through a trial, when i & just about everyone i know skips over a mission like that(radio & paper rescue missions) if given a choice, sucks.

    Secondly, we get the absolute worst npc they could throw in there, being desdemona, a goth chic wanna be, statemans newest personal suck up, & the most annoying class in the game a demon MM. So not only do we have to put up with a bad character, we have to put up with demons run wild, gathering unwanted aggro as we go.

    I was left saying what the **** to the last cutscene...
    Seriously, vanessa wouldn't have gone in alone, just bad story writing on that part. She has the entire carnival for support at the time it takes to think it. That place would have been so packed full of carnies, it would have been like clowns piling out of a volkswagen.

    As a fan of the carnival and a hater of all MM's, especially desdemona, her taking the mask for herself was a slap in the face.

    If the plans for whatever happens in the signiture arc include replacing whomever is killed with desdemona, as is being speculated at, i will skip that content as well. I'd like nothing more than a story arc to not defeat her, but slit her throat & let her annoying pets feast on her.

    Vanessa is alive as an obtainable contact still in first ward, and as far as i'm concerned is the rightful owner & possessor of the mask.

    Viva la carnival
  11. If there is a controller its usualy just me, if i'm making the team , there are no MM's, i don't allow them.
    If its a trail, thats not my decision as i can't form a trail without instant crash on queue, therefore i'm at the mercy of the star holder.
  12. I've been getting this frequently since incarnate trials, and the league system were introduced.
    Issue 20 & 20.5 were more noticeable with crashes from .pigg file errors every 3 or so trials, and every single hamidon, and mothership raid were a definate crash.

    Since the I21 headstart crashes are every single trail, every one.
    I've recorded instances with Coh using up to 2.4 gigs before crashing, but most times now its around 1.9. If i stay on a normal, non trial mission map i can run for serveral hours before a crash, but everytime i zone the useage spikes , and the loading screen jumps side to side.
    No, i don't have the launcher running in the background, and i have graphics at bare minimum even after swapping between a nvidia , and ati card ,both 1 gig cards.
  13. The pulse is just cheap, plain & simple unavoidable & cheap.
    To have to have certain AT, in this case healers, kills forming a tf, trial, or team.
    To have to drag the av around to the consoles is just tediously boring.
    There is no strategy to it, the consoles tell you anti matter must be present, so whats to figure? where's the challenge ? being sent to the hospital over & over from something that you can't avoid ? ...not my idea of fun.
    I've gotten my badges on one of my mains & don't ever plan on touching this "trial" unless some serious changes are made.
  14. Voided_Soul

    Kicked from LaM

    Mine is the opposite problem, i can load into a lambda just fine, although its a severly long loading screen .
    Baf's however i get kicked from every single time from starting in rwz.
    It will flip 3 different loading screens & dump my characters back in rwz with no option to rejoin.
    at no time does it truly load me onto the map to give me the option to rejoin, but i have noticed it there is a new person to the trial & we recieve the cutscene i get the text from mother mayhems 1 hour speech.
    So in my case it is prohibitive & shows that they need to start looking in other areas than just lag testing during trials.
    Zone, members, cutscene, etc. all need testing when the devs are looking for bugs on beta & test
  15. I haven't run in ultra in a very long time, turning graphics down does help your personal framerate, but the true problem is the server can't handle it.
    When the powers in the tray keep saying 'recharging' when they have long been recharged, is the server not keeping up with the information.
    I don't know if its still around, & don't feel like looking for it, but if you'd like to see a hami raid at what should be full actual speed Xeaons aniversary for global co. was recorded(evac-less100% push).
    If you weren't there back then, we all had heavies, shivans & warburg nukes. In real time the fight took near 15 minutes, the recording showed around five. That was pre-lore, destiny, & other lag heavy additions.
  16. I can't even get fully loaded into a baf since todays patch.
    I'm back to accepting on the que, generic coh load in screen, then alternate load in screen, then back to rwz load in screen.
    The game never even partially loads me into the trial, leaving me without the option to rejoin the event.
  17. Even though i do attempt to participate when a hami raid is announced, i feel i don't get to contribute nearly as much as i used to.
    I know a lot of players that won't even show due to the following:
    disconnects & mapservers
    memory leak bug

    I would love to be able to play through a hami, or even a mothership raid at normal speed, but when i do manage to not get booted its still a slideshow on the servers end with everything showing 'recharging' on the power trays.
  18. Is any of this testing going to address the memory leak?
    Six times kicked in a few hours because the game ran out of memory & found it to be anywhere from 1.9 gigs to 2.4 gigs at the time of forced disconnect.
    Its getting old quick =(
  19. If you need an example ironblade, its the servers that are more likely the culprit when it takes siege until 11 mins. left to reach the northwall/helipad area in a baf.
    Take note, i never called anyone a liar as you implied.
    I used the word claim becayse some people notice the problems & lag, some don't bother saying anything & just accept it as the norm.
    I have yet to be on a league where there is heavy lag , and even one person says "i don't know what you guys are talking about i'm running just fine".
    If your going to twist my words, or read into it the wrong way, try asking what was meant next time instead of throwing out accusations.
    If you happen to be in the minority that hasn't experianced any of the problems listed, then again, i say good for you.
    For those of us that have, under certain circumstances its unplayable.

    To the OP, the minimum system requirements hasn't been updated as far as i know for years. That being said, it needs to be, and not only to log in and play normal content.
    They need to base it off the total game experiance, from solo play all the way up to full tfs/sfs, league system, and as far as being able to play at full speed in full raids such as hami & ms raids.
  20. For those of you not having problems with leagues, such as being booted off teams at load window, extreme lag, Ixp being broken, rewards being broken, teams being jumbled around when it does finally load in, etc.
    good for you, but there are definate problems that are not only not being addressed, they are not being addmitted to.
    for every one person that claims to not have any problems with leagues, i can for a fact find two people that do on a regular basis.
    It is a shame that nothing is being done about it, no plans on it, & they just keep plugging forward with new bugged content on top of old.
  21. I'm not at all fond of this trial, its cluttered, extremely laggy & crashes out more than it loads in.

    The specifics of the crash out is that it doesn't crash during the trial, mapserve, or boot you from the game, on several occasions it jumps you from loading screen to loading screen, eventually leaving you standing in the zone you queue'd from & off the team/league.

    As for the lag most times less than 2 f.p.s. , which raises a question, what are the recommended minimum specs for coh now if one plans to run on trials & raids?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Odd, I was involved in this event for the majority of the evening, and had little to no issues when it comes to lag... and my system is NOT top of the line. I DC-ed twice, but while actually playing, I couldn't complain.

    The key, is to spread out to many different zones and instances of zones as the Community Reps instructed. I was in St. Martial 2 and loving it throughout the evening.
    Well not having any lag issues definately puts you in the minority.
    Hundreds of players comments that i had access to through chat channels ALL complained of the slideshow like lag.
    Its not on the players end or necessarily related to the individuals pc, when in game items such as traffic & npcs stop moving completely, and the server is unable to tel when your powers are properly recharged, its most definately on the servers end.
    The league i was on was mostly in founders 1, a handful of us including myself in founders 2 with not many players.
    It was not fun, fluid or fast paced action as a super hero mmo should be.

    The main concern as it appeared from the devs was the number of players they could cram on, not the quality of the experience, which will not bring people to these events.
  23. Ok fine you can get 2500+ people on a server for an event, now, figure out how to make it playable. Freedumb was just as bad as virtue, an unplayable slideshow.
    These events, hami raids, mothership raids & trials would all be great fun, if not for the server lag. Its about time server upgrades became a priority.
  24. As described by the rest, horrible lag, powers not firing for minutes after que.
    I honestly hope these invasions DO cause a meltdown of the servers, because that would force you to upgrade the hardware for the larger population servers like virtue.
  25. but...make a global access badge that you have to sign in & participate on freedom & the thread gets removed & talk of immediately reworking it after hours of post due to complaints.

    yet they still won't rework pvp after the i 13 crap....