Discussion: A Death Revealed....




Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post

Since 2004 he has been there.

He guards over Paragon City, ever vigilant, ever watchful. He has always been a beacon of justice and a bastion of hope, the citizens of Paragon knowing that no matter what, he would be there, ready to protect the helpless and to stand against whatever threats may loom on the horizon.

In 2012, Statesman will die.

How will he die? What is the future of Paragon City in a world without Statesman? Uncertainty surrounds these events as you play through this epic story line which will forever change the face of City of Heroes Freedom. As leader of the Freedom Phalanx, Statesman has represented the potential and pinnacle of what players can achieve in the world’s first super heroic MMORPG. In true comic book fashion, Statesman’s backstory is deeply entrenched in the lore of the game’s various villains and heroes, and his absence will create a power vacuum for players to fill. It is for these reasons that his death signifies a significant shift in the story of City of Heroes Freedom.

Statesman will meet his fate in Signature Story Arc 1: #5, available for free to all VIP subscribers.

I just really want to strongly suggest to the developers that they leave some things ingame to represent the history.

Much as Atlas has a statue of him (a lifesize statue), Statesman ought to have a memorial statue and plaque somewhere (perhaps larger than lifesize, he's a bit short). The mission in which he dies, and those missions in which he no longer will participate, will be more powerful if the fact of his having once lived is memorialized in the game.

Heck, there's a memorial in Kings Row for a character that only existed in the comic book, surely Statesman should have a memorial?

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



I'm kinda wondering how we're supposed to get Incarnate Powers now. The whole thing starts with you going through the Alpha slot arc, which if you have done it, knowthat you have to talk to Statesman at one point. Then the well talks through him to you as well. They could give someone else the Incarnate power, but they can't give it to a newly cured Hero1 because well... you have to fight him later on in the Arc. So unless they change that whole Arc as well... and hopefully don't give us some random dude to talk to... then things aren't going to make sense.

List of in game things directly impacted by Statesman's removal from game:

Statesman on boat in Indy Port.
Statesman TF
Removal of Statesman from Fort Trident.
Alpha Slot Arc changed.
Maria Jenkins Arc changed.
Agree To Mender Silos Mission
Villian side encounters with Statesman-
Recluse Victory
Lord Recluse Strike Force
Alan Desslock Mission- Defeat Statesman
Defeat Stateman in Mender Silos Strike Force.
The Badges you get along the way for doing all of these things.

That's.... alot of in game stuff to change there folks. That's not even going into what he indirectly affects. There are some missions that sometimes say "Statesman would do this... but he is off taking care of this... so we need you to.." as an example.




Mender Silos's arc shouldn't need to chance, since that takes place in the past.



Originally Posted by Fluorescent View Post
I'm kinda wondering how we're supposed to get Incarnate Powers now. The whole thing starts with you going through the Alpha slot arc, which if you have done it, knowthat you have to talk to Statesman at one point. Then the well talks through him to you as well. They could give someone else the Incarnate power, but they can't give it to a newly cured Hero1 because well... you have to fight him later on in the Arc. So unless they change that whole Arc as well... and hopefully don't give us some random dude to talk to... then things aren't going to make sense.

List of in game things directly impacted by Statesman's removal from game:

Statesman on boat in Indy Port.
Statesman TF
Removal of Statesman from Fort Trident.
Alpha Slot Arc changed.
Maria Jenkins Arc changed.
Agree To Mender Silos Mission
Villian side encounters with Statesman-
Recluse Victory
Lord Recluse Strike Force
Alan Desslock Mission- Defeat Statesman
Defeat Stateman in Mender Silos Strike Force.
The Badges you get along the way for doing all of these things.

That's.... alot of in game stuff to change there folks. That's not even going into what he indirectly affects. There are some missions that sometimes say "Statesman would do this... but he is off taking care of this... so we need you to.." as an example.

Maria's arc could easily be said to occur before the Who Will Die storyline, so it doesn't need to change. Simply rescue States at the end of it, he thanks you then gets a distress call from the Phalanx regarding his daughter's death and takes off.

Recluse Victory could be said to be an alternate future so Statesman could remain in that.



"No." Colonel Victory whispered as the otherworldly being vanished, leaving behind nothing but ashes. He moved toward his old friend, the man he fought beside in the War to End All Wars and World War II.

Tachyon Hammer rushed forward, pushing past the massive Zuka and the rest of the Patriot Brigade. She threw herself into the puddle that Statesman lay in, raised one hand to the sky, and slapped on the other on his chest.

With a scream of rage and hate, heard too often from her lips in Colonel Victory's opinion, lightning crashed down from the gathered stormclouds, striking the woman's fingertips, arcing through her body, through her hand, and into the fallen hero's chest. The shockwave sent the other heroes stumbling back as lightning arced across the puddle.

Statesman's back arced, then he collapsed back into the water, the rain falling on his unseeing eyes, onto his unmoving chest.

"Live, damn you!" Tach screamed, raising her arm up again.

Lightning crashed again, and the fallen hero jolted.

And went limp again.

She tried again. And again. Each time using her electrical powers to summon lightning down from the sky. Each bolt summoned with a primal scream of hatred and loss.

It changed nothing.

"Damn you, Marcus Cole." She whispered, slumping forward, one hand in the water, the other on her chest.

The other members of the supergroup had gathered around the woman, watching as she began to weep. Harsh, bitter tears.

Miss Moral nudged Colonel Victory, and when the man looked at the group's empath she nodded at the younger woman. Colonel Victory nodded and moved up to the young woman kneeling in the water.

"There's nothing you can do." Colonel Victory said. "We were too late."

"It didn't happen like this. It can't happen like this." The woman snarled. "Not here. Not by someone like Wade."

"His soul has passed through the Void, Julia. His shell is empty." The massive Zuka rumbled. "His family's voices led him through the Void, kept him safe from angry spirits who sought to harm him. Rejoice in his life, let go of his death, for he has gone on to his eternal reward."

"Shut up." Tach spat, knocking away Colonel Victory's hand before reaching out with trembling fingers to close Statesman's eyes. With a sudden snarl she ripped the cape from her shoulders and carefully laid it out over the fallen hero, her face twisted with anger. She sobbed once as the tattered and scorched cape covered the hero's face, hiding the slight smile that was so out of place on the dead man's face.

The young woman, her pink leathers mud smeared and scorched, stood up, staring down at the fallen hero.

"Go away." She said, without turning. "Find Positron, tell him first. Ms. Liberty will go berserk if one us tells her. Tell the Freedom Phalanx, the Regulators, Lady Grey, all of them. Tell them what happened here and where he is."

"And you?" Colonel Victory asked, unpinning the military rank from his shoulder. Without waiting for Tach to answer, he let it drop onto the cape covered chest.

"I'll stay here." Tach's voice was terrible, an echo of the storm raging above.

"What... what if someone comes to take his... his... his body?" Skrunchie asked, peering around Zuka, her eyes wide and frightened. One of her small hands had released the handle of her comically large hammer to seek Zuka's. The massive undead's hand swallowed the little girl's, but both took comfort in the other's touch. "What if Wade returns?"

"Let him come." Tach said, raising one tightly clenched fist. Electricity wreathed it, crawled up her arm, and covered her body. "Let. Him. Come."

Beneath the stormy sky the others walked away through the rain, away from the Roman ruins they'd once fought at, away from the fallen body of the hero.

"Damn you, Cole." Tachyon Hammer wept.

The sky wept with her.

"If you build it, they will run you over with it."-RPG Designers Mantra
Working on: YotZ Legends: Even Heroes Die (First Round Edit)



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
the "salute to statesman" wasn't a big enough hit already?

I would think even recluse would be sad although he wouldn't admit it. What really makes a hero is his villain and what really makes a villain is his hero. Neither of them are as important if one of them dies.
Yeah I think Recluse will obviously live on, killing recluse would be like..Lolboring at this point. It will be interesting to see how recluse acts and what he does. Hopefully he will want vengeance on his killer and help you kill Darrin Wade in the end.