Discussion: A Death Revealed....




Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I imagine it's for the same effect you get when you see the Comic Book titled 'BATMAN ISSUE WHATEVER; BATMAN DIES' and then you buy it cause' "holy @#$!, how did Batman die!?". You're spoiled a little, yeah, but you actually want to read the story more because it has a significant event taking place.

I imagine that's what their aim was. For anyone who hasn't been playing the arcs, they might pick up this one because something significant is going to happen. That's the suspense. The mystery is what happens in the details.
Except that they spent *four issues* specifically building up *WHO* will die. In fact, it's the name of the entire arc. Not "How Will Statesman Die", but "Who Will Die". They spent four arcs explicitly maintaining that who as a mystery, and then drop it as a "btw" in a description of the fifth. Are they just working with multiple teams that have *no* communication with each other, maybe?

Granted, it's at least possible that from the beginning it wasn't planned as THE twist for the arc, but if you're really going to argue that it wasn't being set up as *A* twist, then you're arguing that the writers are either braindead or terrible at their jobs.



What if Statesman doesn't die in Arc #5 after all, and Zwil just goes, aha! Gotcha!



Originally Posted by Zemblanity View Post
What if Statesman doesn't die in Arc #5 after all, and Zwil just goes, aha! Gotcha!
I support this happening.



After this is all said and done, I want someone new to the game to stare at Statesman and think "Who is this clown?"



Originally Posted by SentinelBeta View Post
After this is all said and done, I want someone new to the game to stare at Statesman and think "Who is this clown?"
They don't already?

Seriously I can easily see this being just him losing his powers and changing his name from Marcus Cole. He'll still be around, but the Statesman/Marcus Cole personas will be gone forever.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Why would you spoil this storyline by posting the answer? Why did we patiently wait to find the answer to "who will die?" week after week simply so You could post it up on here? Couldn't you have revealed that in game when you released the signature arc?! Couldn't you have at LEAST POSTED A SPOILER TAG!?!

Sorry but that was a brain dead move and I feel robbed. Good going Zwil.



There are going to have to be a lot of writing changes made to the game if they kill off Statesman permanently...aside from the STF and the LRSF, Maria's arc, and Mender Ramiel's "talk to Statesman" mission for unlocking your Alpha Slot, I am sure there are other missions that mention him as well. For example, I remember a Tip Mission that involves you pretending to be Statesman in a "fight club"...that mission would have to disappear totally due to the fight's promoter saying "States is dead, you're a liar!"



Originally Posted by Fluorescent View Post
Why would you spoil this storyline by posting the answer? Why did we patiently wait to find the answer to "who will die?" week after week simply so You could post it up on here? Couldn't you have revealed that in game when you released the signature arc?! Couldn't you have at LEAST POSTED A SPOILER TAG!?!

Sorry but that was a brain dead move and I feel robbed. Good going Zwil.
For the same reason DC told us that Superman was going to die in Superman #75 well in advance: so people would go and buy Superman #75.

NCSoft has told us that Statesman will die in WWD #5, and they hope that those who aren't VIPs and don't already get it for free will spend real money on WWD #5.

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



The major difference between this and comic books though is of course this is an actual game.

Even then, killing off major characters never yielded anything positive for those companies. Superman was brought back to life, Bruce Wayne's back was healed, Spider-man's clone was replaced again by the original and Captain America was brought back to life.

The difference here is that if you do kill off Statesman, there's alot of things you have to change in the game and by then you'll be forced to bring him back again (( cause he's your iconic figure who people identify to this game.))

And by the way Zwil... it doesn't really matter how he dies, the fact that you guys just decided to outright tell us means we'll be expecting it and no amount of shock value you guys think you'll give us will replace the shock of us playing the arc and saying "Holee... they killed States?"

Again, post Spoiler Tags.



Im surprised no one claimed it is all just Nemesis plot .

I'm starting to side with those who think it's a power shift that is going to involve the Well.
Villains will kill Statesman gaining the Well's attention. For heroes, States will die that they will become the next to inherit the power of Zeus.
We are the Coming Storm, right?

EDIT: sorry brain fart, we arnt. Likely Shivans and (if there is a connection, Rularuu) is/are the Storm

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



Frankly speaking, I find your first joke to be somewhat ironic. If you were to go into Oro for instance and do the "Alpha Slot" arc, and then read what the Mender actually tells you afterwards while your asking about information about Incarnate Powers and what not... There's some pretty interesting information about certain people..



What, no WWD #5 today? I'm shocked!

Play my MA arcs!

Tracking Down Jack Ketch - ArcID #2701
Cat War! - ArcID #2788



same day another MMO goes F2p? coincidence or ,,,,,

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Not sure if someone has already said this or not (since I didn't have enough time to read all the post), but I'm thinking IF they do kill of Statesman in WWD#5 there are going to be more twist to come in the last 2 arcs.

Here's my thoughts on what's to come if States does die off.

In the end you will finally see who is behind all of this, and that'll be the shocking twist that they were set out to do not who actually died since they've spoiled that part and it happened before the ending.

With that being said, once the person behind it all steps out into sight it will be none other then Statesman himself!!!

As said not sure if someone else had already said that but I'm thinking something bigger and more shocking then who died is going to have to come at the end. What would be a bigger shock then someone coming back from the dead (or atleast everyone thought he was dead) and the biggest heroic icon turning evil???



Something else to keep in mind is that the final part will go live in March, which should be around the time I22 goes live, so there could be some kind of link between the end of "Who Will Die" and "Death Incarnate"

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



THIS IS TOTAL CRAP! Killing States is wrong and bad for the game...I do not care if the dev that created him is leaving..As far as I am concerned the door cant hit him in the behind fast enough...But Killing off this signature character BLOWS! The game developers have no moral compass..They lack the vision of the bigger picture..When DC killed Superman they made tons of money yet it was noted that a morality spike occured in its readers collective psyche..over all,It was found that killing Superman was bad for business in the long run.Basically you are destroying the heart and soul image of the game..Thumbs way down on this whole BS story arc IMO..



Three of the worst things that ever happened to COH..

1. Travel supression
2.Nerfing PFF
3.Killing off Statesman



Originally Posted by TheStarhawk View Post
When DC killed Superman they made tons of money yet it was noted that a morality spike occured in its readers collective psyche..over all,It was found that killing Superman was bad for business in the long run.Basically you are destroying the heart and soul image of the game..Thumbs way down on this whole BS story arc IMO..
The difference between Superman and Statesman?

People actually like Superman (mostly).

I, personally, have seen more States-hate than States-love ingame.



It is an "interesting" marketing move, but I really dont like Statesman. I appreciate the goodie-goodie icon, but meh, rather predictable. They could aways make ghosts/echos/Ouros of Statesman, etc like Numina in FF for story purposes. "Death" in story telling is always interesting anyway, but I digress. I dont like Cole much anymore either after reading Prometheus's assessment of why he's favored. Definately more interesting, but hopefully they'll both bite it, make way for the real players.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



Originally Posted by Fluorescent View Post
Frankly speaking, I find your first joke to be somewhat ironic. If you were to go into Oro for instance and do the "Alpha Slot" arc, and then read what the Mender actually tells you afterwards while your asking about information about Incarnate Powers and what not... There's some pretty interesting information about certain people..
Yeah, this. Especially after you do the two newest trials.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



The way I see it, is that we still have two more arcs left of WWD after #5, which could quite possibly mean the person who is meant to die in the arcs will do so in #7, with any casualties beforehand just extra bodies. We've already seen one person die already in the arc series, so I don't see why they couldn't just pull it again.

"There's no magic formula that's guaranteed to make us produce a universally loved item each and every week, hell some people even poo pooed Street Justice." --Zwillinger



Originally Posted by TheStarhawk View Post
I do not care if the dev that created him is leaving..As far as I am concerned the door cant hit him in the behind fast enough...
Jack Emmert left years ago. Back at the end of '07 I think it was. Just FYI and all.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Not exactly sure where I would post this but i guess this is as good a thread as any to do it. And since this topic is about Statesman buying it anyway... it's not like anyone will have it spoiled for them now.

So... What did I get from the actual scene where Statesman dies? To tell the truth...not a whole helluva lot. In all honestly I got more from Statesman's daughter dying then I got from him.

Maybe that's because of how easily he was defeated. He just stepped in the circle... and was killed. I would have liked it a lot better if the scene had let my hero actually participate in the battle instead of just watching it and getting the leftovers. Why not have your toon and Statesman fight together for a bit, taking on some of Wade's minions, drawing Statesman into position as he performs the ritual? At least YOU would have had something to do and Statesman would have gone down fighting. The way this was done just seemed cheap and blase. For the way it was advertised, I was expecting alot more.

Point #2: These SSAs have become increasingly morbid as well. In the span of a few months we've had three major lore characters die. I'm assuming there is some light at the end of the tunnel but the increasing morbitity of these arcs have made playing them somewhat depressing. If that's your aim then congratulations.

I hope your not painting yourselves in a corner either. Statesman is pretty much integral to every part of this game somewhat. With him connected to Tyrant, Imperious, Riechsman, Recluse and goodness knows who else, it's not going to be easy to fill the void. That might require changing a helluva lot of Storylines. If the purpose for this is to give your hero the chance to be in the spotlight, then you might want to start doing that by making our toons integral to how the stories play out.



I'm glad to see a few characters actually getting killed off. It brings dimension to the game. Statesman could also be replaced like DC replaced all the Robin's. Problem is Statesman was created to be a symbol more than a person. Never really identified with him. Too goody goody for my taste, but most symbols are.

This all being said, why can't Numina just resurrect them? Why did his hospital teleporter(or whatever they call it) not kick in? Losing powers is one thing, but death is a bit challenging the way CoH was built. Some unanswered questions or mysteries for the next episode perhaps.

For what it is worth, I agree with some previous posters. His death was kinda lame. Watching the animation, I was like, "States, don't walk into that circle on the ground. It's a trap!!!". OK, i did not really yell that out, but I thought it. Anyway, I would not be surprised to see him resurrected or replaced with a new Statesman. Maybe Tyrant can fill in....They look alike.