34 -
I would just like to give a heart felt THANK YOU to all the unsung heroes of the game..The GM's ...Thank you for all of your help over the years. I would also like to specifically like to thank GM Roland for his extreme kindness and thoughtfulness.
You all at COH will be missed very ,very much.Thank you for your creativity and allowing me to live the dream of taking part in a live comic book. Thank you and may peace and prosperity bless you all.
And also a heart felt Thank You to all the moderators and staff here on the forums.Thank you for your patience and hard work.I am sure there were times you wished you could of thrown me out the window on the side..lol! Good luck and prosperity to you all in your future endeavor's.Take care all of you and may all the trails you travel be happy ones.
Charles R
P.S. If this is not the appropriate spot for this comment please move it to where all the staff may see.Thank You ! -
QUOTE:"Pvp is a small part of the game..."
SHHHHHHHH! Do you want their head's to explode?..To some it is their whole entire world...lol! -
Do not listen to them..Many Defenders PVP with Sonic ...There are many routes to take...You may have to focus on either support powers(hence joining large teams) or damage and defense and resist if you want to survive in a PVP zone solo...
You could just do what 99.9% of all villains do in RV and that is just get phase shift and call it a day.lol -
Here is where we are at thus far.If anyone has any added information on TP resist or protection please add it here. keep it topic specific..No troll tantrums please. Thank You!
1.The teleport resistance IO- Shield Wall or Gladiator Armor(these are good but they are not flawless)
2.Charged Armor-Flawless Protection
3.Personal Force Field-Flawless Protection(Yet only flawless when PFF is ignited)
4.Electric Aura-Flawless Protection.
5.Any orange insperation-Flawless for the period of the insp chosen.
6.Phase Shift-Flawless unless the person that is trying to TP is also phased.
7. Enerygy Aura
8. Entropy Shield gives tp res.
10.Back up...If you are aware a droner is present,and you know his or her general location,simply back up. I personally have a teleportation range of 320-350 feet.(It is not the best, but it works well on massive huddles near the base)Simply keeping a safe distance will shut down any droner. -
Quote:No that is you sadly.....We are on a discussion forum.Here it is like the rule in Pocket D-You also forgot to add the part where you don't actually pvp. And the part where none of your toons can.
Your noob rages should stay in RV...I discussed this with the moderator.This thread is allowed to stay because it is just basic info on Teleportation Foe.Save all troll rants for the RV zone.
Thank You
A Tank is a good starter build to have in PVP.You will enjoy the experience with Super Strength /Invul. Be aware that Unstoppable has a vicious health and end drop once exspired, and the recharge is long.Unstoppable is great but try not to depend on it.
I think you will learn more about the nature of PVP by being on something tougher like a tank.A squishy build like blaster to start with is not the easiest road.Once you have taken part in the melee you will be able to see what suits your fighting style the best. -
[Increase Density]
Thank you!
I knew I was likely missing a few.If anyone has any information to add that will help a player protect against drone teleportation please add it here. -
This thread is to give information for the best resistance to Teleport Foe in Recluse Victory.
Hello fellow game players!
I am the dreaded droner Friction! I have sent hundreds of you to the hospital via a well slotted Teleport Foe.Many of you may have been teleported into a drone in Recluse Victory simply because you have not taken certain precautions.Here is a short list of ways to avoid being teleported into a base drone.
1.The teleport resistance IO- Shield Wall or Gladiator Armor(these are good but they are not flawless)
2.Charged Armor-Flawless Protection
3.Personal Force Field-Flawless Protection(Yet only flawless when PFF is ignited)
4.Electric Aura-Flawless Protection.
5.Any orange insperation-Flawless for the period of the insp chosen.
6.Phase Shift-Flawless unless the person that is trying to TP is also phased.
7.Back up...If you are aware a droner is present,and you know his or her general location,simply back up. I personally have a teleportation range of 320-350 feet.(It is not the best, but it works well on massive huddles near the base)Simply keeping a safe distance will shut down any droner.
I have posted this information to enhance a players awareness to certain solutions when confronted with a Teleport Foe Droner in Recluse Victory.This is posted with the best intentions and in good faith.Let's not let a few bad apples deny this clearly helpful information being clearly stated here in this forum.
Drone You Later!
Friction -
Who killed PVP?
I killed PVP along with RV and every other Vill Noob in the game...And if you're a vill and you come and visit Recluse Victory (Freedom)...I will kill you too..
Avenger Man
Mr Friction -
To make things fair and balanced...either restore PFF (personal force field) or nerf hibernate..Seriously
PFF should be restored to it's former capability or hibernate (hiber noob as it is lovingly called) needs to be nerfed, and have it be penetrable by psionics or spiritsharks also just like what was done to PFF.
No attacks other than intangible attacks should ever penetrate PFF..much like Hiber..yet hiber has a advantage ...You cant be attacked and it recharges you...Tell me...what does PFF do for you? Why nerf it beyond use?...Devs,please come up with some sort of balance here.
If you leave PFF in it's current state then equally hibernate should be looked into and have a nerf or weakness applied...What's good for the goose is good for the gander..so to speak -
This is the image bug...You can see the location from the Atlas statue.
If you click on the community button on the main COH website ..it does not link..
The community button on the launcher is working fine though.
Plus Some graphics in Freedom RV are sticking out of the walls . -
Three of the worst things that ever happened to COH..
1. Travel supression
2.Nerfing PFF
3.Killing off Statesman -
THIS IS TOTAL CRAP! Killing States is wrong and bad for the game...I do not care if the dev that created him is leaving..As far as I am concerned the door cant hit him in the behind fast enough...But Killing off this signature character BLOWS! The game developers have no moral compass..They lack the vision of the bigger picture..When DC killed Superman they made tons of money yet it was noted that a morality spike occured in its readers collective psyche..over all,It was found that killing Superman was bad for business in the long run.Basically you are destroying the heart and soul image of the game..Thumbs way down on this whole BS story arc IMO..
One thing willmake a difference...GET RID OF TRAVEL SUPRESSION IN RV!
Funny, I now see people use the AR cocktail....Yes,brilliant,I know.
So out of your complaints to the DEVS about people TPing in and then AS'ing targets....we get
Travel Supression?
Travel supression IS PATHETIC!
If you are a Elec Blaster...You cant move if you are in flight....and popping a insp...HOLDS YOU?
You are held there after you shoot as a elec blaster...Heck most Blasters in that sense.
Friggin held...You cant advance on a target which is a good distance away...Oh boy,that was clearly thought out...Look,It was a hard time back then,lots of pressure. I get that, but the travel supression needs to be dropped...If nothing else...Ill even keep the PFF nerf if you just ,atleast ,drop the useless travel supression..
Because some noob that is not even with the company anymore thought it was a good idea and this somehow justified his paycheck?....sad
Travel Supression is to PVP what Phantom Menace is to STAR WARS! -
What are you all crying about now?
I seem to remember this CORE group of pvp players you speak of complaing about PFF constantly.
You wanted PFF nerfed and you got it...You cried to the Devs about PFF, and TP, SO low and behold we get travel supression ,and a PFF nerf..
Yet Noooooobody nerfed Hibernate....Hibernooob
Is that fair?......NO!
So in the mean time you lost alot of other stuff that benefits your build...OH BOO HOO!
Kinda the way it goes. As the old saying goes..What comes around goes around. -
It seemed that it was the old school clique in Rv that got PFF nerfed in the first place. They could not breach it and have a easy kill.. and the team attacks did not stack....so you had all of these old timers crying for PFF to be nerfed...under the ridiculous term that PFF was broken...It wasn't..They just had to try harder...Even back before the Nerf, there were ways to breach PFF...Yet,They nerfed it anway, and left hibernate alone..That was not logical in my opinion.Either restore PFF or nerf Hiber to create balance.
With my on going study of PFF in PVP zones,even after much dismay with nerfs, and on going PFF nature changes...I found that you can have 30 seconds of Ultra PFF if you click a temp phase shift and then ignite PFF...It does stack!
I stood among a team of the games most deadly players,and some with a Heavy, in Freedom RV, and ignited the cocktail. I then wandered my squishy blaster in the middle of them.I was not harmed by the massive attacks..which is impossible to do with just pff, or just phase singley.If you have just one or the other you can be killed....but You can survive entire team attacks for thirty seconds...it was only breachable if the entire team phased..but even then you could just aid self or move around to deal with the onslaught.But the entire team phase puts them at a disadvantage because some builds seem to become more squishy when attacked by other players that are also phased...this way...your toon has PFF on while phased, and it cannot be harmed...It must be a Temp Phase...the combo PFF phase will not work with concealment power set.
I call it the Starhawk stack...enjoy! -
PVP is broken..as always...They once again have let a few designs be the over powered lot...mostly PSI...
QUOTE-"PFF was nerfed because it provided too much defense/elusivity for blasters/doms in an APP.
It was nothing to run around with 6-8 people shooting at you and flooring all of their to hit values even on builds with significant Acc and To-hit. It was broken, people joked how broken it was."
OH!,I see,It actually gave a blaster that is of a origin other than psi a chance...so that is why you wanted it nerfed...
Typical and at the core of my point..
To much defense she said....Well In that way of thinking...I think your attacks are to powerful, so it should be nerfed...See.
Lame lame lame
Nerfing PFF was a flaw''''
NERF HIBERNATE and make it so they can be attacked while in the ice....That is what you did to PFF....See....It was and is wrong!
Devs,please restore PFF! Or start nerfing everyone elses defense powers...start with Hibernate!
PFF was not broken but it is now!! Everything gets through!!!
I see how you nerfed PFF yet powered up everything that breaches it?
Why exactly?
The game is flawed when you have a PFF tweeked by Mids to be at its most powerful level,,,,and you go into RV and anything and everything breaches it...
Fix PFF please. -
You are wrong...I play in Freedom PVP RV everyday. I see, and know what needs nerfing...Psi needs nerf..
If your going to nerf PFF then nerf hibernate...
PFF was NEVER broken...PFF was just that ...a personal force field...much like hibernate, only it does not restore your vitals...yet you can move....To nerf PFF was a major flaw....
Also travel supression is a flaw...If you are a energy,or elec blaster you cannnot advance on target ..You are held for some ridiculous reason....
PFF must be restored to its original purpose.....The game states that it is one of the most powerful defense choices...yet in PVP...PFF is nothing more than a joke...Yet hibernate is left alone...
This is bull....If you are going to nerf PFF, and make it useless- then Nerf Dark Armor,Stone armor,Ice Armor,charged armor and mind over body...Because PFF was the only reasonable Def against stalkers,scrappers,MM's Tanks ,Brutes that are over powered with high end enhancements...Now,since they cried that PFF was to strong the Devs gave in, and they nerfed it....Well in that case Nerf all the other Defense sets for all the other builds...
What has become of originality in this game?,,First it was stalkers with assault strike now its Psi Blasters with Mental attacks....It needs nerfed badly!