If you can be droned you should be droned.
Don't forget [Increase Density] from Kins. Wish kins were still used.
I can't exactly say I disagree with this thread. I'll link to it when people are complaining about droning.
@Sentry4 @Sentry 4
PvP Redux is discontinued, for obvious reasons. Thanks to everyone who helped and joined.
[Increase Density]
Thank you!
I knew I was likely missing a few.If anyone has any information to add that will help a player protect against drone teleportation please add it here.
so good.
Your forgetting Enerygy Aura, I think it's Entropy Shield that gives tp res.
or my favourite method personally, kill the droner.
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
You also forgot to add the part where you don't actually pvp. And the part where none of your toons can.
Kill the enemy. Take their souls. Drink their blood.
You also forgot to add the part where you don't actually pvp. And the part where none of your toons can.
Your noob rages should stay in RV...I discussed this with the moderator.This thread is allowed to stay because it is just basic info on Teleportation Foe.Save all troll rants for the RV zone.
Thank You

Here is where we are at thus far.If anyone has any added information on TP resist or protection please add it here. keep it topic specific..No troll tantrums please. Thank You!
1.The teleport resistance IO- Shield Wall or Gladiator Armor(these are good but they are not flawless)
2.Charged Armor-Flawless Protection
3.Personal Force Field-Flawless Protection(Yet only flawless when PFF is ignited)
4.Electric Aura-Flawless Protection.
5.Any orange insperation-Flawless for the period of the insp chosen.
6.Phase Shift-Flawless unless the person that is trying to TP is also phased.
7. Enerygy Aura
8. Entropy Shield gives tp res.
10.Back up...If you are aware a droner is present,and you know his or her general location,simply back up. I personally have a teleportation range of 320-350 feet.(It is not the best, but it works well on massive huddles near the base)Simply keeping a safe distance will shut down any droner.
Did anyone happen to archive this original thread before it got ruined by mods? It was one of the best threads of all time.
I can't believe he started the thread again. The guy was such a ******* tool.
I would also drone sometimes from boredom on sensation in rv. Or wormhole ppl under the stairs by the hero base.
This thread is to give information for the best resistance to Teleport Foe in Recluse Victory.
Hello fellow game players!
I am the dreaded droner Friction! I have sent hundreds of you to the hospital via a well slotted Teleport Foe.Many of you may have been teleported into a drone in Recluse Victory simply because you have not taken certain precautions.Here is a short list of ways to avoid being teleported into a base drone.
1.The teleport resistance IO- Shield Wall or Gladiator Armor(these are good but they are not flawless)
2.Charged Armor-Flawless Protection
3.Personal Force Field-Flawless Protection(Yet only flawless when PFF is ignited)
4.Electric Aura-Flawless Protection.
5.Any orange insperation-Flawless for the period of the insp chosen.
6.Phase Shift-Flawless unless the person that is trying to TP is also phased.
7.Back up...If you are aware a droner is present,and you know his or her general location,simply back up. I personally have a teleportation range of 320-350 feet.(It is not the best, but it works well on massive huddles near the base)Simply keeping a safe distance will shut down any droner.
I have posted this information to enhance a players awareness to certain solutions when confronted with a Teleport Foe Droner in Recluse Victory.This is posted with the best intentions and in good faith.Let's not let a few bad apples deny this clearly helpful information being clearly stated here in this forum.
Drone You Later!