What changes do we need?




PVP needs love. It's not clear how much love we'll actually get. But I want to hear opinions and wishlists on the best or most crucial changes. Here is mine. Let's hear yours.

[u]5 small things[u]

<ul type="square">[*]Add rare recipe rewards to Siren's Call and Recluse's Victory minigames. (#1 with a bullet, not enough ingame reward for PVP in this game)[*]Siren's Call style bounty system throughout the zones (with rare recipe reward)[*]Arena map selection feature, including a "Random" selection[*]Turn off (nonworking) Arena System matches[*]Add villain/hero totals to zone /whoall display and include people on /hide in the totals, so players can get a general idea of activity level regardless of /hide[/list]
[u]5 bug fixes[u]

<ul type="square">[*]Fix PVP Placate and Fury[*]Fix Arena spawn camping (maybe not fixable, who knows) and/or generally clean up Arena respawn mechanics[*]Fix Arena Badges (yeah ok LOL badges, it would bring people into the live Arena)[*]Fix map holes (Arena and zone)[*]Fix PVP door missions. Whacking players who are zoning into the mission is BS, as is rezzing in a doorless jail cell.[/list]
[u]5 large-scale wishlist items [u]

<ul type="square">[*]Cross-server PVP[*]New Arena rewards and content (eg CTF, Battlegrounds or the like.. not just new maps, though those would be nice.. even a simple ranking list would boost the Arena)[*]Cooperative PVP zone with a phat-rewards minigame (allows hero+villain teams like RWZ)[*]True PVP missions, for example Hero vs Villain Safeguard/Mayhem[*]New minigames for Bloody Bay and Warburg with rare recipe rewards[*]Action on Villain/Hero patron/epic imbalance - there are several ways this could be done[/list]
Okay, that's 6 things, but we haven't had new PVP content since RV, which hardly got a standing ovation. I would have included support for having separate PVE/PVP builds on the same toon as a wishlist item, but my guess is that's way too much work to ever get done.

If you're a negative nancy and prefer discussion of dooooooom instead of changes, I made a thread for that too.



The small things alone would be great.

Here you come with a stupid name like Fixer - brutalkillz_



rebalance the entire AT/Power structure so that there is use in more than just 5% of the combinations.



rebalance the entire AT/Power structure so that there is use in more than just 5% of the combinations.

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Yeah, I'd rate that as less likely than choosable PVP/PVE builds on the same toon.



I know, but really unless there ever was a massive change, anything else would be like putting a bandage on a severed limb. As just an add-on to PvE, the PvP is alright, buggy and flawed, but alright, but if you try going beyond that, the flaws become readily apparant.

Now given that this is a 1st gen modern hero game, I expect it to have these flaws, so my point is more towards the next gen modern hero game (in comparison WoW, which often this game gets compared too, is a 4th gen fantasy game, they've had several generations to improve upon the base).

In Cryptic's mind, this game has proven what it needed too, that there is a viable market for this type of game, any other major changes are going to be next generation to occur.

For minor tweaks (i.e. tweaks that don't require rebuilding the foundation of the game), the arena stuff is pretty detailed in the sticky Ex Libris put up (I think on the arena or pvp question board)

as for zones, a big thing would be simply separating PvE and PvP more, if they wanted the zone to be PvPvE they should have detailed that up front.
- Get rid of the badges (or make them only useful for pvp'ers and not pve play)
- NPC's should not count towards badges, and grant 0 or less xp. They should simply be a part of a zone, not the reason to go there, the missions are fine since their result affects the buffs/debuffs of a given zone.
- Hospitals should be removed, when you enter the zone you should be put into a portal room, (with one main entrance to get back out) the room would be coded so the opposite faction could not get in, the portal room would have 6 portals/sally ports (similar to RV), and you enter and go. Hard to base camp when the main ways out are scattered throughout the zone
- Reduce the amount of mobs in a zone, I don't mind that there are NPC's in the zone, I think of them as just another part of the tactical array you have to work with, but (to me at least) there are entirely too many mobs spawning, I like making use of mobs (or having them used on me), I don't want to spend more time fighting them than other players.

- Improved Bounty Systems, eh that's for someone else to explain if they like it, I never made use of my bounties, as that is not why I PvP in this game, so it makes no difference to me.

those are a couple of changes in my oppinion that would be nice.



wow stickied already






More Rewards. Sorry, but a badge or two isn't going to convince people to PvP, nor will a costume part. Now an ideal reward would be for every 50 Rep you obtain, you get a free rare recipe. Also, more trackable stats would be lovely. I don't know about you guys, but I would absolutly *love* to see my life time kills, deaths, and damage dealt. Not to mention seeing how much healing as been done would probally increase the popularity of Emping.



Fix Defense. Fix Geas. Fix the status resist "unique". Fix stealth IOs. (I have a higher opinion now than in Beta but I still think we'd be better without them.)



* Fix Defense

* Fix Defense

* Either a) Tone down stalker animation times or b) reduce their survivability (Siren's) somewhat; far too easy to 2-shot someone in 2 seconds and when Aim+BUp+2-3 6 slotted attacks = Half Damage to them... and they can't be seen by many... um.. (Not for the Whinge set - I didn't say Damage reduction - just reduce the gi-gormous Burst potential - somehow).

* Rewards for PvP - if you get a Rare recipe for a 2-3 hour TF that involves 4-8 folks, how about a Rare for a 'good' showing from 2 hours of PvP?

* Give partial credit for Bounty - KS'ing favors the Blaster and Stalker (etc) who can finish the target that you've been working on for awhile... Isn't this done w/Experience when 2 different unteamed players who defeat a Mob on the street?

* Oh yes, make Arcanaville a Dev, or at least force the Devs to explain how Defense 'works' in PvP when it sooo clearly doesn't.



* Either a) Tone down stalker animation times or b) reduce their survivability (Siren's) somewhat; far too easy to 2-shot someone in 2 seconds and when Aim+BUp+2-3 6 slotted attacks = Half Damage to them... and they can't be seen by many... um.. (Not for the Whinge set - I didn't say Damage reduction - just reduce the gi-gormous Burst potential - somehow).

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Because they have such a "gi-gormous" burst potential in PvE.
The only thing they can really do to stalkers to reduce PvP burst without further gimping them in PvE is to make the AS more resisted in PvP. Because having AS, Scourge, and Domination holds unresisted is clearly too powerful against unresisted Containment damage, Scrapper crits, Defender debuffs, and part of Blaster damage.



No disagreement here, Grinnz.

I wanna hear how Eggshells with Hammers (Rock, Papers, Scissors in a different context) is good at such extremes for PvP? Few marginal matchups, really.

But - FWIW - I'd rather discuss what other folks WANT instead of simply degenerating into an off topic Nitpick fest.



Good list, OP. I think the Arachnos and Longbow spawns in Siren's need to approach one another more in some of the hotspots. At certain hotspots, they will just stand apart for minutes on end.

My favourite member on the list would definitely be cross-server PvP zones. This should not be that hard to implement actually. The zones would never be quiet. Bloody Bay on most servers needs more action. When CoV was first unveiled, I remember there being loads of fun there. Lots of heroes lined up outside of the villain base. Now on Liberty, it's deadish. This would make the zones hopping. Lack of players is no fun. The more the merrier plox. To prevent overcrowding, they could just instance each map. Ie, Siren's Call 2.

Make kinetic's increase density last longer. The duration seems quite short and longer protection against idiots who incessantly TP into drones is definitely a plus.

I am tired of being 2-shotted by this FotM. But, I guess the same could be said by heroes against stalkers. It's just wishful thinking on my part. It's really no fun being a dominator in Siren's and being laid flat in under 2 seconds.

What really was a shockening mouth opener for me was being literally humiliated by a rad/psi defender while I was in granite with tough and weave running. This guy literally dropped me in under 15 seconds... a lowly harmless defender. =P
It is nice to have certain banes/dangers in the game. It keeps you on your toes. Everything needs a vulnerability. But, watching my health drop 90% from _any_ stalker build in Warburg while in granite seems a bit too much, eh? Blasters just whoop all of my chars arses in Siren's. Corruptors, doms, and MMs outside of BG mode: kiss your buttocks goodbye. =(
Between defiance (and the upcoming boost to it), aim, buildup, and the 30% unresistable damage, it just seems unfair to a brute who can only melee. I want my /inv to be invulnerable dammit! At least more resilient outside of unstoppable while in PvP being ganked. That set is such a misnomer against energy/negative/fire/cold. I'd like to be more resilient in Siren's Call where we are unable to use unstoppable to up our resistance to these damage types. I can live without psi resistance/defense. But, fire/ice blasters seem so prevalent in PvP that it's unfair for an /inv. Stop making it so that only certain sets excel in PvP. I'm tired of rolling 20 toons just to be superior in the rock/paper/scissors battles. Granted, teaming can help fill this gap. That's nice. But, equality now! Restore /inv to its prime! =)

Make PvP more appealing to OTHER ATs besides stalkers and blasters. While I know there are other ATs in the zones, they don't seem to be the dominant ones there. PvP is obviously too damage-centric. That's a given since the objective is to drop the other guy ASAP for some virtual reward and possibly joygasms in real life. And probably hence why there is an overabundance of blasters and stalkers in Siren's Call.

Sorry for ranting. I just expect "super" heroes/villains to be a bit more resilient, ya know? I am the type who likes to stand toe-to-toe with someone and just proceed to duke it out as a brute vs. a scrapper or tank (tank more preferable since they don't have those wretched 100% unresistable crits.) It just sucks being picked off by builds with hellacious damage.




- General suppression of inspirations

Only two applications of self-buffing inspirations useable at a time.

As it is, mutiple gulps of Luck puts an AT at ridiculously high defense for such a small cost, normally unattainable without some specific ATs that can provide high +def buffs. Coupled with multiple application of +dmg insps. such as Rage, the balance of pvp is so easily skewered in favor of ATs that are inherently high in damage.

Most ATs that rely on defense, have their values topped out around 30~35%. Multiple shots of Luck brings them easily up to Elude or PFF level of defense. When an AT with inherently high dmg such as Blasters or Stalkers, chooses to gulp down something like 6xRage plus 6xLuck, he quickly becomes overpowering to the rest of the people in the area, which the only option of countering him lies in becoming an insp. addict yourself.

While there is a significant inconvenience of having to go out every 5 minutes to stack up on insps, people who can be desribed as 'addicted' to insps. do exist. They do exist, and their existence is frustrating and disrupting to the general mechanics of CoX pvp.

These people destroy all meaning of pvp, as in player-vs-player clash of skills and wits. It just becomes a contest of who uses more inspirations to fight, and who has more patience to go in and out of zones to buy inps. everytime they run out.

Inspirations, should be a helpful side-tool to general PvP gameplay - it must not be allowed to disrupt or warp the balance of ATs in PvP by allowing them easy access to ridiculously high levels of bonuses.

I propose all inspirations, with the exception of Break Free types, to be suppressed at 50% bonus limit. No matter how many insps. you gulp down, only 50% bonus of that certain trait is allowed.



Ok, no. Inspirations are designed to balance the ATs, and they do there job well. You have to think, if this happened then Arena PvP would be so badly screwed up. What happens if a Dom gets over 6 holds on you (Easily achieved with a Fire controller) and requires you to use more BFs then normal?

Please guys, you gotta think of Zone and Arena if we're to make serious suggestions.

EDIT: Reread your post, but still, if you use a full tray of inspirations, then that means you're out a full tray for future use. Worse comes to worse, you yourself should use a full tray.



The others are all just fluff. Seriously? They need to fix villians or not let heroes and villains compete in zone pvp. No one in their right mind does Arena 8v8 heros versus villians because of the absurb power differences. The villian main spike dmg is a stalker AS versus powerboosted double forted aimed and built up blazes...

If there never is a chance to compete on an even field then true pvp is dead - it just pvp in COH and pvp in COV and 'OH the blaster and emp wiped out 30 vills in sc..fun."

Ios were a start - but it only allowed for villains to craft toons that came close in power level to heroes only to find the heros out classed them again - becuase each got the same tool set. (better for the heroes since their were more task forces and such and the boarked KHX that allowed for recipie farming)..

Yes there is skill to the player but the most skilled player would still have a hard time against two level 20's fire/em blaster and empath in sc or bb for that matter.

There are some easy fixes that would turn pvp into true pvp (as in more people making more than just em/nin stalkers and poison mms).

Change vill dmg bases to reflect hero dmg bases.
Change stealth and perception caps to fit ats...(yes the stealth io has made stalkers overpowered but it has made heroes more overpowered see next item)
Villian grantable perception powers pre level 30
Patron powers for villians that a. do not suck and b. are respec out able...

level the playing field a little - the rest is cosmetic. PVP would be most enjoyable if folks had a chance to win or lose.




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Not gonna happen. It was added to PvP for a reason. Unlike defense-vs-tohit, there is no direct counter to damage resistance; if an opponent pops 9 oranges, at the damage cap your damage is still divided by 10. With defense, if they pop a purple and you pop a yellow you're back where you started (well, not exactly due to the actual values of those insps). Resistance has no counter such as that. Hence, unresisted damage.

Now, villains only being able to get it from AS and scourge; that needs to be fixed.

The rest of your points I can agree with.



Great thread, good read.



the ability to toggle between two different builds so you can pvp without gimping your ability to play with your buds in pve.

I think unresistable is good for scrapper crits because it happens such a small % of the time. For AS, it makes sense but the level is too high. For blasters, I just don't get it. They rule in damage anyway, why do they need 30% unresistable damage? I just can't figure it out.



If they had complete resistable damage, for one, one team could load up on Sonics and give each person on the team an insane amount of resists, and scores would literally be 0-0 or 1-0, 2-1, etc.



I still think that you can remove unresistable damage just make all buffs/debuffs resistable

so a sonic siphon debuffs by 30% and sonic shields buff by 30% (roughly) so if you're buffed up and then hit with a siphon your back to 0% resistance.

this is how defenders work, but corruptors and controllers do not...

edit: grammer



I still think that you can remove unresistable damage just make all buffs/debuffs resistable

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My widdle mind thinks you mean "make all buffs/debuffs unresistable".




yeah i guess pick your words...

basically you debuff someone by -30% res, then they have 30% less resistance. This is only how defenders work. If you fix this then you don't need unresistable damage IMHO.



If they had complete resistable damage, for one, one team could load up on Sonics and give each person on the team an insane amount of resists, and scores would literally be 0-0 or 1-0, 2-1, etc.

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first off... yeah, if you had a full team buffing, it would be great, just like any full team doing anything. It's common practice to have dmg res debuff in team pvp, that's what it's for.

unresistable damage turns noobs off to pvp because they don't understand why their defenses don't work, and I can't blame them.



i'm entierely agaisnt the system of reward personnally.
PvP must remain a fun contest

i'm not sure that it would bring more people in PvP zone if they know that being a causual or a non uber psecifique FoTM build will lead them to be "farmed".

i prefer by far this sugestion which would fix what is IMHO the greastest flaw of Co* PvP

rebalance the entire AT/Power structure so that there is use in more than just 5% of the combinations.

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