What changes do we need?




Base water features and the ability to take the Arachnos Flyer out for a test drive?

[/ QUOTE ]




WTH does this have to do with PvP?



Lets get some discussion going on in here.

I am really looking to leverage some community ideas, so lets get some PVP Community focus going and see what as a community will be your prioritized list.

For me:

PVE & PVP build that I can toggle.
Using the kiosks in game for PVP status.
More built in, in game rewards for PVP content.

Oh and an automatic "I win" button because I don't foresee that ever happening, remembers back to one of the PVPEC events where the whole team I was grouped with was there just to make sure I didn't die a hundred times.


[/ QUOTE ]

How about taking the PvE & PvP toggle one step further and allow each costume slot to be respec'd independently complete with powers and slotting. Primaries and secondaries remain fixed. This benefits the non-PvPers in that they can have specific builds to counter psi foes, debuffers, etc if they choose to spend the time, effort, and inf to do so. Especially now that respecs are unlimited.

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!




PVE & PVP build that I can toggle.

[/ QUOTE ]

Absolutely! PVP requires a different spec from PVE. The two can mix, but only with sacrifices to one or another.

Irregardless, I still see no reason for normal players to put up with PVP in its current format. It does nothing to advance the characters in level or capability, and there is no incentive to PVP except the joys of listening to some jack*** spam hate tells.

Furthermore, players are either playing a pvp capable pri/sec AT, or their getting owned by far more capable builds. No amount of pvp specing is going to help a Elec/Emp def function vrs a EM brute. Even Psy/ Defs fall apart vrs well played Psy resistant AT's.

Switchable builds fixes the imbalance between PVP and PVE requirements. However, it doesn't resolve the two underlying problems, the imbalance between AT's in PVP, and that PVP simply leeches off the PVE game.

Hence my two original assertions: EXP in pvp, and Balance AT's for 1v1.



Lets get some discussion going on in here.

I am really looking to leverage some community ideas, so lets get some PVP Community focus going and see what as a community will be your prioritized list.

For me:

PVE & PVP build that I can toggle.

[/ QUOTE ]

The ability for MM's and other pet types to get pets out in an arena match. Meaning initial set up and during the times when players can use self affecting powers only.

Poison Pill



[u]the short changes:[u]

- remove system generated matches from arena, they are broken, useless, and simply clutter the screen
- if not a direct choose map feature, than at least a map style feature (large/small indoor/outdoor monkeydeathcage yes/no)
- add in 15 minute matches, and 25 minute matches
- allow for larger than 8v8 outside of SG vs. SG mode
- Arena's add additional maps: mayhem maps, terra volta reactor room, tyrant's lava room (with damage lava), shadowhunter map, dreck/freakshow map, more maps with environmental (damage/debuff) effects in them, pvp zones as arena maps
- a tile-style make your own map, or at least edit map feature would be lovely (albeit a lot of work to put together)
- zones: lessen number of mobs, it's fine that there are some there, that is part of what makes zone, zone, but there does not need to be that many mobs in the zones, it is still supposed to be primarily for PvP, they should be a hazard not an impediment to actually getting to another player
- zones: allow for the ability to gain xp through pvp. I know this is a very hot topic, and this is my idea behind it. As it is, you only gain reputation on a target once every 10 minutes, use that for gaining xp as well. A kill earns -1 lvl boss xp, this allows it to be useful while at the same time, ensures that it is still more efficient to do it in PvE (thus reducing farming). Standard teaming convention applies to xp.
- more notices in the various PvP signs, that teaming is encouraged and how the game is meant to be balanced against, solo at your own risk.
- separate builds would be nice, but it'll depend a lot on how many respec recipes start floating around as well, still prefer the separate build though.
- remove the pvp badges from all the villian accolade, replace with another badge out of zone, this will help lessen some of the constant problems with some people, and help achieve some parity between hero and villian accolades.
- allow heroes and villians to team in Warburg
- bounty system should be used in RV, WB, and BB.
- additional bounty reclamation "prizes": including the vendor temp powers, (so if you're side is not winning it is still possible to get something by working for it), a random common IO drop, a random uncommon salvage drop, (or much more expensive) a random rare salvage drop
- allow for arena "weighting" i.e. one team can be set at one lvl, while another team can be set at another lvl. a team of flyweights could fight a team of middleweights, for example.
- arena UI, allow a specific lvl that can be set too, some of the ranges can get very clunky or lead to some oddities.

[u]Higher Priority of PvP Bug Fixes/Exploits:[u]

- fixing of geometry holes in maps and zones
- placate fix
- tightning of certain objects so they can't be used to cage, for instance when the ouroboros was being used to cage people, they changed it so it is unable to do so, there are certain objects that get used in zones that should be changed as well
- water recticle bug

[u]the long changes:[u]

balancing AT architecture against each other in a more balanced form in a team environment, including AT changes, powerset changes, epic changes, and basic mechanics changes I.E. the big dream. (this is a book, and will take a while to write)

this should suffice for now.



One more suggestion from me, and anyone who plays Counter-Strike: Source will see it's brilliance. In SG matches, when you observe what are you really looking for? To the average person they see fire being thrown but it looks very complicated as a lot of things are going on. My suggestion would simply remove all observers, and instead you are in looking at what exactly the person in the match see's. Let me explain, I'm Player A fighting Player B. Someone joins the match as an observer and immediatly see's my UI, my Power Trays, HP, and Inspirations. With a click of a button, they would switch to Player B's UI, Power Trays, HP, and Inspirations.

This would be very beneficial because then that observer, who may not know very much about PvP, could see what the basic movements are and how to play. Also, in the PvP SG Ladder, this could be shown to see who is using illegal inspiratiosn or to just get a better view of the match.

[/ QUOTE ]great idea, +12 internets for you, although it sounds as if the programming for that would be huge

[/ QUOTE ]

Indeed, it's a great idea and I know what he's talking about. Heck, it wouldn't have to show the person's UI, so long as you can see what they're seeing based on how they're zoomed out and whatnot. As if the watcher was the one controlling the character. It would def be a cool feature.




PVE & PVP build that I can toggle.


[/ QUOTE ]

Personally, I would like to see powers/power sets that underperform in PVP be reexamined. i.e. blaster's archery and stalker's ninja blade, just for starters.

Twitter @FiveIronBrony



PVP needs love. It's not clear how much love we'll actually get. But I want to hear opinions and wishlists on the best or most crucial changes. Here is mine. Let's hear yours.
[u]5 bug fixes[u]

<ul type="square">[*]Fix PVP Placate and Fury[*]Fix Arena spawn camping (maybe not fixable, who knows) and/or generally clean up Arena respawn mechanics[*]Fix Arena Badges (yeah ok LOL badges, it would bring people into the live Arena)[*]Fix map holes (Arena and zone)[*]Fix PVP door missions. Whacking players who are zoning into the mission is BS, as is rezzing in a doorless jail cell.[/list]

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd like more information please about these bugs so I can make sure they are listed. One of the main things is the holes in maps and geometry.

You can PM them to me or /bug in game.




I'd like more information please about these bugs so I can make sure they are listed. One of the main things is the holes in maps and geometry.

You can PM them to me or /bug in game.


[/ QUOTE ]

Arena Spawn Mechanics Bugs:

h0j made a youtube video a while back that shows how spawn camping works. Some of the stuff covered may be "as intended" (being able to put toggles on unaffectable targets), but things like being able to total focus an unaffectable target, pretty clearly are not. The video's under two minutes and demonstrates exactly how to spawn camp: I think it would be really helpful to pass along to whoever's thinking about fixing arena bugs.

The amount of time a person is only affecting self after a death varies. It seems to be random. In my experience it does not seem tied to how soon you hit respawn, but I just did a test, letting myself auto respawn just in case that was one of the variables. Times from being respawned to no longer being only affecting self:

7 seconds
10 seconds
6 seconds
15 seconds
12 seconds
7 seconds
10 seconds
7 seconds
10 seconds
4 seconds
15 seconds
11 seconds

I'll try to get /locs on geometry holes. The only ones I know of are the very long drops in the eden map and getting behind the trees in Perez.



If anything, make an up to date build of CoX and bring it back on the store shelves so that potential players even know that this game still exist and is far from being old and dead.

For example, i am in Montreal and at my job i am the only one who plays CoX ( i bought the game 3 years ago before WoW came out ). All my other co-workers have been sucked up in WoW. 17 of them are playing it. I asked them if they tried CoX and they didnt even know what it was! Only one of them remembered having seen the game in store years ago but he bought WoW because friends were playing WoW...

Might be a bit too late to put a new version of the game on shelves for Xmas but some broad advertising in the year to come to let people know that CoX still is an uptodate game that still can compete with the most recent games could help. Just sayin...

( My bad... I didnt see that i was replying in a specific PvP thread.. I replied from the Dev Digest... anyway, my suggestion still stands

I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.




Lets get some discussion going on in here.

I am really looking to leverage some community ideas, so lets get some PVP Community focus going and see what as a community will be your prioritized list.

For me:

PVE &amp; PVP build that I can toggle.
Using the kiosks in game for PVP status.
More built in, in game rewards for PVP content.

Oh and an automatic "I win" button because I don't foresee that ever happening, remembers back to one of the PVPEC events where the whole team I was grouped with was there just to make sure I didn't die a hundred times.


[/ QUOTE ]
hmmm, I forgot who was on that team



PVP needs love. It's not clear how much love we'll actually get. But I want to hear opinions and wishlists on the best or most crucial changes. Here is mine. Let's hear yours.
[u]5 bug fixes[u]

<ul type="square">[*]Fix PVP Placate and Fury[*]Fix Arena spawn camping (maybe not fixable, who knows) and/or generally clean up Arena respawn mechanics[*]Fix Arena Badges (yeah ok LOL badges, it would bring people into the live Arena)[*]Fix map holes (Arena and zone)[*]Fix PVP door missions. Whacking players who are zoning into the mission is BS, as is rezzing in a doorless jail cell.[/list]

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd like more information please about these bugs so I can make sure they are listed. One of the main things is the holes in maps and geometry.

You can PM them to me or /bug in game.


[/ QUOTE ]

o.o I'm assuming that the badges mentioned here are the issue 4 badges? @.@ the ones that ppl could get for about an hour when i4 was turned on then never again?

o,o how bout some more gladiators? I know they aren't exactly the PVP pwnz fest most pvpers abscess over, but they're a lot of fun and actually get me to go to the arenas sometimes.

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe




PVE &amp; PVP build that I can toggle.


[/ QUOTE ]

Personally, I would like to see powers/power sets that underperform in PVP be reexamined. i.e. blaster's archery and stalker's ninja blade, just for starters.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not to mention *cough* ENERGY AURA, or basically any defense set.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Some of the stuff covered may be "as intended" (being able to put toggles on unaffectable targets), but things like being able to total focus an unaffectable target, pretty clearly are not.

[/ QUOTE ]

I do not believe you are actually affecting an untouchable target, I believe the game is first rezzing the target, then marking the target untouchable, and then relocating the target, in that order. The game doesn't seem capable of performing those acts "simultaneously" so there is a momentary gap between rez and untouchable - the devs remarked about this gap when discussing being killed (in PvE) right through self-rezzes that supposedly make you unkillable for a period of time.

Interestingly, the game has these gaps between supposedly "adjacent" effects a lot. Try this one: activate rest, then click on a power like a toggle. During the interruptible window, the power will queue, and not interrupt Rest, and the power ordinarily wouldn't be activatable during Rest itself, but when queued it will actually activate right at the moment between when Rest is interruptible, and its activated and blocking further power activations: there is a split second (probably one server clock tick) where Rest is neither interruptible nor actually active either.

Actually, what seems to be a possibly trivial fix for this one issue is to add two steps to the respawn process: first, relocate the player to a holding bin outside the normal arena reachable map but still on the map itself. Then rez. Then mark untouchable. Then mark the player untargetable. Then relocate *again* to the actual arena spawn point, then remove the untouchable and untargetable status.

That should allow the devs to rez the player safely, and then apply the "untouchable" buff, then break contact with anyone having them targeted, then safely relocating to a new spawn point (as I understand it, the entire problem lies with the fact that "untouchable" and "untargetable" are actually implemented in the game as *buffs*, and by definition, you can't buff a dead body: the game has to rez you in order to make you untouchable, with obvious consequences).

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



1. Competitive base raids finally implemented. Cathedral of Pain finally implemented. Items of Power finally implemented. How [censored] great would it be to blow up the J-Fort? Or completely destroy UJL's billion dollar mansion? Or blow up JAL's crack house? I want this in game yesterday.

2. Zone PvP rankings should not be fluid. They should be an accurate representation of the talent and skill level of the individual...if someone is a badass zone PvPer, what the [censored] makes the difference if they haven't logged in for two weeks? Players should be able to look at a player and know how good they are based on rankings that make sense. I should know by looking at a player's zone ranking that is a mother [censored] I don't want to mess with and if I do, I'm going to need some help.

As such, players should be rewarded with recipes for reaching certain plateaus or ranking levels. However, high ranked players will receive little to no ranking credit for beating low ranked players. In fact, a high ranked player will want to avoid lower ranked players since the lower ranked players have nothing to lose and the higher ranked does not want to get pulled into a battle and get ganged up on...As it stands, zone ranking means nothing...there is little to no way to tell how good another player is in game. Rankings should be color coordinated or visible to all players, hence you would have far less situations of n00b players getting ganked. As it stands right now, there is little to no way to tell the difference.

3. We need the damn Arena terminals to function properly. The Arena has been half-[censored] from day one. Number one, all matches should be "ranked" matches by default..."unranked" matches should only be used to practice with different builds, try out new strategies, etc. Therfore, the ranking system needs to be totally revamped so it is not exploitable. This is VERY easy to do and just about every game out there, besides COH, has a working PVP ranking system...the developers should be ashamed of what they implemented. Number two, matches should be able to be scheduled within the terminal...tournaments, ladders, leagues, etc. should be able to be developed all by using the Arena terminal.

4. Super Groups should also have a "ranking". Individuals will have their own ranking, however any "Super Group" matches will give the Super Group as a whole a ranking score. A player's individual score will consist of several rankings based on duels, pentads, team, and Super Group play. These rankings will be totally separate from Zone rankings. Because the ranking system is non-exploitable, like tons of other games have been able to develop, certain ranking levels and plateaus will reward players with recipes.

Why do PvP players HAVE to PvE to get any type of significant game rewards? Do we not pay our monthly fee just like anyone else? If I want to use COH to PvP with 24/7, should I not have the same opportunity to collect rewards like recipes like players who farm TF's/SF's? The problem is not the PvP players, the problem is the system developed by the developers. We deserve better.

5. Forget dual PvE &amp; PvP builds. If they would have implemented the above properly the first time, dual builds would not be needed. If PvP were actually supported with a proper ranking system and an Arena that actually set up tournaments and ladders properly, PvP players could use PvP to earn in game rewards...much like WOW.

6. Finally, we need PvP stats, including zone stats, to be connected to a City of Heroes online stats page where players can view other player's stats, kills, amount healed, deaths, rankings, Super Group rankings...individual duel rankings, team rankings, 2v2 rankings, etc. This is not rocket science, it sounds more than it is...a computer can calculate this stuff in milliseconds and the devs can easily track this information...look at all the [censored] they get from their "datamining". Hell, I don't even care about the past, just get this implemented and start fresh from day one. On each page will be the player's ID avatar, what Super Group they're in with SG symbol, and a host of data on each player. Stats and rankings could also be given for Zone PvP, including a breakdown within each Zone. Zone PVP is not all the same, players are definitely more talented and skilled in certain zones than others...the same players who rule Bloody Bay do not necessarily rule Siren's Call.

You implement the above and you will have a healthy and happy PvP community. This game will also see significant population growth as players from games like Guild Wars and WOW are becoming bored with PvP in those games and would flock to a fast, action-paced form of PvP such as that in COH. We're asking for ONE update to be focused on fixing PvP in this game. That is it.



Selectable Arena MAPS!



Make the observer bots quicker and give them +perception. Had a friend watch us the other day and she couldn't keep up with the fast pace.

Set up a system where supergroups have rosters input on test and a SG vs. SG could be set up with scratches, etc. for ladder matches.

Ladder standings on arena terminals.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



As PvP stands in the game right now, I hate it.

No, that's not quite accurate. I find it to be a trivial, tacked-on addition to a game designed to satisfy the bare minimum of people to make it a viable alternative to the 'main' content.

I think that's a shame. What would I change?

1) For Zone PvP implement clear and concise goals with desireable and attainable rewards in tiers. Some could be dynamic but the majority should be static and carry over to the main part of the game.

2) A way to level through PvP and the ability to PvP from square one. Heroes fighting villains is the backbone of the game, why they shouldn't both be players is beyond me.


4) More AT and Powerset balance in PvP.

5) More maps and possibly zones for PvP.

6) Candy.




2. Zone PvP rankings should not be fluid. They should be an accurate representation of the talent and skill level of the individual...

[/ QUOTE ]
I'd second this one. Pvp ranking is essentially the characters skill level indicator. It needs some tweaking to accurately reflect how well the player does overall.



Lets get some discussion going on in here.

I am really looking to leverage some community ideas, so lets get some PVP Community focus going and see what as a community will be your prioritized list.

For me:

PVE &amp; PVP build that I can toggle.
Using the kiosks in game for PVP status.
More built in, in game rewards for PVP content.

Oh and an automatic "I win" button because I don't foresee that ever happening, remembers back to one of the PVPEC events where the whole team I was grouped with was there just to make sure I didn't die a hundred times.


[/ QUOTE ]

Absolutely in favor of points one and two in particular, Ex!!!!! I must admit the idea of a 'spec toggle' never occured to me, nice thinking And more PvP rewards are a MUST!!! Make it a part of the GAME I say, stop with this 'aside' junk that is sub-par to PvE! Get some real PvP missions up, select instances within pvp zones that have missions that Heroes + villains can jump in on (on opposite sides of the map) and fight with eachother! And more XP rewards for PvP, at least!!!

Say it with me! Equal rights for PvE and PvP players! Equal rights for PvE and PvP players!

In any case, I'd love to hear more of your ideas Ex...you've got me intrigued!



Let bubble defenders fire out of their PFF with a reduced ACC to their powers (as they were originally able to do) so we actually have something to do in PVP aside from die or hide...as it is we're targets, bait, and/or bodies typically.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, this was bad for 1 reason: It was useless on some builds and far to easy to exploit on others.



lol... Blasters Power Boost + aim + build up = massive ToHit, massive (power boosted) PFF defense.

EDIT: Oh, you said defenders... eh. Still, FF defender with Power Build Up + Aim, same story.




heroes are happy of how things are. they like free kill and like broken PvP. they have it .
sometimes they got buff when they cries on the boards.

no everything seems fine like lot of heroes claim .


