What changes do we need?




One more suggestion from me, and anyone who plays Counter-Strike: Source will see it's brilliance. In SG matches, when you observe what are you really looking for? To the average person they see fire being thrown but it looks very complicated as a lot of things are going on. My suggestion would simply remove all observers, and instead you are in looking at what exactly the person in the match see's. Let me explain, I'm Player A fighting Player B. Someone joins the match as an observer and immediatly see's my UI, my Power Trays, HP, and Inspirations. With a click of a button, they would switch to Player B's UI, Power Trays, HP, and Inspirations.

This would be very beneficial because then that observer, who may not know very much about PvP, could see what the basic movements are and how to play. Also, in the PvP SG Ladder, this could be shown to see who is using illegal inspiratiosn or to just get a better view of the match.

[/ QUOTE ]great idea, +12 internets for you, although it sounds as if the programming for that would be huge



Some people would object because of build secrecy, but I wish this data were available to everyone. It doesn't benefit the health of PvP to have a stagnant meta-game.


Lords of the Dead
Old School Legends



One more suggestion from me, and anyone who plays Counter-Strike: Source will see it's brilliance. In SG matches, when you observe what are you really looking for? To the average person they see fire being thrown but it looks very complicated as a lot of things are going on. My suggestion would simply remove all observers, and instead you are in looking at what exactly the person in the match see's. Let me explain, I'm Player A fighting Player B. Someone joins the match as an observer and immediatly see's my UI, my Power Trays, HP, and Inspirations. With a click of a button, they would switch to Player B's UI, Power Trays, HP, and Inspirations.

This would be very beneficial because then that observer, who may not know very much about PvP, could see what the basic movements are and how to play. Also, in the PvP SG Ladder, this could be shown to see who is using illegal inspiratiosn or to just get a better view of the match.

[/ QUOTE ]


To a degree though this can already be done by FRAPSing your match and leaving the UI up. You'll see the Inspiration tray and what gets clicked and when.

I would do this in a minute on my Emp to be honest if I could get it running and it wouldn't explode my computer.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Well I was thinking it would allow people to get a better feel of what's going on in match. After all you don't watch a NFL game on TV through the eyes of the coach.



Some people would object because of build secrecy, but I wish this data were available to everyone. It doesn't benefit the health of PvP to have a stagnant meta-game.

[/ QUOTE ]

this wouldn't give away anything the info window didn't give away. its obvious which powers you take... its slotting that makes builds what they are.



Ya, the balance in PVP is pretty borked. I've been kicking around a lot of ideas on how to balance it out for solo and group based PVP. The basic problem is, forced team based pvp didn't work very well, especially since well played blasters and stalkers could drop squishies and most AT's in a matter of seconds. With Brutes and Scrappers having good defense when compared to everything but blasters and stalkers damage, they ended up being the rest of the majority

So here's some really wild ideas:
<ul type="square"> [*] Balance all AT's for 1 on 1 combat[*] Exp in PVP, bonus for team combat[*] Fix Binary Holds, give holds a debuff effect when resisted.[*] Remove detoggling.[*] Give all AT's a hold and stun resist temp power.[/list]
Needed AT fixes to balance AT's in PVP 1V1.
<ul type="square"> [*] Def's need a dmg boost. Probably via a replacement to vigilence.
FF, Sonic, and Emp need a defense boost. FF &amp; Sonic can be resolved by giving the AOE bubble a def/res increase. Emp, not sure about.
[*] Tank's need Axe, Mace, Ice brought up to par. Especially considering S/L resists. Ice needs a high damage attack.
[*] Controllers need holds revamped so they provide some form of defense when resisted. Possibly have resisted holds provide a -res for a dmg bonus, to replace containment.
[*] Stalkers need to be able to stay in melee range once AS is completed. Remove the reliance on hide, so perception doesn't wreck stalkers. Sorry stalkers, but AS is horribly unbalanced in pvp. No AT should be able to take out another AT in 2-3 hits.
[*] Blasters, same is true as stalkers, overbalanced on offense vrs squishies. Blasters need some form of damage mitigation, otherwise they are forced to strictly hit and run.
[*] Scrappers, should be fairly on par with the increase in defense to squishies.
[*] Brutes, same as scrappers.
[*] Dom's need complete rewiring of Domination. Jekyll and Hyde needs to be dragged out into the street and shot. My fav fix, AT needs to have a 0.9 melee/range base dmg, and domination should be a chainable 1 min buff with a -40% dmg. Holds also need to provide -dmg, so if resisted it will still provide defense.
[*] MM's have adequate defense, although something to prevent TP foe from stripping them of defense may be in order.
[*] Corrs seem a little light on damage as well, especially when taking on heavy armored opponents. Thermal, Traps, and Sonic need to provide better protection for the player.[/list]

Here's why:

- Balance AT's for 1v1. Team based PVP didn't work. Without adequate teaming incentives, players just picked the best possible solo AT. That means 2 average players should be able to play each AT, and have a reasonable chance at defeating the player. As it stands now, no average Def has any chance of taking out any sensible stalker or brute. (experienced Defs yes. average, no)

A possible fix: Several AT's are well below average either defensively or offensively. Ideally there should be a target *length of time* for a combat in PVP. However, some AT's can take AT's out in 4 seconds, and others will take 10 minutes to defeat anyone. Times vary, but usually about 25 seconds for a non-twitch game is normal. Especially when taking into 8 way combat, where it can go with 8 vrs one enemy team member at a time.

- Exp in PVP, and bonus exp for groups - There is little incentive to PVP, either in groups or solo. Also with PVE being the only way to advance the character, there is even less incentive to PVP.

The Fix: Players and Teams need to be awarded Exp based on the length of combat, irregardless of whether they win or lose. Probably slightly more for winning. Every time a team member hits an opposing team member, it starts a 10ish second timer for each group. Every time any player hits an opponent it extends the timer. Every time a team member is defeated, each team gets Exp based on how long those timers have been active.

- Binary holds - any hold using class can completely incapacitate an opponent. This should never happen, one power completely shutting down a player is broken.

On the other hand, Holds are completely negated by BF's and mez resist toggles. One single power or Insps are completely shutting down another AT's defensive tools.

The possible fix: Holds have a -dmg component, therefore any resisted hold still provides defense for the AT. To balance controller damage, controllers may need a -resist component, replacing containment. (Same effect as containment, so this essentially replaces it.)

- Remove detoggling - Holds should not negate all armors on a player. This would be balanced by the -dmg penalty on holds.

- Give all AT's a temp mez resist power. - only vrs holds and disorients. Holds should never negate a player in PVP (or PVE), especially squishies. Again, balanced by the -dmg on player holds.

- Possibly add more powers that temporarily disable travel powers - With Teleport, SS and SJ, it can make actually defeating good defensive players nearly impossible. It also encourages too many hit and run attacks. With defense balancing and combat time based EXP bonuses, it may not be needed though.



This thread loses and is no longer yayful.



Def's need a dmg boost. Probably via a replacement to vigilence.

[/ QUOTE ]

ummm, Rad/Psy defenders can pretty much 3 shot kill squishies.



Cross server arena would do amazing things for PvP in this game. So would cross server PvP zone instances.




ummm, Rad/Psy defenders can pretty much 3 shot kill squishies.

[/ QUOTE ]

Do tell.



Lets get some discussion going on in here.

I am really looking to leverage some community ideas, so lets get some PVP Community focus going and see what as a community will be your prioritized list.

For me:

PVE &amp; PVP build that I can toggle.
Using the kiosks in game for PVP status.
More built in, in game rewards for PVP content.

Oh and an automatic "I win" button because I don't foresee that ever happening, remembers back to one of the PVPEC events where the whole team I was grouped with was there just to make sure I didn't die a hundred times.




Having an option to select map or random when setting up arena matches.

A Better balance for Villains vs Heroes so they can realistically compete in the arena.




I'm working on a novel atm about the major changes to builds needed. Will post when done.



Selectable arena maps.

Ability to autolevel to 50 or so on test.

Toggle for pve/pvp builds

Various viewing displays at terminals, may be complex but the ability to see a player's tray, powers and so on when used.

Reexamination of unresisteds and such, adjustments made over time to powers (increased animation times, endurance costs etc).

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



The Zig Prison Zone

I must say though, I'm biased &gt;.&gt;

More love to the non burst based ATs or giving some sort of ability to those ATs villain side that suffer in team based combat.




Oh and an automatic "I win" button because I don't foresee that ever happening, remembers back to one of the PVPEC events where the whole team I was grouped with was there just to make sure I didn't die a hundred times.


[/ QUOTE ]

LOL, if your referring to the RV brawl event on test from revolutions, I was on that team



Lets get some discussion going on in here.

I am really looking to leverage some community ideas, so lets get some PVP Community focus going and see what as a community will be your prioritized list. .

For me:

PVE &amp; PVP build that I can toggle.
Using the kiosks in game for PVP status.
More built in, in game rewards for PVP content.

Oh and an automatic "I win" button because I don't foresee that ever happening, remembers back to one of the PVPEC events where the whole team I was grouped with was there just to make sure I didn't die a hundred times.


[/ QUOTE ]

Not to be rude Ex, but there have been hundreds and hundreds of suggestions. Yet not one has even been mentioned, or even attempted (to my knowledge) in any patch note i've ever read. You obviously won't be able to answer this question, but I feel a need to ask anyways.

Are (is) the developing team actually trying to implement any of the suggestions we've given?

Edit Again :

Ah I see that list part you were talking about, hows that for action. I don't forsee something like that happening in the future, due to the fact that most suggestions are very large in text. Maybe a more specific priority based idea could happen though, perhaps a vote would be in order?



Personally, I like about 20 or more props added to the bases. So in order of what I want:

1: Prop Doors: About five kinds of doors that are just props like in the Office and Warehouse missions. 5 to 7 of these would make the make bases feel bigger as well as make them more immersive.

2: Prop Windows: Again, about 5 different kinds of windows in the style of what is in the universities, but with couple different shapes and tints. It be nice to have something other than the Eye of Doom winds.

3: Beds: Having th beds with out the straps and other kinky stuff would be real nice.



Lets get some discussion going on in here.

I am really looking to leverage some community ideas, so lets get some PVP Community focus going and see what as a community will be your prioritized list.

For me:

PVE &amp; PVP build that I can toggle.
Using the kiosks in game for PVP status.
More built in, in game rewards for PVP content.

Oh and an automatic "I win" button because I don't foresee that ever happening, remembers back to one of the PVPEC events where the whole team I was grouped with was there just to make sure I didn't die a hundred times.


[/ QUOTE ]

PvE and PvP toggle builds would be great.

I steer away from PvP as my PvE build is soooooooo not suited for PvP. I can only get my rear handed to me so many times in a row before I decide to get out of the zone.

Go Team Venture!



Opening more ATs across for heroes and villains for better balance
I too vote PvP-PvE Build toggle switch
Higher level Free For ALL Zone
PvP zones that lets villain/hero team-ups
Are Auto hit toggles balance? Are auto hit anything balance?
More Arena maps
More Arena options (weather, spawn NPCs, temp powers you can acquire/and use while in the map, gravity, slick surface, ect)
More things to buy in the arena and in any pvp zones like sirens.



Lets get some discussion going on in here.

I am really looking to leverage some community ideas, so lets get some PVP Community focus going and see what as a community will be your prioritized list.

For me:

PVE &amp; PVP build that I can toggle.
Using the kiosks in game for PVP status.
More built in, in game rewards for PVP content.

Oh and an automatic "I win" button because I don't foresee that ever happening, remembers back to one of the PVPEC events where the whole team I was grouped with was there just to make sure I didn't die a hundred times.


[/ QUOTE ]

1. Cross server arena/pvp zones.

2. PvP rewarded and pvp only usable accolades

3. Objective based arena/zones for the vil/hero side that wins being rewarded merits/salvage/recipe/exp/pvp points for successful completion. Both fast/short and long objective based ones. Also amalgams of various types of objective based/straight pvp.

4. Hrdcore pvp zones/arena.... loss results in perm deletion or perm prevention of continued participation in that zone/arena (and its special benefits)

5. Pvp awarded costume pieces and or designs on them, and title choices.

6. Travel supression removed from some or all pvp zone/arena (hell, whole game would be nice).

7. Special mission contacts in normal zones with special content or rewards unlocked from pvp zone arena battling(not the missions in the pvp zones related but from actuall pvping).

8. Dedicated PvP server(s) with open pvp except in safety areas around the level up/markets etc.

9. Unlockable AT from pvping and pvp related goals. Could be with or without more benefit for pvping/pveing.

10. Cage fights with non pvpers able to bet ingame influence or prestige on winners with the winnings from bets actually being not prestige/influence but points that can be used to purchase/access IOs/recipes/temp powers/costume pieces/etc etc. Thus its a chance purchase system and not outright gambling in the traditional sense.

-Storm Revenant-

Fires Within: Lvl 50 Fire/Kinetics Controller (Champion)
Steamed: Lvl 50 Thugs/Dark Miasma Mastermind (Freedom)



I can't see myself being more than a casual PvPer, but here's what I'd like to see:

True PVP missions, for example Hero vs Villain Safeguard/Mayhem

[/ QUOTE ]
This is what I originally thought of when PvP rolled out. Villain robs a bank. Heroes stop the bank robbery. Maybe make mulitple objectives so the teams have to coordinate more.

In any case, the most important change would be to allow both a PvE and PvP build on the same character. I've spent too much time and infl to IO my main for PvE. I'm wouldnt respec him into a PvP build without this feature.




[u]5 small things[u]

<ul type="square">[*]Add rare recipe rewards to Siren's Call and Recluse's Victory minigames. (#1 with a bullet, not enough ingame reward for PVP in this game)[*]Siren's Call style bounty system throughout the zones (with rare recipe reward)[*]Arena map selection feature, including a "Random" selection[*]Turn off (nonworking) Arena System matches[*]Add villain/hero totals to zone /whoall display and include people on /hide in the totals, so players can get a general idea of activity level regardless of /hide[/list]
[u]5 bug fixes[u]

<ul type="square">[*]Fix PVP Placate and Fury[*]Fix Arena spawn camping (maybe not fixable, who knows) and/or generally clean up Arena respawn mechanics[*]Fix Arena Badges (yeah ok LOL badges, it would bring people into the live Arena)[*]Fix map holes (Arena and zone)[*]Fix PVP door missions. Whacking players who are zoning into the mission is BS, as is rezzing in a doorless jail cell.[/list]
[u]5 large-scale wishlist items [u]

<ul type="square">[*]Cross-server PVP[*]New Arena rewards and content (eg CTF, Battlegrounds or the like.. not just new maps, though those would be nice.. even a simple ranking list would boost the Arena)[*]Cooperative PVP zone with a phat-rewards minigame (allows hero+villain teams like RWZ)[*]True PVP missions, for example Hero vs Villain Safeguard/Mayhem[*]New minigames for Bloody Bay and Warburg with rare recipe rewards[*]Action on Villain/Hero patron/epic imbalance - there are several ways this could be done[/list]

[/ QUOTE ]

I can agree with all of those changes.



Let bubble defenders fire out of their PFF with a reduced ACC to their powers (as they were originally able to do) so we actually have something to do in PVP aside from die or hide...as it is we're targets, bait, and/or bodies typically.



Base water features and the ability to take the Arachnos Flyer out for a test drive?