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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
    I really hope GR doesn't have any PvP content. It's my belief that the developers have already devoted far more time to PvP than it deserves, relative to the comparably small size of the PvP community even at its peak. PvP will never be big in this game. Every resource directed towards PvP is one that could have benefited a vastly greater number of players if it were directed towards any other gameplay element you care to name. I am 100% in favor of leaving PvP alone and never touching it again. It is a failed experiment.

    This is not to say I don't have some sympathy here. I'm a Base Builder. I spend almost as much time tinkering with my VG base these days as playing my characters. And I think Base Building is about as much of a hopeless cause as PvP, for all the exact same reasons. If a paid expansion came out full of new Base Goodies, I'd be thrilled. And I'd also immediately recognize that the rest of the player base just got screwed out of a lot of developer time, to benefit me and a very small group of people like me.
    Very good post.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
    Issue 13 killed any hope of ever seeing significant PvP population in this game. Until that debacle is reversed, it's going to stay low.
    Can you be more specific?
  3. Great work Ares.

    A few errors I noticed when reading, (Corps and Doms difficulties are not rated, and we all know how hard they are to play hehe) but the rest is pretty smooth.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
    The reason PvP receives the least amount of Dev support is because the least amount of members in the community participate in it.

    The same thing happens to CoV PvE.

    To: Ares Supreme

    I'm not particularly interested in PvP. I tried it in I4 and didn't care for it. I tried it in I6 and didn't care for it.

    While your post has useful information it doesn't do anything to tempt me into trying PvP again.
    Can you show me the numbers?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mirage_Mage View Post
    I hope not a new zone, we dont have enough PvPers for the zones we have already.
    This is unfortunately true. However, I know for a fact that when City of Villains was released, people flocked to the new zones like Sirens Call, Bloody Bay, and Warburg. And for months, maybe even years after - they still had/have players participating in the Player Vs. Player content in those zones.
  6. Excellent find Golden Girl! Thanks! Thats exciting to read, even if it is hype or what be it.

    Something like that indicates to me that the developers at least see that there is a PvP niche in this gaming community.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    My guess is... probably not.

    NCSoft's more than gun-shy about funding PvE games to work on PvP play after the debacle that was Tabula Rasa. From a financial standpoint, NCSoft would much rather push players towards AION, which was, as it seems to be represented, built for PvP play from Day 1.

    For the short term, and possibly long term, this means that any serious PvP development is probably over for City of Heroes. From what we know about game subscriptions, CoH never has built up a PvP player base that's actually capable of providing the funding just on subscriptions alone... and seriously doubtful on providing the money through a PvP themed booster pack.
    Your arguement has no facts.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SlimPickens View Post
    I think this is a video of the panel...
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Well, it'll mean the team makeup in RV will be quite different for a start
    Oh, perhaps. Although im more concerned about the developers adding content that will expand PvP in its current form, with the expansion Going Rogue.

    And maybe even remove some fatal mistakes, which most (if not all) players who enjoyed PvP, have vehemently opposed.
  10. I guess im asking anyone who went to Hero-Con or any Developer for that matter.

    Another expansion to the game brings lots of new features, and im hoping Player vs. Player content would be on that list.
  11. The rikiti arent bad. Nemesis just went and send robots that looked like earth heroes to their world and made the rikiti think we were invading them.

    So they sent their forces to earth to stop what they thought was the invading forces home. And they're allergic to chicken pocs.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blondeshell View Post
    There's a hidden badge on the Badge-Hunter Supergroup badge listing for the Improved Energy Turret that seems to match the description for this. No idea what the base item would have done, though.
    Good find! thanks
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
    Unless via a bug, there will be no-one with this badge.

    Each successful run of the CoP got you an item of power.

    IIRC the maximum a SG can have is 5, and you can't delete them.

    Ergo the maximum legitimate progress from the single cycle the Cathedral was active will be 5/20

    If the Cathedral ever comes back, the whole system will be overhauled and thus some of the details known right now maybe in error.

    Excellent explanation Cat! thanks
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
    I don't know what the badge is called (the Wiki doesn't seem to know either) but it is not currently achievable.

    Cathedral of Pain
    Yeah, im aware of that. But people were still able to earn Liberator back when it was avalible. Did anyone ever get this one?

    Edit: By "anyone" I meant SG/VG, since this is a SG/VG badge.

  15. Does anyone even have it?
  16. Glacier_Peak

    Farmers Adapt.

    Originally Posted by Hart View Post
    Actually, I've found that some of the better farms post i16 are 5 maps, because of the ticket bonus. They're 5 farm maps, granted, but missions after the first have an increasing bonus to the number of tickets you get.

    If I were really hardcore about farming something solo for tickets, I'd put together a brute that could handle a mission on +4/8. I'd design and test a mission that gave him about 400 tickets from kills, with a single clicky that ended the mission to double that number.

    Then I'd copy that mission 4 more times and string it in after itself for the stacking ticket bonus. You're going to run it more than once anyway, you may as well take the free tickets. Since you're probably logging in and out at the AE, it also gives you overhead for the AE day job ticket bonus on completion.

    ..then I'd fill each mission with it's own stack of limericks. Looks like I'm up to 150 limerick storage spaces, which would cover the entire top 150 from Limerick DB.

    Well, I know what I'm doing tonight. Can someone suggest some reasonably farmable lieutenants? My old map was all slammers, but they got buffed to the point of being unreasonable to farm. I tried Council lieuts, Cage Consortium, and PPD, but the AoE got a little brutal at higher levels. I also tried werewolves, which were OK except for the Willpower tank eating 16 thrown rocks and faceplanting. Maybe something with a single target DoT as a ranged attack and some single target melee or PBAoE attacks as filler?
    I use Infernal Behemoth demons on my spines/fire scrapper. I use Dominatrix praetorian minons for my electric brute. I tried wolves, but they're damage is pretty high and fast. Try Bobcat's minons perhaps. I know that the Praetorians have plenty of nice farmable enemies. Just get a couple tickets and buy all of the enemy packs that contain praetorian villains.

    Edit: Also, good idea with the mission stringing together. I shall try that!
  17. I ran two Master 5th Column TFs and did not recieve any rare recipes.

    I two Master of Imperious TFs and did not recieve any rare recipes.


    I know master has nothing to do with it, but those were the types I ran. And thats a lot of AVs.
    This isn't working, I think it's bugged. Can any redname give a heads up on this? Is it working as intended?
  18. Glacier_Peak

    Level 50 Snobs

    Today I attempted a MSTF run with a PuG. I had about 7 people, and found a kinetic controller, so I invited her. I was a stone tank, and was just about to start when I got a text from her saying:

    "Im only going to be SB'ing you, and nobody else on the team" I asked why and she said "Because Earth is my primary and I don't want."

    So in team chat I warned that the kinetic defender did not want to SB anyone else. She quit the team, and sent me a tell saying "You shouldn't have done that"

    She was level 50 too. And she was a kinetic defender who took speed boost, but didn't want to use it. Irony..
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grae Knight View Post
    I laughed at this.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Can you level up a toon to 50 in 10 minutes?
    You have silenced my inquiry.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Before Issue 16 goes Live:

    1. Burn your freespecs (/respec). You'll be getting a new one and they don't stack.

    2. Get your costume slots nao! You'll be getting a free token per character per costume slot. It costs influence to customize your powers, and a lot of customization at once will be expensive. So, maximize your Tokens by doing costume slot missions tonight.

    3. Copy your toons to Test. Choose your color combinations. Save the costume with a unique name. Go into your Test folder and move that saved costume file to the Live folder. Then when Issue 16 goes Live, you can be one of the first to show off your custom costume colors.

    4. Go into the Test forums for I16 and read the release notes and the most current combined Test patch notes and other patches. And Known Issues.

    After Issue 16 goes Live:

    1. Read the Release Notes and Known Issues pages. Read the Issue 16 Wiki page and the Guide to Super-Sidekicking (see my sig below).

    2. Go into Menu > Options. Look, it's been a bit reorganized. Accustom yourself to the choices. Select the option to only receive email from Friends to block the spam.

    3. Go to a Tailor and load up the saved costumes you made and transferred from Test, or, start customizing your powers. Use your new Costume Tokens to pay for it.

    4. Create a new toon with one of the proliferated powersets.

    5. Go to a field analyst or fateweaver and set your new difficulty level with the new sliders.

    6. Use the freespec you just got if you want. (Assuming the freespec came with the Issue and is not being issued a few days later.) Especially see if your AT is eligible for a new power choice in your Ancillary/Patron Power Pool. Here's where you can burn that new freespec.

    7. Check your badges. Some difficult ones were made easier to get. You may have gotten an Accolade and an accolade power (or may be very close to earning it).

    8. Take your low level heroes and go to the Shard to buy a Jet Pack! Level restrictions are gone for hazard zones (but not for TFs, Midnighter Club, Cimerora, or Ourobors.) Organize level 1 footraces (no Peacebringers) from Back Alley Brawler to the Storm Palace (or any other type of exlporation badge quest).

    9. Be amazed as your pets zone with you, even into and out of missions! You just might want to dismiss them out of missions if your traveling across a zone. (/releasepets)
    What do I do once im done with the ten minutes worth of content...
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    Is this a weekly thing now, to pull up a 2-3+ year old screenshot of a bug?

    Because if it is, I got some good pre I1/2 era ones.

    Currently listening to Thee Shams' Take Off
    Old screenshots are the best, throw some on here hamster.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IamVT View Post
    Even if they did manage to do that, I doubt they would have already received the "Isolator" badge in RV (seeing as how the only other way a hero can get that is in Outbreak and GR will doubtfully take that route)

    I call shopped.
    It was a bug, that's since been fixed. Villains were accidentally being sent to Atlas instead of Mercy Island. This happend on the Virtue server, quite some time ago.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by M_I_Abrahms View Post
    Someone managed to violate NDA on Going Rogue before it even went to Alpha?
    This picture is nearly 3 years old, if I remember correctly.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    The Ninja MM being on a team of Heroes without being in a Co-Op.

    What'd I win?
    Your good