Issue 16 Tuesday Morning! (very likely) To Do List.
Great list!
Especially the part about getting as many costume slots as possible in order to get more tokens. Smart! CoH racing to 50 is like trying to race to the end of your vacation. -Arcanaville
Debt barely slows down levelling these days. It's just a little bar that measures how much Awesome you've generated recently. (If you're not getting debt, you're just not trying to generate Awesome hard enough.) -Kelenar
Oh! Thanks for reminding me about this stuff, Zombieman!
I always end up facepalming because there was one character I REALLY meant to respec before the issue.
Low level weapon types might want to see if they can find a Observer boss hunt in the Shard, too. I think you'll be able to get the badge and snag yourself some Rularuu weapons. (Though I never tried it on Test.)
There will be a TON of farmers screaming and saying they will quit because their boss farms now give one quarter the XP. Might want to practice singing to them. (Yes, you can still use MA for farming, but I don't think it will be as trivial as it is now.)
Great list, ZM.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
Low level weapon types might want to see if they can find a Observer boss hunt in the Shard, too. I think you'll be able to get the badge and snag yourself some Rularuu weapons. (Though I never tried it on Test.)
There will be a TON of farmers screaming and saying they will quit because their boss farms now give one quarter the XP. Might want to practice singing to them. (Yes, you can still use MA for farming, but I don't think it will be as trivial as it is now.) |
Yep, I think you're looking at it wrong... HUGE win for farmers.... Big LOSE for "PL'ers."

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)
I approve of this list
ok Power Customization and electric tanks aside (omg yes!), I love the changes to the UI . It seems much more polished and easier to read. nicely done devs
Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker
Hey, I got negative rep for this thread!
Rep farm moar |
I'm gonna make a new guide about how to get negative rep using this as a template!
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Before Issue 16 goes Live:
1. Burn your freespecs (/respec). You'll be getting a new one and they don't stack. 2. Get your costume slots nao! You'll be getting a free token per character per costume slot. It costs influence to customize your powers, and a lot of customization at once will be expensive. So, maximize your Tokens by doing costume slot missions tonight. 3. Copy your toons to Test. Choose your color combinations. Save the costume with a unique name. Go into your Test folder and move that saved costume file to the Live folder. Then when Issue 16 goes Live, you can be one of the first to show off your custom costume colors. 4. Go into the Test forums for I16 and read the release notes and the most current combined Test patch notes and other patches. And Known Issues. After Issue 16 goes Live: 1. Read the Release Notes and Known Issues pages. Read the Issue 16 Wiki page and the Guide to Super-Sidekicking (see my sig below). 2. Go into Menu > Options. Look, it's been a bit reorganized. Accustom yourself to the choices. Select the option to only receive email from Friends to block the spam. 3. Go to a Tailor and load up the saved costumes you made and transferred from Test, or, start customizing your powers. Use your new Costume Tokens to pay for it. 4. Create a new toon with one of the proliferated powersets. 5. Go to a field analyst or fateweaver and set your new difficulty level with the new sliders. 6. Use the freespec you just got if you want. (Assuming the freespec came with the Issue and is not being issued a few days later.) Especially see if your AT is eligible for a new power choice in your Ancillary/Patron Power Pool. Here's where you can burn that new freespec. 7. Check your badges. Some difficult ones were made easier to get. You may have gotten an Accolade and an accolade power (or may be very close to earning it). 8. Take your low level heroes and go to the Shard to buy a Jet Pack! Level restrictions are gone for hazard zones (but not for TFs, Midnighter Club, Cimerora, or Ourobors.) Organize level 1 footraces (no Peacebringers) from Back Alley Brawler to the Storm Palace (or any other type of exlporation badge quest). 9. Be amazed as your pets zone with you, even into and out of missions! You just might want to dismiss them out of missions if your traveling across a zone. (/releasepets) |
I don't think you know farmers that well. Methinks there will be a "TON" of farmers happy to go back to normal content and solo AV arcs themselves with mobs scaled to 8 WITHOUT having to ask for fillers or "having" to invite the "PL MEH!" crowd. Just straight farming, no interruptions...No downtime trying to build teams.
Yep, I think you're looking at it wrong... HUGE win for farmers.... Big LOSE for "PL'ers." "Alien" |
What do I do once im done with the ten minutes worth of content...
4. Create a new toon with one of the proliferated powersets. |
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In fact, it only takes a second to ding 50. Hell, not even that!
Oh, wait, you meant going from 1 to 50

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!

Sometimes I miss the hysteria.

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My to do list is much easier.
I've staked out a good little spot on a building overlooking Icon in Steel.
I'm gonna grab some popcorn and watch the chaos as heroes come filing in by the hundreds. Most of them spamming auras naturally. Poor Serge, if I was him I'd call in sick this week!
After that gets old I plan on jumping over to the Isles and trying out the new diff. slider with my MM!
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
My to-do list is also quite short, but time-consuming.
As soon as I can, I'll log in and jump to .. the MA.
I've had this idea bouncing around in my head for a story involving an evil gang that call themselves the Colour Corps.
It's time to see what power customization can *really* do.
"We are looking into the possiblity of maybe someday thinking about maybe implementing something similar to this, in the future."
- Positron
thanks ,the thread reminded me i needed to tweak one of my chars
I16 is a nemesis plot for releasing a huge gas cloud of Altitis, which will bring the City to it's knees while Nemesis (who doesn't have any level 1-20 minions) will roam freeily in the Shadow Shard, Peregrine Island and slowly start to take over the Rogue Isles. This is obviously a Nemesis Plot and I figured it out!...
Can I have I16 now?
Whining about everything since 2006.
Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:
Hey, I got negative rep for this thread!
Awesome! I'm gonna make a new guide about how to get negative rep using this as a template! |
Great list, by the way. I didn't think about saving costumes on test. That'll be a great way to avoid the lag.
Huggle my Elec/Elec scrapper to death!
Something to do before I16 goes live: Make some new toons to reserve the names you like, so nobody else beats you to them. I've already got a couple reserved so all the good ones don't go during the rush.
Die from caffiene overdose.
Just kidding. I could never overdose on caffiene.
Before Issue 16 goes Live:
1. Burn your freespecs (/respec). You'll be getting a new one and they don't stack.
2. Get your costume slots nao! You'll be getting a free token per character per costume slot. It costs influence to customize your powers, and a lot of customization at once will be expensive. So, maximize your Tokens by doing costume slot missions tonight.
3. Copy your toons to Test. Choose your color combinations. Save the costume with a unique name. Go into your Test folder and move that saved costume file to the Live folder. Then when Issue 16 goes Live, you can be one of the first to show off your custom costume colors.
4. Go into the Test forums for I16 and read the release notes and the most current combined Test patch notes and other patches. And Known Issues.
After Issue 16 goes Live:
1. Read the Release Notes and Known Issues pages. Read the Issue 16 Wiki page and the Guide to Super-Sidekicking (see my sig below).
2. Go into Menu > Options. Look, it's been a bit reorganized. Accustom yourself to the choices. Select the option to only receive email from Friends to block the spam.
3. Go to a Tailor and load up the saved costumes you made and transferred from Test, or, start customizing your powers. Use your new Costume Tokens to pay for it.
4. Create a new toon with one of the proliferated powersets.
5. Go to a field analyst or fateweaver and set your new difficulty level with the new sliders.
6. Use the freespec you just got if you want. (Assuming the freespec came with the Issue and is not being issued a few days later.) Especially see if your AT is eligible for a new power choice in your Ancillary/Patron Power Pool. Here's where you can burn that new freespec.
7. Check your badges. Some difficult ones were made easier to get. You may have gotten an Accolade and an accolade power (or may be very close to earning it).
8. Take your low level heroes and go to the Shard to buy a Jet Pack! Level restrictions are gone for hazard zones (but not for TFs, Midnighter Club, Cimerora, or Ourobors.) Organize level 1 footraces (no Peacebringers) from Back Alley Brawler to the Storm Palace (or any other type of exlporation badge quest).
9. Be amazed as your pets zone with you, even into and out of missions! You just might want to dismiss them out of missions if your traveling across a zone. (/releasepets)
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