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  1. I am Beldoman (even though I haven't actually played Beldoman seriously for years, but that is besides the point).

    Many moons ago, when Everquest was first released, I rolled up Shadowknight named Beld Demonblade, because I was being an unoriginal anime nerd and totally ripping off the evil emperor from Record of Lodoss War. And yes, he had red hair. I played for about a year and a half, before I realized I was spending *way* too much time playing Everquest of all things and decided I needed to move on.

    Later, Planetside came out and I thought I'd give it a go as it was something different. This time, I named myself Beldo, after the nickname I had picked up from most of my fellow travellers in EQ. Shortly after I started up (within minutes IIRC), I was invited to join an outfit that turned out to be pretty awesome and full of non-idiots, and spent the next year or so as a Magrider driver, gleefully mowing down the poor suckers who found themselves in front of my hover-tank.

    Then, City of Heroes came out and a number of people in my PS outfit decided to make the switch. I joined them here about a week after live. My first character was once again a Beldo, but, needing a suitably heroic name, he became Beldoman. A towering behemoth of a man in a Captain Marvel-esque homage outfit and a wild mane of garishly bright red hair and an oblique reference to Mr T for a background. My outfit/supergroup has long since moved on to other games, but Beldoman remains... in my character list. I'm more of a redside player nowadays, really
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    I don't think you know farmers that well. Methinks there will be a "TON" of farmers happy to go back to normal content and solo AV arcs themselves with mobs scaled to 8 WITHOUT having to ask for fillers or "having" to invite the "PL MEH!" crowd. Just straight farming, no interruptions...No downtime trying to build teams.

    Yep, I think you're looking at it wrong... HUGE win for farmers.... Big LOSE for "PL'ers."

    Yep, this issue is actually a big win for the farmers, since they can now run the original content with whatever team settings they want at any time. In a roundabout way it is also a win for the people who don't like farmers, since the farmers probably won't be heard from nearly as much and yet will still be keeping the market healthy.
  3. Lethal resistance can get aggravating on redside at 40+, but it isn't insurmountable. You may want to consider not soloing missions full of Crey Power Suits or werewolves though, just to save yourself some headache.

    For the most part though, it isn't anything that some Achilles Heel procs and a boatload of +dam set bonuses can't fix.
  4. Catch you around A_C, and enjoy college life

    edit: My advice? If you think you're a hot shot at high school level math, don't walk into a college-level calculus class and expect to cruise by with ease. I damn near crashed out of college entirely my first semester by over-estimating the value of the rather mediocre AP math classes I'd taken up to that point.
  5. Hah! I have my new computer and it is all shiny and soon I shall actually be back in game again.

    But the forums are still 'splody.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    I think some of you guys are powerleveling yours.
    I don't powerlevel. I just state the facts on the ground as I see 'em. /em crossarms

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
    Note: Catgirls are mutually exclusive from elves. The concept of a catgirl dwarf terrifies me.
    You do of course realize that the only thing preventing me from making a bearded, axe-wielding dwarf catgirl right now is the fact that I'm unable to run the game at the moment.
  8. The only problem with the rep meter is that I currently don't have any forum rep. Clearly this is an egregious error and should be fixed immediately.
  9. Rockin' the evil pope look pretty hard there, pohsyb
  10. New forums are very unstable for me. The 404 monster keeps eating my posts

    Eh, maybe when I get my new compy next week it'll help (probably not). But at least I'll be able to actually play the game again!
  11. Unfortunately the new forums have been at least as unstable for me as the old forums at their worst.
  12. Sorry if I missed this in the sea of other posts, but here's a question:

    While the boards were down there was a news item stating that players who had 60+ months paid would get a chance to get into the first wave of closed beta. Now, a timeframe of August 15 - November 15 is mentioned (expected time the game will be in beta?) According to PlayNC, I'm due to tick over to 60 months on August 18th. Would I still be eligible to get into that first wave of beta invites?
  13. I have a hard time telling which threads have new posts or not, at least on the Villain theme. The difference between bolded and unbolded thread titles is fairly minimal.
  14. So long as I can do two-tone red and black lightning a la InFAMOUS (or similar power effects in dark but bold colors), I'll be a happy guy
  15. I'm actually conflicted. My original vil main is an Energy/Thermal Corr whose schtick is that he's wearing a (somewhat out of control) nuclear battlesuit. Blue energy blasts and creepy blue flames? Green/green? Make everything white? I honestly can't decide.

    My ElM/ElA Brute is going to get pink electricity though.
  16. Slotting an absurd amount of +dam from IO set bonuses helps to overcome those high level lethal resistances for the most part
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    My Invuln/SuperStr TANKER could barely take on Frostfire alone, and my Dark/Dark Corrupter needed to team to kill Spinnerette who would heal herself way too frequently.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Bring more inspirations. Seriously.

    Barring that, take a hard look at your build. Just because you can't take on a particular challenge with your specific build doesn't mean it is insurmountable for your pri/sec combo altogether.
  18. I've still got a hero named Strategist, made way back in the day. I can't much bear to play him any more, though. AR Blaster? Bwah.

    Then there's Love Hertz. First thing that popped into my mind when Elec powersets were announced for redside.

    My original villain main is SuperCritical, a Corr who wears a nuclear-powered battlesuit. To date, only *one* person has ever recognized the term.
  19. [ QUOTE ]

    What was your inspiration load? It's up to you, but I might take another crack at her. She's probably the hardest EB in the game with the insta-hold, but even that can be planned for.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Arguable. GW is mean but can be rendered largely harmless with 8 or so Lucks used 4 at a time. Soloing Silver Mantis (40+) or Nosferatu on Mender Lazarus's arc tends to require more extreme measures.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    That's not as critical as the "string of random characters when you start to type something

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's not a random string.

    Pay attention to them, and realize what keys you use to move/execute powers

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Or (at least most often for me) what the last few values you entered as bids at the market were.
  21. Beldoman

    Mayhem upgrades?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Looking at the Rogue Isles villains, I do admit I haven't seen much more than half of them. Bad Penny? Are you kidding me? Give me Mangle any day.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Eight of the RIVs, including Bad Penny, only show up during the STF (with several others only showing up in safeguards) and never during mayhem missions. A pity though, since some more variety would be nice.
  22. Please, for the love of all that is holy (or unholy, depending on what side you spend your time on), use something other than the blasted cargo ship map for a change! I've heard that some people like it because it has a well-defined front, middle, and back, but I swear I have yet to encounter more than a handful of missions that utilize it in such a way. On the other hand, a third or more of *all* one mission arcs I've run seem to be situated on a dang boat (even ones that say "clean out this cave" or "defeat the enemies in the office building" in the contact's intro text )

    So, please, make use of some of the other maps available for you from time to time so those of us who just like picking random short arcs and running them get an occasional change of scenery.
  23. I solo'd it with a Claws/Nin Stalker. I TP-pulled the bosses one at a time into the hallway, and once they were done I just led my NPC allies on a banzai charge of the massed troops (which had apparently failed to notice when their leaders excused themselves one at a time).