Drop Rates Still Borked




OK, while I dont run Herostats or have any "officially" recognized method of discerning it still "seems" to me that drop rates are way borked on recipes and salvage. I have run several (6) missions set at +0 and +1 set for 7 people. Not one of these missions (same mission all 6 times) yielded more than a handful (5) of recipe drops.

I used to fill these mission with 4 people and would have a full inventory of salvage and recipes when completed. Often I would have to delete "worthless" stuff. No one seems to acknowledge this on the global channels and I often get the comment, "it's fine." But I just dont see it.

Been running several of my lowbies and have gone 10 levels without a single recipe drop. Something seems "off" to me.

Your experiences?



I havent been number crunching or anything, but yes, Ive been experiencing the same low drop rate. My usual set mission for 6-8 players equivalent , +2-3 mobs and will get the usual (pre i16) salvage and enhancement drop rates. With a huge lack of recipe drops Ive experienced pre-16.

I have 2 accounts logged in and each just 3-4 generic recipes out of the 5-6 runs.




Did half a lap around the storm palace. I got 3 basic recipes for my "work."
I did 4 scanner missions at +2/x4 w/bosses and recieved 4 basic recipes.

I street swept in the RWZ for 28 minutes and got 3 common recipes.

Yesterday I did 4 scanner missions at +4/x8 w/bosses and received 7 basic IO recipes.

I have no idea how many foes I defeated during those runs. CoT at +4/x8 have 2 boss death mages in every spawn. I assume council also have 2 bosses per spawn at that level.

And yet I recieve ZERO uncommon or rare recipes in that entire time.

Drop rates are BROKEN. Unless, of course, they are now working as intended.

The only fact is that drop rates are drastically lower now than before I-16 hit. This was brought up repeatedly during beta and we were repeatedly told that no changes had been made to drop rates.

So what DID change that has AFFECTED drop rates?

Be well, people of CoH.



Thanks Bill. You also responded to my comments about this in Beta.

What I really need to do is to "fill" a mission the old fashioned way and see what the comparison is. I tried to do this on test but ran out of time. If filling a mission the old way works then we may have at least a start on this answer.

If drop rates have been adjusted then. . . Wow. . . I can see the markets going over a billion per purple!



This is important, i've noticed this as well and I would like some sort of dev response saying something one way or another.

D: Toss me a hai @DarkNat My Fify glory: Renzer Dark/Dark Corr., Renzro Dark/Dark Def., Amartasu Dark/Dark Scrap.Less important ones: Fire/Fire Blaster,Ice/Ice Blaster,Ele/Ele Brute, Mind/Storm Troll,Fire/Kin Corr.,Bots/FF MM., DB/Regen Scrap.



Originally Posted by thedarkeone View Post
If drop rates have been adjusted then. . . Wow. . . I can see the markets going over a billion per purple!
Drop rates have NOT been adjusted. Synapse said so.
One of the more popular theories seems to be that the team size setting creates 'phantom' teammates and the recipes go into the void. Thus, the drops are generated (and logged for the devs datamining) but no one actually gets them.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Drop rates have NOT been adjusted. Synapse said so.
One of the more popular theories seems to be that the team size setting creates 'phantom' teammates and the recipes go into the void. Thus, the drops are generated (and logged for the devs datamining) but no one actually gets them.
THis is what I was thinking too. I did my Battle maiden map solo, -1 set for 8, no bosses and got 3 basic and 3 common recipes. Salvage seemed to drop fairly regularly though

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Drop rates have NOT been adjusted. Synapse said so.
One of the more popular theories seems to be that the team size setting creates 'phantom' teammates and the recipes go into the void. Thus, the drops are generated (and logged for the devs datamining) but no one actually gets them.
My problem with this is twofold:

1: It would imply that devs actually coded the spawn sizes to be based on team size, rather than basing spawns off of difficulty level. That would seem awfully bizarre. (However, two of the folks I've spoken to that feel like drops are better were either dual or triple boxing, so there may very well be something to that.)

2: It doesn't explain why I've seen ZERO uncommon or rare drops unless I'm just a truly unlucky *******.

Be well, people of CoH.



I also agree with this and said it two days ago and got ripped into about it. I have run a few maps set for 8 +2 and walked away with at best 2 or 3 recipes when pre I16 was filling with recipes and salvage and would have to run to WW or store after a few runs, At this point i could run the same mission all day and not fill up to max.



I got a purple last week on a 7-man team. I dunno, random number god?



Bad luck streaks don't last all the way through beta and follow you to live.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Radmind View Post
THis is what I was thinking too. I did my Battle maiden map solo, -1 set for 8, no bosses and got 3 basic and 3 common recipes. Salvage seemed to drop fairly regularly though
This seems possible.

Just ran Unai's zombie mission -1 set for 8.
1 Invention (Range) - 50
1 Psionic Threat Report
1 Nevermelting Ice
2 Ruby
1 Bleeding Stone
1 Shield of Joule
1 Stride of Grey

Counted through the tab and had upwards of 300 rewarding mobs in there.
I've also joined various farm teams for PL purposes and my lowbie almost always has to delete a recipe every 2-3 minutes of play.
It does seem as if the virtual teammates are being awarded drops.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
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Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
Counted through the tab and had upwards of 300 rewarding mobs in there.
I no longer have easy access to that map. How variable are the spawns? What I mean is, there is a Council warehouse map I used villainside, because it requires a glowie click to complete. Killing every enemy on the map resulted in 268 minions, 68 lieutenants, and 8 bosses (who auto-downgraded).

Every. Time. Those exact numbers replicated every time.

And on that map, I have never gotten more than 5 recipes when solo but set to the equivalent of 8 villains. The average is about 3, for 344 defeats, on at least 20 runs over beta and live.

There are maps that are less extreme. Beber seems to get around 70% of advertised drop rates. I've found other maps that are very "feast or famine" and either give 50% or 100+%. I strongly suspect that there's something that happens when the map is spawned that determines where drops are going to fall, but have run out of things to guess at. It may also have something to do with the nature of the spawns; the BP map is unique in high-level play. Those mobs didn't even count as BP for badge purposes for a long time. The Axis Amerika map is not unique, but the mobs don't occur that often. The Council map includes Bounty Hunter bosses who appear nowhere else in the game. The Battle Maiden map includes low-occurrence high-level mobs.

None of which explains BillZ's lack of drops in paper missions, which I've also observed, and in Borea missions, and in Cimerora missions. Flailing guesswork is guesswork.

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Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
I no longer have easy access to that map. How variable are the spawns? What I mean is, there is a Council warehouse map I used villainside, because it requires a glowie click to complete. Killing every enemy on the map resulted in 268 minions, 68 lieutenants, and 8 bosses (who auto-downgraded).

Every. Time. Those exact numbers replicated every time.

Your average group will have a Death or Storm Shaman surrounded by two or three husks. Occasionally a Spirit will float around and a Totem will be lurking in a group.

The groups are tightly packed except in the 'crevice' and it doen't take much time to defeat them, for themost part.
I easily get more than 8 bossess though...I count 6-10 Spirits and 1-3 Totems per run. They do 'con' as LTs for my purposes though.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Drop rates have NOT been adjusted. Synapse said so.
Well, looking at Synapse's post, he only said that ticket drops have not been reduced in the MA. That wouldn't by itself seem to preclude that (through a bug, or maybe even intentionally) recipe drop rates have changed.



I ran a couple Battle Maiden farms today, both with my wife tagging along and doorsitting. It was set to spawn for 6, at +2 levels. Between the two of us, in those 2 runs, we got a total of 10 recipes, only 1 of which was a non-generic. I ran a third farm later on, with 2 other people on the team (3 total), with the exact same difficulty settings, and between my wife and I we got 6 recipes. Something's definitely up here.



If your getting way more drops set to 1 player than that settles it.

They'll probably fix it in a patch later this week.



Ok, made a new toon. Ran from 1 - 18 in the last day all streetsweeping, scanners, and a couple arcs. Grand total of 5 recipes in mission; 2 of which were set recipes. Salvage seemed ok as did inspirations. The interesting part; after level 6 I was set at -1 for 3 or 5 people.



there a discussion that explains this? i hear this was discussed and dropped during beta. Bah!



I ran two Master 5th Column TFs and did not recieve any rare recipes.

I two Master of Imperious TFs and did not recieve any rare recipes.


I know master has nothing to do with it, but those were the types I ran. And thats a lot of AVs.
This isn't working, I think it's bugged. Can any redname give a heads up on this? Is it working as intended?



I've been running tests and posting the results in the Market section of the boards. The drop rates are no where near what I expected for running missions set for 8 men. But the most upsetting part is the dev silence on the matter. This is a much anticipated feature that does not seem to be working as expected. Personally it is the ONLY feature of I16 I was looking forward to. When you take the complaints during beta and the complaints since I16 went live, and combine them with the data players are providing as well as our various theories I would have expected some sort of dev response by now.

I will be doing one last batch of testing tonight using Herostats (crossing fingers that it will still work for me). Depending on how long I can stomach the high risk and little rewards, I'll either post the results tonight or tomorrow morning.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

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Arc ID: 413575



When you take the complaints during beta and the complaints since I16 went live, and combine them with the data players are providing as well as our various theories I would have expected some sort of dev response by now.
I bet we get a response about it today.

Be well, people of CoH.




And again, this could also be a case of the devs looking at the wrong data. They are human, after all. People have been typically labeling this as something wrong with drop rates, whereas it could very well be an unintended side-effect of the SSK system. If the devs looked at the data concerning drop rates and saw that, overall, the numbers were in the right area, of course they'd say that drop rates are fine. Because if what some people think is happening actually is happening, those drops are being awarded ... to phantom teammates due to the game seeing a solo player fighting 6-man spawns as a team of 6 players and dispersing drops as it normally would in a team situation.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I bet we get a response about it today.
You mean since Posi is back?



Actually I meant because it's Monday and the forums exploded this weekend about the drop rates and I've little doubt that some dev mailboxes received more than one PM on the topic.

Be well, people of CoH.