Drop Rates Still Borked




Originally Posted by Glacier_Peak View Post
I ran two Master 5th Column TFs and did not recieve any rare recipes.

I two Master of Imperious TFs and did not recieve any rare recipes.


I know master has nothing to do with it, but those were the types I ran. And thats a lot of AVs.
This isn't working, I think it's bugged. Can any redname give a heads up on this? Is it working as intended?
Last 3 ITF`s before the i16, that I did, dropped NOTHING for me. And by nothing I mean ... few stupid enhancements and some random salvage sold for couple influence coins. Love the TF but the drops were BAD! VERY BAD!



Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
I was basing my comment on a PM conversation I had going with Synapse. Based on his posting, however, it appears that he's concluded that we're imagining the problem.

Given the fact that the only way I could possibly offer him to replicate the problem would be, "Log into my main villain and run this map," I understand where he's coming from. I believe that the problem is a combination of character and map, and could be based off anything from number of consecutive consonants in your global name to the height slider. But if we can't give him a way to make the problem happen, there's nothing for him to fix.
I'm trying to reconcile mixed messages as well.

Be well, people of CoH.



Are all these tests done on live?
Could someone run a few missions on test to see if we are missing something?



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
Are all these tests done on live?
Could someone run a few missions on test to see if we are missing something?

We could, but my drop rates doing paper/scanner missions on test were what prompted me to bring it up during beta.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Drop rates have NOT been adjusted. Synapse said so.
One of the more popular theories seems to be that the team size setting creates 'phantom' teammates and the recipes go into the void. Thus, the drops are generated (and logged for the devs datamining) but no one actually gets them.
Even if these phantom teammates did exist, the chance to get a drop doesn't change depending on your team size, does it?

Personally, I would be wary of self-affirming theories.

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Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
Even if these phantom teammates did exist, the chance to get a drop doesn't change depending on your team size, does it?

Personally, I would be wary of self-affirming theories.
I have run several missions set for +1, team of 4 solo (radio) and received a crapload of inspirations (Council are good for something) and some recipes, mostly your garden variety damage, healing and such.

I then ran another council mission on the same setting, but having logged in two of my other characters as well. It dramatically changed the droprate, where my main character now received some actual valuable recipes, but a lot LESS inspirations. It seemed as though the inspirations have some other mystical way of telling how many people are actually in the mish than recipes. But the fact remains that the drop of recipes went up in that mission, or at least the quality of the drops, while inspirations were spread equally among characters on the map.

I can't say if this holds true, I have not ran this extensively, it's this observation for now for me.



OK, just ran my Save Carnival Victime's mission again this evening. Large map, set at +0 (lvl 50), for 5 people, no bosses. Had a total of 2 recipe drops, 1 accuracy, 1 Thunderstrike (yellow), 50+ salvage, plenty of inspirations. But 2 recipe drops?

Before issue 16 I used to use this map filled with 3 or 4 people and would have to delete recipes, salvage, etc. Sorry Synapse, this has been my experience with issue 16 since Beta and still not having any luck. This is on Freedom.



Surely the drop rates should be based on random? Therfore what you got pre-i16 doesn't neccesarily mean you get teh same post i16 etc etc....



Originally Posted by smokeit View Post
Surely the drop rates should be based on random? Therfore what you got pre-i16 doesn't neccesarily mean you get teh same post i16 etc etc....
The rates should be the same over a large enough sample size unless they get changed.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by smokeit View Post
Surely the drop rates should be based on random? Therfore what you got pre-i16 doesn't neccesarily mean you get teh same post i16 etc etc....
This is about the 15th time I have run the mission since Issue 16 hit beta (usually test a little more but work has been killing me). Not one of those runs produced more than 5 recipe drops. Every single time before issue 16 I could fill my recipe drops by setting that map for 5 people, and most of the time collect 80 salvage or better.

Whether I run radio missions, regular missions, or story arcs (haven't had time to test O arcs) my drops are "way, way down" compared to previously. And that is whether I am solo on a new character or on my spines/dark or fire/kin with loaded maps.

I know Synapse said he cannot produce these same results but I am definitely getting a little frustrated with these results. Of course, it gives me more time for my lowbies but was really hoping to join the influence cap crowd on one of my toons before the end of the year. . . With only 400 million left to go, I dont see it happening unless recipes start dropping for me again.



I too feel that drop rates are off. So much so, in fact, it has sucked most of the remaining fun out of the game for me. After five years, I was really looking forward to being able to run huge spawns solo and finish off more than the 2 or 3 I've finished from my stable of 70 or more chars.

I played for two days after I16 went live, and haven't logged on since. I sure hope they find out that it is broken and fix it, cause I can't see myself continuing to play this much longer otherwise.



I just wanted to put in my 2 cents and hopefully add to the growing data concerning this issue.

Last night I was running missions with a couple friends on my level 32 Tanker.
We had mobs set to even level and team size to 8 for the three of us.
Over the course of four door missions, one teammate got 3 recipes, I got 5, and another teammate got 1. So a total of 9 recipes spread across 3 people on four door missions sized for 8 players. That just doesn't sound right to me.

After those missions, we got joined by one more person (another Tanker). We then did the fire/emp's mission (he was level 50, so everyone but him was SK'd to 49). His difficulty was set to even level, team of 4. Since we were already a team of 4, the spawns were normal for that team size anyway. It was the mission from Unai Kemen to kill Requiem. It was a fairly large outdoor map FILLED with werewolves. We cleared the entire map. Not one recipe of any kind dropped for anyone.

Perception issue, huh? I'm sorry but I disagree. Something is wrong. My server's global channels are filled with people complaining about the drop rates. As a former programmer, I understand that a bug like this is going to be murder for the dev's to fix as it appears totally random and thus very hard to reproduce. But I firmly believe the bug is real. I just hope the Dev's listen to us, can find it, and fix the bloody thing.



Originally Posted by TheSwamper View Post
I too feel that drop rates are off. So much so, in fact, it has sucked most of the remaining fun out of the game for me. After five years, I was really looking forward to being able to run huge spawns solo and finish off more than the 2 or 3 I've finished from my stable of 70 or more chars.
You are not alone I have an SG mate or two that played 1 day or so and quit until they are fixed. 1 even said he could tell the drop rates were off, and left before it hit the boards (at least from my searches (weak search-fu possibly) to convince him to stay around).

My experience is backing up the general trend, and I've stayed away from my 50s as a result - other than MA arcs to collect tix (that doesn't seem broken).

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Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
My experience is backing up the general trend, and I've stayed away from my 50s as a result - other than MA arcs to collect tix (that doesn't seem broken).
I've been lurking in these discussions, but not contributing since I don't have a lot to offer in terms of hard data collection (my opinion based on play: something ain't right).

However, I have noticed that no one is complaining about the ticket drop rates having changed. Since tickets substitute for other drops like recipe drops, this could be a clue as to where a possible bug may be lurking.

If the hypothetical bug affects regular missions but not MA ticket drops, that factoid should limit the search parameters in some respect.

Has anyone tested Developer's Choice missions specifically? That's a hybrid animal that could be different enough to offer some insight.

(Sorry to offer advice and not help, but I simply don't have the time right now.)



well back to AE by the looks of it, tix still seem to drop quickly enough and while I actually like random drops while playing much more I definitely prefer something to nothing .

Synapse's post does nothing but make this issue look like a fix is not in the foreseeable future.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
well back to AE by the looks of it, tix still seem to drop quickly enough and while I actually like random drops while playing much more I definitely prefer something to nothing .

Synapse's post does nothing but make this issue look like a fix is not in the foreseeable future.
I am going to have to agree. This has the earmarks of the type of bug that may be around for a while. I just hope the fallout from this doesn't upset the Markets too badly. Prices on some recipes were already inflated enough without a bug like this making the situation worse.

So much for getting my Tanker soft-capped in the near future, I guess.



Can someone PM me a few AE ID#s good for farming tickets?


Be well, people of CoH.



Me too!

We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



Originally Posted by TheSwamper View Post
I too feel that drop rates are off. So much so, in fact, it has sucked most of the remaining fun out of the game for me. After five years, I was really looking forward to being able to run huge spawns solo and finish off more than the 2 or 3 I've finished from my stable of 70 or more chars.

I played for two days after I16 went live, and haven't logged on since. I sure hope they find out that it is broken and fix it, cause I can't see myself continuing to play this much longer otherwise.
I am wondering if there wasn't a "stealth" change to recipe drop-rates, and here's why: the new eight-man setting.

Leaving the rates alone would mean that people could be alone in a mission and come out with an ungodly amount of recipes anyways. This of course would be an "exploit."

So to prevent "exploits," recipe drop rate was greatly reduced - and I seem to be seeing less salvage these days as well, although I may be wrong on that one. What people never seem to remember is that anytime we get a new ability such as this, something else will be "adjusted" in the name of "balance." Therefore be careful what you wish for, you may just end up paying for it in some unexpected way.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I am wondering if there wasn't a "stealth" change to recipe drop-rates, and here's why: the new eight-man setting.

Leaving the rates alone would mean that people could be alone in a mission and come out with an ungodly amount of recipes anyways. This of course would be an "exploit."

So to prevent "exploits," recipe drop rate was greatly reduced - and I seem to be seeing less salvage these days as well, although I may be wrong on that one. What people never seem to remember is that anytime we get a new ability such as this, something else will be "adjusted" in the name of "balance." Therefore be careful what you wish for, you may just end up paying for it in some unexpected way.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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Considering that Positron appears to have no difficulty telling his playerbase news that they don't want to hear, I have a very hard time believing tinfoil hat brigade ideas on this topic.

I'd be far more likely to believe that Posi would just come out and say "yup, we nerfed drop rates. Suffer."

He did ban a bunch of people from the game on a whim after all.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I am wondering if there wasn't a "stealth" change to recipe drop-rates, and here's why: the new eight-man setting.

Leaving the rates alone would mean that people could be alone in a mission and come out with an ungodly amount of recipes anyways. This of course would be an "exploit."

So to prevent "exploits," recipe drop rate was greatly reduced - and I seem to be seeing less salvage these days as well, although I may be wrong on that one. What people never seem to remember is that anytime we get a new ability such as this, something else will be "adjusted" in the name of "balance." Therefore be careful what you wish for, you may just end up paying for it in some unexpected way.
I really, really hope this is not the case here. Since Synapse has gone on record as stating there was no intention to change drop rates at all, I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt.



Despite the overwhelming evidence of a broken droprate system, the Devs response was pretty much 'It's all in your head'

Looks like at the end of this month, my CoH sub money is going to remain all in my pocket as there is little involvement from the developers on this pretty serious issue

Perhaps they have some sort of under-the-table deal with Cryptic to get players leaving CoH and start playing CO...

Global: @NR
POHSYB: We've been in this meeting for six hours. Can I go back to my box?
Pohsyb sighs.



I have no hard data, but I still find nothing amiss with the drop rates. Before i16, it took me (usually) two runs set at 8-man to fill up with salvage and recipes. It still takes two runs. Sure, I have a run every now and then when I get nothing, I also get runs where I get 15 recipes.

If there is a difference, I can't see it.

If you guys tell me it's borked, I'll believe you, but I won't believe that it has changed that much because nothing has changed for me, even a little bit, since i16.

Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

@vanda1 and @nakoa2



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I am wondering if there wasn't a "stealth" change to recipe drop-rates, and here's why: the new eight-man setting.

Leaving the rates alone would mean that people could be alone in a mission and come out with an ungodly amount of recipes anyways. This of course would be an "exploit."

So to prevent "exploits," recipe drop rate was greatly reduced - and I seem to be seeing less salvage these days as well, although I may be wrong on that one. What people never seem to remember is that anytime we get a new ability such as this, something else will be "adjusted" in the name of "balance." Therefore be careful what you wish for, you may just end up paying for it in some unexpected way.
This was my thinking as well. Sure you can have your difficulty settings all you want, but all the goodies too?

But I have been doing the good old Demon farm these last few days, +2 set to 8, all Lts, minions, no bosses (I'd say 5 runs or so) and while I havent got any Purples yet, and just one set (yellow) IO, I have got a buttload of common IOs, and alot of salvage. Going to have to do some more to see if anything changes.