Drop Rates Still Borked




So, wait, alleging that the Devs secretly lowered the drop rates for some esoteric reason and then suggesting when they finally announce that they've actually located the buggy code that they're actually trying to cover up a stealth nerf is not a conspiracy theory?
You'd have a point if I had ever said this.... which I didn't.

Edit: i really find it amusing that BI considers it "dogpiling" any time most others disagree, and definitely not a sign that perhaps most informed players actually know better.
No. I do not call disagreement "dogpiling." "Dogpiling" is what has went on for the past few pages as various forum... er... would-be luminaries *discreet cough* have piled on with the ad hominems in an attempt to force me to change my mind. This has been tried MANY times in the past and it has always failed miserably, just like its failing now. Ad hominems will never stand in for actual rational debate in my book. In fact they have the exact opposite of the intended effect.

As for "most informed players," unless you and these would-be Champions of the Borked Argument are actually developers yourselves - which I doubt - you are no more "informed" than any other player in the game. We are all out here speculating. Attempting to claim otherwise only earns you my scorn.

But do carry on



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Funny, I can't hear an accent over the Internet. I didn't even know you were European. This lends zero force to the creedence of your argument, true enough, but still.
"Credence", since you like spelling flames.

With that said, speaking in general I will point out that dogpiling has never one single time changed my mind on these forums.
Conspiracy theorist line #2: "Everyone disagrees with me! What can be wrong with them?"

There is a slightly simpler explanation for why this happens.

In fact I rather enjoy my status as forum lightning-rod: all I have to do is start typing and people go literally berserk with fury.
Misuse of "literally".

I notice you have quietly stopped defending the idea that a change that would be noticed almost immediately was made without documentation in the hope that no-one would notice it. That is probably best.



Actually, L_S, it wasn't TF mode or anything that the players themselves guessed. But your point stands: the devs, even AFTER testing this and not seeing a problem, still listened to the players when we said that things weren't a they should be. I think it's great taht Synapse tested it, found drop rates near what he expected, and still kept at it even with everything he could see telling him that drops were fine.

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Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Perhaps, we'll never know one way or the other. I hope it is a bug. I really do.

But otherwise, speaking in general the gullibility expressed by many people in these forums amazes me. I honestly wonder if a lot of people here believe every last thing the media tells them; because no one ever, ever fudges the truth, obscures facts, lies, or puts a spin on things, right....? This mindset seems incredibly fatuous to me.

And yet it is strongly endorsed. I can say nothing but "wow" as I back away slowly.
Liar, you haven't backed away yet or this post wouldn't exist.


Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
You'd have a point if I had ever said this.... which I didn't.
Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I am wondering if there wasn't a "stealth" change to recipe drop-rates...
Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Perhaps, we'll never know one way or the other.
You've accused the development team of changing the drop rate and then trying to cover it up since the players noticed.

This by definition would be a conspiracy as it would be a group of people agreeing to work together to obscure the truth.



Originally Posted by Lakanna View Post
Actually, L_S, it wasn't TF mode or anything that the players themselves guessed. But your point stands: the devs, even AFTER testing this and not seeing a problem, still listened to the players when we said that things weren't a they should be. I think it's great taht Synapse tested it, found drop rates near what he expected, and still kept at it even with everything he could see telling him that drops were fine.
It's heartening that they took the substantial pile of player-collected data into account and kept looking instead of just writing it off as a perception issue.

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Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
With that said, speaking in general I will point out that dogpiling has never one single time changed my mind on these forums. Never has. Never will.

This is true.
You never bend to reality, however pervasive its influence.
When the incoming fire starts hitting too close to the mark, you just vanish for a few weeks or months. When you return, you act like the offending argument never occured, relying on short attention spans and the crummy search function on the old forums to preserve your dignity.

It'll be interesting to see how this tactic plays out on the new forums, with their modern, functional search option.

I am far from a fan of embracing orthodoxy or bowing to conventional wisdom just because it has a large following. There are times when swimming against the tide is laudable and necessary.

This isn't one of them.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
With that said, speaking in general I will point out that dogpiling has never one single time changed my mind on these forums. Never has. Never will. Those thinking it will work this time are doomed to frustration. Sorry. In fact I rather enjoy my status as forum lightning-rod: all I have to do is start typing and people go literally berserk with fury.
Yay, B_I's back! I can't wait to see some new thread replies that hold up to the above statement.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
It's heartening that they took the substantial pile of player-collected data into account and kept looking instead of just writing it off as a perception issue.
It's too bad that many don't bother remembering that this is generally the normal M.O. for our dev team.

I was concerned that Synapse had turned a blind eye to the issue. I brought my concerns up and was quickly corrected. The next day he posts to the forum that the cause had been found and soon would be corrected.

I was, and am, thankful for that.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I am wondering if there wasn't a "stealth" change to recipe drop-rates, and here's why: the new eight-man setting.
Leaving the rates alone would mean that people could be alone in a mission and come out with an ungodly amount of recipes anyways. This of course would be an "exploit."
To this point, discussion was focused on convincing the devs of a problem when they had stated that they hadn't found one. Yours was the first definitive pondering of 'intentional' that I noticed.

(Now, as an aside, the accusations of crying conspiracy were well founded. Random House Dictionary tells me that a conspiracy is "...surreptitious or covert schemes to accomplish some end, most often an evil one. A conspiracy usually involves a group entering into a secret agreement..." So, by claiming that there was a stealth attempt (secret) by the devs (a group) to accomplish a goal (reduce drop rates)... That fits the bill of conspiracy. Amuses me that you dodge the claim later. Stand tall and back up your accusations!)

Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
First, I have no real idea if they're lying or not. But if so, I wouldnt call this a malicious lie, but a "we've got to try to at least maintain the status quo" sort of lie.
So someone takes your earlier post, runs with the 'doom' and equates it to lying. You dance around it and finally say it may possibly could be a white lie?

Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Yes, we saw that the first six times it was posted.

Do you really think the developers are 100% transparent when it comes to revealing every last thing they do to the game? If so, you have the right to believe that.
So now your fun is ruined. The devs have admitted the bug has been found and they thank everyone for not letting it go. But that ruins your fun.

And no, I don't believe they are 100% transparent, but I don't believe that they are malicious about it, nor do I believe they would directly lie (white, status quo, or otherwise) about what was going on.

Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Perhaps, we'll never know one way or the other. I hope it is a bug. I really do.
After a direct red name quote of it being bug, you come back to reopen the possibility that they aren't being truthful. Are you paranoid?

Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
But otherwise, speaking in general the gullibility expressed by many people in these forums amazes me. I honestly wonder if a lot of people here believe every last thing the media tells them; because no one ever, ever fudges the truth, obscures facts, lies, or puts a spin on things, right....? This mindset seems incredibly fatuous to me.
Yep. You don't outright say it, but then you say anyone who believes the previous comment is now gullible because clearly everyone lies. This continues your stance of lying and conspiracy, in the face of evidence to the contrary. I can't figure out if you're doing this for the lolz or you are just that paranoid.

Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Not really sure that recipe drop rates in CoX are anywhere near this dramatic, nor has anyone actually proposed a 'conspiracy theory " in here - least of all me, but go ahead and try to twist the issue; this is an old tactic and....yeah.... its old. Talk about straw men...!
heh. see earlier.
no twisting on anyone's part, everything you said lines right up with the very definition of the word conspiracy, as noted earlier.

Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
They call it "healthy skepticism" for a reason.*
yes, they do. Poking the gibbering paranoids is not the same thing, tho.

Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
People who believe everything they hear end up dead by their own hand in a room with a bunch of others, also dead, all wearing the same style tennis-shoes. A comet-"spaceship" swung close to the earth to pick 'em up, you know. So, they had to go. *cue the Star Trek theme*
Humor to hide the weak-sauce.

Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
So, wait, alleging that the Devs secretly lowered the drop rates for some esoteric reason and then suggesting when they finally announce that they've actually located the buggy code that they're actually trying to cover up a stealth nerf is not a conspiracy theory?
You'd have a point if I had ever said this.... which I didn't.
heh. see earlier. You really aren't very good at this, are you?

Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
As for "most informed players," unless you and these would-be Champions of the Borked Argument are actually developers yourselves - which I doubt - you are no more "informed" than any other player in the game. We are all out here speculating. Attempting to claim otherwise only earns you my scorn.
Now its a 'borked argument' further implication that the 'bug is a lie', buried in a generally good comment that this is indeed all speculation. Not all of it reasonable...

Anyway, my amusement for the day is through.

Oh, and its a shame you hide with your rep off (I'd + you for the cool avatar). While rep doesn't hurt particularly, I guess it may show folks that your opinions aren't generally respected. That'd ruin your fun, wouldn't it?

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Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I was concerned that Synapse had turned a blind eye to the issue. I brought my concerns up and was quickly corrected. The next day he posts to the forum that the cause had been found and soon would be corrected.

I was, and am, thankful for that.
And I am thankful that you didn't let it go. However, it was hiding, I credit your efforts (among others, I know) for not letting it slide.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



Chyll, you must be new to the mindless ramblings of Bad_Influence. Logic never works, regardless of how many holes you poke in the argument, but it was a nice try.



Indeed. Thanks to those numbers jockeys that got on this issue and wrangled it home. It was something hard to spot and even harder to prove was happening. You did some good work folks.



Originally Posted by Lakanna View Post
Actually, L_S, it wasn't TF mode or anything that the players themselves guessed.
Not directly, no. But the issue was with an uninitialized data structure that was being filled with data -- such data usually is pulled from something else in memory. In my particular case, I could repeatedly get good recipe drops in TF mode because, very likely, the data structure was pulling stuff from the area of memory where my "in TF mode" data was. Other people were seeing similar results by changing other things (maps, SG mode, etc) because their rewards data structure was being filled with something related to that instead. Uninitialized data structures cause problems like that, where you find that changing something in memory changes something else that's completely unrelated.

Originally Posted by Bad_Influence
As for "most informed players," unless you and these would-be Champions of the Borked Argument are actually developers yourselves - which I doubt
I am. Not of this game, of course; but this issue is not specific to any particular kind of code. Anyone trying to paint this as a deliberate change needs to get some programming experience and see what happens when a program they made gets random data feed into an important flag. The results will be very consistent with this, no matter what the app actually does; a lot of the time it will work as usual, a lot of the time it won't work right, and doing something that changes which bit of random data is feed will cause it to switch between not working right, and working fine.

That the problem was so streaky is one of the strongest proofs that this whole thing was a bug: a deliberate rate change would have affected everybody in the same way, not made a huge mess that affected everybody in a slightly different way.

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I have to say, on topic. Before I did a freakshow farm and got only one or two drops of recipies 5, max, of salvage but inspirationsdropped like made. Recently I have been gettings about 5 recipies per mission, which makes more sense for the x8 setting. Just saying what I saw. Maybe they fixed it? Or maybe the whole time I as just getting bad luck.

With Love,
Me! <3

P.S. The recipies drop include common IOs and recipies.

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Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
I am. Not of this game, of course; but this issue is not specific to any particular kind of code. Anyone trying to paint this as a deliberate change needs to get some programming experience and see what happens when a program they made gets random data feed into an important flag. The results will be very consistent with this, no matter what the app actually does; a lot of the time it will work as usual, a lot of the time it won't work right, and doing something that changes which bit of random data is feed will cause it to switch between not working right, and working fine.

That the problem was so streaky is one of the strongest proofs that this whole thing was a bug: a deliberate rate change would have affected everybody in the same way, not made a huge mess that affected everybody in a slightly different way.
If anyone has an issue with believing this was a bug at this point I recommend sitting in on a basic high school programming class (seriously).



Dang, seems I missed all the fun in this thread. Silly barking spiders.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I wouldn't so much call it a "lie" as them [the developers] knowing that if they admit to adjusting the recipe drop-rate, there will be a firestorm of fury and a lot of people deciding to decamp. So of course such a change would not be announced, or admitted to.

All I know is that nowadays, its very easy for a level 50 soloing on heroic to come out of a contact [not scanner, but contact] mission with either one basic IO recipe or.... no recipes at all. That is a DEFINITE downward adjustment, and I don't care who posts what; what I see with my own eyes will always trump a claim I cant see as being borne out by actual gameplay.

At this point I think a lot of people have left the game over AE-related issues. The last thing the owners/developers need right now is a confirmation that rewards have been reduced yet again, and you better believe they're smart enough to know that. Therefore I am hardly expecting a tacit admission of "Well yeah, we reduced recipe drops because of balance issues." Bwahahaha! So not happening.

The problem here is that an ever-increasing spiral of prices on the market is going to tick people off even more, which would be facilitated by a reduction in recipe drop-rates. Think about it: most people are doing regular content now, yet the market has not adjusted downward. Why not? This is the most likely scenario I can think of.
Yeah, I'm with you on this!! I'm put out by this. I'm angry. My anger will *not* be satisfied by knowing that this is an unintentional accident. The universe can not be so cruel as to inconvenience me without reason... that way lies MADNESS!!

The best explanation, nay, the only explanation that will satisfy the need for vengeance fueled by my NERDRAGE is that this indignity was inflicted upon me by people so MAD with EVILNESS that they sabotage their own game and brazenly LIE about it though nothing they can do can go without notice, thus driving off their customers and their livelihoods till they and their children go hungry in the streets all because they hate.... ME!!!

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Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Dang, seems I missed all the fun in this thread. Silly barking spiders.
Damn the very idea of an actual barking spider fills me with absolute terror.

Even at regular, quite small, spider sizes we have in the UK compared to most countires the idea of seeing this tiny spider and it letting out this massive bark for no good reason would cause pants filling terror.

The terror would have doubled if it's a wolf spider (who are the big bad boys of the spider world in the UK and who barely fit under a pint glass used to trap them).

Still now I know what to produce should I ever need to fill the world with ungodly horrors through genetic tampering.



Based on a number of ITF runs, the drop rate is significantly reduced.

I've also been leveling up a Brute - at level 17 I can only fill half his slots with 20 DOs - there just arent enough drops to purchase what he needs. I may be forced to go the AE route unfortunately.

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Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
I've also been leveling up a Brute - at level 17 I can only fill half his slots with 20 DOs - there just arent enough drops to purchase what he needs. I may be forced to go the AE route unfortunately.
It's not as easy for a lowbie to make quick Inf from the BM as it is at WW, but that's always been the case unless you get a lucky recipe or salvage drop that you can offload for 100K or more, which I usually have had at least one of by the mid-20s I'm glad to say.

At level 15 my dominator has a mix of DOs and TOs but can still handle her missions (+0/x1/bosses) By all means go the AE route if you want, but let's not pretend that that you're somehow being forced to do so.



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
It's not as easy for a lowbie to make quick Inf from the BM as it is at WW, but that's always been the case unless you get a lucky recipe or salvage drop that you can offload for 100K or more, which I usually have had at least one of by the mid-20s I'm glad to say.

At level 15 my dominator has a mix of DOs and TOs but can still handle her missions (+0/x1/bosses) By all means go the AE route if you want, but let's not pretend that that you're somehow being forced to do so.
No, I'm not being forced to do anything. I can continue to plug away at normal missions, poorly slotted, or go the AE route, which I understand still is dropping tickets at a normal rate. The vast majority of my new toons have got that one lucky drop - but the chances of that happening now are nil - I'm lucky to get any drops.

131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )



I was going to say the devs have all sigend up for the inf for cash companies but that would be

a, silly

b, cos im drunk

c,eeer see b



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
The terror would have doubled if it's a wolf spider (who are the big bad boys of the spider world in the UK and who barely fit under a pint glass used to trap them).
And whatever you do, DO NOT STEP ON A WOLF SPIDER... especially early summer. They carry their young on their backs... step on them, and a bazillion baby spiders go skittering every which way.

talk about "buggy"

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Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
And whatever you do, DO NOT STEP ON A WOLF SPIDER... especially early summer. They carry their young on their backs... step on them, and a bazillion baby spiders go skittering every which way.
And this is why we have flamethrowers.

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