Drop Rates Still Borked




Heh, debating with BI is useless Mr. NoPants. It's like talking to a person tripping on LSD.

It looks like they are listening and even paying attention but when they finally talk...it's all about purple ponies and fudge licking leprechauns.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Heh, debating with BI is useless Mr. NoPants. It's like talking to a person tripping on LSD.

It looks like they are listening and even paying attention but when they finally talk...it's all about purple ponies and fudge licking leprechauns.
I love those little guys...they taught me about fire and eating music.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Heh, debating with BI is useless Mr. NoPants. It's like talking to a person tripping on LSD.

It looks like they are listening and even paying attention but when they finally talk...it's all about purple ponies and fudge licking leprechauns.
Please don't insult LSD users like that. I figured out relativity with acid.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Heh, debating with BI is useless Mr. NoPants. It's like talking to a person tripping on LSD.

It looks like they are listening and even paying attention but when they finally talk...it's all about purple ponies and fudge licking leprechauns.
But if it can provide amusement to the person is it useless?

I wouldn't bother with the debate but it did occur to me some people might enjoy doing so.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
But if it can provide amusement to the person is it useless?

I wouldn't bother with the debate but it did occur to me some people might enjoy doing so.
That's true. I don't find it amusing but this humming weasel on my shoulder won't stop laughing.



I feel like Veruca Salt now. "I want a humming weasel, daddy!"

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I feel like Veruca Salt now. "I want a humming weasel, daddy!"
I havbe this stoat who plays skiffle, will that do ?

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by PuceNonagon View Post
I know my personal experiences over the last week or so are in no way conclusive, but yesterday was my first big playing day since i16 started. I've customized some powers and did a couple or respecs to pick up some new epic powers, but I've done only a little actually playing. Yesterday, I played most of the day.

What I did:
I farmed for about three-to-four hours, 8-man spawns.
I did a quick ITF.
I did three Ouroboros arcs.
I did three radio mishes and a Steel Canyon Bank mish.
I did a MoSTF.

What was dropped:
A Hecatomb dam/end
A Unbreakable Constraint hold/end
A respec recipe
4 Tempered Readiness recipes (I'm collecting them for a pair of ice blasters.)

It was, perhaps, one of the most productive days, in terms of drops, I have ever had. I can't tell you if drop rates are borked or not, but they don't seem to be so to me. On the MoSTF, I got the respec recipe, someone else got another good recipe, and there was little else. Sounds about right to me.
I have been playing for 3+ years, have 18 50's. I have never seen a respec recipe.(I dont play AE at all). As far as I am concerned, they dont exist.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Heh, debating with BI is useless Mr. NoPants. It's like talking to a person tripping on LSD.

It looks like they are listening and even paying attention but when they finally talk...it's all about purple ponies and fudge licking leprechauns.
I got negative rep for this post...

"personal attacks do not help, they make you look like a jerk"

I wish people could take a pill to get a sense of humor. It would solve alot of issues in this world.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
I got negative rep for this post...

"personal attacks do not help, they make you look like a jerk"

I wish people could take a pill to get a sense of humor. It would solve alot of issues in this world.
Well since those people can't take a pill to get a sense of humor, perhaps they could take a different kind of pill...

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
I have been playing for 3+ years, have 18 50's. I have never seen a respec recipe.(I dont play AE at all). As far as I am concerned, they dont exist.
lol, they exist. I know 'cause I bought one. But no, in playing enough to get 2 Mil+ non-AE prestige since their arrival, I've never seen one drop. I'm pretty sure they just magically appear at the BM/Went.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Do you really think the developers are 100% transparent when it comes to revealing every last thing they do to the game?
Considering Pohsyb clarified that it was an uninitialized data structure in the code, and I've seen uninitialized memory result in random erratic and hard to reproduce bugs like this one about a hundred times in the past, absolutely.

Occam's razor: the bug-in-the-code explanation is simpler and fits the known facts better than the "alternative explanations".

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This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Considering Pohsyb clarified that it was an uninitialized data structure in the code, and I've seen uninitialized memory result in random erratic and hard to reproduce bugs like this one about a hundred times in the past, absolutely.

Occam's razor: the bug-in-the-code explanation is simpler and fits the known facts better than the "alternative explanations".
Perhaps, we'll never know one way or the other. I hope it is a bug. I really do.

But otherwise, speaking in general the gullibility expressed by many people in these forums amazes me. I honestly wonder if a lot of people here believe every last thing the media tells them; because no one ever, ever fudges the truth, obscures facts, lies, or puts a spin on things, right....? This mindset seems incredibly fatuous to me.

And yet it is strongly endorsed. I can say nothing but "wow" as I back away slowly.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I can say nothing but "wow" as I back away slowly.
Strange, this is the same feeling I got when I read some of your posts on this subject...

Being critical of information is necessary, but the rampant amount of paranoya you have displayed over something as minor as this is astonnishing.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
Strange, this is the same feeling I got when I read some of your posts on this subject...

Being critical of information is necessary, but the rampant amount of paranoya you have displayed over something as minor as this is astonnishing.
.... And you'll get over it! I simply know you will!

People who believe every last thing they're told tend to end up dead under the jungle sun with an empty paper cup fallne near their cold, outstretched hand containing traces of grape kool-aid at the bottom. Or worse. History has shown us this many times.

Luckily this will not occur over anything to do with an MMORPG, but its still bad policy.

But in order to truly, truly insult me you're gonna have to learn to spell better; I simply cannot take a flame like this seriously when it is so badly spelled. Thanks though.



It would almost be funny if it wasn't so pathetic and sad.

Be well, people of CoH.



The Free Masons are a part of this somehow. I know it!

Pinnacle: Hold my beer. Watch this!
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
MA arc #117314!! Try it nao!!



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
.... And you'll get over it! I simply know you will!

People who believe every last thing they're told tend to end up dead under the jungle sun with an empty paper cup fallne near their cold, outstretched hand containing traces of grape kool-aid at the bottom. Or worse. History has shown us this many times.

Luckily this will not occur over anything to do with an MMORPG, but its still bad policy.

But in order to truly, truly insult me you're gonna have to learn to spell better; I simply cannot take a flame like this seriously when it is so badly spelled. Thanks though.
Zullen we deze discussie dan maar in het Nederlands voort zetten? En Francais peut-etre? Non?

Cheap attack is cheap, sweetcheeks.

I wasn't trying to insult you, nor flamebaiting, I was just making an observation.

But obviously you rather make fun of the foreign guy with his funny accent than say something sensible, so I'll leave you be.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Perhaps, we'll never know one way or the other.
The classic cry of the conspiracy theorist when presented with the idea that, say, if you are driven through an underpass in Paris at warp factor eight by a drunk then that is sufficient to explain your subsequent death in a car crash.

"Oh, but it _could_ have been a hit by MI5. We'll never really know!"

But otherwise, speaking in general the gullibility expressed by many people in these forums amazes me. I honestly wonder if a lot of people here believe every last thing the media tells them; because no one ever, ever fudges the truth, obscures facts, lies, or puts a spin on things, right....? This mindset seems incredibly fatuous to me.
This is a blindingly obvious straw man.

In other news... curiously, I got a respec recipe drop today. In the reactor room on the respec trial! I dunno who's buying these things for 100 million - I use a respec whenever I want one, and between free, veteran, and earned respecs I can't think I have a toon with less than three in reserve.



Don't ya love it when someone attempts to neg-rep you but can't because their rep is too low for the system to consider them worthwhile?

I sure do.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Perhaps, we'll never know one way or the other.
So, the expert in charge of the system tracks down the problem, tells us about it, and your reaction is "too bad we'll never know what really happened"?

Because why, there's some nefarious scheme hatched by the devs to DEPRIVE us of our rightful drops? To what end? They have 100% control over all aspects of the game- if they wanted us to have fewer drops, they'd just lower the drop rate and tell us to pound sand when we squealed. No need for black helicopters and Illuminati plotting.

You laughed when I called your pattern of reasoning "pathological" earlier.
I call 'em as I see em.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Thunderforce View Post
The classic cry of the conspiracy theorist when presented with the idea that, say, if you are driven through an underpass in Paris at warp factor eight by a drunk then that is sufficient to explain your subsequent death in a car crash.

"Oh, but it _could_ have been a hit by MI5. We'll never really know!"
Not really sure that recipe drop rates in CoX are anywhere near this dramatic, nor has anyone actually proposed a 'conspiracy theory " in here - least of all me, but go ahead and try to twist the issue; this is an old tactic and....yeah.... its old. Talk about straw men...!

They call it "healthy skepticism" for a reason. People who believe everything they hear end up dead by their own hand in a room with a bunch of others, also dead, all wearing the same style tennis-shoes. A comet-"spaceship" swung close to the earth to pick 'em up, you know. So, they had to go. *cue the Star Trek theme*

Riiiiiiiiiiight. That's a dramatic example, but no less so than yours. You don't like my opinion? Cry me a river.



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
But obviously you rather make fun of the foreign guy with his funny accent than say something sensible, so I'll leave you be.
Funny, I can't hear an accent over the Internet. I didn't even know you were European. This lends zero force to the creedence of your argument, true enough, but still.

My point here is that when you attack other people, you should expect whatever you get in return.

With that said, speaking in general I will point out that dogpiling has never one single time changed my mind on these forums. Never has. Never will. Those thinking it will work this time are doomed to frustration. Sorry. In fact I rather enjoy my status as forum lightning-rod: all I have to do is start typing and people go literally berserk with fury.

Their tears are delicious.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Not really sure that recipe drop rates in CoX are anywhere near this dramatic, nor has anyone actually proposed a 'conspiracy theory " in here - least of all me, but go ahead and try to twist the issue; this is an old tactic and....yeah.... its old. Talk about straw men...!
So, wait, alleging that the Devs secretly lowered the drop rates for some esoteric reason and then suggesting when they finally announce that they've actually located the buggy code that they're actually trying to cover up a stealth nerf is not a conspiracy theory?

It's actually pretty much a classic example of a conspiracy theory. Then again, i've seen you be so far wrong about other things that you weren't in the same hemisphere as right and then when your error was conclusively disproven aggressively accuse others of actually being the wrong ones, backpedal, sidestep and deny your error that i'm not really surprised. Ah well, we need a few nattering nabobs of negativism as good bad examples of how not to conduct discussions/arguments.

Carry on.

Edit: i really find it amusing that BI considers it "dogpiling" any time most others disagree, and definitely not a sign that perhaps most informed players actually know better.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...