281 -
Quote:I hope this doesn't mean a fresh upsurge in join-my-SG spam.When a Praetorian character leaves Praetoria for Primal Earth and joins a Super Group in the Rogue Isles or Paragon City, that Super Group receives a bonus to their Prestige of an additional 100,000P for each Praetorian that joins. The reason for the bump in Prestige is to make up for the fact that a Praetorian cannot form/join a Super Group while in Praetoria so isnt contributing to a Super Group until they leave Praetoria at level 20. The bump is to bring them in line with other Primals in the Super Group.
If it does, perhaps those Praetorians should instead get a Patrol XP style bonus to earned prestige until 100,000 has been earned? That would give very limited benefit to "dockpressing" someone who left shortly afterwards. -
Friend of mine put me onto it in i3. Oh, boy, was I green, even after reading the Gamefaqs material. In particular, I didn't know you could put more than one of a given enhancement in a power. My slot selections came out very oddly, and I rerolled Thunderforce for the first time shortly after figuring that one out. (Annoyingly, now they give out respecs like candy, I must have about five on most toons. I sure could have used some back then...)
If I knew then what I know now... well, knowing that Willpower would eventually be the set Regen wanted to be wouldn't have helped much in i3, I guess, but I wouldn't have made my second toon a "pure empath", either.
I still play, and I'm impressed with the improvements that have been made to the game. Shame they added a loot system, mind. -
I unselected "Enable Hotkeys" in atitray (third-party replacement for the hippo-sized Catalyst Control Centre) which completely removed the problem, although I don't believe atitray's hotkeys are implemented with the ATI Hotkey Poller (whose service has always been disabled on my machine.) From posts elsewhere it seems pretty much anything that watches the keyboard constantly might cause this problem. However, AutoHotkey does not...
Quote:That way lies double boxing, US accounts, and the situation where your highest numbered veteran badge is under 50 but the number is still higher than your highest toon level.Welcome indeed. As GG says, when you gotten bitten by the altitis bug and filled up all slots on Union, you have several more slots over at Defiant also.
Hi, Crayons. Think we may have met. :-) -
Hm, I didn't know that - not having a dual-core, it's not been relevant. I'd still like to try on a dual-core CPU, but apparently if you want a socket 939 CPU these days you take what you can get. :-)
Quote:The answer is "an Athlon FX-53". With the old 1.8GHz CPU, sound normal; 29.5 average, 3.0 minimum. 22050Hz sound, 47.9 average, 11.6 minimum. With an FX-53, sound normal; 36.5 average, 4.5 minimum. 22050Hz sound, 52.4 average, 18.3 minimum (!).I hope the answer to this isn't just to figure out exactly what the gruntiest CPU I can fit into my socket 939 motherboard is.
I wish I could scare up one of the dual-core socket 939 Althons and try with -renderthread 1. -
Quote:... which doesn't work. My hope was there would be one or two explodey sounds that would be played a lot and could be replaced with 11025 Hz oggs, but it seems like the slowdown is pretty well proportionate to the fraction of the sounds that have been replaced.When I get home next I'm going to use that Perl script to replace chunks of the sound with the reencodes to see what happens...
Another thing that does not work is putting all the data/sound/Ogg directory on a RAM disc. Yes, I have enough memory that that isn't obviously boneheaded. -
Now, why didn't I think of that?
Sound on; average 13.1, minimum 5.9 (these are all the figures from the bottom row of the chart). Sound off; average 14.8, minimum 6.7.
But the laptop here's a dual-core 2 Ghz - more CPU but less graphics card than my games box.
-renderthread 1, sound off; 16.4 average, 7.5 minimum.
-renderthread 1, sound on; 13.9 average, 5.5 minimum.
The lappie's got a lot of work junk running on it, so I think the figures vary a bit from run to run, but even so - it's overall much slower (and the graphics settings are all at the minimum level), but it's no slower or slightly faster in terms of minimum frame rate _if sound is on_. If sound is off, the games machine is much better.
I hope the answer to this isn't just to figure out exactly what the gruntiest CPU I can fit into my socket 939 motherboard is. I really wish CoX had a "play at most _n_ sounds simultaneously" option. -
I don't either (between your runs 2 and 3), but then you have considerably more CPU than I do and my theory is that Ogg decoding itself makes CoH slow - the effect vanishes with sound off and decreases if I reencode the Oggs at 22050 Hz and a lower bitrate.
Anyone with a slow machine wanna try it - or can you radically underclock your machine somehow?
When I get home next I'm going to use that Perl script to replace chunks of the sound with the reencodes to see what happens... -
Still plugging away. Fresh XP installation. Upgrade to SP1, SP2, automatic-upgrade to SP3, all the rest of the automatic upgrades. Newest ATI driver (9.11 for my X1950). nforce 3 driver lump 5.11, the last one. Import the entire registry lump for CoH to get exactly the same settings.
Same results. Which is interesting, because it's therefore not something wrong with the old installation, but vexing, because it would be nice if it had worked.
So... anyone do me a favour? Grab http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~d...horter.cohdemo (stick it in client_demos) and run
I:\games\CoX\CityOfHeroes.exe -demoplay shorter.cohdemo -demoloop 4 -demoframestats
obviously with the appropriate path instead of I:\games\CoX. Turn off sound (I mean, set the in-game volume slider to 0%) and try again. Let me know the average and minimum framerates. -
Quote:Er... I doubt it could be done to _every_ EB, but before second builds I soloed a few Elite Bosses with a one-attack Empath by the time-honoured method of going away and gaining a level or two. With second builds and the ability to -1 enemies straight off the bat, I should think it is far easier now. Certainly far easier than getting the heal badges on a scrapper, and I think I am totally confident that there is no AT/powerset combination that would find it impossible to get _a_ badge for soloing an EB.A Claws/Regen Scrapper is going to have no problems taking down an EB solo, while an Empathy/Energy Defender is probably not going to be able to overcome their regen, period.
Quote:Remember, this is a Massively Multiplayer Online game.
There's badges in the game for all kinds of random junk, like spending 1,000 AE tickets on a badge. I really can't understand the hostility to the idea of having a few for things done solo. -
Quote:The market mechanics aren't set in stone; they could presumably be changed to make life more convenient for people who buy stuff to use and sell stuff to get rid of it.The thing is, there's ALWAYS going to be someone who thinks the price is "too high" or doesn't like using the market. I'm really not sure what, if anything can be done to "solve" a problem that's essentially insoluble.
For example. a restriction on reselling of goods that have already passed through the market or an interplayer trade would make being a marketer considerably more difficult. For clarity, I'm not saying I think that's a good idea; the ramifications are certainly not obvious. -
Quote:I am not convinced. My answer to the salvage issue is to run a personal SG base for storage, and buy in (or ticket-roll) salvage only when I need it. With nine racks of common salvage, I could accomodate 7 1/2 of each salvage item; I always sell what I have most of, so if I am not playing exclusively in one tier and crafting in another, I approach something like that situation.I realize this is just a ballpark figure, but I think it's more than ballpark wrong if you don't look at tiers, or even specific salvage. Just about every luck charm and spell scroll and clockwork winder gets used for crafting, and if more dropped then those would be used as well.
I've only ever found myself buying or rolling more than a very small quantity of salvage when doing Invention badges - and that doesn't represent a net shortfall of production over consumption, it just means that if I expect on average to have 7 1/2 Masterwork Weapons and go for a badge that needs 8-9, it's obvious that I don't necessarily have enough in store.
Furthermore I have sold batches of surplus luck charms, etc.
As far as I can make out, there is no tier where production does not exceed ordinary consumption. I typically make and slot a plain IO as soon as I get a slot, replace it with a set IO as soon as a recipe bid fills, replace IOs every 5 levels on the low side of the elbow in the effectiveness curve, so I am getting through plenty of salvage. Furthermore I suspect if I could have an infinite amount of storage I'd have enough left over to do Field Crafter (and, of course, everyone does not do Field Crafter).
So... no, I disagree. I think in all tiers drops exceed usage by a considerable margin. I think they do so _more_ in the later tiers, but I think the greater price fluctuations are more down to inefficiency; new players vendor low-tier salvage not knowing if it has value, players can hold less salvage and so they don't have it when they want it, etc. -
Quote:It's a lot easier now you can -1 the enemies, but regardless - sure, people mostly do them solo, but that's not the same as badges that can only be soloed.I would say that depends on what character you're trying to get the badges on. Back when the Ouro badges were introduced, I duoed a great many of them because a friend with a mind/emp found it difficult to complete them with the serious gimp settings.
Indeed, if anyone happened to be wanting the full set at the same time I did, I'd much rather do them with a duo. Less soul-destroying. -
There's a familiar tactic at work in this thread where someone seizes upon the most outrageous of the charges laid against them and contends with that, because the most outrageous tends to be obviously false. In this case, marketers are eager to find some nut who thinks they regularly drop-kick baby pandas down the stairs, and surprise, they can demolish his points.
Do I hate marketers? Of course not. I regard them with the same mild vexation as I do people who pop onto badging channels and say "7/8 AE farm team wanna come u guyz", or people who sign up for the Cavern and go AFK just when you're teleporting everyone to the eggs; a little piece of grit in the candyfloss of heroism.
Take common salvage. I figure five [1] times as much common salvage drops as anyone actually uses for crafting stuff. It'd be nice if we could just make a big pile of it on top of Posi's pointy little head [2] and take it when we wanted some, rather than occasionally waiting a day for a Circuit Board because some American thinks they're George Soros.
[1] This figure is a thumb in the air guess.
[2] I mean the in-game figure who hands out that hideous task force, not the developer, whose head is likely round and perfectly formed.
ETA, because I'd better: the use of expressions like "having to" is intended in the context of things one might wish to do in City of X and in no way indicates a life-or-death requirement such as that for food and water. -
Quote:The OP presumably is asking why there are no badges _specifically_ for solo play, in the way that the TF badges and "Among Friends" and the PvP pentad badges (are there any?) are specific to team play.Just the opposite. The ONLY badges that need a team are the healing, TF/SF and related Master badges. Everything else can be done solo.
It's not a bad idea. For example, a badge for defeating your first EB solo would be a nice one to have. -
This extends even to soloing. Unlike in a real roleplaying game, what your character can _do_ is game-mechanically constrained. Accept that mission to rescue so-and-so's dog, and for all that you might like to roleplay the blackest hearted of rogues who would flip a coin to decide between selling the dog to a kebab shop and personally making it into gloves, you're going to rescue the dog.
But, beware, it awards the 35-39 Flashback challenge badges not the 46-50. Since it is by far the quickest way to get them, don't waste time on them on the actual 35-39 arcs.
Quote:You could, and it would be fair comment (as would the observation that PvP was initially a poor thematic fit with the hero-only game), but that doesn't really detract from the previous poster's observation that CoX shows you don't need successful PvP for a successful game.You could also say that PvP in CoX just never was really good, never was given much love, and implementing it as an afterthought when the playerbase consisted of course only of people that are happy with just PvE didnt help either, so players that were really into PvP went somewhere else.
Quote:Its more like they have a master plan that says which parts of the game are finished now and have to stay untouched until the plan says they will be worked on again.
I would love to see all the misplaced apostrophes and other typos that litter the game fixed. Will it get addressed systematically, as opposed to War Witch hitting a few here and there? No; 80% of the player base think "you" is spelled with one letter. What do they care?
Quote:Setting PvP back to I13 rules.
I suspect CoX PvP is doomed, but if I were trying to rescue it I'd go the other way. Introduce a zone, or alter (or double-instance) an existing zone, where you automatically switch to a third build (and away from that build on leaving). Plain IOs to slot in that build are free. Maybe plain double-aspect IOs, but with no effectiveness bonus for being double-aspect, just a way to slot half a slot's End Redux or whatever. Respecs for that build are unlimited. Any two players can have any build they please; the outcome of a match can depend on playing skill not tolerance for tedium. -
Quote:For over a year and four subsequent issues.I stated that because you assume that things have changed for bases and raiding post i13. I just assume that they may just be on hold.
Quote:Either way no one knows for sure except for the dev's. I know that if I created something for a purpose and it didn't work right I'd try and fix it, I'd figure the dev's are the same way.
You're missing the point, though. When PVP was turned off for bases, they were not just abandoned; another change was made that promoted the use of bases. This is an undeniable fact. Therefore bases are not seen as pointless without the use of PVP. -
Quote:Who do you suppose is unaware of these facts?they turned off PVP for i13 because they couldn't get it working. They remade a bunch of items in the base editor destructible specifically for i13 and pvp raiding. The Devs could never get it to work and that is why the base raids got shut off along with the collision detector.
Quote:Er... no, you aren't. It's not like there's a limited supply of missions! Defeat 100 mobs in 1 mission or defeat 100 mobs in 10 missions; the expected drops are the same, and so is the amount of time you spend fighting. You spend more time travelling (but that's not such a big deal these days) but you get 10 mission-complete rewards instead of one. There's not much in it.Soloing I carefully recorded how much I earned getting to MC and the result was better than 100% of what I earned for the end bonus. Using your method you have to do AT least twice as many missions to attain the next level if no more. Sure you are moving faster cause your not stopping to battle every mob but not only are you giving up XP and INF you miss out of enhancement drops, Recipe drops and salvage drops that can either make your character stronger or by selling everything richer.
I didn't find I had to - with even a little thought about sale prices, the money comes in faster than bidding on sensible IOs can use it up. And certainly I won't spend time to build up cash on any other toon - I'll transfer a chunk across and have done with it.
I never really mind too much about that anyway. Since running no-XP came in, I've run every TF no-XP, for example.