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  1. So I was MIA for a little bit and lost control of 1 of my SGs. Luckily Ironblade rocks and gave it back to me with all the healing badges too boot!

    So... to everyone out there. Ironblade ROCKS!

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrancEnding View Post
    Actually, I was thinkin' of startin' off with my SS/Invuln...

    I've become a pretty decent Taunt bot.

    Edit: I wash my hands between kills, btw

    I saw him do it. It was with the last kill's blood he washed it with so I dont know if that's very sanitary at all.
  3. QR

    I might not make it tonight or will be late. RL called and wants me to participate.

    I think we should do L4 PvP in Champion or any other low pop server. That server can be an Infinity extention for L4 PvP =) I think a lot of us are out of character slots in Infinity to keep natural L4s.
  4. Ever since the devs were great enough and found a way to make the zones empty most of the time, I haven't bothered to consider low level builds either. But i'll be there even on a wack build if I have to. Just to give you blood thirsty killer more targets.
  5. QR

    I'm going to need another one of your 5 minute increment reminders till start time stoney =)

    Last week was great fun. It was nice to see one of the MMs (GO CLONE GRANT!) get the most kills on one of the fights compared to all the other ATs.

    I IOed out 3 toons, 1 MM, 1Dom, 1 troller, all for annoyance so PICK ME! Hopefully they will get a little play time for kickball but playing a stalker is so much more fun. I also finally upgraded my stalker. Took out all his L33 IOs (33 of them). I dont know if that will make much of a difference but It kept me busy shopping and crafting for hours. I'm also bored at work so I'm wasting time by posting useless info.

    And for Johnny, I'll give out a price for MVP. This way it's not just about who got the most kills. I got a regen tissue +regen.
    So on all the kick ball games, after every game, send me a tell @eeekk and vote for an MVP from your team. I'll tally up the scores after the last match and give out a +reg recipe. It's OK to vote for me too. If I win it, I guess it can be like the Megaball and the prize just keeps getting bigger. I'll just have to farm more. That's right I said the F word.

    Stoney or anyone else should remind me to bring the recipe for the prize cause I'm pretty sure I will forget all about it by the time I hit the post button.
  6. EEEKK

    I Hate St0n3y

    Originally Posted by Big_SOB View Post
    I hate St0n3y because he beats me up in PvP! It's not fair
    I hate stoney cause he paid big sob to say he gets beat in PvP by stoney. Stoney doesn't even PvP.
  7. EEEKK

    The Win Tank


    Can AVs endurance bar even get dented?

    IMO Stone tanks dies in PvP. They use to not die as much since all they did was teleport away and all the way to the safety of the base. But i'm pretty sure stone tanks are pretty squishy in PvP now.
  8. QR

    Who is the base rep again? Maybe we can just request for a blank SG symbol. Or a small tiny dot. Or maybe a square border and it can look like a window =)
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    I give 8 infamy for 10 influence, and charge 10% more for off-home-server transfers.

    Going the other way I give 10 influence for 10 infamy.

    It's true, he cleaned me out. Anyone out there have infamy and want influence? I'll give you 10 influence for 8 infamy- special price, this transaction only!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I will part with 400mil redside on Infinity if you still need help moving. @eeekk
  10. Hi Isis. Mind checking the gladiator match options for us please. I think the matches are point based. Meaning you can choose max points each combatant is allowed to bring.

    Unless obcourse you want the combatants to set their own numbers however they choose.

    The only thing I really remember from the 1 time i tried gladiators a long long time ago was we had to choose how big (point total) an army one could bring.
  11. EEEKK

    Help with a idea

    To add the water effect you need to use slow fields. Those need to be crafted, flaoted, and can only be placed in a room that allows defenssive items.

    Not so sure how far you can do that with only 600k. But if you had more money I bet you can easily make a nice bar in an island by simply raising and lowering floor height and adding those piles of dirt all around to make it less boxy.

    You can also play around with the floating the dirt. The water boarder they give makes an interesting effect when floating above other things.

    That would be cheaper than having to get a secure room for defenssive items. I also like using the trauma rooms for bars and garden so you can put a nice robo bartender and trees of wonder.
  12. Hi everyone. I've decided to turn to you guys for advice and any help about gladiators since you guys probably know more about them than any other section in the whole forum.

    There is going to be a gladiator matche on Infinity next week and I am pretty lost when it comes to gladiators.

    I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what are good gladiators and how to I find them? Also if anyone has any good tactics that would also be very helpful.

    I've never really done gladiators before and I just wanted to support the event so I might as well bring something nice to the playing field.

    The only rule I saw was no mages or nightwidows. What makes those ban targets?

    ~tx ahead of time
  13. Hi Isis. I would love to support this event but I'm pretty clueless when it comes to gladiators.

    Are gladiator matches point based and how many points are we playing with?

    Can you and or anyone reading please give me some info on what would be good gladiators and where do I get em?

    I'm going to go post on the badge section now and see if I can get any info so I can come play with you guys.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Actually I'm going to disagree with most here and say there is such a thing, involving the empath heals (or therm or any other with a targeted heal). I quite often used to do this on my emp. If I saw a teammate jump into a situation where I was positive they would be taking a lot of damage, I would activate a heal before they actually took the damage. That way, they would be healed immediately after taking the damage.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This doesn't work reliably due to network and game latency, and isn't actually preemptive. So, you may disagree, but you're wrong. Healing is 100% reactive. Healing before damage is dealt does not mitigate anything.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Except in the case of powers like absorb pain. AB has a long activation that sometimes it's better to fire it off before the target is even hit if you know or feel that they will be taking a good hit. By the time the heal actually happens, damage already went through and you just healed it off. AB has such a long activation that I've sometimes hit it and by the time it actually hits the target died.

    So sometimes timing AB's delay and incoming possible damage is a good tactic to keep someone punching.

    So although I agree with you that healing is a reactive action. In the case of AB, if it's fired off first then it's preemptive. It's like taking vitamins. Or taking antihestamin because you know you will get an allergic reaction if you come across X.

    It's similar to projectile weapon concept. I can snipe a target at long range, super speed to the target and melee it right about the same time as the projectile hits.
  15. QR

    Dear Uncle Slax,

    I just wanted to say thank you for the new game. So... Thank You! I have created several characters and so far it has things I like and some dislikes.

    I must say that I really like how you are able to customize your characters. The way you can tweak so many details. I like how you can make a tiny little girl be the exterior of a tank or have a giant robot that dies in two hits. The tiny little details and control are amazing. It's what made me end up playing the game. At first try, the game play and controls were weak and the combat system too simplified. But after spending a few hours making and designing the character, I didn't mind the over simplified system so much anymore. It gave me more time to look at my new creation. I then went back to making more and more creations.

    I must say though that after playing the game for some time I find that what I dislike the most is the lack of individuality. It seems the the higher the character's level the less unique they become. What I mean is a character's powers compared to a similar archetype with the same powersets. Given enough loot, and purpose for a toon. One would find that the toon is not very unique compared to a similar toon of the same archetype of the same powersets. My guess is if you take ten people who participate in player versus player games and give them all L50 super strength fire tanks with all the loot they need to tweak their creations, they would be 90% similar to each other or even higher. The game needs more power choices and more diverse enhancements. They would all skip similar powers or get stuck with similar garbage powers. They might start with different power choices in the beginning but the closer they get to L50 the less differences they will have. After they create their final build, they will be even less diverse. Even though there are extra power pools one can choose from, it seems that the same four choices will be made. Compared to a different archetype, that other archetype will most likely pick 3 out of the 4 power pools that the tanks picked. There is just not enough choices to pick from or options to get what we want in the end without resorting to cookie cutter picks.

    Overall the game is fun and comes at me as how human beings should be. Unique yet the same. We might all look different on the outside but we are all similar inside. Thank you again for the fun game.

  16. QR

    A couple invasions I can remember is Raz breaking into the batcave and putting batty in his place. Another was Magneto breaking into the XMansion, kidnaping ProfX and taking the entire room with him to outer space before ProfX could even react. I think the sentinels paid a visit to the Xmansion several times but that's even really a fight inside the "base".

    Either way both encounters were sooo short unlike the 1 hour fights that base raids seem to be.

    But to the OP. Bases still serve a purpose. Not much but it does. Since we dont need to be in the base to make plans or whatever it limits the needs for the base itself. But it's still good to have one even if the functions are so limited.

    Does the community want more. Yes. We want more and we have been asking for some for a very long time now.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I Escrima, You Escrima, We all Escrima for ICE CREAM!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I fixed that one for ya =)
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Just give me the option of using dual anything with blades: axes, cressant blades, bats, carp, ANYTHING- even no weapon (escrima was empty handed at high levels, true?)

    Rather have more proliferation.

    Pole-arms, streetfighting or a punchy set would be sweet for melee. One or two pistols nice for range.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I agree. Giving us the ability to dual wield anything would be awesome.

    Eskrima is Filipino stick fencing based off of the spanish fencing. Filipino Martial Arts is the full umbrella and yes it includes empty hand.

    Now a lot of other systems might say, oh our eskrima has swords too or grappling or empty hand, but when they say that they might as well call it Kali. Kali is the made up english word that became popular and acts like the umbrella name similar to FMA.

    The word Kali is barely known in the Philippines and only because Kali became a popular term in the USA.

    If you were to walk around the Philippines and just ask random people if they know Kali they would be so confused. A few might even know about Arnis or Eskrima. But ask them about karate and everyone knows that. HAHAHAHA. It's the stupid colonial mentality that everything that's not local is good.

    To illustrate this point again, I've known some people there who loves to show off their pasalubong, gift from a trip. Shoes actually. They were showing it off as look at this. It came from the USA. Sad part is it's made in the Philippines.

    [ QUOTE ]
    speaking as someone who has taught alot of Kali/arnis/escrima for over a decade there are lots you can do with sticks that you can't with blades. Tho I often wish DB used animations based on FMA

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Let me correct my last statement about this. There is not much else you can do with sticks that you can not do better with blades. If you have really taught eskrima for that long, have you tried training all the same drills with blade? I am not trying to belittle your practice. I'm just asking.

    If you know the blade system and concept of FMA then I bet you you'll notice how you can do everything with a blade as well as sticks. You just have to pay more attention to the blade edge and the flat side.

    It would be nice if they did as BABs said and used FMA animations for a new powerset. But it shouldn't be limited to just blunt weapons.

    I agree that it would be nice to have DB have FMA animations but I also think that it looks pretty good as is. It would be even better if they had more animation style such as FMA, Thai, Endonesian, and all the other bladed arts.

    Hey Exx. If you want to talk more about FMA please feel free to PM me so we dont clutter this forum too much with FMA. I would love to hear more of what you have to say and what you actually practice.

    [ QUOTE ]

    As I understand it, the style is first taught empty handed and students graduate to using sticks and knives. The idea is that the style is generally the same whether holding a stick, knife or nothing. This makes an escrimador or arnisador far more dangerous than one would think.

    Oh and BaB, please please, please, please, please add an escrima powerset. I'll send cookies!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is almost all true. The correct part is that everythign is similar whether you have a blade, stick, or none. But traditional training actually goes backwards. You are suppose to learn the concept of the blade first so you can easily translate the edge side when you start training with sticks, dagger, short sticks, soft weapons, and empty hand.

    But here in the US in general but not all, it's dumb down some to make it easier to teach and safer. Specially when there are minors in the class. The last thing you want to teach them is how to make someone bleed really fast. So teaching is actually mainly sticks and then a knife and empty hand is added but all basic. Progressively increasing difficulty with all weapons and no need to have to graduate to a certain level in order to get to play with weapons.

    Some systems concentrate mainly on bladed weapons but then they lose out on the control aspect of sticks and empty hand.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Escrima's lame. What can you do with a pair of sticks that you can't do with a pair of unbreakable blades like we get in CoH?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Traditional eskrima is suppose to be trained as if they are bladed weapons. Some of the newer systems train them more fancy or simply dont consider their origin, which is blade.

    But the only difference they are suppose to have is how you approach the weapon when it comes in contact with other objects specially your own body parts and specially when it comes down to the grappling/locking aspect.

    But unless they decide to add grappling and locking into the game then there really isn't much else you can do with sticks that you shouldn't be able to do with blades.

    I don't think it would be lame. It would be a good option for dual blades I think, specially since dual blades now act more like blunt weapons anyways with no bleeding or additonal damage over time. Then again that goes for all bladed weapons in CoX. Everyone seems to not bleedout. hehehehehehe
  20. QR

    This whole game is farming. Doesn't matter what you are doing. AFK - farming for time logged on. Logged out - farming for dayjobs/patrol badge. Getting XP - FARMING!

    What people should realize is it's all farming. Some farmers just farm less variety, farming same missions, compared to other farmers, those who want to experience more variety.

    The point is some people dont really enjoy how old and boring the game can be, playing the same low level things over and over again for minimal rewards.

    Some do not like how stupid the AI can get. Some people just want to squish critters in mass numbers to relax. If AE was only meant to tell a story, then why do we always have to kill. Does every story have to include someone dieing or stealing something? Why can't we ever just go into a mission and talk. Oh because talking doesn't give XP. If it did, it would be too easy and that's why we always have to go kill.

    In the end it's all falls on what people enjoy. So you can farm a variety of products, run into several you dont like then cry about it, or just farm ones which are enjoyable to you.
  21. QR

    It also makes some people run into walls and over shoot mobs. It's funny to watch =)
  22. QR

    I agree. Psi your fireplace is one of the better ones I've seen. Nice work.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    EnnVee, I myself appreciate the Scoop's attention to base building and have no problem with your link posting. I believe most others here feel the same.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  24. QR

    Great Idea with a one way painting specially with everyone having offices, executive areas, and VIP rooms.
  25. QR

    Awesome work on the forklift!