Slax's June competition: Essay contest
I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.
yeah really.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
Can I repost a previous entry that I think will apply?
Can I repost a previous entry that I think will apply?
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Not if it's modsmacked as that's against forum rules.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
At first read, it appeared you wanted to judge other people's opinions but then I read it again. If everyone were to follow your rules, it could end up being a good thing. Not a petition, not a whine fest, just honest feedback on the game.
Good call, Slax.
What I like most about CoX? Jeez, a lot of things really, but one thing that keeps me coming back is the community. Hard to believe, right? Well it's true, the guys and gals of CoX keep me interested, up-to-date, and laughing a lot, which really helps with my own enjoyment of the game.
Of course that goes without saying that the helpful nature of the CoX community is also much appreciated. Not only are a lot of them helpful, well, quite a few are rather insightful as I have mentioned. Lastly, without a good community I would've dropped CoX long ago since without friendly players it feels more like a snooze fest.
WHat could be improved about CoX? Well, probably, in my opinion, the thing that could use a lot of improvement are some of the old zones and stories. I mean sure they're great, but they're looooong overdue for an overhaul. Plus, furthering the stories would be something quite enjoyful to read and experience.
THat's pretty much all I wanted to say on the matter itself.
Have a nice day!
My favorite thing about CoX is simple. It's amazing customization allows me to create and play a wide variety of super villains. When I bought this game my goal was to create the ultimate villain. Over the years this goal has expanded from alt to alt, new powerset to new powerset until my total stable of characters that I actually like and will play numbers in the dozens. While some might complain that the stories are not evil enough, or not up to their standards, nobody else offers such a rich variety of villains to choose from.
What is my least favorite thing? To be realistic, it's the seperate markets. Paragon Studios own numbers suggest the hero to villain split is 70-30 on any given day. With 70 percent of the drops and cash locked away by a barrier that makes no valid gaming sense (lolzarpee!) the villain side market can be an unholy bear to shop in. There are workarounds, but they are less satisfying and less fun. If it were up to me, I would merge the markets for the overall benefit of both sides of the game.
-Blood Spectre
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
do we post in this thread, or do we create our own?
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Post here, too many threads vying for main page attention as it is.
To Nym's point, I shall endeavor to be objective in judging.
2 good entries so far, when we have a bunch I'll announce the end date,original posts are easier to see merit in so post when you can and thanks for playing.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
The hell... a MISHMASTER sighting on the forums... and it's not a rant?!
Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.
The speed of combat is what keeps me here, along with the customization. Fast animating attacks delivering an insane amout of damage, ability to herd up large mobs then grind them into much, good times. Additionally, there aren't really any 'loot grinds' outside of for Purples or Task Force Commander Accolade as well.
Mostly, though, CoH is about being able to do stuff with almost anyone. Outside of Master runs, Hami Raids and PvP, there isn't much that you can't do with your friend that just logged in after a four month break. This makes it easy for new and returning players, comfortable for veteran players and appealing for lapsed players as well.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
The hell... a MISHMASTER sighting on the forums... and it's not a rant?!
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Normally, I don't rant much. On the internet , your best hits never really land the way you expect them too. That thing you saw on Saturday was long in the coming. It had the desired effect and getting it deleted was no surprise.
Dear Uncle Slax,
I just wanted to say thank you for the new game. So... Thank You! I have created several characters and so far it has things I like and some dislikes.
I must say that I really like how you are able to customize your characters. The way you can tweak so many details. I like how you can make a tiny little girl be the exterior of a tank or have a giant robot that dies in two hits. The tiny little details and control are amazing. It's what made me end up playing the game. At first try, the game play and controls were weak and the combat system too simplified. But after spending a few hours making and designing the character, I didn't mind the over simplified system so much anymore. It gave me more time to look at my new creation. I then went back to making more and more creations.
I must say though that after playing the game for some time I find that what I dislike the most is the lack of individuality. It seems the the higher the character's level the less unique they become. What I mean is a character's powers compared to a similar archetype with the same powersets. Given enough loot, and purpose for a toon. One would find that the toon is not very unique compared to a similar toon of the same archetype of the same powersets. My guess is if you take ten people who participate in player versus player games and give them all L50 super strength fire tanks with all the loot they need to tweak their creations, they would be 90% similar to each other or even higher. The game needs more power choices and more diverse enhancements. They would all skip similar powers or get stuck with similar garbage powers. They might start with different power choices in the beginning but the closer they get to L50 the less differences they will have. After they create their final build, they will be even less diverse. Even though there are extra power pools one can choose from, it seems that the same four choices will be made. Compared to a different archetype, that other archetype will most likely pick 3 out of the 4 power pools that the tanks picked. There is just not enough choices to pick from or options to get what we want in the end without resorting to cookie cutter picks.
Overall the game is fun and comes at me as how human beings should be. Unique yet the same. We might all look different on the outside but we are all similar inside. Thank you again for the fun game.
Building a Legacy
Tunnelvision. In relationships it is considered a bad thing, but in CoX it provides a clarity of vision that ensures years of enjoyment. In this case, my vision was to build a group of strong ideals that could tackle any challenge and emerge on top. Thus, The Darque Mafia was born.
We have completed every task in this game from the orignal LRSF (before the nerf) to the CoP trial. We have tangled with great SG's and VG's in Warburg, base raids, and the arena. Sometimes we have stomped the competition, but always we have strived to conduct ourselves with the integrity and honor that is rarely found in MMORPG groups.
It is the team dynamic; the camaraderie, that keeps us engaged. In addition to our fellow players, the Mafia has always been a tight-knit group. We talk on the phone, help each other out financially, and sometimes visit in person. We enjoy honing tactics, pushing the envelope, crushing the competition; any challenge that can set us apart from the hundreds of other groups on this server. We keep playing for the community and each other; providing a familiar name for returning players and a standard of excellence for play-style that others can count on.
We can only hope for improvements to and a revival of the SG/VG system. Prestige is useless in the magnitude with which we possess it. Base raiding and the CoP is not an option, thus a top ten rank on the SG/VG roster means nothing more than our earning power. Popularity and fame is determined by player-created events instead of an in-game function. I started out to create a legacy, and we have, but it is one that will fade into the ethos when the familiar players have gone. All we have to remember our achievements are FRAPS videos. When we leave the game will forget us, other groups will surpass our earning potential, and better PvP'ers will emerge. A true legacy cannot die; cannot fade with time; it is remembered and celebrated. This is what we long for. Abandon all hope ye who enter here. There is no renown to be found.
I'm gonna say, um, entries can come in until next Friday (6/19). Winners will be posted shortly thereafter.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
My favorite thing about CoX is it is not a fantasy MMO. My character will stay the same no matter what gear I have on unless I want to change it. I don't have to find 20 Wolf Hearts by defeating 50 Wolves. 20 people are not camping the same location to kill one boss that appears every 30 minutes. More importantly there are no dwarves, elves, or orcs and I am not in a civilization where the concept of cleanliness is a foreign concept.
My least favorite part of CoX are the instances or more accurately the limited selection of instances. Fantasy MMOs have pretty sweet instances and scenery. Most of the final showdowns in CoX are in the same location where we fight most of their minions. Why must the Clockwork King have to show up in a measly warehouse when we should be able to defeat him in his hideout. Going through hundreds of identical warehouses, caves, and offices is rather boring. Although the most recent TF/SF have had some interesting locations.
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
Edit: On second thought, never mind with that submission.
I'm enjoying both the game and the forums entirely too much now.
I'm gonna say, um, entries can come in until next Friday (6/19). Winners will be posted shortly thereafter.
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The suspense is KILLING meh! J00 tell nao?
I'm gonna say, um, entries can come in until next Friday (6/19). Winners will be posted shortly thereafter.
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The suspense is KILLING meh! J00 tell nao?
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Crazy busy this weekend, probably early/mid next week to reread and think about everything.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
I'm gonna say, um, entries can come in until next Friday (6/19). Winners will be posted shortly thereafter.
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The suspense is KILLING meh! J00 tell nao?
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Crazy busy this weekend, probably early/mid next week to reread and think about everything.
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zomgz! jur almost owt ov JOON!
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
[censored]. I want to do this but I have 2 more discourses to write. If I submitted anything to this essay contest it would probably end up being 10-15 pages in length.
I'll think of something to write about soon™.
I must say it was tremendously difficult to pick a winner. I apologize for taking so long to judge this, but here are the winners:
3rd Place (tie-yes I get to cop-out and play both 10 million)- BloodSpectre and DD
2nd Place- (15 million) EEEEK
1st Place- (25 million) Starpheonix
Thank you all who entered. Winners PM or send me a tell letting me know what toon (and side) you want the inf on and I'll catch you in game, congratulations.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
Congrats! Nice work ;-)
My contest for June is an essay contest on the forums. Topic: 2 paragraphs one one your favorite thing about CoH, one on your least favorite/what could most be improved.
- Essays must be CONSTRUCTIVE, no "What I like most is so-and-so is leaving, what I like least is everything" is not what we want here.
- Please 2-4 paragraphs (no novels or tl;drs). 4 is to allow for an optional short opening and closing paragraph if that is your writing style.
- Sycophantic posts won't win. "My favorite thing is Slax, I want to have Slax's babies. My least favorite is dark armor, lolz dark armor," while amusing is not what I am going for.
-Prizes: 25 mill for 1st, 15 for 2nd, 10 for 3rd. Payable to any character on Infinity (doesn't even have to be your character) in influence or infamy.
- Grammar and spelling count.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit