I Hate St0n3y
Who are you again?
for the sarcasm-impaired
Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.

I'm a sexy pork-chop!!!! - Running strong since July of '04
"Thread closed; I'm leaving this thread visible for St0n3y's reply." - Mod5
To be honest, I don't think I've teamed with you yet. And if I have I know I couldn't've hated you because I've never had someone on a team that I've hated.
It's very difficult for me to hate someone. You'd have to be a massive tool in order for that to happen. Stoney, you're okay in my book.
I hate St0n3y because he beats me up in PvP! It's not fair

I'm a sexy pork-chop!!!! - Running strong since July of '04
"Thread closed; I'm leaving this thread visible for St0n3y's reply." - Mod5
I hate St0n3y cause he spells his own name wrong.
he's a dirty Autobot
*challenges Stoney*
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
I hate Ston3y because he cheats at marbles.......... Gaaaahhhhhh!!!
Seriously, who are you? :P
I wouldn't say that I hate him. . . just that anyone who writes his name in leet needs to be slapped a few times.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I dont know you that well, but you´ve always been a class act, when we have run into each other.
And now your "The new mids guy", maybe people hate you cause your so full of awesomeness, i don´t know, it seems a possibility at this point.

I'm a sexy pork-chop!!!! - Running strong since July of '04
"Thread closed; I'm leaving this thread visible for St0n3y's reply." - Mod5
You could have spelled it Stoni and seemed European.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Ummm, no. lol

I'm a sexy pork-chop!!!! - Running strong since July of '04
"Thread closed; I'm leaving this thread visible for St0n3y's reply." - Mod5
You know you could have just used "STONEY." Notice the period there. it would work.
P.S. i have no problem with St0n3y this is just an fyi, St0n3y is the Man.
...well, unless you decided he should name himself Pinkie Pie*.
...but then he would just kill you in your sleep.
*Pinkie Pie is the name of a My Little Pony and is excessively pink, cheerful, and definitely way too happy for her own good.
It's not that I want to hate everyone... but you all make it so easy.
I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.
Lolz to the person that gave me negative rep. Obviously someone doesn't get the concept of a joke.

I'm a sexy pork-chop!!!! - Running strong since July of '04
"Thread closed; I'm leaving this thread visible for St0n3y's reply." - Mod5
I hate St0n3y 'cause he makes me PvP.
I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.
LOLZ at more negative rep. Some people are just too uptight I guess.
Ohhh and Eran.....Thursday......you die.

I'm a sexy pork-chop!!!! - Running strong since July of '04
"Thread closed; I'm leaving this thread visible for St0n3y's reply." - Mod5
It has come to my attention that a large crowd here on Infinity has a severe dislike for me.
So, I am curious as to everyones thoughts on the subject.
And let me be the first to say why I hate me:
I hate St0n3y because he is just so damned handsome.
I'm a sexy pork-chop!!!! - Running strong since July of '04
"Thread closed; I'm leaving this thread visible for St0n3y's reply." - Mod5