What changes do we need?




I think there are some inherant flaws at the lower levels that favor the heroes but I also think some people just don't know how the powers work.

I agree that vills are underpowered. I know people argue they are crafted for teaming but most people build solo toons. Since I do arena PVP my live build is pretty much a pvp only build too (with some minor tf lol pve tweaking - recall friend and rez ftw).

Look at cold corrs - most don't take the sheilds - most really can't when to stay alive in the 20-30's you need infrig, benumb, snow storm and artic air...fitting in two sheilds and frostworks plus the needed pool powers is almost impossible.

Same goes for thermals - thaw and forge come so late in the game and no good debuffs till past 30? that stinks.

So yeah there is that problem that affects pvp. Back to Jas's point. I think rare drops in SC would be awesome. How many people would come if you could pick a rare after 6000K bounty (with the possibility of a miracle!!) - but then - would it turn into a horrible farm fest? err...I would probably say yes...



Look at animation times for some powers...understand that some powers should be slower for power level purposes, but rooting in PvP is killer.

Reexamine unresisted debuffs/damage. It's fine to have a portion of damage/debuffs be unresisted, but when you pile on Power Boost/Power Buildup on top it reaches insane levels.
Perhaps just lower the % of unresisteds OR give Villains higher damage scales/better unresisted damage/debuffs.

Allow choosing arena maps to make matches more strategic and less 'luck of the draw'.

Have an actual PvP rep amongst the devs. With all due respect to _Castle_'s tons of work the "no changes to PvE because of PvP" is a copout.

Powers are coded to affect players <if target = player if target = critter> so modifying the <if target = player> scales could be done. So if my EF is reduced to 20% unresisted <if target = player> that does nothing to EF being used on a Boss or AV.

Perhaps limit the amount of stacking buffs/debuffs on one target.

I dunno, City of Heroes PvP is very fun and a rush to play, I'm going to keep doing it for a while but it would be nice if say...some builds fell out of favour and others ascended instead of the typical Rad/Psi - Ill/Emp - Fire/EM trifecta with the occasional Storm/Sonic teams.

I'd say PvP is in a good place right now but some tweaking and variety would be welcome.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



I could be wrong but I am pretty sure unresisted dmg is not affected by aim and bu etc.. the 30% is off the base dmg

so for example if I do 100 dmg and get 30% of that unresisted I will hit you for -30 off the bat

The remaining 70 would go through the aim/bu/fort machine -
so aim +62.5 dmg, BU +100% DMG, Fort - 37.5% dmg = 200% dmg boost

That 70 is now 210 - say you resist 30% of that - so 147 still gets in

+ my original 30 so

177 dmg..

that concludes math class for today

If they take away unresisted then it would level the playing field a lot...But I still think they need to tweak the dmg bases for villians.



<qr>What I would want the most is cross server PVP. What PvPers want most, in my travails across the boards, is a more convenient way to meet up with each other, as PvP is inherently more social (if not antagonizing) than PvE. You MUST interact with other people for the game to exist.

Cross Server PvP zones wouldn’t work, because that would necessitate a universal name list to prevent overlapping names.

Still, it’s what I would want the most.



Step up arrange a sirens call even on test...



Cross Server PvP zones wouldn’t work, because that would necessitate a universal name list to prevent overlapping names.

Still, it’s what I would want the most.

[/ QUOTE ]

There is no need for a "universal name list". In the zone, two players _could_ have the same name. But, the server name would be appended to their character name to make them unique. Ie, Super Lamo Man [Liberty] Super Lamo Man [Freedom]. These are unique names. This concept is also in use on WoW.



I would just say replace the title or add a new one:
{Liberty's} Angry Green Man
{Virtue's} Angry Green Man

Or do it as a badge:
Angry Green Man - Liberty Legends
Angry Green Man - Virtue's Villagers

Make it so it only shows in PvP zones and you earn it when you hit a cross-server PvP zone or Arena.



I think that after a stalker kills you on a PvP map, from then on you should be able to see that stalker at close range. This avoisds the problem of peolple being farmed by stalkers, and then getting ASed before they can fight back.



By that merit, Blasters should lose thier 30% unresistable 1.125 damage bonus... Scrappers should lose their ~5-15% unresistable crit bonus... Defenders lose their unresistable debuffs... Controllers lose containment unresistable

...to their previous kill...

People are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too pissy about the other side's burst damage.



Changes the EvilGeko would implement (But the devs probably won't):

1) New Server - Conflict - Full on PvP server

Mob spawns are very limited outdoors. All zones except Mercy, Atlas, Port Oakes, Galaxy, King's Row, Pocket D and RWZ are hero v. villain PvP. (Warburg can stay FFA)

Longbow creates bases for heroes to hospital/sell/etc. in the Rogue Isles.
Arachnos creates bases for villains to hospital/sell/etc. in Paragon City and surrounding isles.

People have to pay to transfer there, but for a short time, the cost is halved.

2) Different PvP powers ruleset

Having a separate server allows for a different ruleset. Balance the game for PvP. Leave the PvE server's PvP alone. If you stay there, then you accept that PvP isn't balanced and no whining about it should be considered seriously.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.






Changes the EvilGeko would implement (But the devs probably won't):

1) New Server - Conflict - Full on PvP server

Mob spawns are very limited outdoors. All zones except Mercy, Atlas, Port Oakes, Galaxy, King's Row, Pocket D and RWZ are hero v. villain PvP. (Warburg can stay FFA)

Longbow creates bases for heroes to hospital/sell/etc. in the Rogue Isles.
Arachnos creates bases for villains to hospital/sell/etc. in Paragon City and surrounding isles.

People have to pay to transfer there, but for a short time, the cost is halved.

2) Different PvP powers ruleset

Having a separate server allows for a different ruleset. Balance the game for PvP. Leave the PvE server's PvP alone. If you stay there, then you accept that PvP isn't balanced and no whining about it should be considered seriously.

[/ QUOTE ]




what we need is to get ird of the " if you don't have the right build then you have sometimes no chance at all against another build" more commonly called the rock/paper/scisor.

when everybody will start with the same chance of success, PvP will be fixed.



what we need is to get ird of the " if you don't have the right build then you have sometimes no chance at all against another build" more commonly called the rock/paper/scisor.

when everybody will start with the same chance of success, PvP will be fixed.

[/ QUOTE ]
This has been suggested. To quite hyperbolic extent. I have to disagree, 'no fun' would not be 'fixed' in my perspective.



Elegantly spoken nny,

However in CoX there is no possiblity of ever doing what you ask.

Unlike the newest pvp thing out there "Fury" there is simply no way to make everyone in this game start on an even plane.

So as some 1960's singer once said "dream, dream, dream"
so either live with it the way it is or as you will hear in the zones when those with the super uber pvp builds distroy the casual badge hunter,

"Don't come in the Zone if you don't want to pvp"




I read somewhere on the forums that unresistable damage was given to Blasters because that's all they do - deal damage. Since other AT's had some kind of way to deal with incoming damage (def, res, debuffs, buffs, etc...) Blasters had no place on a PvP team. Besides, if you take away all unresistable damage, hero side would be overrun by Tankers easily shrugging off AS after AS and then Stalkers would not be needed on a PvP team. Now some would see the reduction of Blasters and Stalkers as a good thing, but there are people who like to play those sets.

The most common complaint I see concerns the Energy Melee/Manipulation sets. Now of course nobody wants to talk about nerfing any particular sets but EM (both Stalker and Blaster sets) far outperform any other set within its respective AT's. Even Brutes and Tankers are finding their own FoTM niche in the Energy Melee sets. Extreme burst damage combined with fairly consistent stuns makes those glowing fists shine all the more. Wanna "fix" PvP? Fix EM.



...Tankers easily shrugging off AS after AS and then Stalkers would not be needed on a PvP team.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is what happens now. How would eliminating unresisted damage change that?

Blasters would still be the damage AT of choice because of the high damage modifiers and the ability to attack from range. Nothing would change in that regard.



...Tankers easily shrugging off AS after AS and then Stalkers would not be needed on a PvP team.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is what happens now. How would eliminating unresisted damage change that?

Blasters would still be the damage AT of choice because of the high damage modifiers and the ability to attack from range. Nothing would change in that regard.

[/ QUOTE ]

To be honest with you, I have no idea how it would change. I suppose AR and Archery Blasters would be even less popular and non-EM Stalkers would all but disappear. Tanks and Brutes would replace Stalkers and Blasters, perhaps. But I think the devs gave unresistable damage to Blasters and made Assassin Strikes unresistable so that Blasters and Stalkers could do what they were made to do.



Good start would be Global PvP Zone/Arena and Safe/Mayhem mishes actually Co-op missions (as I orginally thot they were to be when first brought up ) And get some of said fixes, Implemented...Wicked layout thou ColJasmine, Props



I read somewhere on the forums that unresistable damage was given to Blasters because that's all they do - deal damage. Since other AT's had some kind of way to deal with incoming damage (def, res, debuffs, buffs, etc...) Blasters had no place on a PvP team.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, all AT's are supposed to be fully effective when mixed with other AT's. support toons don't do damage or have defense, they do their work through classes that do. Defense based toons get their damage from support, Damage based get their defense from support, melee have support debuff the opponent to keep them still, etc. The balance for blasters getting through defense should be teaming with debuffers and the balance for their own lack of defense should be buffers, not unresistable damage. In a nutshell, the other AT's still need teammates to be fully effective, but for some reason, blasters and stalkers got a free pass out of that basic tenent of CoX in pvp.



...Tankers easily shrugging off AS after AS and then Stalkers would not be needed on a PvP team.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is what happens now. How would eliminating unresisted damage change that?

[/ QUOTE ]
I was unaware that doing 1/3 of a tank's health with AS was the same as doing 1/30th of a tank's health with AS.

AS is the only reliable unresisted damage Villains have. The only other source villainside is Scourge, which doesn't help until they're already low. Heroes have consistent unresisted damage from Blaster attacks, Scrapper crits, and Containment after a few mezzes (though BFs will defeat that).



AS is the only reliable unresisted damage Villains have. The only other source villainside is Scourge, which doesn't help until they're already low. Heroes have consistent unresisted damage from Blaster attacks, Scrapper crits, and Containment after a few mezzes (though BFs will defeat that).

[/ QUOTE ]

And stalker crits. A stalker's AS and crits are much more dependable and consistent than a scrapper's... Scrappers can have better chances to crit with certain attacks. But for the most part, it is a random chance (random being the keyword.) Stalkers always know that they can AS and crit if they can land the blow. And blasters, well, they get that 30% unresisted crap every blow not to mention defiance that is always active on top of it. Granted, defiance doesn't take effect until health is lost, but it is always on. With those two things and the wretched build up and aim, those guys can burn.

Containment? Bahaha. Yea... those controllers can really dish out the damage, eh? :/
Please, they're not even close to being on par damage-wise with most other ATs (maybe they are bottom of the barrel even?)

I will admit that scourge is kind of crummy. It is OK if it even happens to proc.



Stalker crits are not unresisted.



Stalker crits are not unresisted.

[/ QUOTE ]

So, when a stalker is in hiding and lands a blow on a target, the target does not take double damage? I can see what you're saying if the target takes double damage, but resistances are figured in prior to the orange numbers displaying. Is that what's going on?



it's just double damage when a stalker crits from hide. Unresisted means you do the same damage, regardless of the target's damage resistance. AS is unresisted, as is 30% of blaster damage, and scrapper crits.