What changes do we need?




months ago I made a massive post about this stuff. I wonder if it still exists, but I'm too lazy to go look.



<General QR>

I read somewhere on the forums that unresistable damage was given to Blasters because that's all they do - deal damage.

[/ QUOTE ]

Blasters also have holds, snares, slows, -recharge, stuns, as well as access to Personal Forcefield, Hibernate, Powerpools, and inspirations. So in reality, damage is NOT all they do.

AS is the only reliable unresisted damage Villains have. The only other source villainside is Scourge, which doesn't help until they're already low. Heroes have consistent unresisted damage from Blaster attacks, Scrapper crits, and Containment after a few mezzes (though BFs will defeat that).

[/ QUOTE ]

AS is only reliable when the opposing side can't interrupt you. There is nothing villain-side that can prevent the heroes from getting their inherent aside from the same methods available to heroes (e.g. staying in constant motion, popping acolades/inspirations, team buffs, et al.). Because villains are chained to their inherents and hero inherents are added as afterthought, it makes a big difference.

Containment? Bahaha. Yea... those controllers can really dish out the damage, eh? :/
Please, they're not even close to being on par damage-wise with most other ATs (maybe they are bottom of the barrel even?)

[/ QUOTE ]

Controllers with their epics were on par with blasters. This was recently changed They are now in line with the damage output Corruptors and un-dommed Dominators dish out. Their un-containment-based damage is now also on par with unhidden stalkers and brutes without fury... at ranged. With the availability of holds, still. *shrug* Glory days, rose-coloured glasses and all that.



Some months ago I started similar threads, hoping the Devs would give PvP some much-needed fine-tuning and rebalancing. In fact I went out on a limb to ensure they were listening.

Sadly, they gave us the Invention system. Inventions are mind-bogglingly complex; set bonuses don't seem to follow any coherent system. But from what I've seen, IOs made the balance problems worse.

An example. Before IOs Blasters, or more correctly "blappers", were too powerful while Dominators lagged behind. So everyone who wanted to enjoy PvP made Fire/EM blappers and nobody built Dominators.

With IOs came the Impervious Skin and Aegis status resistance enhancements, which grant substantial mez defense to both ATs. Both now have one of their main weaknesses covered but blasters come out well ahead of the deal, because the dominators' main strength has been effectively "nerfed". As Sean Connery once said, "our situation has not improved."

These imbalances in turn affect the quality of the PvP players. We sporting types who enjoy fair competition find ourselves outnumbered by unsporting, exploitative players who love cheap victories. Such players actively seek to drive everyone away from PvP to feed their egos, but leave immediately if ever faced with serious resistance.

Given the Devs' inability or unwillingness to balance PvP over the past two years, and with IOs aggrevating the problems and making them more complex, I've given up in despair and returned halfheartedly to the PvE game. I'm reduced to hoping MUO will serve as a CoH Mark II.

...which is sad 'cause Civil War made me want nothing to do with Marvel or their characters ever, ever again.

Wish I had something more positive to offer.



...oh wait! I do.

Buff: War Mace, Ice Melee, Dominators, Martial Arts, Claws, PPPs.
Nerf: Energy Melee, Rad Emission, Teleport Foe, Assassin Strike, Fear, Focused Accuracy.

That's a start.



Given the Devs' inability or unwillingness to balance PvP over the past two years, and with IOs aggrevating the problems and making them more complex, I've given up in despair and returned halfheartedly to the PvE game. I'm reduced to hoping MUO will serve as a CoH Mark II.

[/ QUOTE ]

I remember a certain poster wondering why the EvilGeko gave up on there ever being PvP balance!

Colette wrote:

EvilGeko, love your posts! I don't usually associate you with defeatism though. Presuming it -can- be done, I'm asking if the devs have the will.

[/ QUOTE ]

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Hey E.G.,

"I remember a certain poster wondering why the EvilGeko gave up on there ever being PvP balance!"

That was before Inventions, my scaly friend.



...oh wait! I do.

Buff: War Mace, Ice Melee, Dominators, Martial Arts, Claws, PPPs.
Nerf: Energy Melee, Rad Emission, Teleport Foe, Assassin Strike, Fear, Focused Accuracy.

That's a start.

[/ QUOTE ]
Doms don't really need to be buffed, domination builds incredibly fast and they can have perma dom with IOs.

As for the things you listed to be nerfed, just because you aren't skilled enough to beat or avoid them doesn't make them overpowered.



...oh wait! I do.

Buff: War Mace, Ice Melee, Dominators, Martial Arts, Claws, PPPs.
Nerf: Energy Melee, Rad Emission, Teleport Foe, Assassin Strike, Fear, Focused Accuracy.

That's a start.

[/ QUOTE ]
Doms don't really need to be buffed, domination builds incredibly fast and they can have perma dom with IOs.

As for the things you listed to be nerfed, just because you aren't skilled enough to beat or avoid them doesn't make them overpowered.

[/ QUOTE ]


Crying nerf fear, TP foe, and AS is just sad. They are two of the easiest things to avoid in PVP, on par with freaking tar patch. And there really is no excuse to nerf any meele toons, their all pretty outright bad in PvP. I could see nerfing stalker EM, but thats kinda lame because it still only puts it "on par". I'd rather see the other stalker sets get a buff first. As for Radiation Emission...lol. Its good, but its not nearly *that* good. Its all around solid, but anybody has a good chance against it. If I could throw the nerf bat out to one power in the game it would be TK, and then I would still request a buff for Mind to compensate (mainly because mind blows without TK). Its not that other sets are too strong, its that some are too weak. Like Dark Miasma or Meele. Or Ice Meele. I don't want sets nerfed *down* to that (yay 30min WoWesque battles), I want those sets buffed.



One of the fixes I would like to see to improve PvP is to improve the content PvE villain-side.

Of course there's a connection! Put more players ON villain side, which added content will do, and you automatically improve their chances in PvP.



stop arguing with perma dom
a dominator will be fine when he will not HAVE to get permadom to reach to the level of the other.

and by the way perma dom is not cheap. i know i will never have the time/influence to reach it.

and even permadomed if you are not a mind/** you are still a sheep.



stop arguing with perma dom
a dominator will be fine when he will not HAVE to get permadom to reach to the level of the other.

and by the way perma dom is not cheap. i know i will never have the time/influence to reach it.

and even permadomed if you are not a mind/** you are still a sheep.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not arguing about perma dom, I just said that doms don't need another buff.



perma domination was not a buff.
it's the clue that dom's are broken.

if you need specifique power to get the +70% of recharge by IO + hasten to have good performance, it's that doms need a buff.

especially those that can't afford perma dom or just want to be causual PvPer.

and btw, all AT with a high amount of recharge can reach a state that give them advantage like permadom.

dominator were broken before IO. they are still after as IO are available to everybody and not just for them.



Dominators are fine.

Leave them alone.



even before perma there were a couple beastly doms, the difference is, they actually put in the time to get that good. Doms are not a roll and be uber build, not all builds are like that, doms are a roll, practice your [censored] off, and then be good. Lacuna, and M3z, and Ownage, and R0x, weren't godly overnight, they worked at it and got that good.



Dominators are fine.

Leave them alone.

[/ QUOTE ]

where are the vid where you PvP with one of your fine dominator then?

seems you PvP with a blaster. you shjould developpe the "fine" thing.



Dominators are fine.

Leave them alone.

[/ QUOTE ]

where are the vid where you PvP with one of your fine dominator then?

seems you PvP with a blaster. you shjould developpe the "fine" thing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah son



"...just because you aren't skilled enough to beat or avoid [certain powersets] doesn't make them overpowered." WowZa

Some people simply cannot debate without resorting to the ad hominem fallacy.

Power-gaming, game-breaking, unsportsmanlike players all gravitating to the same powersets make them overpowered. The facts are past dispute. My personal skills are not relevant to the question.



By that merit, I could win at PvP by zoning to Sharkhead Isle. That is skill enough to avoid [certain powersets]. Beating, that is a different story... sure, I could beat any powerset as long as I am in a team of 8 vs. 1, except for Ice/EM tanks.




So, it looks like everyone wants every AT to resist everything, and everyone to do 1 damage per hit so we have these long, epic, "fair" battles. But THEIR favorite AT is the exception; they get to do more damage.

I dunno. Though my mind/kin has fallen way too often to AS and EM/* characters. Oh, and Granite armor characters. But I'm not gonna cry for a nerf. I just accept the fact that I'm out-matched and try to avoid them. In fact, there have only been TWO times my controller ever did anything worthwhile in PvP: Held a dominator with TK... but i ran out of End before i could defeat him =( Then in RV, I confused an MM and her Spider-drone and laughed when the drone killed her. (In my defense, I only did that because she refused to kill me so i could get heavies faster)

Never taken my Fire/En into a pvp zone. Actually, i did take him into BB for a shivan... gonna go to warburg soon for nukes... but even despite everyone saying that I'll kill anyone with that power combo, I'm pretty sure any AT can kill me if they see me first. I certainly won't engage anyone unless I feel they're trying to take my scientist or launch codes.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



"So, it looks like everyone wants every AT to resist everything, and everyone to do 1 damage per hit so we have these long, epic, "fair" battles. But THEIR favorite AT is the exception; they get to do more damage." -- EmperorSteele

Now Steele, let's not put words in people's mouths, eh?

I don't presume to speak for everyone here. For my part, I want an environment where no particular powersets have such a disproportionate advantage that they and only they are seen in the PvP zones because they've pretty much run everyone else out.

I'm sick to death of fighting Ill/Rad controllers, Rad/Psi defenders, Spines/Regen scrappers, Ice/NRG blasters, NRG/Regen stalkers, Ice/NRG tankers and Fire/Rad corrs. I'd like some variety.

And looking at that list, Energy Melee and Radiation Emission appear most frequently, meaning either the other powersets need to be brought up to their level or they need to be reduced, or some combination of the two.

Honestly, I see some simple, easy changes would make PvP fun again. Not perfect, but fun.



I like the idea of rare recipe rewards in pvp. I rarely pvp. Put in recipes and I'll be in there a hell of a lot more.

Limit inspirations to one application at a time, no stacking.

There seems to be counters readily available to everything except slows and fear. Create counters with powers or io's. Lessen counters to some overly countered powers like fly and kb.

Its pretty silly that 99% of the population in pvp has SJ and SS. And the reason everyone has these 2 powers is because these 2 powers are overpowered. Forget travel suppression, make SJ and SS affect self only powers, no attacking while these powers are activated. This will result in more fighting, less running/leaping away, and increase the usefullness of melee toons which are at a horrible disadvantage in a world where every super hero is the flash and the leaping hulk all at once.

Increase the recharge on hibernate. I have it on 2 of my toons, so I'm not hating on those who have it, but any honest person realizes the power is ridiculously overpowered, especially in pvp.

TK - 4 bfs to break free from tk is ridiculous. Either lessen the amount to the usual one, or make tk less powerful.




So, it looks like everyone wants every AT to resist everything, and everyone to do 1 damage per hit so we have these long, epic, "fair" battles. But THEIR favorite AT is the exception; they get to do more damage.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not at all. If I was designing a game, I'd want the power sets to be different, but overall, at least nearly even powered. When you see certain powersets being taken by a very large percentage of the community, it's pretty good evidence that those sets are overpowered.

Taking /em for example, I've got it on 3 of my characters and I love it, because its so far ahead of the other sets that its ridiculous. Its base damage is tops and the damage is very poorly resisted. As a player, I love it and use it. But if I'm a designer, I would realize that I created a massive imbalance by creating an overpowered powerset. To fix the imbalance, I'd either up the overall ability of the other sets, or lower the overall ability of the overpowered set. Its nothing personal.




So, it looks like everyone wants every AT to resist everything, and everyone to do 1 damage per hit so we have these long, epic, "fair" battles. But THEIR favorite AT is the exception; they get to do more damage.

I dunno. Though my mind/kin has fallen way too often to AS and EM/* characters. Oh, and Granite armor characters. But I'm not gonna cry for a nerf. I just accept the fact that I'm out-matched and try to avoid them. In fact, there have only been TWO times my controller ever did anything worthwhile in PvP: Held a dominator with TK... but i ran out of End before i could defeat him =( Then in RV, I confused an MM and her Spider-drone and laughed when the drone killed her. (In my defense, I only did that because she refused to kill me so i could get heavies faster)

Never taken my Fire/En into a pvp zone. Actually, i did take him into BB for a shivan... gonna go to warburg soon for nukes... but even despite everyone saying that I'll kill anyone with that power combo, I'm pretty sure any AT can kill me if they see me first. I certainly won't engage anyone unless I feel they're trying to take my scientist or launch codes.

[/ QUOTE ]


I WOULD like an environment with some variety however...and I see it this way.

You don't see Superman or Wolverine get two-shotted when they're in a climactic fight, or Magneto. The fights go on for a while (several panels or several minutes) with a LOT of back and forth.

Why can't my superhero, of whatever AT, be able to stand up to damage from another player? These should be epic fights where we throw each other down and pound and exchange blows for a while before a winner is declared.

Instead, what we have are hyperbuffed Blasters and Defenders two-shotting people (hell sometimes one-shotting off Inferno DoTs) and the rest of us playing catchup.

Look, I LOVE the PvP in this game, it's the most fun PvP I have EVER seen and it's one of the reasons I am stiff subscribing...but would it really have killed the Devs to make us tougher toward each other? With all the IOs and buffs out there people drop FAST. That's great because it forces you into split-second decicions but...

...if MUO comes out and their PvP has a fair amount of back and forth and strategic play; if their fights last longer than a few seconds before I hit the floor, I'll definitely consider trying it out.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



The problem is that the powersets are compensated for having lower damage by receiving secondary effects: -Acc, -End, -rchg, etc.

However, those secondary effects were nerfed for PvP to become nigh-useless.. such as -End for elec/, /elec, and /kin sets (well, except for hero side) as well as in PPPs.

It isn't for lack of balance, it is simply that killing the opponent faster is much more useful than making them hit you less, making it so they run out of endurance in an extended fight, make their attacks recharge slower... mitigation is good, winning is better.

In addition, the dev's seriously need to stop coding balance in INTERCAL.



Oh yeah.. duh.. I forgot something.

Say it with me, three little words:




Anyone remember what that was for? Can we have that, too?