What changes do we need?




Brute + 15 sonic/thermals > Blaster + Emp



Brute + 15 sonic/thermals > Blaster + Emp

[/ QUOTE ]

Not if it's a DB/energy brute



How many holds can a Grav/Emp or Emp/Electric stack?

Also: Maybe it's time to consider new ways of doing Cinder's 'Diminishing' Returns idea this first attempt caused a "rage crash" of sorts. Castle said last year he doesn't have it figured out yet, but we know they've already got a System. If they DIDN'T then there'd be no E.D. scaling.



Changes that show the Devs - or their proxies - actually listen?

When numerous players don't just shout cr... stuff... but put numbers to it - and it goes - month after month - of "It's as intended" and we get something like "Ooops - my bad - the decimal actually IS off by one or two places" - after dismissing player feedback time and again... whattaya expect?

When Devs undercut their own datamining - Blasters and Stalkers are top of the heap so we will consider...


Not allowing Stacked CM's, etc / non-Stalker Buffs?

LOL - I'm Saddened by the moro... "poor choices" made by the folks who want this game to be better, instead of more "If X then Y ... and all other letters Fuggetaboutit!"



How many holds can a Grav/Emp or Emp/Electric stack?

[/ QUOTE ]

Not enough to counter a 50 Influ BreakFree...



1- In PVP the smashing/lethal disparity needs fixing. Any toon based on these damage types is not PVP viable regardless of what you do.

2- In PVP, defense sets are next to useless. Even with overload running, I am hit with 95% accuracy. +Accuracy simply escalates to the point of absurdity. We need Resistance to Defense set parity.

3- Tankers two shotting villains? Yes, tis true. This "medium" damage AT is doing just that. The culprit? Energy Melee. The set the devs refuse to balance. Toons with no right to do so are mega-burst damage kings. My stalker can't keep up with tanks... TANKS for gawd's sake!

4- Oh look I entered the PVP zone and I am greeted with a dozen superspeed, jumping bozos with EM! Look, a major problem with PVP is that it TOO fast. There is no way to actually fight. It is a constant Energy Melee joust. So much for travel supression.

5- So much for fear supression as well. Getting hit while under a fear affect in PVP often has no "release" when you are struck. You are in an unbreakable "uberhold" and just have to breakfree or sit and die. Not what was intended either, but yet another exploit that the devs refuse to patch.

6- The devs claim PVP is rock, paper, scissors. It is not. It is rock, paper, scissors, atom bomb. Fix balance. Fix the exploits. Here's a news flash to the devs: You are not avoiding fixxes in PVP because it is unpopular. PVP is unpopular because you refuse to fix it.

Infamy: SS/DA Brt, Brushfire Bill: Fire/Thorn Dom, Kill and Tell: Ninja/Trap MM, Dark Duelist: MA/DA Stk, Howling Rad: Rad/Sonic Cor, Silent Rebuke: Claw/EA Stk, Shadow Technician: Dark/Trap Cor, Forbidden Brute: DM/Fire Brt, Doctor Exile: Grav/Thorn Dom, Eternal Warrior: Mace/SD Brt, Electrogravitic: Grav/Elec Dom, Huntsman Gold: Bane, Captain Chill: AR/Cold Cor



* Fix Defense

* Fix Defense

* Either a) Tone down stalker animation times or b) reduce their survivability ...; far too easy to 2-shot someone in 2 seconds

* Give partial credit for Bounty - KS'ing favors the Blaster and Stalker (etc) who can finish the target that you've been working on for awhile... Isn't this done w/Experience when 2 different unteamed players who defeat a Mob on the street?

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree on these points, except for that stalker thing. This obviously refers entirely to EM stalkers. My animations are not all fast, and I do only smashing and lethal damage.

Yes, fix EM (on tanks too) but JUST SAY NO to nerfing my stalker any more than he is... it is already too hard to finish many toons before dying... and that's ASSUMING I get the drop on them.

Try more like 4 shots to take down many blasters, while blasters can two shot me right through my defense without needing to be hidden or worrying about interuptions. Try playing from the stalker side with a defense based protection set and a non-EM primary set b4 nerf herding please.

Infamy: SS/DA Brt, Brushfire Bill: Fire/Thorn Dom, Kill and Tell: Ninja/Trap MM, Dark Duelist: MA/DA Stk, Howling Rad: Rad/Sonic Cor, Silent Rebuke: Claw/EA Stk, Shadow Technician: Dark/Trap Cor, Forbidden Brute: DM/Fire Brt, Doctor Exile: Grav/Thorn Dom, Eternal Warrior: Mace/SD Brt, Electrogravitic: Grav/Elec Dom, Huntsman Gold: Bane, Captain Chill: AR/Cold Cor




You don't see Superman or Wolverine get two-shotted when they're in a climactic fight, or Magneto. The fights go on for a while (several panels or several minutes) with a LOT of back and forth.

Why can't my superhero, of whatever AT, be able to stand up to damage from another player? These should be epic fights where we throw each other down and pound and exchange blows for a while before a winner is declared.

Instead, what we have are hyperbuffed Blasters and Defenders two-shotting people (hell sometimes one-shotting off Inferno DoTs) and the rest of us playing catchup.

[/ QUOTE ]

And there you have it. CoX cannot be a game of MMO PVP. It must be a game of MMO PVP for people who like the genre. Superfast non-stop jumping around and two shotting people is NOT what they want when they come to the game. Those who do like that can get it in a dozen other online PVP games that do it much better and with more balance. Superhuman combats need to SEEM like superhuman combats. Like the movies or like the comic books themselves. Both DC and Marvel have MMOs in the works. Compete or die NCSoft. It's that simple.

1- Slow things down. This does not look like anything we have ever seen in the source material. This looks like nothing we really WANTED to see.

2- Balance the playing field to the extent it is possible. It can never be perfect but this "why bother" alternative has led to nearly abandoned PVP zones.

3- Make story driven fights a reality. Zones are nice, but story driven, instanced battles with objectives (that are not corny, canned arena matches) are what is needed.

Infamy: SS/DA Brt, Brushfire Bill: Fire/Thorn Dom, Kill and Tell: Ninja/Trap MM, Dark Duelist: MA/DA Stk, Howling Rad: Rad/Sonic Cor, Silent Rebuke: Claw/EA Stk, Shadow Technician: Dark/Trap Cor, Forbidden Brute: DM/Fire Brt, Doctor Exile: Grav/Thorn Dom, Eternal Warrior: Mace/SD Brt, Electrogravitic: Grav/Elec Dom, Huntsman Gold: Bane, Captain Chill: AR/Cold Cor



Add rare recipe rewards to Siren's Call and Recluse's Victory minigames. (#1 with a bullet, not enough ingame reward for PVP in this game)
Siren's Call style bounty system throughout the zones (with rare recipe reward)
Fix map holes (Arena and zone)
Cross-server PVP
New Arena rewards and content (eg CTF, Battlegrounds, Onslaught).. not just new maps
True PVP missions, for example Hero vs Villain Safeguard/Mayhem

[/ QUOTE ]





1- Slow things down. This does not look like anything we have ever seen in the source material. This looks like nothing we really WANTED to see.

[/ QUOTE ]

Speak for yourself, but I absolutely love the fast paced PvP of CoX. If anything, the rush is so much fun, and I like being able to hibernate just in time, etc.

Some people might not feel this way, but others do. So don't take away my PvPeh!

22 50's in Bio
RIP PX, GMW, and the game that used to be fun.

Still playing for reasons unknown.



I'm not an elite PvP player by any means, but I feel that inspirations strongly work against many power sets. More specifically, I'm eluding to the purple or "break free" inspirations.

My opinion is that a break free basically nullifies much of the controller and defender key tactics, making them fairly useless in a PvP setting. Of course, there are secondary effects (debuffing, for example) which are still in play, but those do not compensate for an archetype that is based primarily on holds and such.

Seems to me that inspirations are too easy to acquire, and thus, have no real purchase value. In other words, players "pop" them like candy and fill back up in as needed.

My opinion (I'm not a fight club player) is that inspirations shouldn't decide a contest. I don't have a problem with them as an aid. I'm basically against inspiration stacking, multiple inspirations in effect at the same time, and the easy acquirement of them.

Although I wonder if its possible at this point, I'm for an interactive terrain. For example, if a Tanker could break a fire hydrant, the effect would be an explosion of water. If a fire blaster attacked the explosion (i.e. pet), it would turn to steam, reducing visibility. If an ice blaster attacked it, it would turn to ice.

I was once an avid comic book reader and always been a fan of superheroes. Many times you can find where the hero makes use of his surroundings to defeat his opponent. Often, this is how we overcome our disadvantages.




You don't see Superman or Wolverine get two-shotted when they're in a climactic fight, or Magneto. The fights go on for a while (several panels or several minutes) with a LOT of back and forth.

Why can't my superhero, of whatever AT, be able to stand up to damage from another player? These should be epic fights where we throw each other down and pound and exchange blows for a while before a winner is declared.

Instead, what we have are hyperbuffed Blasters and Defenders two-shotting people (hell sometimes one-shotting off Inferno DoTs) and the rest of us playing catchup.

[/ QUOTE ]

And there you have it. CoX cannot be a game of MMO PVP. It must be a game of MMO PVP for people who like the genre. Superfast non-stop jumping around and two shotting people is NOT what they want when they come to the game. Those who do like that can get it in a dozen other online PVP games that do it much better and with more balance. Superhuman combats need to SEEM like superhuman combats. Like the movies or like the comic books themselves. Both DC and Marvel have MMOs in the works. Compete or die NCSoft. It's that simple.

1- Slow things down. This does not look like anything we have ever seen in the source material. This looks like nothing we really WANTED to see.

2- Balance the playing field to the extent it is possible. It can never be perfect but this "why bother" alternative has led to nearly abandoned PVP zones.

3- Make story driven fights a reality. Zones are nice, but story driven, instanced battles with objectives (that are not corny, canned arena matches) are what is needed.

[/ QUOTE ]

magneto two-shotted wolverine in avalon.
then xavier one-shotted magneto afterwards...
stop talking crap. :-P




1- Slow things down. This does not look like anything we have ever seen in the source material. This looks like nothing we really WANTED to see.

[/ QUOTE ]

Speak for yourself, but I absolutely love the fast paced PvP of CoX. If anything, the rush is so much fun, and I like being able to hibernate just in time, etc.

Some people might not feel this way, but others do. So don't take away my PvPeh!

[/ QUOTE ]

true dat yo.



I'm not an elite PvP player by any means, but I feel that inspirations strongly work against many power sets. More specifically, I'm eluding to the purple or "break free" inspirations.

My opinion is that a break free basically nullifies much of the controller and defender key tactics, making them fairly useless in a PvP setting. Of course, there are secondary effects (debuffing, for example) which are still in play, but those do not compensate for an archetype that is based primarily on holds and such.

Seems to me that inspirations are too easy to acquire, and thus, have no real purchase value. In other words, players "pop" them like candy and fill back up in as needed.

My opinion (I'm not a fight club player) is that inspirations shouldn't decide a contest. I don't have a problem with them as an aid. I'm basically against inspiration stacking, multiple inspirations in effect at the same time, and the easy acquirement of them.

[/ QUOTE ]

a good mind/* dom can run you out of breakfrees 2 minutes into the match.
i've been held on my fire/sonic through dispersion, acrobatics and a breakfree by a grav/ff of all things.
purples? yeah, everyone of those is a slot that doesn't have a breakfree or green. anyways, purples should be balanced around yellows. that simple.

i subscribe to the idea that good inspiration use is one of the hallmarks of a good pvper.

Although I wonder if its possible at this point, I'm for an interactive terrain. For example, if a Tanker could break a fire hydrant, the effect would be an explosion of water. If a fire blaster attacked the explosion (i.e. pet), it would turn to steam, reducing visibility. If an ice blaster attacked it, it would turn to ice.

I was once an avid comic book reader and always been a fan of superheroes. Many times you can find where the hero makes use of his surroundings to defeat his opponent. Often, this is how we overcome our disadvantages.

[/ QUOTE ] okay now you are just talking crap that's not pvp. there's stuff that needs fixing. not extra feature. that stuff centers around blasters with irresistible damage,unresisted scourge and irresistible debuffs.



i subscribe to the idea that good inspiration use is one of the hallmarks of a good pvper.

[/ QUOTE ]

QFT, and I'd be willing to bet the vast majority of experienced PvPers would agree.

I hate having to explain the futility of two melees fighting with no inspirations, or of someone expecting to beat a good troller/dom simply because they have 20 break frees. Inspiration management's a skill, and it's an accepted (and necessary, depending on what you're fighting) part of the game.




You don't see Superman or Wolverine get two-shotted when they're in a climactic fight, or Magneto. The fights go on for a while (several panels or several minutes) with a LOT of back and forth.

Why can't my superhero, of whatever AT, be able to stand up to damage from another player? These should be epic fights where we throw each other down and pound and exchange blows for a while before a winner is declared.

Instead, what we have are hyperbuffed Blasters and Defenders two-shotting people (hell sometimes one-shotting off Inferno DoTs) and the rest of us playing catchup.

[/ QUOTE ]

And there you have it. CoX cannot be a game of MMO PVP. It must be a game of MMO PVP for people who like the genre. Superfast non-stop jumping around and two shotting people is NOT what they want when they come to the game. Those who do like that can get it in a dozen other online PVP games that do it much better and with more balance. Superhuman combats need to SEEM like superhuman combats. Like the movies or like the comic books themselves. Both DC and Marvel have MMOs in the works. Compete or die NCSoft. It's that simple.

1- Slow things down. This does not look like anything we have ever seen in the source material. This looks like nothing we really WANTED to see.

2- Balance the playing field to the extent it is possible. It can never be perfect but this "why bother" alternative has led to nearly abandoned PVP zones.

3- Make story driven fights a reality. Zones are nice, but story driven, instanced battles with objectives (that are not corny, canned arena matches) are what is needed.

[/ QUOTE ]
its comments like this that gave the devs the idea for suppression.



Suppression and Enhancement Diversification were both great ideas. Believe it or not, fast movement and insta spiking people results in slower game pacing than a game where positioning and coordinated CC matters. When 90% of your game play is "Target is not in range", you don't have to make very many decisions.



I'm not an elite PvP player by any means, but I feel that inspirations strongly work against many power sets. More specifically, I'm eluding to the purple or "break free" inspirations.

My opinion is that a break free basically nullifies much of the controller and defender key tactics, making them fairly useless in a PvP setting. Of course, there are secondary effects (debuffing, for example) which are still in play, but those do not compensate for an archetype that is based primarily on holds and such.

Seems to me that inspirations are too easy to acquire, and thus, have no real purchase value. In other words, players "pop" them like candy and fill back up in as needed.

My opinion (I'm not a fight club player) is that inspirations shouldn't decide a contest. I don't have a problem with them as an aid. I'm basically against inspiration stacking, multiple inspirations in effect at the same time, and the easy acquirement of them.

[/ QUOTE ]

a good mind/* dom can run you out of breakfrees 2 minutes into the match.
i've been held on my fire/sonic through dispersion, acrobatics and a breakfree by a grav/ff of all things.
purples? yeah, everyone of those is a slot that doesn't have a breakfree or green. anyways, purples should be balanced around yellows. that simple.

i subscribe to the idea that good inspiration use is one of the hallmarks of a good pvper.

Although I wonder if its possible at this point, I'm for an interactive terrain. For example, if a Tanker could break a fire hydrant, the effect would be an explosion of water. If a fire blaster attacked the explosion (i.e. pet), it would turn to steam, reducing visibility. If an ice blaster attacked it, it would turn to ice.

I was once an avid comic book reader and always been a fan of superheroes. Many times you can find where the hero makes use of his surroundings to defeat his opponent. Often, this is how we overcome our disadvantages.

[/ QUOTE ] okay now you are just talking crap that's not pvp. there's stuff that needs fixing. not extra feature. that stuff centers around blasters with irresistible damage,unresisted scourge and irresistible debuffs.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not going to get into a quote war with you, but I'll break it down simple. Your main counter to breakfree, which is only a part of my focus, is to suggest it removes the ability to hold other inspirations. My point was that inspirations as a whole (not just purples) are overused to counter actual power effects. Here's another example using another type of inspiration: pumping up on reds to do an overwhelming blow.

Inspirations: I can see them as a good thing. In PvP, I see people relying on them too heavily. If that's your thing, no problem. I guess the big question is this:

Is your build greatly stronger or greatly weaker without inspirations? If either is true, then inspirations are overused.

And finally, if you look at my post count, you might realize I'm not coming here simply to talk crap. My idea of an interactive terrain is a response to the topic "what changes do we need". Also, its not about blasters. I could see it benefitting every archetype.

Interactive terrain, to me, means a hero or villian can use his or her surroundings to aid in the fight. Technically, we have that to a limited degree right now. For example, I could lead you into a mob of hostiles, which would then start attacking you. That's interactive as well.



One day there should be a devs vs. subscribers PvP war. One Dev with each AT from both sides, and one subscriber (picked like from a raffle?) of each AT for each side.

Maybe that would help them see from each side and from each AT what the flaws in PvP are and if its where they want it to be.

If enhancements were deactivated wouldn't that help balance powers out? Because then no matter what your enhancements are, a Dominator with Fire Control would have the same effectiveness as a Controller with Fire Control. And only inspriations would make a difference.

Why are heroes and villains so unbalanced? Is it skill? Is it enhancements? Is it inspirations? Is it because good always triumphs over evil? Is it because heroes take or deal more damage? Is it because villain archtypes are designed to be able to play solo?

If its taken them so many issues just to make villain epic archtypes how long would it take them to redo PvP?



I agree with the poster who suggested that CoX pvp doesn't need to be like the typical MMO pvp. I'd like to see nearly every power have its use in defeating an opponent.

One of the things that disappointed me most was seeing the 30 second timer on Phase Shift. There were so many more options in my opinion. For example, even though a person is phase shifted, why not let attacks(such as Psychic or Illusionary) affect the user? Why not up the endurance needed, so that it would be nearly impossible to remain out of phase for long periods?

I also believe that caps on invisibility and perception should be lifted. If a person were to slot 6 +invisible enhancements, then he or she would be better than most others. At the same time, any other slotting, like defense and endurance, would be minimal. Likewise, if a hero's main focus is to see invisible, why not allow some sort of +perc enhancements that would stack?

The way I see it, it balances out. The more you focus on one power, the less your other powers have. The more you focus on one aspect of your power, the less balanced your other aspects are.



i subscribe to the idea that good inspiration use is one of the hallmarks of a good pvper.

[/ QUOTE ]
QFT, and I'd be willing to bet the vast majority of experienced PvPers would agree.

[/ QUOTE ]

Disclaimer: This rant is not directed specifically at you but rather to all the inanities I am reading in this thread.

And then ? Little kids having mastered rock/paper/scissor/atomic bomb. Are we supposed to be impressed ? Is this supposed to be appealing?

Majority of players don't set foot in PvP zones because:
- Jousting and CJ+SS makes combat futile if you can escape anytime. Base PvP where you have something to defend has much more potential to be interesting because there is no running away.
- Inspirations: Their effect basically annihilates most AT capabilities. Imbalancing, overpowering, take it as you want, it's just a balance mess. I am not impressed by someone ability to replenish their inventory with break frees.
- No point: There is no point in PvP at all. I had hopes for SC when it was in beta, it's now just like any PVP zone. Meaningless zone where young males express their desire to exist.

Coming from an hardcore FPS background, having played really fast-paced FPS like Doom or Quakeworld, having participated in international FPS competition, still playing nowadays FPS, I am not impressed. There is little skill involved in playing CoX PvP except for your ability to devote time to level some AT. After that it's just a matter of choosing the right build (that isn't rocket science), picking a target, jousting around it and escaping/hitting breakfree when danger bell rings. Voice chat isn't even required to be competitive... that shows the low level of coordination required.

Change needed: A goal to set a foot with my teammates in PvP zones to accomplish something. Capture the Flag, King of the Hill... Something that will concentrate presence of players into a specific area and give them incentive to remain in that area.

CTF: Player from team with flag is perma-suppressed, cannot be tp-ed and must be defended by teammates.

KotH: Teammates must stand in a finite area where they are travel-power suppressed and must defend it against opposition. Opposing forces entering the zone also are travel power suppressed.



i subscribe to the idea that good inspiration use is one of the hallmarks of a good pvper.

[/ QUOTE ]
QFT, and I'd be willing to bet the vast majority of experienced PvPers would agree.

[/ QUOTE ]

The hallmark of a good PvPer has nothing to do with inspirations, per se. Its how the player utilizes whatever resources are available.

For example, if there were no inspirations, those same PvPers would abandon many of their builds and run to consistantly strong builds. They would then slot those builds to maximize their advantage. Those builds would then (since inspirations were unavailable), be the new "fotm".



One day there should be a devs vs. subscribers PvP war. One Dev with each AT from both sides, and one subscriber (picked like from a raffle?) [u]playing their FotM's[u]

[/ QUOTE ]

If enhancements were deactivated wouldn't that help balance powers out? Because then no matter what your enhancements are, a Dominator with Fire Control would have the same effectiveness as a Controller with Fire Control. And only inspriations would make a difference.

[/ QUOTE ]
Even worse...
then the only people actually hitting anyone would be those teams of Emp'd Blasters popping PB-Aim/BU



One day there should be a devs vs. subscribers PvP war. One Dev with each AT from both sides, and one subscriber (picked like from a raffle?) [u]playing their FotM's[u]

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

UH OHS! Not teh FoTM's!

22 50's in Bio
RIP PX, GMW, and the game that used to be fun.

Still playing for reasons unknown.



Whe need 'Capture the Flag' team fights.

@Prandi - Freedom

# 143959 - Freedom Phalanx, Arachnos Forces and the Deadly Virus.