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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Positron View Post
    All Leads eventually get blamed for things that were well outside of their sphere of control. I've come to accept and deal with this.
    Ah, but if only we could get leads to accept blame for actual mistakes, and to, say... follow through with promises to revisit ideas that didn't work... that would be progress. Whattaya say, big guy?
  2. [QUOTE=David Nakayama;2944690]Off the top of my head, I can think of at least 20 distinct aesthetic directions that fit the parameters of 'mutant,' ...QUOTE]

    Share 20? Please?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
    By the same token, if someone is knowingly doing something that would warrant such a course of action or is privy to that, why would they call attention to it to begin with?
    I'll go with...

    "No sense in bein' a self-appointed 'guru' and ignoramus 'less ya show it!"

    FWIW, the discussion on availability, influ costs for IO's, what folks can pay (non farming), how much effect inflation and exploits can have, have been interesting.

    I also concur - Yes, there are exploits for XP, etc, and they exist. I feel that the Devs accept them. Otherwise, they could - is it possible in the computer age?...horrors! - the Devs could try to, maybe, possibly datamine. But they don't. Or if they do, and then act, it is not in a way that's faster than glacial.

    Ergo, since Devs know farming could exist, and they choose not look at or actively act upon the math, it is acceptable.

    Sadly, I have negative faith that the Devs can either understand this logic, nor will they care, so long as they retain #% of subscribers.

    C'mon... See the quote above (aka BOHICA, Iss 13)
  4. [QUOTE=Castle;2628030]I'd like to take this opportunity to remind folks that this system is purposefully difficult to farm. Your BEST chance of getting a PVP IO drop is to have 10+ players fighting one another; either in zones or in arenas.

    So what's our chance of you admitting that PvP changes have blown chunks for 3 issues?

    Since many PvP'ers bolted from the draconian changes that came, totally contrary to "PvPEC" wishlists, and with no input from those who PvP'd before your 'highly experienced' changes...

    Bluntly, since you're worried about PvP "farming" how can you accept "Farming" for both hero and vills, but still be happy with the largely unpopular changes to PvP?

    Seriously the Dev's work has largely spoken (albeit more than poorly - did you get lessons on 'Listening Empathetically' from George III or Lord North?) of their distaste and disinterest in learning or listening to those knowledgeable on the topic....

    Asking these Dev's for help on PvP is like asking a serial killer for another bag of plasma.

    'Nuff Said.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MinMin View Post
    I hope that helps, but I think that build needs a lot of work.
    As for sets, what do you think should be the guiding goal?

    Rech? Extra hp? Extra Dmg?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HelinCarnate View Post
    Eliminate all I13 pvp changes. Tweak S/L damage. All done.
    While I agree with this, Castle, BaBs and the Devs-Dat-Whine will not.

    Clearly, it is "working as intended" and if the playerbase doesn't like it, there is NO way they make mistakes.

    Just ask 'em - if you object to their changes, provide reasons, suggestions, etc...

    You get Issue 13.

    "TY for your input! Issue 13, "Mysteries of BOHICA: Jump the Shark (A non-PvP'er's Solution to PvP)!" has arrived!"

    To say that we're beating a dead horse is an understatement. When Statesman (Jack Emmert) *****'d Iss 5 & ED... that was nowhere near as backstabbingly low as Castle's completely gutless, unrequested, and untested Issue 13 PvP changes - and Mr. Grubb was far more sanctimonious and high handed than Jack had been.
  7. So one member quits Task Force in AE...

    Leader can't get a new mission?

    Happened 3x today.
  8. Woot!

    I'm game - what's the best way to win Influ and influence people?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ghost Falcon View Post
    The Server Status page should now appear correctly.


    -Ghost Falcon
    I'd say... Timeliness (overall D- to F), but for actually doing it?


    Thanks (tm - pending it continuing to ya know, actually work)
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zanthar View Post
    Thanks for the reminder

    "You have been defeted, you can either wait for somone to revive you or go to the hospital"
    Clearly... paraphrased.



  11. I remember Twixt being scolded for two things...

    TPing to Drones - DEV error (quelle surprise!) - for not granting -TP to the Drones as they give +Per...

    TPing to Geometry errors (hot dog stand, etc). Sure, should have been fixed. Using known 'exploits' reduces analysis to 'know better than U' more than a societal commentary, in my opinion.

    My thoughts are worth more than two times what you paid for them, btw. ;-)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NeoSporin View Post
    According to the Server Status page, the servers were available during the whole server rollback tonight.
    See other threads already running.

    Yes, it's broke.

    They don't CARE.

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ghost_Vision_NA View Post
    While it is annoying that the server status page has been broken for a bit now your little hissy fit was uncalled for.
    Damn right!

    We should expect a broken product! It's a fact of life...

    No whining... get in line... BOHICA.
  14. Fix it or remove it.

    Fix it, and players trust your technical abilities, your abilities to RTFM, and to collect cash for what you are advertising.

    Leave it, and continue to let that (among some things) become a(nother) punchline.

    Sadly, I expect Dev Ennui to continue.

  15. It's the usual crock of ... name your choice.

    Someone is getting paid to put the "server status" page together, and, to be honest, they are not earning the money.

    A complete scam, waste of time, and pointless.

    Two basic options exist:

    Fix a system that doesn't work, and angers customers.

    Remove a broken tool.

    That or continue to pretend all is well in La La Land.

    One of those 'two' - since Devs never make errors or lose count. Dey are Gods!
  16. I'd vote...

    Failure for sufficient Quality Control.

    Issue 13 to present. No new news here. Move along.

    Of course, failure to read the memo, bug reports, etc, could play in, but, as BaBs (Mr. Cry in my Milk) pointed out, Devs do NOT make mistakes.

    Alien conspiracy?
  17. I'd walked away from PvP when "Jump the Shark" came out, and I've ventured back in lately when I saw there were more numbers in the zones. Not much better, though.

    Base Camping seems to be on the rise, but more dangerous for the campers. When the opposition comes out in a group, there's no back and forth movement or reaction to the attack, powers now render us flat footed, so ganks become the order of the day.

    Suppression just sucks the life out of PvP soooo badly.
  18. For me, it's Fortunata in first.

    Next, on the Soldier side, it depends on who you're teaming with, imho. Shooters/stand back types will benefit from the Crab. Brutes and melee types will do well with Banes.

    Not enough experience with Night Widows to comment, but I prefer being WITH Fortunatas more than Widows.
  19. Stoners with Granite "Where's the Kin?"

    Willpower Tankers - "Ready with whatever we got!"

    The Stoner, with the requisite Kin, may have better powers, etc. But standing side by side, with no support, I *prefer* Willpower b/c it's not lardbutt slow. That downside bothers me greatly. That's a big difference for some folks, not for others.
  20. I skipped the Fighting pool on my BS/SD scrapper and never looked back.

    Parry - slotted up - is nearly a secondary powerset in and of itself. You wanna talk softcapped defense? It's in your primary, not your secondary.

    I also agree with Procs to boost damage if you have room for it, but Hasten is pretty much mandatory if you're hoping to reach AV/DPS levels with BS.

    There's more than 1 way to skin a cat, but I'm betting more on Hasten to increase outgoing DPS than relyong on Fighting Pool for defense.
  21. It's more than just your bookmarks...

    Checking out the Dev Digest is... undigestible.

    Leads to many 404 errors.

    Uh... Thanks for the 'upgrade' to the game. >:-(
  22. [ QUOTE ]

    The only thing you’re missing is that an advanced education or academic recognition does not in any way free a person from hypocrisy and self denial.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Heck, I'm mostly hoping I don't have a degree from any institution he's hoodwinked with a moronic assertion like this one.

    Guy gets on bus, doesn't bathe, farts and belches loudly, laughs and points at whatever his idiotic fancy is able to denote as "not my like large cajun keister" and wonders why the rest of society derides him.

    Two brief quotes from my ol' drill sergeant (also a Cajun) should suffice...

    "No sense in bein' ig'nant less'n you wanna' go an' show ev'body what ya ig'nant 'bout..."

    "Don't go and p*$$ in my wheaties and expect to get respect. You want respect, you play by the rules, son. It really not that hard."

    (I can hear his voice, but not quite the accent, not funnin' on Cajun's - but the commonsense approach of that backwoods philosopher strikes truer than this... dreck... that is passing for a... academic paper? WT... H?)
  23. Super,

    Clearly, U R the man w/Castle's No-Phail-N-PvP-u-N00b changes!

    Way to sum it up.

    Mash 'em and suck your thumb, folks, this one is.. "Fun! (Tm)"
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm all for Wentworths (and for the Black Market as well, but only after moving them indoors/underground/anywhere but out in the open)...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I always thought it as funny how the Black Market was in a highly visible location. Never placed under an awning, in an alley, or inside a building (like Cap's Sci & Tech stores). Just... a "hrrmmmm."
  25. [ QUOTE ]

    I'm NEVER listening to another complaint about nerfed powers again!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Devs not listening? Really?

    Who'd have thunk it?