10 BILLION in prizes - RO 4th Anniversary Celebration




Repeat Offenders Network is celebrating its 4th Anniversary!
From August 15th through 30th we will have events, contests, games, challenges and plain old fun across three servers.

See full details in our announcement thread: HERE



We're all very excited about the celebration and hope to see folks out for the events. We have tons of goodies to give away!

Also, remember that just joining an event can earn you participation points which are added up at the end of the celebration. You don't have to win a contest to get a prize!



>>>>>> 10 BILLION <<<<<<



Any teams forming up to take on any of the numerous challenges?




I'm game - what's the best way to win Influ and influence people?



You have several options. The Ninja Run is a fun and easy choice, plus there are ninjas in it..who doesn't love that! The Screenshot Scavenger Hunt,goes for the entire celebration. If you're good with the ole snapshots you can fatten your wallet with ease. If you fancy yourself a costume designer then you won't get any more trouble free than our Costume Contest! Of course, if you're looking for something a bit tougher to chew on and more cash for the homestead then the Training Day Challenge is for you.

Here's a list of the events:

Scheduled Events - Overview

Ninja Run -- Heroes
Saturday, August 15 @ 3pm ET

Lowbie race from Atlas Park to Peregrine Island, with a twist...Now with more Ninjas!
Server: Virtue
Contact: @Sailor Rush
Prizes: 150 million x1, 100 million x1, 50 million x3 (1st, 2nd, 3rd-5th) | 3 Participation Points | Total Prize Value: 400 million Influence

Meritocracy: TF/SF Marathons -- Heroes & Villains
Saturday, Aug 15th through Sunday, Aug 30th

We'll be running Task Forces/Strike Forces throughout the celebration event and advertising them in the RO Events global. Join our TF/SF and earn participation points!
Server: Freedom, Justice & Virtue
Contact: Individual RO Team Leaders
Prizes: 3 Participation Points (per run)

Screenshot Scavenger Hunt -- Villains
Saturday, August 15 @ 12am ET - Sunday, August 30th @ 11:59pm ET

We post a list, you take screenshots and win a prize. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Server: Freedom, Justice & Virtue
Contact: @Dr. Robert / @Alty
Prizes: 150 million x2, 100 million x2 + 2-10+ Participation Points | Total Prize Value: 500 million Inf

Training Day Challenge -- Heroes & Villains
Saturday, August 15 @ 12am ET - Sunday, August 30th @ 11:59pm ET

Take a team of 5-7 players thorough a series of six MA missions and live to tell about it. Do it quickly and get rewarded handsomely. There also a Bunny Bonus (aka Smurphy's challenge)
Server: Freedom, Justice & Virtue
Contact: @Alty
Prizes: 300 million x7 + 5 Participation Points| Total Prize Value: 2.1 Billion Inf
Bunny Bonus: 1 Billion Inf + extras

“Save the Day with RO” - Zone Event/GM Hunting - Heroes
Justice/Heroes: Sunday, August 16 @ 6 pm - 10 pm ET | Freedom/Heroes: Sunday, August 30 @ 6pm - 10pm ET

Patrol the Paragon City with RO! Take down giant monsters, save a city from crazy clockwork machines, zombies and alien invasions. Generally do hero stuff with us and maybe earn a badge or two along with some points.
Server: Justice & Freedom
Contact: @Bobaloo
Prizes: 3 Participation Points

Costume Contest -- Heroes & Villains
Monday, August 17 -- Justice @ 9pm ET, Virtue @ 10pm ET, and Freedom @ 11pm ET

RO's own warped hybrid version of Project Runway and America's Next Top Model. - Bring your sense of fashion and possibly leave with a wardrobe of cash.
Server: Freedom, Justice & Virtue
Contact: @Ottercub
Prizes: 40 million x15 (5 categories, x3 servers) | Total Prize Value: 600 million Inf

Sewer Run -- Heroes
Saturday, August 22 @ 7 pm ET

Teams of lowbies running through the sewers aided by higher level heroes for fun and mayhem!
Server: Freedom
Contact: @Merryl
Prizes: 2 Participation Points

Participation Raffle
Monday, August 31

Each anniversary event has points attached to it. Collect points, win stuff. Exception: Costume Contest.
Prize: 400 million Influence x2, 40 million x10, 10 million x40 | Total Prize Value: 1.6 billion Inf



Where's my jaw? Where's my jaw? WHERE'S MY GOSHDARN JAW?!

This sounds ridiculously incredible. I only hope I can make it to even one of these events.

Eastern Standard Time (Australia)
is 15 hours ahead of
Eastern Standard Time (North America)
which is 5 hours behind
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)



Plenty of events to sign up for, Fen, including the Ninja Run this Saturday. Being held only on Virtue. Only need a brand new lvl 1 blaster (with the Ninja template) to participate!



Screenshot Scavenger Hunt -- Villains
Saturday, August 15 @ 12am ET - Sunday, August 30th @ 11:59pm ET

We post a list, you take screenshots and win a prize. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Server: Freedom, Justice & Virtue
Contact: @Dr. Robert / @Alty
Prizes: 150 million x2, 100 million x2 + 2-10+ Participation Points | Total Prize Value: 500 million Inf

Screenshot List

Basic: Any Nemesis lieutenant
Advanced: Manticore Automation
Master: Nemisis (AV class, must have 50% health or less)

Nova Roma
Basic: Ashley McKnight
Advanced: Proximo
Master: Romulus Augustus

Alien Nation
Basic: Any Rikti boss
Advanced: The Rikti Mothership
Master: Ukon Gr'ai

Basic: Any Goldbricker boss
Advanced: The Warburg Rocket
Master: A Missile Launch in progress

Something Fishy
Basic: Any Coralax lieutenant
Advanced: Barracuda
Master: The Eye of the Leviathan

Basic: Ractespriel
Advanced: Lilitu
Master: Infernal vs Bat'Zul

Pyramid Scheme
Basic: Hardcase
Advanced: Silvertongue
Master: Johnny Sonata's Soul (AV class, must have 50% health or less)

Ebil Marketeer
Basic: Sell any item at the Black Market.
Advanced: As above. Sale price must be 10 million Infamy or more.
Master: As above. Sale price must be 100 million Infamy or more.

  • Note: To take a screenshot of the market UI, hit the "Print Screen" key, paste (Ctrl + v) the image into an external image editor (such as Microsoft Paint), then save (Ctrl + s) the resulting file. CoH/V will not automatically save the image in your default screenshot directory, so doing it manually is the only way to get this shot.

Mage Hunter
Basic: Any CoT Mage (lieutenant or boss class, must have "Mage" in the name)
Advanced: Akarist
Master: Archus

Basic: Any Hellfrost boss
Advanced: Arch-A
Master: The Thorn Tree (Monster class, must have 50% health or less)

Project Fury
Basic: Any Arachnoid minion
Advanced: Biff
Master: Lord Recluse (AV class, must have 50% health or less)

Basic: Doc Buzzsaw
Advanced: B4nKbUsTah
Master: Dreck (AV class, must have 50% health or less)

Basic: Timothy Raymond
Advanced: Traditionalist Ambassador: Il'los
Master: The Honoree (AV class, must have 50% health or less)

Broken Arrow
Basic: Any Longbow Spec-Ops minion
Advanced: Indigo
Master: Crimson (AV class, must have 50% health or less)

Project Destiny
Basic: Lord Recluse (as NPC, in Grandville)
Advanced: Ruined Atlas Globe (in Future Atlas Park)
Master: Statesman (AV class, must have 50% health or less)

Terra Edo
Basic: Any Devouring Earth boss
Advanced: Any Devouring Earth giant monster
The Hamidon (or Weakened Hamidon)

Basic: Lt. Demitrovich
Advanced: Aurora Borealis
Master: Valkyrie (AV class, during her Resurrect/MoG animation)

#18 to be listed later today

The Rules

General Info
  • A list of "subjects" will be published on the main forums at 6:00pm EST on Saturday, August 15th, 2009. Take screenshots of these subjects and enter to win fabulous cash & prizes!
  • Villains only, levels 1-50, on Freedom, Virtue, and Justice.
  • Self-paced; there is no teaming schedule for this event.
  • Limit of one contest entry per global account.

The List
  • Will contain 17 subjects to be captured.
  • Each subject will be broken down into 3 levels of increasing difficulty: Basic, Advanced, and Master.
  • Basic: can be solo'd by a level 1 character. Every subject will be something that can be found in an open zone.
  • Advanced: can still be solo'd, but you'll need a high level character to do so. Most subjects will require access to level restricted zones and/or use of the Flashback system.
  • Master: will be difficult or impossible to solo. Most subjects will require use of SF/Trial content and/or the completion of an exceptionally dangerous task (such as the defeat of a Hero or Archvillain).
  • No randomly occurring events (i.e. Giant Monster spawns or similar) will be required at any level.
  • Please submit only one screenshot per subject.

Sample Subject (Based on Hero content and will not be on the real list.)
Basic: Any Clockwork Spawn (easily found in most low level zones)
Advanced: Psychic Clockwork King (found only in a level 40-44 mission, accessible via the Flashback system)
Master: The Clockwork King (found only in the Synapse or Lady Gray TF)
Technical Requirements
  • Screenshots of Mission Architect / Architect Entertainment content will not be accepted.
  • All screenshots must be taken with UI enabled. For perfect results every time, use this handy slash command: /screenshotui 1
  • Your character(s) must be at least partially visible in each screenshot. However, you do not need to use the same character for every shot, or even take them all on the same server.
  • If the subject is a targetable entity (an enemy, ally, NPC, etc.), then it must appear in your target window.
  • Screenshots must have filenames and/or tags that indicate their subject matter. If in doubt, use this format: "SubjectName (DifficultyLevel).jpg"
  • Perfect: "Clockwork (Advanced).jpg"
  • Unacceptable: "screenshot_2009-08-25-14-19-53.jpg"
  • Upload all screenshots to the online host of your choice (such as www.Photobucket.com). Please keep images as close to their native resolution as possible (shrunken images may be difficult to judge).
  • Once you have uploaded a qualifying screenshot of all 17 subjects, post the link in this thread and PM the link to: Altoholic_Monkey also, include your global name.
  • Submissions will not be accepted after the deadline of 11:59pm EST on Sunday, August 30th, 2009.

  • Images will first be evaluated to ensure they meet technical and subject matter requirements.
  • If all 18 images are accepted, your entry will be awarded between 18-126 points:
  • 1 point per Basic level image.
  • 2 points per Advanced level image.
  • 3 points per Master level image.
  • 4 bonus points per image captured while participating in any other RO Anniversary event. If you believe one or more of your images should qualify for this bonus, please mention it at the time of your submission.
  • No partial credit. 16/17 subjects = 0 points.

  • The first complete entry submitted (any difficulty level) will receive: 100 million Infamy
  • The first complete Advanced level entry submitted will receive: 100 million Infamy
  • The first complete Master level entry submitted will receive: 150 million Infamy
  • The submission that is awarded the most points will recieve: 150 million Infamy
In the event of a tie, this prize will be divided equally among the winners.
In addition, all contest participants will be awarded RO Participation Points equal to 10% of the point value of their submission, rounded to the nearest whole number (87 points = 9 RO Participation Points), and will automatically be entered into the grand prize drawing to be held on Monday, August 31st, 2009.[/FONT]



Costume Contest -- Heroes & Villains
Monday, August 17 -- Justice @ 9pm ET, Virtue @ 10pm ET, and Freedom @ 11pm ET

RO's own warped hybrid version of Project Runway and America's Next Top Model. - Bring your sense of fashion and possibly leave with a wardrobe of cash.
Server: Freedom, Justice & Virtue
Contact: @Ottercub
Prizes: 40 million x15 (5 categories, x3 servers) | Total Prize Value: 600 million Inf

Just a reminder that this is tonight in Pocket D on Justice, Virtue, and Freedom! Hope to see everyone there!



Winners of the Costume Contest

Originally Posted by ottercubdc View Post
First a big thank-you to Alty and AbnormalJoe for helping me with judging the contests. And of course a shout-out to Caiged for caging the prize money. Also to those who helped spread the word this evening - thanks! It was especially crazy on Virtue, where we ended up splitting into 2 shards, and had to run back and forth.

Without further ado, here are the winners. Each received a cool 40 million inf - thanks to our donors!


Best Male - Apep the Destroyer
Best Female - Dark Lure
Best Bio/Costume Combination - Cruel Symmetry
Best Classic Costume - Chrome Omega
Best Cliche' Costume - Supa Fly Pimpdaddy


Best Male - Omni-versal
Best Female - iMaid
Best Bio/Costume Combination - Y2K-Bug
Best Classic Costume - Major Power
Best Cliche' Costume - El Santo de Aguilas


Best Male - Fate Spirit
Best Female - Redtail Hawk
Best Bio/Costume Combination - Widow Jenkins
Best Classic Costume - Kid Sovereign
Best Cliche' Costume - Amish Disco

It was great fun - I hope you enjoyed it.



The RO 4th Anniversary Celebration ends Sunday Aug 30th, but there's still time to win prizes!


Screenshot Scavenger Hunt -- Villains
Saturday, August 15 @ 12am ET - Sunday, August 30th @ 11:59pm ET
We post a list, you take screenshots and win a prize. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Server: Freedom, Justice & Virtue
Contact: @Dr. Robert / @Alty
Total Prize Value: 500 million Inf

Click here for Screenshot List

Training Day Challenge -- Heroes & Villains
Saturday, August 15 @ 12am ET - Sunday, August 30th @ 11:59pm ET
Take a team of 5-7 players thorough a series of six MA missions and live to tell about it. Do it quickly and get rewarded handsomely. There also a Bunny Bonus (aka Smurphy's challenge)
Server: Freedom, Justice & Virtue
Contact: @Alty
Prizes: 300 million x7 + 5 Participation Points| Total Prize Value: 2.1 Billion Inf
Bunny Bonus: 1 Billion Inf + extras

Read the Rules

Participation Raffle
Monday, August 31
Each anniversary event has points attached to it. Collect points, win stuff. Exception: Costume Contest.
Prize: 400 million Influence x2, 40 million x10, 10 million x40 | Total Prize Value: 1.6 billion Inf



Training Day Challenge -- Winners

Please join me in congratulating the winners of the Training Day Challenge! Each team did a fantastic job on some very tough missions. For the teams who took on the extra challenge of Bunny Bonus, Smurphy has decided to allow us to award the bonus, instead of competing against his time.

We're pleased that each server (Freedom, Justice & Virtue) had a team that completed the challenge! We'll be contacting the team leaders to award them their prizes.


WINNER Grand Prize - 2.1 Billion
Official Time: 1:04:45
Server: Justice
Faction: Villains

Supergroup: The Doom Legion / Buffer Overrun
Team Leader: @Road Rage
Member 1:@Breezie
Member 2:@Fox Sterling
Member 3:@Top Doc
Member 4:@Ritsa
Member 5:@Stone Monument

WINNER Bunny Bonus Prize - 1 Billion
Official Time: 1:29:00 *Eligible for Bunny Bonus - LEVEL 5 Difficulty*
Server: Virtue
Faction: Mixed

Supergroup: Ars Heroica
Team Leader: @Suichiro
Member 1: @Decaying Rose
Member 2: @Gibe
Member 3: @WhiteTigerWasp
Member 4: @Sister Shadow
Member 5: @FP
Member 6: @Daristar

WINNER Never Give Up Award - 200 Million
Official Time: 1:43:17
Server: Freedom
Faction: Villain
Supergroup: Dark Kingdom

Team Leader:@LegacyX
Member 1: @Pyrocore
Member 2: @Soultrap
Member 3: @Streeja
Member 4: @Tarashani
Member 5: @Hate hM
Member 6: @Rutheless
Member 7: @murder inc.

WINNER Bunny Bonus Attempt - 350 Million
Official Time: 2:04:20 ** Eligible for Bunny Bonus - LEVEL 5 Difficiulty*
Server: Justice
Faction: Mixed

Team Leader: @GravityGiggler
Member 1: @Jet Lightning
Member 2: @Ozmosis
Member 3: @Creepy Chick
Member 4: @snowlarl
Member 5: @pvpgod
Member 6: @Who's House



*slow clap*

I commend thee, valiant warriors! I'm seething with angry jealousy, but common decency demands I put that aside... So congrats!


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)