Fix your server status page
Monday and Friday mornings have ALWAYS been server maint times, from 9-ca 11 Am Eastern. That's well-known to the community, and expected. And they announce in-game that the servers are going down, starting 1/2 an hour before. *And* somewhere in the mess of forums there is, in fact, a statement of regular maintainence times.
So calm down.
That said, the fact that the server status page does not reflect reality IS pretty annoying.
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-Common sense ain't;
-Overkill is the only kill;
-If someone asks if you're a god, run away.
Good point and welcome to the forums.
In the past (and I've been playing 5 years) downtime is from 7-9 pacific TYPICALLY. They say 2 hour window but may take longer.

Evo, you beat me to the punch. I expected the servers to be down, but when the status page said they were up I fired up CoH.exe eager to go shopping for IOs for my toons who gained so much XP this weekend. Alas, the servers are down, I was puzzled and confused, that is until I checked the "last updated" info like you did. It was my understanding the Server Status page is supposed to update on its own, without us hitting the Refresh button. I hope you guys can get it corrected soon, it's a helpful tool, but quite confusing as it stands right now.
The Server Status page is usually very accurate, maybe it is bugged due to the new forums coming up or something....I usually find that it is accurate...and I agree I wish they would say something about the log in server. I want to play let us in.
This is hardly the first time the Server Status page has been broken for a significant amount of time. I'm sure it'll get fixed eventually. Doesn't make it any less annoying of course.
While it is annoying that the server status page has been broken for a bit now your little hissy fit was uncalled for. It is public information that Monday and Friday the servers go down for maintenance. Been like that since January 2008 IIRC.
Unless it's changed recently, if you refresh the page, it shows the old information every other time you refresh.
Edit: I see from other posts this may not be true any more.
I agree that they need to fix it.
The RSS feed works OK, generally. I have desktop widgets that read it for my home server's status, and that seems to work fine the vast majority of the time.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
Yes, it doesn't change now to the correct date. It's always set to June 24. So, basically it's totally useless now. Needs to be fixed.
i'm assuming the servers are up now that it's 1.5hrs past the usual downtime window, but i can't be sure without logging in to check, because the page is still stuck on June 24. i've refreshed it manually repeatedly with no change.
Refresh the page a few times, it'll eventually grab the right data.
But yes, you shouldn't have to refresh the page a few times every time you want to see what the servers are doing.
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While it is annoying that the server status page has been broken for a bit now your little hissy fit was uncalled for. It is public information that Monday and Friday the servers go down for maintenance. Been like that since January 2008 IIRC.
GV |
I am aware of the Scheduled downtimes, my complaint is that there is no information listed on the forums or Website about when or why the servers go down. Something that happens so regularly should have a Announcement somewhere outside of the game.
If your not aware of the scheduled maintenance and you can't login, when you go to the forums to see if there's some announcement about the servers coming down and you find nothing, then you check the Status page and it says everything is up. Your lead to believe that there is something wrong with your system or game install.
Especially when the error message it spits out when your trying to login tells you to check the "Server Status" page, then mentions that something might be wrong with your network settings.
You could save people hours of trouble shooting and annoyance if they just fixed the status page or put a sticky post in the announcements that says something along the lines of:
"We usually perform server maintenance on (list days) around (list time frame) if you find the servers unavailable during any of these times, please try to reconnect later."
How hard could that possibly be?
I am aware of the Scheduled downtimes, my complaint is that there is no information listed on the forums or Website about when or why the servers go down. Something that happens so regularly should have a Announcement somewhere outside of the game.
If your not aware of the scheduled maintenance and you can't login, when you go to the forums to see if there's some announcement about the servers coming down and you find nothing, then you check the Status page and it says everything is up. Your lead to believe that there is something wrong with your system or game install. Especially when the error message it spits out when your trying to login tells you to check the "Server Status" page, then mentions that something might be wrong with your network settings. You could save people hours of trouble shooting and annoyance if they just fixed the status page or put a sticky post in the announcements that says something along the lines of: "We usually perform server maintenance on (list days) around (list time frame) if you find the servers unavailable during any of these times, please try to reconnect later." How hard could that possibly be? -Evo |
Refresh the page a few times, it'll eventually grab the right data.
But yes, you shouldn't have to refresh the page a few times every time you want to see what the servers are doing. |
i refreshed it no less than 30 times and the data never changed. It was incorrect every time. It's totally borked now.
Here's an interesting twist: While the announcement says all servers will be taken down at 7:00 Pacific (10:00 Easterm), west coast servers have been down since at least 8:30 Eastern (east coast servers are still up), and of course, the server status page shows all are up (after amybe 40 refreshes).
Nice when downtime announcements, server status page and actual server status are all three at odds with one another.
"Plausibility is nothing compared to nerdrage." --PumBumbler
A day 'after' the normal downtime to reset servers and what have you and the server status page is still bugged showing the status from nearly three months ago. Logged into CoX only to find out that five servers are down. It would be nice if the server status page was working so I would have known this before logging in. I'm with the other folks, here. Please fix the server status page.
Here's an interesting twist: While the announcement says all servers will be taken down at 7:00 Pacific (10:00 Easterm), west coast servers have been down since at least 8:30 Eastern (east coast servers are still up), and of course, the server status page shows all are up (after amybe 40 refreshes).
Nice when downtime announcements, server status page and actual server status are all three at odds with one another. |
Not complaining; just curious what might have happened to cause the miscommunication.
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Maybe we're all wrong and it's June 24....... everyday
***looks for Nemesis plot***
so does this mean they should be back up by 11 est then?? or is it still going to be around 12 or 1...
Refreshed Server Status Page 10 times. still showing 6-24-2009.
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I recived an update today, might have been the ground work for I16, server page still not working Boo Hoo
Struder 50 Regen/Broadsword Scrapper Kathy Blaze 50 Fire/Fire Brute
Raging Blue 50 Ice/Mace Tank Mrs. Killer 50 Regen/Katana Stalker
Frost face 50 Ice/Ice Blaster Raging Bane 50 All Bane
Raging Will 50 WP/SS TankDemonic-Death 50 SS/WP Brute
I used to not mind the server update days...back when they started earlier and they came back even remotely on time. If tried to tell my Director that I wanted to take down customer-oriented servers on the schedule that they do here, he'd laugh and tell me to get my team's tails into the office earlier and remember the concept of customer service. Its just sad.
Adam Seven, MA/Regen, Lvl50
Warboy, AR/Energy, Lvl50
Sammy Sorrow, Dark/Energy, lvl44
Cariosus, DB/Will Brute, Lvl50
Myriad, Mercs/Traps, Lvl 42
So many others...
"From the cradle bars
comes a beckoning voice
it sends you spinning
you have no choice...... "
we all now when scheduled downtime is....i think the point is that it would be nice to have the server status page working so that you could see when the servers are functional again...or for instance in my case, I would like to see if the servers are actually up so i could tell if my ability to not be able to log in is a local issue or the servers are still down for regular or emergency maintanace
I used to not mind the server update days...back when they started earlier and they came back even remotely on time. If tried to tell my Director that I wanted to take down customer-oriented servers on the schedule that they do here, he'd laugh and tell me to get my team's tails into the office earlier and remember the concept of customer service. Its just sad.
Then add to that the fact that there is no ANNOUNCEMENT on the login screen that this is even happening, plus the out of date server status page and you have a company that looks sloppy and like it doesnt care. Every other game I have ever played tells you at log in or when you get to the server selection. You dont havfe to guess and wonder.
They really arent being competitive in a tight gaming market.
Fix it or remove it.
Fix it, and players trust your technical abilities, your abilities to RTFM, and to collect cash for what you are advertising.
Leave it, and continue to let that (among some things) become a(nother) punchline.
Sadly, I expect Dev Ennui to continue.
Its August 3rd and your server status page is still showing the server status from June 24th.
This was take from your XML link at the bottom of the Server Status Page:
If you guys aren't going to take 30 sec to post an announcement when you bring the servers down, then put up a Sticky up that lists your "scheduled downtime", or at least fix the damn Server Status page so that it updates accordingly.
Nobody cares what the Server Status was a month ago.
If you don't make some form of out of game announcement when you take the servers down, then people have no way of knowing if the reason they can't connect is because of a PC error on their end, or if its a server issue on yours.
By having an accurate Server Status page, or a Sticky Post with your Scheduled Downtime, you can save your players (and you) allot of headaches.
Atleast thats my opinion.