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  1. REC

    Link Breaking

    I have a question about linked characters.....

    If one account goes inactive for lack of pay does that drop the link between characters? I thought this was not supposed to happen. Did they change this around?

    Well that is several questions, I did a search the forums for this but prob did not use the proper wording to find the right info.

    Thanks for your help.
  2. What is so big about closed beta....nothing to me really cause once it is live the beta does not mean why worry about personally I just want the training room back so I can work on using a few earned respecs on a few different characters...the great thing bout the training room..copy/repsec/decide if I like it or not or if what I am thinking of doing will work...Please hurry up and get this beta testing over with so I can use the training room again....HURRY and put it out so I may return to my usual play style...thanks.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by hmmmm2 View Post
    I LOVE AE FARMING ! I for one am sick and tired of TFs, and paper mishes, I have seen all the content I wanna see now I just wanna make new toons get um to 50 asap....and yes I know how to play my toons.
    Can i SAY HELLLLS YEA....I am right there with you...the people that think AE is ruining this game are the ones that lack any creativity and are just jealous cause they cannot do it....I SAY BAN THE WHINERS NOW....LOL.
  4. The Server Status page is usually very accurate, maybe it is bugged due to the new forums coming up or something....I usually find that it is accurate...and I agree I wish they would say something about the log in server. I want to play let us in.
  5. LOL...can I make that an IOU on that ten bucks?
  6. Yea it was not directed at you or anyone in particular prob just hit the reply button off your post to make my post. Sorry if I offended you it was not my intentions.

    I did read most of the posts on this thread before I posted. Seriously if your an experienced player than you should be able to look at badges and make a good assessment of what that player has played in the game. But a marker telling you if the character has spent x amount of time in AE or Dev world is not going to tell you anything more than what the badges would, for instance I linked a toon and with no time at all my buddy and I had our linked toons 50 and do not have hardly a single badge. I am a perma dom which knows how to run my dominator. So I am not out to disagree with you completely, but you can see that on my character I have vet reward badges that tells you how long I have played. So you can still get a good feel for what the player experience is off looking at the info of does not take too much to take 100,000 points of damage if your a melee and playing dev content, you cannot earn this badge via AE( because AE does not grant any badge experience for DEV content).
  7. It does not matter if it is a second or third account, I have two accounts and access to three others of RL friends and family. If all they have is AE badges then guess what they have only done AE and the vet badges can lie if it is a second account but if that toon your grouping with is only AE then all they will have is AE badges because you do not get credit for any Dev Content Badges in look to see what badge they have accomplished due to damage taken or influence rewarded, that is usually a dead ringer for what they have mainly played. And you can always ask if they are a second or third account, I have never had a problem with people boasting about how many accounts they run.

    I feel that AE has way more positive impact on this game then negative.

    I am a casual player now and with AE I can now spend half the time gaining Recipe IO sets as to before I could not even guarentee that I would get a single Recipe IO set drop unless I did a task force and the majority of the time I do not have the time to sit around and run TF/SFs. AE has flooded the market with lots of recipes and therefor bringing the price down on many different items on the BM/WW. My example is Numena's Convalescence Regeneration/Recovry comes off me watching the market for villains on Freedom used to be a 100million plus purchase off the BM now since AE the running on that averages around 50million...other Recipe Sets such as Doctored Wounds( heal ) and Crushing Impacts have all now reduced in price considerable because of the common gain from AE ticket rolls...for 70 tickets I have put plenty of Recipe Sets together and for those not aware this is the lowest roll ( Bronze ). To me AE has made it possible for me to take shots on all those recipe sets that I had no clue as where to obtain before outside of a lucky roll after a taskforce or just a random lucky roll ( which if your aware of the drop percentage for recipe sets is less than 10% for all mobs outside of AVs and some of the AVs are 100% and others are 0% so it depends on the AV you fight ). So MA has increased the flow of the market from my experience which is a positive thing for me and now I can find and obtain that orange salvage I need for my awesome Orange Recipe Set that I just obtained rather than having to spend apporx 1 mill or more on the BM/WW or just sitting around praying that I get it as a drop over hours and hours of play. This was a much needed thing for anyone that likes to craft in an MMO, which is something I like to do.

    Another thing is AE has brought back plenty of old time players that I started this game out with and I am not aware of one of them dropping out yet, will they...sure eventually because we all get bored with these games at some point.

    As well as I am so tired of the same old missions I been running since they released the level cap to 50 ( it was orginally 40 when it went live with all intentions of increasing it to 50 ) now AE gives me the chance to run missions created by friends and other game mates which if your not aware of the AE mobs are usually way tougher than Dev Content mobs.

    Just because a few of you are unhappy that the only place you can find a pug easily is in AE is annoying, so you are just as aggravating to us MA lovers as we are to you MA haters.

    If you did not notice MA has brought quite a few new people to the game, hence another positive of the MA...any gamer mag review has called it groundbreaking and highly recommended to be tried out. So once again another positive in my opinion of AE...I have no problems working with new players if they are lvl 1 or level 50 PL AE toons.

    Just to let you that are asking for MA to be removed that there are plenty of us that love what MA has done for the game and that MA has plenty of positives for some of us...sorry for those of you that have not had the fun of playing all the Dev Content.

    Stop bashing farmers because they are also a big bonus to this game in more ways than one, they increase recipes/salvage and I have yet to meet a farmer that was unfriendly or unwilling to help if they could.

    I WANT THE DEVS TO BAND ALL THE ELITIST ATTITUDE PLAYERS....they can do that right, sure they can cause they are devs and they can do anything.

    Here is my two cents on this so be well and good matter where you go there you are.
  8. [ QUOTE ]

    The only thing I can think of is a little marker that comes up next to a lvl 50 chars name that says if they spent most of their time in the AE building, or running dev content.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They have already did this, all you have to do is look at the badges to find out if they have done AE mainly or Dev Content. The best way to find out if a person is aware of anything outside of MA.
  9. I do agree with the damage type but you could come up with 9 Powers for a set form wind, yea I would imagine some being taken out of Storm powerset. Could be like Tornado(aoe that does knockup/moderate smashing), Gush(take it from the storm set that does knockback minor dmg),for your minor/rech fast moderate/moderate heavy(superior, extreme)/slow focused wind tunnels come off the hands for your single target Wind Blasts ( Similar to what the Flash does sometimes). call down Lighting ( end drain, SUperior Dmg, maybe aoe, leaves u out of endurance for awhile final power), for the AoE location power could be a Hurricane type of effect like the Ice AoE final blasting power but with clouds and so heavy of rain with lighting striking in it( It could be neat looking ). Could throw in a build up for one of the powers since most attack oriented sets get one. Maybe throw in a power similiar to Teleknisis(strong pushback) but change the animation and call it Wind Fury or whatever. Just afew ideas off th top of my head.

    Just would like to see the wind attack power I feel there is plenty of ideas for 9 powers to make a set.
  10. I am not upset with the way the blades look, I just wish you would be doing something more superheroic with new powersets. I am not too aware outside of the Punisher/Wolverine of any SuperHeroes running around with death weapons and at least the Punisher uses modern weaponary. Swords is not a beat up and arrest the bad guy type of weapon. I like this game because it is SUPER HEROs not D&D fantasy online attempt.

    I guess everyone that is a superhero fan seems to be suffering from Wolverine envy. You gave us claws, now duel blades for villains I can understand the duel wields, but for heros I would think more along the lines of billy clubs (daredevil) batons, and you do understand Elektra was a villain before Daredevil converted her. To be honest I do not really consider ninjas SuperHero material they are assassins and exactly what super heros would attempt to stop.

    This is just my two cents, I am glad lots of people like them and seem very happy to get them. I do understand the ability to allow everyone to get a chance to enjoy some aspect of the game.

    I am curious if they are working on a Wind Powerset. THey already have earth, water(Ice), fire...guess you could sorta say Storm is air but only defenders and controllers ATs have the ability to take it, I would like to see a blaster or corrupter get some type of wind blasting set.

    Willpower seems to be an interesting concept for an armor but wonder how it will differ from Invulnerability. Hopefully it will not be a toggle/Endurance heavy beast.

    Please give us more super power sets instead of weapons that are used in every other MMO on the market, you have the potential to be really unique in what you offer so putting out Dual Blades to me is lack of creativity and sorta wasted money of development for powersets. I do agree the Tank AT really needed some new powersets, the Brute has 6 to 8 choices for primary and secondary.