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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Helion_Omega View Post
    well, im going to SWTOR when its over, thats the only game near this one, besides Champions.

    World of Wookies.

    Not saying it's not well-made, but it's...WoW with starships and light sabers. Enjoy it if you can, but...meh.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Thank you, Zwill, for hanging around and answering people's questions.

    ^This, with rainbows and chocolate sauce. I know what it's like to be blindsided by a job- I came home one day and the phone was ringing: a contact in the press wanting my reaction to a lockout I didn't know had occurred, or was even in the cards.

    I can assure you I did NOT handle it as well as you are, Zwill,
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    this issue i think has been going on since i23 was still in beta, until they provide a fix (which they havent) i doubt you will be able to use any aoes without mapserving
    Ran into this as well. I did finally manage to finish the mish. You might try this:

    1) Turn GFX, especially particles and physics way down.

    2) DON'T charge into the middle of the mob- use the eyebeams to pull, then deal with smaller groups. You can use the AOEs in small doses that way.

    3)In between groups, turn away, spam /sync

    It seems as if serverside is just NOT keeping up with the dataflow in this mish for some reason. I also completed it on a Sunday morning, when server loading was low overall.
  4. Looking forward to the release, though, alas, next week's a very heavy work week for me

    Still a weeeee bit puzzled how an overhead bash (Sky Splitter)- flying down from above, yet- does knock UP, but oh well.
  5. sooo...a bunch of IOs almost noone uses...and still no staff fighting.

    Whee, indeed.
  6. Field promotion FTW!

    Best of luck to you both.
  7. LOVE the fire sword- is there a TW version? There really should be...
  8. Been dealing with this since the last patch. So far, despite a lot of attempts at assistance from Tech support, no resolution.
  9. For some reason, the Celestial Armor Lower Body pieces are showing up under both 'bottoms' and 'bottoms with skin'.
  10. OK, so.

    When, some time back, I bought a Dell laptop w/Vista, I was happy to have a portable machine that would run CoX decently...until I discovered I had no mouse cursor unless I ran in Windowed mode. It was there on the splash screen until the login window came up, then poof!

    -compatiblecursors didn't fix it, in fact it would crash the game every time; nor did the problem go away when they supposedly integrated that functionality into the code itself. After several attempts to get help from the community and the devs, I gave up and resigned myself to playing in windowed mode on the lappy.

    When I upgraded my desktop to Vista (yeah, yeah, I know), it was with some trepidation, but, a few teething issues aside, it went smoothly, including CoX. Until today's patch.

    Now, just like the laptop, if I run in fullscreen mode- no mouse cursor once the signin windows appear. In addition, every time I start the game, I get a popup window telling me "The game failed to start properly last time", and giving me a list of supported video cards (which I greatly exceed, since I'm running a Radeon HD5850), and asking me if I want to start in Safe Mode. This error appears EVERY TIME I start the game, even though it does, in fact, start successfully.

    Any ideas?
  11. On female models, if using the Jackets or Sleeveless Jackets top option, Gunslinger belt 2 (the waist cape and bow) is replaced by the 'male' version of the gunslinger belt. While this works fairly well with a few of the jacket options (though sitting pretty high up for a belt), it looks dead awful with most of them, either clipping badly (Lab Coat, for example), or obviously 'floating' around the torso- like you had invisible suspenders as well.

    If you use robes, in contrast, or the Bolero, *only* 'slinger 1 is available, avoiding the entire issue. Is this an oversight? Is 'slinger 2 not intended to be available for Jacket tops, or was it assumed no one would ever use it except on a blazer?
  12. erall

    Copy Tool Down?


    Can we all agree to not post on this topic AGAIN, (and again and again and again) unless the thread title is "Copy toll is UP!!!!"?

    Not like it's news. It's been broken more often than working for basically forever.
  13. Which is why we have more DT tomorrow...
  14. Some positive news.

    The repair function seems to have fixed the flashing in-game- but I'm still getting it slightly in the 'stume creator, of all places, while stepping through items in drop-down menus, as if the menu is forcing a screen refresh every time a new item is highlighted.

    At least the game is playable again...for now. For me. YMMV.
  15. Running the repair *seems* to have worked for me, as well, but I haven't had a lot of time to play and check.
  16. Actually glad to see this thread- I thought my card was maybe dying.

    Same problem. ATI HD 5850, newest drivers. Tried turning off some of the Ultra mode bells and whistles, with no results. Didn't try messing with water, since it's...well...EVERYTHING flickering, but will try that alter.

    EDIT: It happens ONLY in outdoor zones, and in instances using outdoor maps, like the Plague Carrier mission. Doesn't seem to be a prob in interiors and inside instances.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ghost Vision View Post
    I've had this happen to my Brute about two weeks ago.
    I've had it happen on 3 different chars in the last week, each time when zoning shortly after levelling. Have a bug report in, have heard no followup. Have you /bugged it in-game? Be nice if they knew I wasn't just crazy.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    That other game's costume slot purchases unlock one additional costume slot for one character only per purchase of 140 points, not account-wide. You can buy 2 additional costume slots for *every* character you have simultaneously for 450 points. However, that will take you from three to five (if you are a gold player you have three costume slots per character by default) for all your characters. Which is what I get right now for no actual cash purchase in CoH: four standard slots and one unlockable with Halloween salvage.

    I would think that if you actually played that game and bought the things you were talking about, instead of just quickly browsing its store, you'd know these things....
    1) I just cancelled my sub there (for the second time) after being there ...well, basically since Beta. Nice try.

    2) My error, I bought the package- which is why I have so many stume slots on ALL my chars, and did not have to sell my house to do it. Still substantially cheaper than 10 bucks/slot/char(?) (unclear if it's per char or per account for Freedom)

    3) You can nitpick with my wording all you like, Arcana, but CoX is, in fact, now trying to offer as part of its revamp things that have been in CO for a while, in many cases. This is not necessarily a bad thing- unless the prices are way out of line with both perceived value and what the competition offers (assuming an otherwise level playing field between games, which is not nec. the case.) Which you did not, truthfully, address.

    Take an absurdist example of this one price:

    5 new character slots= $20

    each of which, as you point out, allow you 5 sots total.

    You could, if you chose, and felt you REALLLLY needed that many stumes for a single charconcept buy the slots, roll 5 versions of the char with modified name, and unlock 25 stumeslots for $20.

    As opposed to rolling one char, and buying another 5 slots, for a maximum of 10- for $50.

    More time involved in the first method, yes. And I'm not for a moment suggesting anyone might actually want to DO this- just that one *could*. And save a large chunk of change.

    This is not sensible pricing, to my mind. Especially given that we can now save and load stumes, and Inf is reasonably easy to come by, this price (which, yes I know 'may be changed') lifts this from the realm of 'impulsegottagetNOW'. To 'maybe when my VIP points stack up' or even 'never.'

    In other words, rather than having a subscriber (speaking personally) spending yet more money in small amounts, they may very well end up with a subscriber who never pays another penny beyond the monthly sub- rather self defeating, given the energy they're putting into the whole cash store project. Will they make it up on purchases from Premium players etc? Maybe. Unless those players, as well, look at the prices and call BS.

    As always, YMMV.
  19. And 10 bucks for a costume slot. Which is UTTER BS.

    Over at that other game they're playing catchup with, stume slots are account-wide, and are 140 tokens. 500 of which cost 6.50. Do the math yourself. An AT is 920- less than $12

    I seriously hope they revisit their price points, because frankly these are fail.
  20. Which sounded wonderful back when they posted it...but you still need to do the Trials to UNLOCK the slots to fit the pieces you craft with the shards you get while solo...

    Oh, wait, can't even REALLY do that with anything resembling efficiency, since they added a whole bunch of other components...which you CAN crsft out of shards- but the Shard droprate still sucks. So. We're back to 'having to team'.
  21. Glad to see the ability to buy single stume PIECES rather than full sets is being considered. There are a lot of pieces I use all the time, some very rarely, and some never. taher be able to cafeteria-line as necessary.

    I, too, am VERY curious about powerset pricing, considering this was one one of the things all subscribers got for 'free', ie as part of their sub, if only at wide intervals. If a single powerset costs much more than my monthly sub cost, chances are I will NOT buy it. Of course, that's easy to say. Who knows about Cool Factor (tm)?

    BTW, what ever happened to the rest of PS Proliferation?
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    What have Cryptic got to do with anything? Paragon is run by NCSoft since years ago

    That said, yeah, I would like to see old sets (and NPCs) get the love they really badly need six years on. I would also like to see more added outside of Packs.
    But, ultimately, at least we are slowly getting what we've asked for.
    Quite right, my bad. I've been revisiting that other game and trying to figure out if I love it more than hate it.

    And yes, we are, in dribs and drabs, getting some of what we've asked for. Can't argue with that- only with the method of delivery.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Diggis View Post

    CoH bars no content from anyone able to pay the subs.
    Not totally correct. Praetoria, the engine upgrades, and the ENTIRE endgame system require an addon purchase. Don't buy GR, wave byebye to the Incarnate system and all the pretty shinies. Now, this is not unusual in MMOs, but let's not dive off the apologia high board.

    I'm not QUITE as PO'd as Noble Fox about this, but, consider: We have a huge thread dedicated to 'like to sees' for costumes. Apparently we're doing the creative work for the art people, and then having it sold back to us. New back pieces? Asked for for years. Dresses? Asked for for years (and IIRC, it was originally said that, like full robes, would never happen due to clipping issues, as if those don't already exist.)

    Given that sex and body changes are still only available via the Science booster, I'm not holding my breath that, if enough folks buy this one, the new facial upgrades won't be locked in the same way.

    I then consider some of the apallingly boneheaded design choices made in the Animal and Mutant pack- female fur and Bioarmor boots ONLY with heels? Sure, that's natural looking. (at least they DID finally fix the fur one after endless playerbase screaming). I see no reason to believe there won't be similar issues with this booster. So, you're paying for stuff that looks cool that you then doscover that, due to a lack of thought, doesn't really work as you intended. Or, in some cases, for a single power, such as Beast run.

    Add in still incomplete or shabby pre-existing sets (metal, anyone?), which will in all likelihood NEVER be upgraded or fixed.

    It really is starting to feel like Cryptic want it both ways- a pay-to-play model PLUS an F2P megashop for anything but the bare bones. For those who don't mind that, cool, enjoy it in good health; for a long time I felt the same, and was guilty of feeding the milking machine. Now, it's starting to grate.

    Have we gotten new stuff for free, in terms of systems and powers? Yes. But I fear for the future of the game with all the endless MTs.
  24. ++

    It's persisted with 2 different driver sets, as well.