(Every) = the new fotm
It's been like this for a while. It was also totally predicted by the PvP community long before I13 went live. We guaranteed the devs that the changes would turn the FotM problem into an even bigger problem, not solve it. And here we go.
Funniest thing is that even after all that, they still refuse to listen to us. We flat out told them how their game will turn out, it turned out exactly that way, but apparently we're still not smart enough for them to pay attention.
robots/dark mm's are fotm in pvp and pve...nothing changed since cov started
i play a em/nin stalker myself.but i think the fotm most done in any forms is scrappers.
good god...9 out of 10 on blue are scrappers.
good god...9 out of 10 on blue are regen scrappers.
[/ QUOTE ]
And the other 1 is an Inv/SS or Fire/SS Tank.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Uhm....I don't know what you're trying to say, honestly.
Prior to i13...what else did you find on the pvp field?
and a couple */Dev's of that variant.
*Nothings changed here...go go regin...
Invln/Em -or- SS
*Spines get's an honorable mention
(Corrs were undoubtfully probably the "most" diverse back then and they still are...only most Corr builds suck now)
.....just to name a few.....
......so....honestly, if you ask me...things are no different now...than they were then. We simply have a few slightly "different" FoTM's now, that's all. In the end, you'll always have your FoTM's: the toons that will perform the "best" in most situations. That, is a given, and almost completely unavoidable. I don't think anything has changed about that at all.
I'd go as far as to say that there are WAY more "viable" pvp toons available to us these days (viable meaning: you can take them into any given pvp zone and at least do decently, even versus certain FoTM's) than there were in the past. Honestly, in the past, if you weren't one of the "top 2" FoTM/OP'd setups of your AT....you simply weren't worth crud. In fact....I distinctly recall people "LOLing" at anyone who wanted to "venture outside the box" on pvp toons. It just didn't happen often.
Not that it happens "often" anymore either, but I do think the "potential" for it to happen more often is definately more here now than it was before.
Uhm....I don't know what you're trying to say, honestly.
Prior to i13...what else did you find on the pvp field?
and a couple */Dev's of that variant.
*Nothings changed here...go go regin...
Invln/Em -or- SS
*Spines get's an honorable mention
(Corrs were undoubtfully probably the "most" diverse back then and they still are...only most Corr builds suck now)
.....just to name a few.....
......so....honestly, if you ask me...things are no different now...than they were then. We simply have a few slightly "different" FoTM's now, that's all. In the end, you'll always have your FoTM's: the toons that will perform the "best" in most situations. That, is a given, and almost completely unavoidable. I don't think anything has changed about that at all.
I'd go as far as to say that there are WAY more "viable" pvp toons available to us these days (viable meaning: you can take them into any given pvp zone and at least do decently, even versus certain FoTM's) than there were in the past. Honestly, in the past, if you weren't one of the "top 2" FoTM/OP'd setups of your AT....you simply weren't worth crud. In fact....I distinctly recall people "LOLing" at anyone who wanted to "venture outside the box" on pvp toons. It just didn't happen often.
Not that it happens "often" anymore either, but I do think the "potential" for it to happen more often is definately more here now than it was before.
[/ QUOTE ]
Quote Pyramid, activate!
I've always done extremely well with my pimped-out Fire/Fire, in the zones and in the Arena. Won a few tournies with that toon, as well.
Skill > Slotting
Even a non-Fotm toon (within limits; we're not looking for totally gimped beyond reason here) can beat a Fotm toon, if the hands at the controls are good enough.
Inb4 flamestorm.
I was going to post something about how you should roll a non-FOTM and play it to be unique but then I actually thought about it and lol'd at myself.
solo pvp?
Cooler than every single owl EVER.
Just wait until Going Rogue. You've not even seen homogeneity until that thing releases. PvP will be in heap big trouble with both sides using the same 3 Archetypes and the same 6 powersets.
The best comics are still 10�!
My City of Heroes Blog Freedom Feature Article: "Going Rageless?"
If you only read one guide this year, make it this one.
Super Reflexes: the Golden Fox of power sets!

WARNING: I bold names.

Blasters/Stalkers/Scrappers ahoy on Going Rogue, one of the things I liked about COH and COV was that each side had different classes, not after going rogue.
Come to Virtue and you can fight my VEATs all you want. They're all I play.
You forgot bubblers before the nerf (although I see a few mind bubblers around).
and my doms are earth/psi and fire fire so :P (granted the earth/psi is farmer ted). and you left of ILL/EMP how could you?
Uhm....I don't know what you're trying to say, honestly.
[/ QUOTE ]Lol your being harsh dark here is a actual list of what i used to see.
Prior to i13...what else did you find on the pvp field?
nrg/em zones only
and a couple */Dev's of that variant.
DA(yes lolDA)
*It's changed here...go go regin...
stone melee
And yes stone armor unkillible taunt bots, and actually i met this guy on freedom who used minerals he was tuff no lie, very viable.
But remember, because of stones quik activation times it was highly viable in that era, along side SS and em, remember they were known as the big 3, now it's just SS.
Invln/Em -or- SS
Tanks mostly lost a armor choice or two
And how could you leave DA out it was on par with em for viabilty, it didn't have the raw damage but fear used to be devastating and it had that along side viable damage, all stalkers wanted was the other sets to be brung more inline damage wise to em, but alot of sets was used.
and a rare EA or two most notibly ADD boy
*Spines get's an honorable mention
really mix or match you had wp,fire,invul,elec, to pair with Sm,Fm,Ss,Em and the occasional DM most notibly lolgoodhumor man. But just using the four on four selections you had over 16 viable possibilities.
(Corrs were undoubtfully probably the "most" diverse back then and they still are...only most Corr builds suck now)
Really in a zone almost all (perma)dom combo's save a select few were viable and used.
Also even our vocabulary was nerfed, we used to use such phrases as Support Toons and from controller to corr any support class was viable.
.....just to name a few.....
This is a more accurate map of the old days as compared to what's out here now.
The funny thing is, even though you seem like one of the whiners that got the changes made in the first place, you're probably still bad..------Macskull on Crop_of_shaolin
The funny thing to me is, I think they hurt melee toons the worst. In the diversity department at least.
With their balancing based on AT rather than powerset, the DR, resistances spread to everything, especially on tough, etc. really only left a few armor sets that stand out now. The top ones being Fire and Regen. Fire can now pick up tough and with their other shields have good resist to all along with Healing Flames. How is Electric Armor supposed to compete with that now for instance? Basically a lot of melee armor sets were completely stripped of what made them unique before, and hence, useful at all.
Psy/Em should also be added to that list, as well as Sonic/Sonic and Sonic/Psy's.
It was much more diverse in i13. You could see that in the lineups that PX and OS used.
22 50's in Bio
RIP PX, GMW, and the game that used to be fun.
Still playing for reasons unknown.
The attacks and defenses in the power pools concern me. Pool attacks do obscene damage (remember when pool powers were supposed to be weaker than in-set versions of those same powers?) because of their activation times and also because the devs figure that if your attack set isn't very good, you can just take a pool power instead. Tough providing resistance to all isn't necessarily something I agree with either (I like that APP/PPP shields protect against all types of damage, but I don't think a pool power should). Sadly, rather than looking at individual sets to see where they were lacking and fixing them, they decided to make pool powers completely awesome so that they could just say "take these instead."
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Prior to i13 you could find anything in a zone.
Prior to i13 you could find anything in a zone.
[/ QUOTE ]
Skill > Slotting
[/ QUOTE ]
this is kind of a broad statement to make. if you mean IO'd vs not IO'd i'll have to strongly disagree. any idiot can 3 shot someone who knows what theyre doing if they proc up the right build. dont get me wrong, skill still counts, but slotting can buy you alot of wins.
Skill > Slotting
[/ QUOTE ]
this is kind of a broad statement to make. if you mean IO'd vs not IO'd i'll have to strongly disagree. any idiot can 3 shot someone who knows what theyre doing if they proc up the right build. dont get me wrong, skill still counts, but slotting can buy you alot of wins.
[/ QUOTE ]
npt when your dmg atks have a chance to hold and it does not apply to the 4 second rule lol..or a chance to placate that seems not so much a chance as a requirement..when you can slot 3 or 4 procs in an atk that recharges in 1-2 seconds with as fast a cast time then yeah slots can be > skill.
That's what he just said.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
That's what he just said.
[/ QUOTE ]"But my sentences we're longer damnit" lol i have always been one who beleives it's not the car it's the driver. True Io's and proc's give you a great tactical advantage, but it's all for not if the person can't use them well.
I consider myself good with alot of different toons, from defenders to corrs to brutes, but for the life of me i don't care how well slotted the toon is, i can have the best io in every slot, but i cannot work MM's. Now to some it's cake, and i'm a noob for being a weak MM user, but if you fight my MM, you probably will win lol. Atleast i can admit it, i tried thugs/poison bots/traps, nin/dark now mind you my highest one is 35. But if i get wrecked in sirens like i do, i might as well not run mm's to rv it will be a mess lol.(Can't drive MM's)
The funny thing is, even though you seem like one of the whiners that got the changes made in the first place, you're probably still bad..------Macskull on Crop_of_shaolin
mm's really shine at level 50 when you get an epic sheild - and KO blow....(or power boost if your poison..both good options). Took me forever to figure out bg mode lol. Once you have dmg spread across 6 pets and you - you're a tank.
MMs are retarded now 1v1
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
MMs need a nerf bat to the face.
I was down in sirens today, playing with a ma/wp i made just for kicks (pun intended) and i fought several brutes, doms, stalkers, rupters, mm's. And out of all of them only the mm's we're diverse.
EveryDom was mind/?? mostly electric, levitate and kill you before or as you get up, took me a while to get used to that, and work a counter out to live.
EveryBrute, save one lone ss/wp was ss/fire, right now at the time of this post it's 10 brutes on and 9 are ss/fire.
EveryStalker is electric melee save one lone spines running around, and mostly regen.
Everycorr is thermal or rad i fought today, i really couldnt get a good fix on them, to small of a sample.
EveryVeat is still in mothballs, i saw one briefly but he got wrecked and farmed and eventually left the zone, if theirs more they are inconsequencial and not in the mix.
MM's how ever came in alot of forms today, it was a very deadly dark mm earlier, who solo was unkillible.
I say all this to say, pvp is actually getting worse as a whole overal everyone is the same. Our once richly diverse pvp has become nothing more than a first person shooter, with a few subsets. And soon after a few more nerfs here and their, anyone who pvp's will be using the same build, what ever that is. This is sad, and for the first time i couldn't have fun pvp'ng, i actually had more fun in AE doing pve.
I made a mission, where alot of the old pvp builds are their, and they fight on you and each other, they move freely and unsuppressed, and you need BF's to beat the mish as it's alot of mez users towards the end. I have one part where numina buffs you, and fights along side you, it so reminds me of the old days when emps worked like they were supposed to.
But like the title says, the new word for fotm should be every..
The funny thing is, even though you seem like one of the whiners that got the changes made in the first place, you're probably still bad..------Macskull on Crop_of_shaolin