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Quote:WOW me to, mine is a bit worst though, i seem to slow down even if i use a inspiration, i thought it was my cpu at first. Also my inspirations are weaker than they are out of the pvp zone and get weaker and weaker as i use them.I'm not sure if it's the same bug that you're talking about, but I have also ran into an issue where healing myself or another person on my Emp causes my heals to become useless very quickly, and when I use my heals I also experience the issue you stated above.
Quote:IVe been playing melee's since i10 and TS does not help melee's at all, you do a move you slow just as much as the target and its frustrating. You made a good point, but the that is the devs fault, they should remove TS and just fix the damn slows, i remember when slows worked, a cold would slow you till it looked like you was about to DC and your toggles and powers after you used them took a bit to come back. This was how it should be, now you can super speed over things while slowed, and the FAIL is TS slows you more than any cold could hope to. PVP was fun for those of us that actually did it, it was things you just had to know, that no longer exist. If i pvp in a zone i need BF's, i need blues, i need greens, now i just run blues and the occasional big green. This actually all started in a thread years ago, someone had a good idea that was perverted into this nightmare, it went along the lines of suggesting melee upon a successful melee attack get granted a slight bit of TS on the target to help keep them around and we begged for taunt to do something in pvp. So the taunt fix was a great step in helping melee compete, so i guess they figured the hell with anything else and slapped on TS as im sure that was a way easier implementation than to rework melee's and give them a slight TS on there targets.It seems that people that like TS don't like the fact that who ever they are trying to take down can, would get away from them if it wasn't for TS... when I started on Vic there was no TS/HD and I for the life of me can't think off the top of my head any villains that I could never catch(that and it was a long time ago), and I use to play a MA/WP scrapper and all I had was SS. There are so many powers to make it so whoever you are trying to kill can not get away or make it much harder, and since going rouge has come out there are even more power choice that EVERY AT can take that would be better for catching people than TS if TS was to be fixed/removed.
I have a km/elec not really the best for fight club, but great at killing squishies, very hard to debuff if slotted right. But get confront and webnade and squishies are toast, stops all that kiting.
therms aren't feared like they once were, with incarnates even melee can survive those fights, even win them with the right build. I would suggest the tried and true cold/ build or even dark, but therm imo is meh.
Quote:You dont stack it, you wait your 3min and use again, stop hattin on reginsssss!!!!Stacking t9s like elude and power surge do not work and the power gives -25 total end so basically this power was made for regens to be even better thats it.
I can see it working for all melee in some form or another, ranged fighters with certain epics IE hoarfrost, power surge and simular powers, or just for the sake of blowing through a back to back attack chain. More of a gimick than a necessidy though. -
With this new exalted server, i was hoping maybe the devs would give us i12 rules to certain powers their. Slows are such a disapointment under the new rules, i remember a /cold-cold/ could make your toggles never come back or slow you to the point it looked like you was dcing. Very powerful stuff, or a dom troller dropping toggles making you actually have to use breaf free's. Or a stalker being feared in pvp, that was fun. Now you can have snow storm on you, other slow debuffs, and still run back to your base, it's sickeneing.
I just figured, with this new time set since it was focusing on slows and things it would kinda bring it back. -
You heard it here 1st, the new fotm is a psy/poison rupter, that is all.......
NOPE!!!!! Back when pvp was ok, before the nerfs EM took it was very nice, infact it was the best single target damage set on the game. Reason, it had one of the best one two combo's ever, Total focus, followed by a energy transfer that would hit like a second later. So devs changed the way attacks worked versus the time they took to activate. They decided if a power took a long time to activate it was worthy of heavy damage, and if it was a fast attack it had to be moderate at best. So poor energy transfer, with it's fast activation and heavy damage was slowed to 2 second activation, to validate under these new time rules why it hit so hard. Problem being it threw the sets synergy off by slowing it down, and now by the time you get energy transfer off, your opponent can take like up to two actions not limited to but including heal before it goes off.
So short answer NO!!!!! Grab SS and like it, it's really the only viable tank set atm, stone used to be good, but yet another nerf a while back lol. -
Quote:I watched that fight as well, it was about a good 20min or so, but any CoX pvp is a matter of pressing the right button on time, so that's not really a fair comparison, and in my opinion knwing the ins and outs does require some knowledge at least and knowledge translates into skill easily. I have sat in RV and killed 20+ ppl on my blaster and maybe died once hyber was down, or got spiked or something. But all those kills alot of it was while doing other real life things, meaning half way paying attention just mashing attacks until i see points.I watched Shark Wrangler fight Soul Taker earlier. You had two very expensive tank builds standing toe to toe going jab-jab-jab-jab-jab over and over with an occassional knockout blow and quicksand applications. Once in a while there's be a fossilize.
They were obviously great builds in terms of surviving and doing damage in a stationary manner. But I think the whole fiteclub scenario is ultimately antithetical to actually being skillful (at least as skillful as the game permits). It's rock paper scissors and the skill is coming up with the best rock. Once you get in the cage, you just tap away and try not to forget to push the right button at the right time. More like pvp NASCAR than a real fight.
I think if everyone had the same shark wrangler build, and played the same kind of cage match, it would be difficult to impossible to make any evaluation of player skill. People that were clearly incompetent would lose, but beyond that there'd be no differentiation between average and good.
I don't think fiteklubbing is that much worse than ranged duels..build still is a deciding factor although movement skill is very significant. To each his own, but I think the fact that Shark Wrangler has to offer pvp ios just to get a match is indicative that your build has solved the equation for fiteklub success so..why bother?
Sharks build actually has attacks, that other guy he has jab, boxing and laser beam eyes, and a non used footstomp. But I'll show you where skill took place and or knowledge, i watch fights like a coach would. So the inv/ss tank fought using unstop 90% of the match he had the timing to survive the crash without inspirations, get his toggles back on, back to full hp, and end all before Shark could hit him and win for have like 0 hp.
Shark would see this and attempt to press him to no avail, and fighting in that trend would have ended in a draw. But one of the openings the tank left was after a crash he was vulnerable for about 1.5min to 2min. And that last crash Shark called out the incarnates on him and he was toast.
He however couldn't produce enough damage to kill shark, his build gimped itself VS high evasion toons, because he opted to take all the tanker primary powers and fully slotted id imagine, so it left no room for luxuries like tactics, and he ran laser beam eyes, conserve power, obviously to sustain his heavy unstop usage, but he had no focus accuracy.
So as you see, i look past the way the fight looks and i get to how they got their. -
I like fight clubbing because i can't do it, so it's a challenge lol. I've been on my blasters, fenders, doms, rupters for so long i figured id start doing this. But for some reason, i don't care how much money i put in a toon i find a way to lose. I made a shield/drk tank put all shield wall pvp defense set's, the pvp resist sets in tough and in the resist he had. And everyone just kills him in a few seconds, i was about to just delete him i was so mad lol. Than i see mercury running around beating people in 1v1's like it's nothing, i figured the drk set although missing damage, with some incarnate help, it would be decent, but highly survivable because of the -tohit. I made a ss/fire tank, which if i play like im on my squishies is godly, but as soon as i try to fight club, sure i can last a long time, but i always get wore down in the end. Although that was my old build before i knew about procs in SS, so i might try again.
Quote:Just curious, what makes you like the polar lights more than the cims? Whats the pros and cons?I'd recommend taking something else for pets. While the elementals are fine for adding -tohit and for knocking your opponents pets out of the way. You are going to find you'll be lacking enough damage to drop anything fast enough.
Also, I'd recommend skipping the -tohit interface for the same reason as skipping the elementals. You need more damage so take reactive.
Take a decent DPS pet (cims are great but you'll find polar lights are better all around) + taunt + reactive and you will get kills.
The key to building a successful Shield tank fightclubber is getting your defense to around 40% melee and also capitalizing on Shield tanks resists coupled with tough. Many peeps will tell you to take Nerve alpha for the +acc/def and that's good advice but depending on your APP/PPP you may want to consider Cardiac. Earth mastery is pretty much the best you can take for fightclub imo so I'd go with cardiac. You're going to get some much needed end redux and the added +res.
40ish def + 40ish res + rebirth and you should never die. It's also a good idea to have ageless for when you fight sappers. -
I just don't get how to do it i must admit lol, even slotted with a full pvp IO build i couldn't make it work i was forced to run run run, everyone hit me at will never missed lol.
Quote:ThxShield defence is very viable for zone play(as long as its on a tanker). Mainly try to build up your range def to 70% if you can get it there. Then some hit points and recharge. One with the shield should cap your hp and make you very hard to take down. Sorry I can't help with Dark melee my SD tank is SD/SS. I would also recommend the destiny with the heal and regen component and aid self.
i think i have a handle on the dm, 70% it is then :P
I know shields are rare but wow lol, it has to be one person who can point me in the right direction? All the searches i come up with non list pvp effectiveness it's all pve stuff, and as we all know it is two different games
So...I'm coming off a little break from heroes almost two years (left to play Aion) and am now getting my feet wet again in pvp. My over priced old builds are still effective but very boring, so i decided to role a SD/DM tank and i have 0 knowledge of either set lol. Of course i fought them before but i don't really concern myself with other builds besides my own.
So I'm hoping someone who knows about that build can come on here and get me out of the dark. For starters what do i take out of the primary and what should my defensive goals be? Than what do i take out of the secondary?
What made me want a sd, is i saw some guy with one the other day and he was awesome to watch, and i remember before my break shields was trash, but it seems it's at least viable if not good properly built. A side note any builds thrown out there would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance :P
Also i plan on strictly zone, with the occasional lolfiteklub, don't ask why i get kicks out of it sometimes i just do lol. -
I think you are selling yourself short, first are you going for a hit and run build? If so that build will work if not you need to make some adjustments. Biggest thing missing i see is no self heal, id drop leaping and get aidself, your probably like i was and find it hard to let go of sj, but you can remedy that by a quick trip to sirens and get the temp jump pack for you sj fix.
also these suggestions depends solely on your income, but first replace the numina set in high pain tolerance for the pvp heal set. Next 3 slot rage with hami's tohit, recharge, endurance IO's gives you all three components at a fraction of the slots. 4 slot taunt you get +rech with the 4th IO, 6 slot ko blow with the pvp melee set, put the purple melee set in jab, for epics id go max perception acc build and get focus acc and perfect body or w/e it's called you get great regen and end bonus from that power. That's enough from me cant let all the secrets out but just loosely thats a gain of about 20% rech, which is great to get ko blow back fast. -
lol i guess things are still the same? I took a 7month break to play Aion and figured i'd resubscribe for a month to see if we had any changes, apparently it's the same as when i left lol. Back to Aion it is :P
I have a very good fire/ss tank i use now, and from my experience you best come with at least 35kb protection to the zone or stay home 1st off so add more kb io's. Next save some slots, 3 slot rage with hami's and be done with it, the tohit recharge defense ones. Burn is a must but not for your reasoning, no good pvp'r is going to sit in your burn patch, but it gives you instant protection and freedom from immobs and its good for slotting. Three slotting blazing aura is a waste it will be down 90% of the time because of the offensive toggle drop deal. For healing flames you can use 5 pieces of doctored wounds and sneak a kb io in the six slot as it takes resist io's also drop the end/rech 50 io. 6 slot all your resist armors and put kb io's in the six slot. You can put a defense armor based kb io in cj, 3 slot health with +end proces IE numinas unique and or miracle and panecea, end is your worst enemy on a fire/ss rage crash and hasten crash leave you pretty dry. Add slots to stone prison, its your friend as it slows runners down, and try and put more money in your build when you get the chance, this build is pretty basic.
Best revamp idea at the moment is too load up the Aion client lol, they seem to have a grasp on zone pvp. You go to this area called the abyss and you and your guild(SG/VG) attempt to take over castles or fortresses(Bases Raids) listening to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_1hK...eature=related so that lights a small fire but after listening to this here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iISgu...eature=related there pvp is basically what we have being begging for all these years.
But the op's idea is sound too i guess -
Reminds of that guy in i12 that tried to take it to me with his aidself DB regin, and was talking smack to me in tells about how my stalker was lucky and he couldn't be bet. Mind you the words was coming out of his dead body, over by the first hero bunker. I heard how I'm no true fighter because i wouldn't stand still, and than pinky got on (best stalker eva) and we farmed him for hours, i miss the old days.
O.o hehe i remember power rat made me fight him like 4 times in a row, he just couldn't believe i bet him so handily, than like his brother or something got on with another rat toon, and wanted to avenge his bro, he was like a fire armor aidself deal, in i12 it took forever to kill that type of build, but i got him eventually, i even my favorite achievement, killing that stone brute farmer that used to stay on all day with crit hax, hit him with like 6 crits back to back, unresisted ate through his armor like a hot knife through butter lol.
Quote:now that aion beta is overBTW he spent the last minute or so of that match inside a dumpster (think it was the KR arena map) trying to webnade the Blaster inside with him.
and i have to wait a week to get back on for aion live release, it would be sweet to transfer a toon to wreck a few AE gen pvp'rs, but that transfer fee is harsh lol, so harsh indeed.
See the funny thing is it's a big misconception about fc police, all though i have been enjoying a little rp with all this, because rping is something i never did so it's fresh material for me. The fact still remains that most of us that are doing the fc police are still old school pvp'rs and will roll over most of the people that's against us anyway. I have shown it time and time again in the arena, hell silit is married to the arena every time i see him he's camped there, they think for some reason, that because we are silly on here, and that rping is more fun than actually wasting most of these new gen players in the arena, that we won't still smash them in 1v1's.
A little known fact is in i12 and before, and ep can attest to this because he's been around in my triumph days, but i used to be one of the best fclubers on triumph, my bs/reg lost once and only had one tie in like probably 100 fights and that was to that damn power fist i couldn't kill him, and edmondo's ice dom got me. But the difference was, i didn't do it during active zone pvp sessions, i didn't care if you used inspir, temps, accolades, you didn't have to sit in my face and not move, and the key factor is i didn't broadcast about fighting me, to be honest most of my fights was set up by tells, someone may have heard or seen me in action and wanted to test their build against me. I also had a sp/reg i used to arena with. All my villains i used mainly for test server ladder matches, and they have always been based on freedom from day one, freedom was always a good place to practice how to stave off spikes, and you needed that in the ladders.
But then came i13 and actual pvp that made sense stopped, so i tore down my zone fighters and adapted to what was needed to pvp with these new rules, and all our friends and best competition left for freedom or left the game, so i moved my zone heroes to freedom, and even on freedom with all it's population my toons are still recognizable for what they do. -
Those who it's intended for, understand completely, and those who it is not, it will continue to go over your head, so it was meant to be. This makes things balanced as everything is not meant for everyone, you might understand a little better when the intended recipient responds, but actually it will probably make it worst for you, as it will be two ppl you don't understand rather than one.
I think it's best you continue fighting in the train, cerebral pvp can be tiring to say the least.
Here endeth lesson..