What changes do we need?




- Inspirations: Their effect basically annihilates most AT capabilities. Imbalancing, overpowering, take it as you want, it's just a balance mess. I am not impressed by someone ability to replenish their inventory with break frees.

[/ QUOTE ]
I'm equally unimpressed by mezz'ing AT's perma holding another AT without a status toggle for several very slow deaths over 10 minutes.

Inspirations are a necessity and aid to balance the AT's. That's just a fact.

There is little skill involved in playing CoX PvP except for your ability to devote time to level some AT. After that it's just a matter of choosing the right build (that isn't rocket science), picking a target, jousting around it and escaping/hitting breakfree when danger bell rings. Voice chat isn't even required to be competitive... that shows the low level of coordination required.

[/ QUOTE ]
If that's your honest opinion, than you don't know the first thing about PvP in this game.

"His Imperial Majesty's Minister of Restraints and Leather" -LHF

Two naughty acronym teams / Ascension / Convenient / Artic and the Chillz / Fap / Other teams I can't remember (sorry.. mind is goin')



I'm equally unimpressed by mezz'ing AT's perma holding another AT without a status toggle for several very slow deaths over 10 minutes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your problem is your attack approach. You've been taught that the only way to survive is to hit with everything you've got and run. If you didn't have inspiration options, as you do now, you probabily would have balanced your powers out to where you could truly fight.

Inspirations are a necessity and aid to balance the AT's. That's just a fact.

[/ QUOTE ]

Inspirations are a major reason why there is a fewer variety of AT's in PvP zones.

If your idea of PvP is whether your inspiration-heavy fire/em blaster is better than your opponent's inspiration-heavy fire/em blaster, then really its just a matter of which clone has the better internet connection.

No, the real problem for those of us who like Hero vs. Villian battles is to figure out how to get all the powersets to appear in a PvP zone.

As a true fan of Superheroes, Villians, comic books, et al., I want to see variety in the PvP zones. Right now, sadly, it's 80%-90% stalkers vs. heroes. I'd like to see every power and every AT have a strong presence in the zone. Not just two or three.



Change number 1: fix MoG so it's at least slightly useful in PvP (Done! Excellent work! I love it!)

Change number 2: Cap slows so that Hasten+3 recharge enhancements on all powers cannot be completely negated.

Change number 3: Hmm... I'd say my number three wish would be a general look at the FotM builds for more balancing, really.

Change number 4: Remove the annoying and easy to exploit arena rankings. They really are pointless : /

The first two are the only two issues that stand out so far, though I intend to keep looking. Overall better than many games I've played in the past.




There is little skill involved in playing CoX PvP except for your ability to devote time to level some AT. After that it's just a matter of choosing the right build (that isn't rocket science), picking a target, jousting around it and escaping/hitting breakfree when danger bell rings. Voice chat isn't even required to be competitive... that shows the low level of coordination required.

[/ QUOTE ]
If that's your honest opinion, than you don't know the first thing about PvP in this game.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually he's spot on. It requires very little skill to hit BU + AIM + Power boost Bitter ice blast, ice blast, and then TF or Bone smasher.



Some folks like to mix it up with BU+Aim+Powerboost Bonesmasher/TF, then backup and kite with BiB and Blast. :P Sometimes it breaks the tedium of getting easy kills.



'Cause real pros waste Power Boost after Aim and BU.




I agree with the OP on many of the things. Here is my personal list of changes I would like to see:

<ul type="square">[*]Have Rare Recipes awarded in a bounty system at about 30,000 points, in RV have it awarded for controlling all the pill boxes 3 times in a row
[*]Have Warbug be able to team heroes and villians together, add a bounty system to it
[*]Have selectable maps for arena, have diffrent types of games for arena such as capture the flag
[*]Have people to see and join arena matches from the menu screen, have all matches even custom ones be ranked matches
[*]On your websites keep track and show the stats of arena matches, have a reward system with rare recipes for arena matches
[*]Fix the blaster bug, reduce stalkers AS by 10%, reduce Blasters health by 10%, increase Brutes health by 10%
[*]Increase the current movement suppression by 10 seconds
[*]Reduce the number of NPC's in PVP zones



Ok, no. Inspirations are designed to balance the ATs, and they do there job well. You have to think, if this happened then Arena PvP would be so badly screwed up. What happens if a Dom gets over 6 holds on you (Easily achieved with a Fire controller) and requires you to use more BFs then normal?

Please guys, you gotta think of Zone and Arena if we're to make serious suggestions.

EDIT: Reread your post, but still, if you use a full tray of inspirations, then that means you're out a full tray for future use. Worse comes to worse, you yourself should use a full tray.

[/ QUOTE ]

Then you... *gasp!* GET HELD!

God forbid the dom actually manages to HOLD someone.



Havent read through the whole thread yet, but the two things that need to get changed before anything else is the toggle animation bug and the harmful icon bug. Theyre both really lame, and need to get fixed soon.

-- Currently Playing --
Dexter Labrynth (SS/FA Brute)

Former member of Tribute and Victory Reborn



Havent read through the whole thread yet, but the two things that need to get changed before anything else is the toggle animation bug and the harmful icon bug. Theyre both really lame, and need to get fixed soon.

[/ QUOTE ]

QFT. Toggle bug's been around for months, and the patch that fixed the all-toggle-and-some-buff-icon bug introduced the "incoming attack" icon bug. I recall not being the only one to report this both in-game and on the forums on the first night it appeared on Test... only to see it copied over to Live about a week later.



Whe need 'Capture the Flag' team fights.

[/ QUOTE ]

YES we need something more then kill the other guy all the time period.

Support ATS and melees are left with little reward in the current system.

Imho this is why things like House Rules and Fight Clubs exisit.

Not everyone wants to be ranked by thier Kills alone.

Such is not an acurate measure of true overall pvp skill in Cox.




CTF is hard to do with Superspeed and Phase Shift... I'd have a 'Capture/Recover 30 Scientists' over CTF.



Whe need 'Capture the Flag' team fights.

[/ QUOTE ]

YES we need something more then kill the other guy all the time period.

Support ATS and melees are left with little reward in the current system.

Imho this is why things like House Rules and Fight Clubs exisit.

Not everyone wants to be ranked by thier Kills alone.

Such is not an acurate measure of true overall pvp skill in Cox.


[/ QUOTE ]

Wait, who measures their pvp skill through the end scoreboard anyways?



More kills means you're better and obviously did way more damage than anyone else. Thus empaths suck.





[*]Have Warbug be able to team heroes and villians together, add a bounty system to it

[/ QUOTE ]

Or either make a new level 50 zone where Heroes and villains can team up together, cause WB is dead enough as it is.
I would rather have a zone where a level 50 brute, stalker, corrupter etc, can team up with a level 50 defender, troller, blaster, etc. It would make for much more interesting pvp because then you'd have a hybrid of teams. Having stalker + blaster or stalker + troller go up against dominator + tanker or dominator + blaster. And all of them being able to use all of their powers would make it much more interesting and fun because then no one would be missing powers. And we'd have no one saying "Well I don't have X-power so that's why I'm losing!"

OR, this may be a bit drastic, turn RWZ into a pvp zone, cause it's already coded to have heroes and villains on the same team, they'd only have to make it so that you're auto LK/SKed up to level 50.

[*]Reduce the number of NPC's in PVP zones

[/ QUOTE ]

If by "reduce" you mean remove then, hell yeah.



Biggest change:

Revisit and change resistances to Lethal &amp; Smashing damage to bring them into balance.

Too many builds are highly resistant to Smashing damage compared to Lethal damage, and I would say that Lethal damage is overpowered(resulting in it getting a higher critical hit percentage than Smashing dmage builds.)

For example, in a matchup of 2 scrappers, an MA/SR versus a Claws/SR both with SR powers exactly the same, the MA will normally lose because he will land fewer critical hits (as well as landing fewer hits overall due to smashing resistance), and take higher damage when hit. The Claws/SR will take less damage yet land far more hits with more critical hits landing.

I see this effect alot in Sirens, probably the most active PvP zone across the servers.

Either an increase in Lethal resistance or a reduction in Lethal damage potential would also have the effect of reducing the overall stalker over-poweredness.

"It is that balance, the ground between EB and AV, where the PvP struggle should exist. Where a 1v1 becomes a struggle of equals, and 1vMany gives the benefit to the 1."

Freedom: Fireocity, Electro Imp, Gotya
Infinity: Meteor Storm, Mutai Kid, General Bot, Da Smasher



MA should win that, with way more overall damage...

Regardless, I don't think S/L really needs revisited. Most shields that resist one resist the other... =\



MA will never do more damage in that fight because of the resistance issues in PvP.

I'm responding from first hand experience.

My 50 MA/SR slotted all to heck can crit NPCs on a regular basis in zones, but when facing vils or heroes, due to the way sets are built to resist smashing damage, MA hits only the squishiest of builds. And even when I do hit, the chance of the hit being critical is far less than comparable scrappers with lethal damage. And who hasn't see the overpowered damage of any power with lethal damage.

In all seriousness I think at least a change in smashing resistance is necessar as this is a change that the devs have not considered at all. Because all MA powers do ONLY smashing damage this is the fault of the devs in creating the set and failing to carry it's effectiveness into PvP zones.

"It is that balance, the ground between EB and AV, where the PvP struggle should exist. Where a 1v1 becomes a struggle of equals, and 1vMany gives the benefit to the 1."

Freedom: Fireocity, Electro Imp, Gotya
Infinity: Meteor Storm, Mutai Kid, General Bot, Da Smasher



The Dev's thoughts on MA in PVP:

"lol don't do that, silly"

haha, I keed I keed!

Proud Member of Fusion Force.




The nature of the changes that would be needed to make PvP attractive to anyone beyond a hard-core few are so dramatic that if the Devs did it the user base would crucify them and flee.

The last thing they should do at this point is incentivize PvP either. The one thing that is worse than having a painful PvP experience in your game, is accidentally drawing your casual players into it to try and get some loot or whatever, and having them exposed to the horror and leave.

They should just leave well enough alone, save maybe for minor tweaks to the most aggregious engagement issues, like phase shift and stealth mechanics. It's much too late in the day to do much else.



Okay, I realize this is a really broad problem, but there's some specific examples I have in mind.

We need the same standards applied everywhere in the game.

I know this looks obvious at first, but when you look at it, it's actually very clear how many PvP problems stem from simple double standards in design. For example:

1) APP v PPP. This is transparently biased. The PPPs are held to a standard (no "best" pool) that appears nowhere else in the game, and are utterly worthless in PvP as a result. In fact, despite the promise of being stronger, they are actually weaker than the APPs in every measurable way. For example:

1A) Defenders and Corrupters both have access to Soul Drain as an epic power. They're virtually indistinguishable- except that the Corrupter version takes twice as long to recharge.

2) General borked villain power values.

2A) Mastermind PFF has four times the recharge of the Controller or Defender versions, or even the Blaster Epic. There used to be a reason for this, but MMs havn't been able to command their pets from inside PFF since i7 went live.

2B) Dominator Powerboost. It appears in a secondary powerset, just like the blaster version, but has twice the recharge, that is to say, the same recharge as the Controller Epic.

2C) BuildUp and Aim. These are totally absurd. The Brute and Stalker BuildUps, despite appearing in primary powersets, give only an 80% damage buff, the same as the Tanker secondary buildup. Meanwhile the Scrapper Primary and Blaster secondary give +100%. Corrupter and Dominator Aim give +42.5% Damage/ +42.5% ToHit, while the Blaster primary gives +62.5 Dmg/ 37.5% ToHit. Secondary Defender Aim gives +50%/+50%.

Honestly, if the devs simply stopped designing the game to penalize villain players, they might actually do better in PvP.



My bad, Vastin has already made a PVP Sucks thread.

Edit: nuke original post



We need to have Brutes/Tanks without holds in PvP... The job of a Brute/Tank is not holding opponents, that's the job of Def/Cont/Corr/Doms... Brutes/Tanks have no business having holds from single hit attack powers.

"It is that balance, the ground between EB and AV, where the PvP struggle should exist. Where a 1v1 becomes a struggle of equals, and 1vMany gives the benefit to the 1."

Freedom: Fireocity, Electro Imp, Gotya
Infinity: Meteor Storm, Mutai Kid, General Bot, Da Smasher



The Dev's thoughts on melee in PVP:

"lol don't do that, silly"

haha, I keed I keed!

[/ QUOTE ]



We need to have Brutes/Tanks without holds in PvP... The job of a Brute/Tank is not holding opponents, that's the job of Def/Cont/Corr/Doms... Brutes/Tanks have no business having holds from single hit attack powers.

[/ QUOTE ]

/Agree. Melee is way too powerful. They keep whaling on me while i try to snipe, and i can't hit them through their defenses! Nerf melee!