What changes do we need?




taunt is fine as is. i was bein taunted once in one of the matches i was in for like a tournament... it was sooo annoying. its really not easy to get out of if the tank just stays on you.

[/ QUOTE ]


Great! I'll just hop onto the test server with my BA/WP Brute and try to get into one of those PvP ladder things and they'll want me there because I have Taunt. Or maybe I'll just go right into RV and start taunting those l33t hero teams into oblivion! Muahahahahaha nothing can stop me now that I understand the power of Taunt!!!



yeah im with max fire power, i mean more than half of the people cant see stalkers, and to top that off they can 2 shot, you cant even fight anyone without a noob stalker coming up and 2 shotting you



well we used to be able to 2 shot most but with the recent EM nerf ppl have enough time to heal b4 the second hit goes off, the only hope i think is Total focus hope it stuns and the player has no BFs placate and AS. or instead of AS, ET to squishies.



I agree that PvP should be kept separate from PvE. The Shivans and Nukes are really helpful on Task Forces, but they're almost impossible to get unless you're ready for PvP. That means you either have to be one of the 5% of power combos that do well in PvP, or bring a bunch of those combos along to fend off griefers and whatnot so your squishy/poor toon can get the temporary power.



I've gotten Shivans on my Ice therm corr who has no travel powers in BB and only two attacks. Yea I'm built for pvp alright...good thing I'm in that 5% of uber power combos.



I've gotten Shivans on my Ice therm corr who has no travel powers in BB and only two attacks. Yea I'm built for pvp alright...good thing I'm in that 5% of uber power combos.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now go get nukes in Warburg with at least 2 opponents there.

Bloody Bay is easy, as long as you can deal enough damage to the turrets.



in my mind here is what needed,
1) defense vs. Acc/to-hit, I could maybe understand some of the complaints about forts IF defense was actually worth anything in pvp. go figure that IOed out various defense builds can get to maybe 60% defense w/o elude which may sound great, but aim has a 50% to-hit, and build up 20% unslotted, which is more than enough to neutralize most defense, and thats before Acc is factored in and not counting outside buffs, yellow inspirations or tactics. To me, max defense vs. max acc/to-hit should have a 50/50 chance, but thats clearly not the case.
2) uneven numbers, I really can't think of a good mechanic to handle this, maybe cross server pvp zones would help, or maybe make NPC's more hostile to whichever side has the lopsidded numbers when the numbers really get bad( this would be combined with zero debt in pvp zones)
3)the arena getting a major overhaul, combined with arena access from the pvp zones
4) remove mez suppression, and introduce unique low mag status protection IO's for each status type as well as TP and end drain
5) introduce IO recipes as bounty rewards, lets be honest here, SO's aren't even worth it anymore
6) Grant XP/ Inf when bounty/ rep is granted, given the period of time where bounty/ rep can't be awarded, I can't really see this being easily abused



i can haz mayhem mission arena maps naokthx?



i can haz mayhem mission arena maps naokthx?

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd also accept the ability to create PvP missions in the mission architect



Putz is a dreamer...but that is one sexy dream.



Second the motion.



She also pretty much stole the idea from 6. He had an idea for a PVP TF. I remember 2 of the mission ideas. Defeat r0x and his guards and Rescue Terra Lord (WD's stone tank).



She also pretty much stole the idea from 6. He had an idea for a PVP TF. I remember 2 of the mission ideas. Defeat r0x and his guards and Rescue Terra Lord (WD's stone tank).

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think "allow mission architect to include PvP missions" counts as an idea stolen from 6 so much as an obvious thing that many people on the boards have already asked for. If I suggested "Make a TF that takes your through the PvP zones dealing with common PvP zone characters, eventually culminating in a 'defeat ir0x0r and guards' mission you get to via an arena terminal," then yes, that would certainly be stealing from 6.

PvP missions are a top 5 on the wishlist as well as a frequent topic in S+I. Making PvP missions part of mission architect has been suggested in several different MA threads by several different people. It's about as much a plagiarized idea as "selectable arena maps plz."



She also pretty much stole the idea from 6. He had an idea for a PVP TF. I remember 2 of the mission ideas. Defeat r0x and his guards and Rescue Terra Lord (WD's stone tank).


[/ QUOTE ]




rebalance the entire AT/Power structure

[/ QUOTE ]

Be careful what you wish for.



rebalance the entire AT/Power structure

[/ QUOTE ]

Be careful what you wish for.

[/ QUOTE ]

Destroy Castle's list he posted earlier. It's evil.



rebalance the entire AT/Power structure

[/ QUOTE ]

Be careful what you wish for.

[/ QUOTE ]
but they still didn't do it lol
they didn't listen to how I would have done it

but since I can predict the future now......



Aw, crap.



Knock down stalkers stealth a bit in pvp.



the biggest change that needs to be made to PvP is to put it back to i12 specs. nuff said.



If I suggested "Make a TF that takes your through the PvP zones dealing with common PvP zone characters, eventually culminating in a 'defeat ir0x0r and guards' mission you get to via an arena terminal," then yes, that would certainly be stealing from 6.

[/ QUOTE ]

No way did my PvP task force end with "Defeat ir0x0r and guards." The final mission was called "Defeat Hax Incarnate." You see, Hax was a demon...



Either roll back pvp to issue 12


Keep, no toggle drop, dual build, -range with tuant, increase dmg (maybe)...

Take out : DR, HD, Suppression

Give melee back its mez prot

Give everyone who has mezz the ability they use to have..

Then just focus on the outliners that were breaking pvp to begin with.. Just a few things that werent performing well you bring them up.. and the ones that was rediculus you bring them down.. and you have the "datamining" so you should know which ones.

Iron-Blade 50kat/invul Iron Ascension 50trifpb Cinder Reborn 50fire/kin Zaha'doom 50triws Cindered Stones 50fire/ston ColdFusion 35 ice/rad Iron Ash 50 Fir/WP
Iron Wind km/regen Iron Static elec/reg Psy Entity 50 psy/dev Iron-Assassin 50 nin/nin



Either roll back pvp to issue 12


Keep, no toggle drop, dual build, -range with tuant, increase dmg (maybe)...

Take out : DR, HD, Suppression

Give melee back its mez prot

Give everyone who has mezz the ability they use to have..

Then just focus on the outliners that were breaking pvp to begin with.. Just a few things that werent performing well you bring them up.. and the ones that was rediculus you bring them down.. and you have the "datamining" so you should know which ones.

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, this is exactly what we need, and a lot of people seem to see it. An excellent summary.
Also, please make meaningful pvp rewards actually tied to pvp directly. Don't have people enter pvp zones for non-pvp rewards. The pvp is just then resented. Give people meaningful rewards for pvp success (e.g. cash in rank points for merits AFTER a set amount of time.) Maximum merit points acheivable in an hour, for example, would not exceed maximum merit points available in a one hour tf. This way it couldn't be abused.
Also, please give us a nice big red shiny ignore button to deal with smack talkers. We can ignore them now, but it could be easier, and this would be very handy for new players that don't want to be insulted upon entering the zones by the few pvpers that seem to get something out of insulting others.



PVP needs love. It's not clear how much love we'll actually get. But I want to hear opinions and wishlists on the best or most crucial changes. Here is mine. Let's hear yours.

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Not that the Dev Team (Nero's fiddler's?) will notice but:

I can play a toon that's listed as:

A damaging AT and do damage.
A controlling AT and "control" foes.
A defending AT that defends.
A "Great solo AT" that can actually scrap.
A Tanker who can Tank something more than a five year old with a rash.
A Brute who can generate and use Fury in PvP.
A Dominator who gets some Dominance.
A Corrupter who can (eventually) corrupt a foe.
A Stalker who can hit and defeat or run.
A Mastermind who is dangerous.

Heck - here's a novel one. Fun? Like... what the players wanted/asked for?

How bout that?



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