86 -
She also pretty much stole the idea from 6. He had an idea for a PVP TF. I remember 2 of the mission ideas. Defeat r0x and his guards and Rescue Terra Lord (WD's stone tank).
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Fixed -
She also pretty much stole the idea from 6. He had an idea for a PVP TF. I remember 2 of the mission ideas. Defeat r0x and his guards and Rescue Terra Lord (WD's stone tank).
It also likely shows rarely is the Eden trial done.
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Bet you're wrong on that one.
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Shh. -
syph killed modoom once.
with tesla cage.
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I've seen worse. Like when Putz killed me with crey pistol. . . -
@Brotha of Darkness
@Bloody Raw (Leader)
@Mistress Abysm
@El Ajax
@mac daddy b
@mac b
@macnificent b
@Mykonos (Leader)
@Mickey Slo2
@Divine Majestic
@-Divine Majestic
@Who is dis? dis is u
@Life Sux
@DjQ (Leader)
@Emotional Wreck
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@Cold Domineer
@I've got a glass jaw
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lololololol. That's a retarded move. -
Jax has been waiting to do that forever now. . .
Hope a lot of those names are fillers or semi AFK types...cause that's a lot of people on an Arena team not playing.
WB though...can't wait to see yall in action.
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New management new rulez, you don't come to practice you don't play. We are also not the only group on the ladder that has more than 25 people.
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If you have 25 people and not 25 accounts you have by far the most people. Most SGs/VGs have many accounts but it's cause people have 2-3 accounts each. Twenty-five people is a ton. You're doubling the amount of people that pvp on test pretty much -
A.S.S. First Female Leader(s) PvP Sg?
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Putz, Moe, Alarys? Possibly Shu -
I would, but posting in this JALocracy of a community I might be considered toxic
I remember when I joined FOL and they let me call targets my first night of hero practice. Ajax was so against me calling on my blaster at first though. . .
LOLOLOLOLOL! Are you kidding? NDX formed around the time LD left. We dominated JAL even from almost the get go. Then Psypunk cried and said all we could do was stack veng and we did a match with no veng and we only won like 60-4 instead of 63-3.
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Am I kidding about what? Did I even mention NDX a single time in my post? Wtf does NDX have to do with anything?
I said we had close games with LD, the team that owned every other team at that time. I was there unlike you...so I know what happened. We'd lose by like 3-5 kills each time, but when the scores were like 25-21, 3 kills was a very close match. Yes, it was just practice. My point is that's when JAL started to get significantly better. Before that, it could hardly even be considered a true "PvP team".
Btw NDX lasted what...2 months?
Also, it's funny how you deny being elitist...and then like an hour later make the above post, making fun of another team and bragging about how awesome and how much better your team was. Hypocrisy ftw.
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There's a difference between taking only leet members and LOLing at JAL.
NDX lasted 2 months maybe but we were better than JAL in that short time. Considering only one of us had ever PVP'd on test ever I think it was an accomplishment.
Also I said it because your timetable is off then. If you guys could keep it close with LD and get walloped by a brand new sg then something's wrong because LD was consistently better then us. Unless we just put in that much work but this is when you claim when JAL started to become serious.
Point is this, before Alalrys came JAL was a joke. -
Ajax, the attitude change I described happened just before Alarys taking over. JAL started getting significantly better right around the time veng stacking reached its peak and LD was the undisputed best team around. We actually had some practices with LD that were really close...and actually beat them in a pentad practice. It was practice, but they had their top 5 players playing, so not much difference from a match. We couldn't beat LD or FoL or HVND, but we were very close to doing it.
Anyway, shortly after that, alarys and her friends joined...and I and a bunch of other people quit. And Alarys took the "win" attitude to a whole new level. Becoming #1 became the only thing that mattered. And it paid off only a couple months later.
I quit because I saw where the team was going, and I was over it. I think that competitively this game is a joke, so devoting my life to being #1 out of like 4 total teams was too much for me. And a few other JAL members felt the same way. So JAL basically became a brand new team. Totally new players, totally new strategy, and totally new results.
Well....not totally new players. There was, I believe, 2 players from the old JAL that still played when JAL became #1. Not sure if they played all matches, but they were at least still part of the team.
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LOLOLOLOLOL! Are you kidding? NDX formed around the time LD left. We dominated JAL even from almost the get go. Then Psypunk cried and said all we could do was stack veng and we did a match with no veng and we only won like 60-4 instead of 63-3. -
I remember a Penance vs JAL match where I scored 61 kills on my ice/devices blaster.
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Like Lab said, JAL was a completely different team then.
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JAL wasn't a "PvP team" until like a year ago. Up until then, it was a normal SG that did PvP on the side. Naturally it couldn't compete with teams that were specifically created for PvP and did nothing but PvP (like every single other PvP team ever). They allowed absolutely anybody to join, as long as they were cool people. Skill didn't matter. If someone wanted to PvP, they could PvP with JAL (after getting turned down by everybody else). Essentially JAL was the only non-elitist team in the game....the only team that didn't look down on people if they lacked "mad pvp skillz".
Then they finally got tired of PvE and went all into PvP...started practicing regularly, actually set guidelines on recruitment, and became another one of the "win at all costs" PvP teams. And a little while later got to be #1. Just shows what it takes to win.
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If being elitest means wanting to pvp with people you consider friends then you might be right. -
I remember a Penance vs JAL match where I scored 61 kills on my ice/devices blaster.
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Like Lab said, JAL was a completely different team then.
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I like to refer to that as the Psypunk Era. -
Why don't we do 20-minute matches anymore?
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HVND. Or maybe it was LD. -
From my perspective...
Before there were ever SG v SG matches, there were whole server fights. Server v Server was the original standard and the matches were basically scaled down to whatever side brought the least people. Virtue and Freedom dominated these, with Freedom being the top dog. Virtue had the numbers, Freedom had an extremely buffed Johnny Priest. With multiple emps backing him, he literally could tear through anyone with ease.
Aside from the server matches, several SGs started to show promise. These included (ranked accordingly)...
Tribute (originally called Top Ten) - Freedom
Hell Raisers - Protector
Lions Den - Victory
Bots - Justice
(LD did beat HR in an official match. However, the match was 14v10 with 2 HR DCs making it 14v8. HR never had a big roster and Rift, leader of LD, refused to sit anyone)
Tribute simply dominated all comers. Like it has been mentioned, they were just leagues ahead of any other team. The only loss Tribute ever received was not in an official, but just a random scrim on test. The opposing team was myself and Krole on empaths, ReMix and Ice.Master on ice/EMs, and for the life of me I cannot remember the 5th person. Aside from that, Tribute never lost on an all Tribute team.
After awhile, Tribute became bored with the game and the lack of competition so most left for Guild Wars (not WoW). After Tribute left the dominate SGs were
Penance - Victory
Freaks - Liberty
HVND - Champion
HVND was a very secretive SG that never ever appeared on test. When they fought Penance using their turtle strategy, nothing like it had ever been seen before, and Penance was no where near ready. After HVND's win, some of their members became very vocal about being not only the top SG at the time but ever. This prompted a Tribute reunion for one last match. Tribute won 2 rounds to 0.
It was around this time that the Freaks started the whole concept of practice. Before this, practices just didnt happen. Due to hard work and dedication, Freaks ended up with solid wins over both Penance and HVND to take the top spot during this time.
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No mention of JAL?