What changes do we need?




more non-pvp rewards in pvp zones. and make it hard to get them quickly. freah meat is always cool to eat.



Toss DR

Toss free resists

Epic/patron shields and tough grant resists to all but only at say 50% of their normal amount to the other damage types. Meaning if your patron sheild slotted gives you 30% resist to S/L and Dark it still does but also gives 15% to everything else. That 50% could be changed depending on performance.

Either drop mez from all mobs in zone or change them to 2 seconds to match players. Or just put mez protection back in and have mez vs players high enough mag that it will eat through the sheilds but only last for a couple seconds.

Have "offensive" toggles that use yourself as a target and do not cause damage or mez to only suppress and not drop i.e. RttC and AAO.

Get rid of travel suppression from mobs. If you cannot, remove it.

Defensive toggles SHOULD suppress when held or stunned or sleeping. Why should someone who cannot move be able to doge your attacks?

Change damage to compensate for the types of resistance out there. In other words increase S/L a bit but not anything else.

Increase damage in AOE attacks to match formula for single target attacks.

Do not have any attacks that do less damage in PvP than in PvE.

Just off the top of my head there.



Toss DR

Toss free resists

Epic/patron shields and tough grant resists to all but only at say 50% of their normal amount to the other damage types. Meaning if your patron sheild slotted gives you 30% resist to S/L and Dark it still does but also gives 15% to everything else. That 50% could be changed depending on performance.

Either drop mez from all mobs in zone or change them to 2 seconds to match players. Or just put mez protection back in and have mez vs players high enough mag that it will eat through the sheilds but only last for a couple seconds.

Have "offensive" toggles that use yourself as a target and do not cause damage or mez to only suppress and not drop i.e. RttC and AAO.

Get rid of travel suppression from mobs. If you cannot, remove it.

Defensive toggles SHOULD suppress when held or stunned or sleeping. Why should someone who cannot move be able to doge your attacks?

Change damage to compensate for the types of resistance out there. In other words increase S/L a bit but not anything else.

Increase damage in AOE attacks to match formula for single target attacks.

Do not have any attacks that do less damage in PvP than in PvE.

Just off the top of my head there.

[/ QUOTE ]

Agreed with almost all ideas!!



Well to tell you the truth I love to PvP, but find it dull at times and meaningless sometimes in this game. My ideas are like others here but gives some more meaning to PvP.

1. Add a reward system compared to the merit system.
By giving out pvp tickets for killing other players, and completing certain task players can buy rewards. You can scale the tickets so certain tasks for example yeilds more tickets than killing a player or vise versa.

2. Add world affect from pvp result.
Each PvP entrance is in different zones so take for example sirens call. If the heros would be winning Sirens call you would see more longbow in Sharkhead Isle affecting the general game world dynamics.

3. Add Arena rankings on website.
Even though WoW PvP got on my nerves a lot the best feature was ranking. By going to WoW's website and simply looking at the ranking tab you could see how you ranked. You could also give out titles for high ranking arena players as a reward for accomplishment.

The PvP in this game has a lot of possibility, but you need to have players want to PvP. At times I can go into an arena, or zone and it's dead, and I ask myself what's the point? Here you give reason and it adds to the function of the system.



Well to tell you the truth I love to PvP, but find it dull at times and meaningless sometimes in this game. My ideas are like others here but gives some more meaning to PvP.

1. Add a reward system compared to the merit system.
By giving out pvp tickets for killing other players, and completing certain task players can buy rewards. You can scale the tickets so certain tasks for example yeilds more tickets than killing a player or vise versa.

2. Add world effect from pvp result.
Each PvP entrance is in different zones so take for example sirens call. If the heros would be winning Sirens call you would see more longbow in Sharkhead Isle affecting the general game world dynamics.

3. Add Arena rankings on website.
Even though WoW PvP got on my nerves a lot the best feature was ranking. By going to WoW's website and simply looking at the ranking tab you could see how you ranked. You could also give out titles for high ranking arena players as a reward for accomplishment.

The PvP in this game has a lot of possibility, but you need to have players want to PvP. At times I can go into an arena, or zone and it's dead, and I ask myself what's the point? Here you give reason and it adds to the function of the system.

[/ QUOTE ]

i like this.
a lot.



Two things glare out at me when I consider PvP

1) A chacter's power don't work the same in PvP as in PvE.

2) Movement needs to be readdressed. The ability to use full movement, even with supression, allows escape from combat to be too easy.


This always seems like a no brainer to me. If it works one way, it ought to work that way regardless of situation or environment. I know that this isn't always the case in the real world. The same action in extremely different environments can have wildly different resaults. But, we're not talking about the propensity of water to freeze instantly in Siberia. We're talking about moving from one part of the city to another. A very minor change of environment.

Let my Fireball do the damage normally does. Let my Total Focus cause the same ammount of stun duration. Let my Mez Protection actually PROTECT me.


I know this sound like a contridiction of what I wrote above, but its not.

When CoH was the only game in town (no Villains) there was no supression. Instead characters suffered an Accuracy debuff while using full movement. I suggest we go back to this, but make the Acc debuff even more profound! make it impossible to hit a parking meter if a person is using Fly.

I know this sounds like blasphemy, but there is no other area where super-powered beings are able to attack while flying, leaping, or teleporting. These powers are always used to get into combat and then are used in a deminished form or not all. You never see Superman flying at near the speed of light while pummeling Lex Luthor. You don't see the Hulk leaping into the air with his combatant. The ONLY time I have EVER seem a hero use full movement while attacking was when the Flash kept running arounf the world to generate speed to beat the crap out of Luthor. It almost killed him.

Now of course we do see a blaster or controller type hovering above a crowd, or a scrapper/tanker type using augmented leaping to avoid attacks. These are simulated by the earlier powers of pool set. So people should use hover or combat jumping while fighting.

So make the powers work the way they should and take out full movement.

And this whole thing about base lining ATs is just silly. I didn't make a blaster to do the same damage as a tanker.

Anyway, thats my two cents.




Point 1: I agree that the difference in performance between PvE and PvP should be addressed. While balancing on the basis of animation times would have been a great idea from the ground up, grafting on to the system now causes a lot of unintended consequences. My biggest issue with this current Frankenstein approach is that powers that are mostly worthless in PvE are Godkillers in PvP, and excellent even set defining powers in PvE often do little or nothing.

Point 2: If the developers adopted your approach, -75% accuracy if flight, superjump, or superspeed were toggled on; every forumite would go to the /binds help and use the information there to and a hover/flight bind so the player could instantly switch to the "non debuff" hover fire, then retoggle and take off. Heck you could probably rebind all of your power keys to toggle off flight, toggle on hover, and then execute the attack.

As to your comic book examples, not only are they irrelevant, alas, to the discussion of an MMO, but they are in more than a few particulars simply incorrect.



The biggest thing this MMO had going for it prior to the i13 travel suppression was the freedom of movement of pre-i13 PvP. No other MMO had movement like it and really even with the slower i13 PvP travel and suppression even with IR from a kin this games PvP is the best for movement. If you want someone to fiteklub style you say as much and find someone that wants to stand there toe-to-toe and fight you without any type of travel powers (but I doubt you will get many takers).

Another travel power nerf/ further travel suppression is definately not what the game needs.

RIP:Southern Comfort PvP,PE PvP,INTEGRITY PvP,After School Special PvP Test SG's,TPvPL Season1+2 Runner ups



Movement needs to be readdressed. The ability to use full movement, even with supression, allows escape from combat to be too easy.

[/ QUOTE ]
I am not sure why so many people complain about people being able to escape from combat. What is your natural instinct when you realize you are facing defeat? You certainly don't stand around waiting to die - you get out of there, so you can survive for another fight. In "old PvP," that's what travel powers were for - if you were in over your head, you could jump, run, fly, or teleport out of harm's way. In "new PvP," the travel suppression rules have reduced the viability of that, and methods of escape have been limited to things like Phase Shift and PFF.

I understand the "if you start a fight, finish it" mentality, but it doesn't really apply here. If I discover I'm over my head - perhaps I'm outskilled, perhaps the other player has an extremely effective counter to my build, or perhaps I'm outnumbered - I need an option to get out of that situation. I also understand the "stand still and fight!" (AKA "fiteklub") mentality. People are used to PvE, where hordes of dumb AI enemies stand around waiting to be killed. When you face an opponent who isn't a dumb AI enemy, you're shocked to discover that there are things in this game that have the potential to create a challenge, and beat you up badly.

You wouldn't believe how people react when I go into RV on my Spines/Regen and fight people. They will find any excuse for my beating them - anything from "you used inspirations!" to "I can't hit you if you're hopping around" or "WTF are you using your ranged attacks for, you're a Scrapper!" I know that standing toe-to-toe with many builds will cause me to die very quickly - so I use the powers and game mechanics available to me, in the best way I can, to ensure I last as long as I can. It's surprising how many people complain because am using legitimate PvP tactics to get a PvP kill.

tl;dr version:

Don't get rid of the (already reduced) combat speed. It's part of what makes the game fun. If I wanted slow PvP, I'd play WoW, or I'd exemp down to level 4 or something for a match. The fact that we do have decent movement ability in PvP is the difference between life and death for some builds, and it keeps an element of strategy in. Without travel powers, PvP would simply be "target enemy, press follow, click buttons until someone dies." That's not fun, that's stupid.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



powers that are mostly worthless in PvE are Godkillers in PvP, and excellent even set defining powers in PvE often do little or nothing

[/ QUOTE ]

Since I'm returning to the game in i13 and still getting the hang of things, could you give me some examples of these situations?

- Dual Blades Stalker Guide
- Mastermind guide to Pain Domination



Flurry and AS respectively.



flurry does more damage without aim or build up than aim AND build up AND Bitter Ice Blaster. wtf?



The pacing of PVP combat is still faster than the majority of MMORPG's on the market.

A lot of these changes are a bit too much, but only a few tweaks need to be made to bring PVP back to where it needs to be.

PVP shouldn't be purely about who can put out the most damage. Soft and Hard controls, debuffs/buffs need to have a place in PVP, but not make it a requirement in PVP either. A balanced approach needs to be taken. Gravitating from one each extreme in PVP to the other has not worked thus far.

So my message to the PVP team of the CoX staff is to find a compromise, so that it is more inclusive for other power combinations to be brought to the PVP party so to say.



On the plus side, PvP rewards that can only be attained by defeating other players. That is a big feature I've seen on every single wish list and it is almost here! Even if the big time farmers are going to be doing most of their work in the Arena, that means there will be some casual players in the zones looking to grab some loot.

"I accidently killed Synapse, do we need to restart the mission?" - The Oldest One on Lord Recluses Strike Force



You wouldn't believe how people react when I go into RV on my Spines/Regen and fight people. They will find any excuse for my beating them - anything from "you used inspirations!" to "I can't hit you if you're hopping around" or "WTF are you using your ranged attacks for, you're a Scrapper!" I know that standing toe-to-toe with many builds will cause me to die very quickly - so I use the powers and game mechanics available to me, in the best way I can, to ensure I last as long as I can. It's surprising how many people complain because am using legitimate PvP tactics to get a PvP kill.

[/ QUOTE ]

People yell at my Dark Melee/Regen all the time and constantly throw expletives at me when I have to jump around because they just lopped off 60% of my health with some cheesy burst gimmick and healing decay got to me.

They tell me "stand and fight, wimp!'

Oh, really? First few times I took great care through PMs to explain that regen does not fight like a resistance set. Now I just ignore it.



You wouldn't believe how people react when I go into RV on my Spines/Regen and fight people. They will find any excuse for my beating them - anything from "you used inspirations!" to "I can't hit you if you're hopping around" or "WTF are you using your ranged attacks for, you're a Scrapper!" I know that standing toe-to-toe with many builds will cause me to die very quickly - so I use the powers and game mechanics available to me, in the best way I can, to ensure I last as long as I can. It's surprising how many people complain because am using legitimate PvP tactics to get a PvP kill.

[/ QUOTE ]

People yell at my Dark Melee/Regen all the time and constantly throw expletives at me when I have to jump around because they just lopped off 60% of my health with some cheesy burst gimmick and healing decay got to me.

They tell me "stand and fight, wimp!'

Oh, really? First few times I took great care through PMs to explain that regen does not fight like a resistance set. Now I just ignore it.

[/ QUOTE ]

If I had 10 inf for every time some tanker told me to stop kiting on my corr, ALL YOUR PURPS WOULD BE MINE!!!!!111

Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit



You wouldn't believe how people react when I go into RV on my Spines/Regen and fight people. They will find any excuse for my beating them - anything from "you used inspirations!" to "I can't hit you if you're hopping around" or "WTF are you using your ranged attacks for, you're a Scrapper!" I know that standing toe-to-toe with many builds will cause me to die very quickly - so I use the powers and game mechanics available to me, in the best way I can, to ensure I last as long as I can. It's surprising how many people complain because am using legitimate PvP tactics to get a PvP kill.

[/ QUOTE ]

People yell at my Dark Melee/Regen all the time and constantly throw expletives at me when I have to jump around because they just lopped off 60% of my health with some cheesy burst gimmick and healing decay got to me.

They tell me "stand and fight, wimp!'

Oh, really? First few times I took great care through PMs to explain that regen does not fight like a resistance set. Now I just ignore it.

[/ QUOTE ]

If I had 10 inf for every time some tanker told me to stop kiting on my corr, ALL YOUR PURPS WOULD BE MINE!!!!!111

[/ QUOTE ]

Hell, I kite on my tanks.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Steps to bringing pvp back from the dead:

1st.) Undo all of the nerfs for at least but maybe even further to about five issues ago. Honestly, it's a bunch of garbage. Diminishing returns? If you can't pvp with the way things where then, it was because you either lacked the integrity or was trying to pvp on a toon that was never intended to perform that way in a pvp environment. It's just spitting in the face of people who took the time to roll and level a toon that worked with the way the game was designed. My first toon I trying to pvp on was a dark/dark corr. Insteading of crying that ever one was over powered, I learned what worked and developed that type of class.

2nd.) All classes should function in pvp as they do in pve. There was no need to shuffle the numbers around. This was the first major mistake. It gave you two variables to look at when considering class balance and it seems that is stretching any attention pvp could hope to recieve out side of more nerfs.

With these changes, you can tell if something is either over powered or under powered instead of basing it off of the biggest group of whiners. Too bad this will NEVER happen because the current pvp condition is not exploiting some form of pve. R.I.P. PvP skills.

Ask me no stupid questions and I will tell you no stupid lies.



Is scourge bugged? It sure seems OP'd right now...

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."




Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



ya know what I find just hilarious? The fact that pple will enter a pvp zone and then get pissed off when they get sniped, or tp'ed to their death. Its called PvP, why does it matter how I win.. as long as I win. For example a few days ago in RV I was using my eng/eng blaster flying around sniping fools that were trying to run from a fight or that were just sitting around. One guy was even afk. I DON'T CARE. What kind of idiot goes afk in a pvp zone out in the open and expects to survive? Some of u people need to realize what a real fight is like and stop ur lil wussy complaining about how u died. MAN THE HELL UP OR FIND A NEW GAME



I liked your post till this nugget...


[/ QUOTE ]

Manning up in a superhero MMORPG...the irony of this post will stump your grandchildren someday.



Is scourge bugged? It sure seems OP'd right now...

[/ QUOTE ]

you think alot is OPed. Well I think you just need to learn2play.Nub



Do not feed the troll. Gr33n has a pretty high feeding rate. If you ignore the trolls they die of starvation.



I agree, make powers work how they are supposed to.

PvP works better as a way to see who's overpowered than PvE, because you'll get a lot more feedback from people who want a balanced game.

I know that part of why they completely screwed PvP powers is maybe to avoid any accountability of overpoweredness in the game, but that's really not a policy that's respectful to your subscribers.

I like how mag was removed, I like how self-affecting toggles suppress instead of drop, and I like travel power suppression, these were all very good pvp changes.

But making the powers work in odd, diminished, and confusing ways when in a pvp zone just doesn't make sense.