11 -
well, admitedly, I wasn't impressed by the changes made in I13 so I didn't engage in alot of PVP, but I did see that the damage outout for Blasters was severly diminished. It may be different now. Im returning after about a year offline. Thats really why Im asking these questions. I really want to build something that will work in PVP.
Quote:lozYour problem is probably not your build it's probably your PvE playstyle. In PvE you simply run in and attack till the mob or you face plant. But you know what? i play PvE the same way as i PvP so i never die in PvE because If im about to die i run away. wouldn't you do this in RL if someone shoots a shot gun in a bank? do you attack the robber with "Crippling axe kick?" hellzz no. you freakin' run dude and be out the door or get behind a counter before he can pump the next shell into the chamber.
So if i were you i'd only attack those attacking other players. If they attack you run, phase and run, webnade them and run, taunt them and run, if they talk smack run even further.
But, seriously, Scrappers aside. What are the good builds for PVP: which ATs and powersets are having a successful time? Are Blasters still good? Last I saw they got nerfed into the ground for PVP. -
Yeah my Farming toon is a Fire/Kin with flaming babies of Death. I enjoy it completely. But thats blue side. Anyone have any good farming ideas for red? I have a mid-level SS/WP Brue and a nearly 50 Fire/Psi Dom. I like the brute more but the dom is closeer to 50.
Ok so what are the good builds for PVP? I really feel taht I have done everyting else in this game except for PV and its the only area that really holds any mystery for me. Since day one I haven't been able to wrap my head around CoX PVP even through Im pretty good at it in other games.
I LOVE Scrappers. Favorite class and always have been. When PVP first vame into being, I took my Scrapper into a Warzone. . . and my jaw dropped at how fast he dropped. Are Scrappers even viable in PVP anymore? If so what are the good power combinations?
hey guys, I have just returned to the game after about a year off. I was wondering what is the best way to pick up Purple Recipies. Are they more likely to drop on Raids and TFs? Or is it viable to just farm lvl 50 mobs? Can anyone help?
Thanks -
Two things glare out at me when I consider PvP
1) A chacter's power don't work the same in PvP as in PvE.
2) Movement needs to be readdressed. The ability to use full movement, even with supression, allows escape from combat to be too easy.
This always seems like a no brainer to me. If it works one way, it ought to work that way regardless of situation or environment. I know that this isn't always the case in the real world. The same action in extremely different environments can have wildly different resaults. But, we're not talking about the propensity of water to freeze instantly in Siberia. We're talking about moving from one part of the city to another. A very minor change of environment.
Let my Fireball do the damage normally does. Let my Total Focus cause the same ammount of stun duration. Let my Mez Protection actually PROTECT me.
I know this sound like a contridiction of what I wrote above, but its not.
When CoH was the only game in town (no Villains) there was no supression. Instead characters suffered an Accuracy debuff while using full movement. I suggest we go back to this, but make the Acc debuff even more profound! make it impossible to hit a parking meter if a person is using Fly.
I know this sounds like blasphemy, but there is no other area where super-powered beings are able to attack while flying, leaping, or teleporting. These powers are always used to get into combat and then are used in a deminished form or not all. You never see Superman flying at near the speed of light while pummeling Lex Luthor. You don't see the Hulk leaping into the air with his combatant. The ONLY time I have EVER seem a hero use full movement while attacking was when the Flash kept running arounf the world to generate speed to beat the crap out of Luthor. It almost killed him.
Now of course we do see a blaster or controller type hovering above a crowd, or a scrapper/tanker type using augmented leaping to avoid attacks. These are simulated by the earlier powers of pool set. So people should use hover or combat jumping while fighting.
So make the powers work the way they should and take out full movement.
And this whole thing about base lining ATs is just silly. I didn't make a blaster to do the same damage as a tanker.
Anyway, thats my two cents. -
Any I12 Cold/Elec guides out there? Or Storm/Elec? Or anything post I11?
Thats cool. Im glad the Mac users are able to finally get in on the fun. If this announcement had come 6 months earlier I wouldn't have bought a new PC. My main question is this: When will open beta start for the PC players?
Strange the forums look exactly the same
did I see that right? Is the shield on the left arm? Isn't that the same arm that swings the sword? does that mean the shield gets "put away" during other animations like attacking? Sounds a bit cumbersome. Looks cool though. Nice post Ski