What changes do we need?




Meh...i13 isnt so bad without the base resistance, heal decay and travel suppression. untouchable widows? no ty...perma confuse/holds..also, no ty



Meh...i13 isnt so bad without the base resistance, heal decay and travel suppression.

That is pretty much i13 in a nutshell. So I see your point.

untouchable widows?

Well built these still exist.

no ty...perma confuse/holds..also, no ty

You could only be perma mezzed before if you didn't prepare to fight. And even with this system a a well slotted mind dom can keep you permanently incapacitated. The difference now is there is nothing you can do about it.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.



Originally Posted by AresSupreme View Post
Meh...i13 isnt so bad without the base resistance, heal decay and travel suppression. untouchable widows? no ty...perma confuse/holds..also, no ty
Sorry, the new mez system sucks. Bringing breakfrees with you on a squishy or finding an Emp wasn't really that hard.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post
The difference now is there is nothing you can do about it.
Great quote. Totally summarizes I13.



You know... if they made several instances of each PvP zone that are cross-server (instead of one per server), they could have some of each zone run the current PvP rules and some run on I13 rules.
So players can choose and be happy, and the devs can keep their face and call it a cool new feature instead of a shameful rollback...

Just my two (€) cents.



i miss broken elusivity.

it was less broken than broken defense.



Last night I was on my blaster, I never realized how crazy op'd power boosted TF and the earth stun is.

That said, if someone throws a random immob or short duration hold it supresses the TF, I saw it a few times last night.

IDK what to suggest, but I know being stunned for 9-10 seconds is broken, but I also know if some random newb stalker/corruptor is spamming the mako hold (1/2 second hold), it protects me better then prenerf breakfrees and that has to annoy the hell out of these */nrg doms.

Point #2:

I am torn, I dont know that I necessarily would want i12 PvP again. I think if you removed TS and HD from the zones PvP would be pretty enjoyable.


Perhaps make breakfrees trigger hold supression?

Sharks definitely need a bit of tuning. I think that damage from sharks should be reduced by 1/3 bringing it down to around 300ish damage per crit.

I think the phase "cool timer" should be halved, or eliminated in arena PvP.

The global pvp resistance increase should be reduced by 25% for squishies and increased by 25% for tanks.

If heal decay has to stay then perhaps change heal decay so that 4 heals from one individual triggers decay so that multiple healers are useful.

For god's sake buff Sonic Resonance!! Give the shields psionic resists and status resistances (end drain and stun/hold resist would be nice), give clarity +damage or TP Protection. Perhaps reconsider the cage timer, maybe Sonic Cage lasts double gravity cage durations.

Speaking of TP Protection, it appears the innate TP protection/resistance in energy armor is broken.

Can we please get better protection around the Hero Base? The Mu's at the villain base are pretty nice body guards with the stuns/end drain. There needs to be more Wardens protecting the base area preferably ones flying around with the "Longbow Eagle Patrols".

Speaking of bases isnt it time to introduce TP protection around the bases? Or even give the drones an ae buff that grants TP protection and prevents you from tp'ing. There is far too much droning and people being tp'd out of the base.

I guess i could keep going but I dont want to waste too much of my time on suggestions that fall on deaf ears.




Originally Posted by IcyKiri View Post
Last night I was on my blaster, I never realized how crazy op'd power boosted TF and the earth stun is.

That said, if someone throws a random immob or short duration hold it supresses the TF, I saw it a few times last night.

IDK what to suggest, but I know being stunned for 9-10 seconds is broken, but I also know if some random newb stalker/corruptor is spamming the mako hold (1/2 second hold), it protects me better then prenerf breakfrees and that has to annoy the hell out of these */nrg doms.
old PvP ways to avoid 9-10 seconds stuns were:

1. play a toon that has protection
2. Team
3. Bring breakfrees

Ways in the new PvP to avoid <insert any mez here>:

1. ...

Every class has 1 mez built into their primary, secondary or epic I believe and that is broken that every class can mez just as well as a controller or dominator



Originally Posted by EmpireForgotten View Post
Every class has 1 mez built into their primary, secondary or epic I believe and that is broken that every class can mez just as well as a controller or dominator
This is misinformation.

There are "broken powers" for instance Defender TK is broken in that people can no escape being TK'd until the caster is held.

Corruptor Spirit Shark Jaws is broken in that it does insane damage when scourging.

Tanker earth mastery "Fossilize" does more damage then any other tanker attack.

No powers however, are broken in the way that it would hold you for 9-10 seconds.

The closest thing another class has to a "broken" duration hold is the Devastation Hold Proc that lasts for several seconds and (it appears to) not trigger supression.




Originally Posted by IcyKiri View Post
This is misinformation.

There are "broken powers" for instance Defender TK is broken in that people can no escape being TK'd until the caster is held.

Corruptor Spirit Shark Jaws is broken in that it does insane damage when scourging.

Tanker earth mastery "Fossilize" does more damage then any other tanker attack.

No powers however, are broken in the way that it would hold you for 9-10 seconds.

The closest thing another class has to a "broken" duration hold is the Devastation Hold Proc that lasts for several seconds and (it appears to) not trigger supression.


then explain how my tank can hold someone just as long as my controller can?

If I hit someone with KO blow slotted for holds, it lasts the same amount of time as blind or char.

I could care less how long holds are. They always hold. Its broken that there ISN'T away to stop these holds from holding.



Yeah, it's not the duration of mezzes that bugs me, it's how I am completely unable to do anything about being mezzed. Instead of popping a Break Free or double-checking that I've got CM on me, I have to stand there and hope I don't get spiked before the mez wears off.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Plus all aura powers that untoggle when mezzed are totally useless in PvP since you always get mezzed, even if its just for a fraction of a second. That there are thus a lot of powers that you cannot use in PvP, and with it builds that suddenly dont work anymore at all (/WP relying on Rise to the Challenge and high mez protection e.g., works wonderful is PvE, works not at all in PvP) seems just plain wrong.

Also, with the current nerfs, some characters are hit really hard by them while others go widely unaffected, depending on how much they rely on something that gets a lot of nerf.
Like, while Regeneration still seems to work rather well, a Def or Res based character should better go back to PvE where that is worth something.
Same goes for that long-recharge powers that give you a boost for a short time to maybe safe your butt. Have one that makes you intangible or invulnerable or some number-free effect? That is great. Dull Pain or Instant Healing? Still nice. But if it adds great amounts to your Def or Res, those are enormously reduced by diminishing returns, so that power is much less useful, to a point where it is often barely notable.



Originally Posted by EmpireForgotten View Post
If I hit someone with KO blow slotted for holds, it lasts the same amount of time as blind or char.
Ok.. seriously.. I got nothing here.

However, gratz its been a while since someone actually made me laugh out loud in real life on the forums.

Now my coworkers are staring.




Add deathtraps like in the newer Mortal Kombat games xD



Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
Well I also found hibernate can get very annoying, also totally subjectively. Partly due to its "Oops, I am beat. Reset." nature...
You can't use hibernate if you are beaten. You have not beaten someone if they go into hibernate.

Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
Wouldnt it be better to increase the level-you-are-set-to of the lower PvP zones?
So that at least in Warburg everyone is 50 too?

I think it was a noble idea to try to provide a zone for each level range to PvP in without anybody being much more powerful. But aside from that not really being the case right now anyway, the leveling pace has changed a lot, level 50 is a matter of weeks instead of months, so do we really still need 3 zones dedicated to the PvP between levels 15 and 40 ? Wouldnt it be better if level 50s could PvP in more than one zone without being exemplared down so that they work totally different?
I agree with that. Oh so much.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post

I think it was a noble idea to try to provide a zone for each level range to PvP in without anybody being much more powerful. But aside from that not really being the case right now anyway, the leveling pace has changed a lot, level 50 is a matter of weeks instead of months, so do we really still need 3 zones dedicated to the PvP between levels 15 and 40 ? Wouldnt it be better if level 50s could PvP in more than one zone without being exemplared down so that they work totally different?

I agree with that. Oh so much.
Me to, with Warburg as a level 50 pvp zone... New terrain (lots of cover to duck under for protection from Flyers for example). I can team with my villain buddies and take out someone that tries to gank our kill. Win, Win. Sounds like fun.



I have been reading all of these comments and I PvP as wel as play content with equal fervor. I am however Newer to the PvP Alumni so I wont claim to be an expert. However My SG is known for its teamwork. And with that last statement I would like to say that there are Two things Broken in PVP.
1) is that Not every class should fair as well as the next. All should have Strengths and all should have weaknesses. I personally feel that the Devs in trying to level the playing field have lost the crucial elements of in short What makes a Blaster a Blaster! and What makes a Tank a Tank(<--Examples) Why should I be penalized for crying scrapper on the ground because my flying Fire Blaster One shots him because he chose the wrong defenses for his toon and wandered into the PVP Zone? And Why should My Scrapper be penalized by a crying Blaster that has high attack and low defense and he happend to fly to close to the business end of my Broad Sword? I guess my point is all Toons have strengths and weaknesses and all a level playing field does is cause boredom. Have thier been more PvPers since the fixes? and are we going in the right Direction.
I sent a post in about going to level 60 it was the "Weakness" post. That would add a whole new dimension as all comic heroes have weakness. Superman has Kryptonite, Martian Manhunter has Fire etc. Why shouldnt heroes pick a Buff/Weaknees set? IF Im a fire blaster and I want to go by theme I can pick A Weakness to the Ice power pool etc but I will also have buffs for my Fire set (anyway that was another post) That would level the playing field in PvP some and definately make it intersting. That way you could power them up, and hope no one finds out what a Heroes weakness is.

2) the second thing is Teams! most of the PvPers in Zone are on Teams. And from what Ive seen all Types of Heores AT's and Vill AT's are represented. If you Freed up the toons to do what they are capable of then it would probably take a team effort to defeat the other side. As a tank might be sufficient vs. a scrapper or two ont he ground but if the Blaster flys over and unloads on em. As blasters are supposed to be capable of then the other side will have to have someone watching. We just cant keep "Leveling the Playing Field" and think we will find a happy medium. Teams are awesome in Pvp and each player adds his intelligence to his fight. I have a toon or two that are hard to beat but I have been beaten by toons that should not be able to take me down but I made mistakes. If you dont play smart you will lose regardless. Allot of the whiners are folks that dont want to take their lumps to learn, they want to just walk in Zone from Day one and OWN it. Well thats not gonna happen. AND SHOULDNT HAPPEN!

Max em out and let them fight. Add a Weakness/Buff set so people cannot be singularly dominant. As it stands now some toons can become close to unbeatable and it takes the fun out for even experienced PVP'ers. If you add a weakness/buff set and you are familiar with that toon then you bring in a "fire toon or whatever" and then you know its not beatable and this will also force Team play in PVP zones based on skill play and not total single toon survivability, And find a way to make it Team friendly in the Zones. One on One is great for arena. Adjust the Arena fighting if you need to adjust something. Now there ya go. Two different Brands of PVP. Zone PVP all Power and Glory. Arena PVP for one on one and combat competitions (get rid of the Weaknesses for Arena and make that a PURIST PvP area).



Hmmmm...Teaming in pvp has become primarily a one target molestation. Usually due to one side having less toons in zone than the other, teams are formed solely to focus in on one player at a time to actually accomplish kills and receive a rep or possible drop . Often, the player of focus is of course the buffer. Which makes since, but outside of this, pvp is not a team structured concept anymore. Simply because scattered and random zone play, toons cannot afford to protect their "team oriented" archtypes, who can't survive long without a team. See the conundrum?

A good move was boosting the defenders survivability, which will hopefully help them return to the zones to assist heroes fighting often against buffed vills. Now, I won't play ignorant here either and act like the boost was actually a correction to nerfing them to begin with. Honestly, corrs, mm's and trollers can all use the same boost in today's pvp environment.

Here's a new idea that should have a significant impact on TEAM play in the zones. Add a significant boost to team oriented archtypes survivability and powers/buffs, and you will see more teams being sought by zone players due to the buff advantages. Especially by the "team oriented" archtypes because of the increase bonuses that they get, and can give. They become once again what they were designed for in the first place.

I should not have ever visited the forums. I am posting which I had no intent of doing.



Originally Posted by phenom44 View Post
Here's a new idea that should have a significant impact on TEAM play in the zones. Add a significant boost to team oriented archtypes survivability and powers/buffs, and you will see more teams being sought by zone players due to the buff advantages. Especially by the "team oriented" archtypes because of the increase bonuses that they get, and can give. They become once again what they were designed for in the first place.
I like this idea and thanks for commenting. Team PVP in the zones is much more fun than solo. I mean I hit the arena's but They (devs) need to give people a reason to venture into the zones on teams.

Honestly I still beleive a tutorial on the differences in slotting PVP vs. PVE would increase the awareness and maybe some examples of what happens to a toon with properly slotted say PVP travel powers vs one that is not slotted properly etc. give them the footstool to reach the laddder with. Don't place them on top of the building yet. but sterr them in the right direction.

Like the team buffs for support players idea though.



This is an interesting post. Here is an idea! Since we are going ROGUE, we will have access to both Hero And Villain Archetypes on both sides of the PVP zones. Here is the kicker .... allow all of the Pre-I13 issues of PVP to return in ROGUE. Reason why? Well there will be a balance between both sides and while everyone is HAPPY with the new content (ROGUE), even abliss will be with Pre-I13 issues. But allow the non-toggle drop when mezzed remain in the system as well. Drop "Travel Suppression"(except for the attacks of Melee Archetypes) and the DR really is a NO-Brainer but the neeeded brain to calculate the unnescessary differences in the details to make it an "Accurate" caculation by default or in other words, to be mathematical correct for so to say in speaking.

Goon keeping it Gank-u-ster



Hey Guys.. I'm sure I am only beating the Horse here but, Can we possibly get some New Maps for Arena PvP? Talos Island. Maybe something in the Shard? Founders has a few interesting spots as well? Just curious.



undo everything from i13.



At least have 1 zone or allow options in arena to go pre i13