482 -
CoH needs to put in Hard core mode that deletes your toon when you die in PvE or PvP
1. Psoma- captain- @Psoma
2. Slax- co-captain- @Slax, @Slax2
3. Lib- co-captain- @MrLiberty
4. Trez- @Trezen, @TREZEN2
5. Sir- @S I R, @S l R, @burner one
6. Kara- @Neuronia, @Neuronium
7. Pixel- @Pixel, Pixel Empire, @Pixel Nation
8. Doyler- @doyler, @doyler2
9. Joe- @Smiling Joe
10. Heroes- @Heroes Demise, @Villains Demise
11. Siolfir- @Siolfir
12. Shu- @Shu, @Arctic Shu
13. Masque- @Masque, @Masque2
14. Garner- @ms. socal garner @sexy socal garner
15. Chuck- @Big SOB, @8up SOB
16. Ice- @Psionic Assailant1
17. Smallzies- @Smallzies
19. Kiwi- @Aponiwi
20. JK- @JKwervo
Added 2 back in
some dUmb captain should quote this so its official -
we need more posts like this - the forum PvP has been really lacking
Quote:I think its from the totalDoes DR effect the total or the amount??? for example.
20 % Res from 1 Toggle before DR
20% Res from 5 set bonuses
Same res out of pvp, but after DR does it effect the total(20%) or is there more of an effect on each set bonus as each one diminishes??
For example if Aim + Buildup give X + damage = X ammount of reds
But, I am not totally sure -
Quote:In PvP, Invul gets Psi resist in TI and unstoppable. TI grants 30% to everything I think in PvP.Oh wow ok, cool... didn't think that invul had any psi res, thats pretty nice then.
Well it would be if DR wasn't in place... worse idea ever tbh. Heal decay I can live with, even TS you get used to, but DR ! Fek that's a daft idea...
Whoever thought that up should be dragged out into the street and shot.
But with DR, you can have every toggle running, pop 20 oranges, have The archmage accolade going + Unstoppable, and you top out about 60% resistance -
*Not in this ladder, but trowing my 2 attacks anyways*
I dislike the double-blind lineups because it creates gimmicks. I dislike not having it because of the freakin long wait times.
I personally didn't dislike counter switching, In fact, its sometimes how I planned out lineups. If I knew what my team played best. If we forced the other team into a lineup they either didn't practice, or had a weaker player playing a support role, our goal was successful.
The issue you are going to have in enforcing the limit is this: Whose time determines that you're late and who rules on the DQ for that round? If Team A has 8 people in the match and Team B has 7 and its 30 seconds till - there isn't room for a third party to watch to rule on issue because the third party is taking team B's last spot.
You could start each match as 8v8v8 and have a third party present I guess, but that just prolongs the process by having to have them leave and resetting to a 8v8.
So...how bout you guys just run without blind lineups submits and try to enforce the 15 minute rule? If you get drama, then you know you need to work on the rules a little better.
It might be best to get the ladder off the ground first and see if problems arise before you end up taking to long and having people get bored/not want to participate anymore. -
Just a thought:
Could you try to make a ladder without **** restrictions and see if it gets exploited?
If we see less diversity with less restrictions - then the restrictions can be justified -
people that think they should be played and aren't played because they are part of a huge roster have an extra incentive to quit and form their own teams.
newbies have the chance at warming benches and learning a few things by joining good teams (which will let them join since they can bench them if they don't improve while still having a starting 8, and not having to care about the roster cap itself). -
On the subject of spliting up the top teams/having roster caps:
Why can't people seriously put in the time to get decent? Why are we advocating rules that force people that have put in the time to play with people that don't want to but still want to win?
Here's how it should go:
1. You form a team with your friends and join the PvP ladder
2. You have your first practice and lose 50 to 2
3. You sit and discuss "wtf why isn't this working?"
4. You have your second practice and lose 50 to 2
5. You sit in /tells with people who are farming you and they usually give solid advice.
6. You practice said advice
7. Your first official - you lose 20 to 4
8. you practice more
9-X You repeat until you're decent
Seriously...people need to put in the time. If you don't want to put in the time to be decent, don't expect to be. It took dUmb over a year to get to a point where we could compete (we were never top tier, but we might have gotten there had the PvP changes not happened).
The arguement of "People won't continue doing something if they keep getting their face smashed in" isn't valid in my opinion. People should be PvPing in this game because A). Its the only difficult thing to do in this game and B). The competition is good. If people don't want to put in the time to master something that is difficult - then they probably shouldn't do it. -
Quote:PvP IO bonuses have + range I think, plus all his slotting I am guessing.OK genius. Please explain to me how you more than doubled the range on your powers. You are really bad at numbers it seems and other stuff.
Doesn't negate the fact that while his ability to participate in PvP is not in question, his effectiveness in PvP is. I would be willing to wager that if you take a period of time with Dahjee in a zone and out of a zone, you would find the side he's supporting doing no better either way.
Its embarrassing to say this, but Dahjee's approach is quite similar to what dUmb used to do when we were learning the PvP ropes. The big difference is we didn't A)pretend our occasional successes made us PvP forum gods B)gave advice to people based on our occasional successes only to have them get farmed and C)when we were met with legitimate counters to our inexperienced vision, we tested the counters and moved on. -
Quote:I would most likely sign up if:So far we've had lots of folks in game and a few here on the forums saying they would like to join who haven't signed up on our site. There are billions of infamy worth of IO's to be given out, and anybody who signs up ahead of time will be set higher in the brackets. If we have a good turnout of walk-ins and late entries we will be allowing them most likely, but they will have to go through a preliminary round or two.
-It wasn't villains only
-Insps were turned off.
I wouldn't be looking forward to spending the whole match with no end because people who actually "get" PvP in this game know how to use these cheese rules to their advantage -
Ice/storm and Mind/storm aren't bad for teams
Quote:Nope. I do program. I program a different system than what I audit. (IT is rather small where I work. Specifically, I program lotus notes databases, but I audit IBM iSeries areas)So not only do I not program neither do you.
Now please explain what expertise you have on programming.
And explain as an auditor what would happen if mistakes were pointed out and then "fixed" incorrectly as well.
As an auditor, if a mistake is pointed out and fixed incorrectly, it is documented and fixed again. With auditing, its all about risk (See previous lolEnron joke). If the risk is low, its noted to your share holders/board members, but most likely not much would be done.
It should also be noted that, as an auditor, if I DON'T find something, I am usually questioned whether I audited effectively or not. It is very very rare for an audit to go 100% smooth. You're supposed to find things and improve processes.
We can debate this issue till we get the dead horse tag thrown at the bottom. At the end of the day, if you expect perfection, you will be disappointed. -
Quote:Again, I can see that you don't program.Let me see if I can get my point across this way.
"Even if you DID originally catch the error, using the ORIGINAL pwer nombers and nut the reworked numbers what did you accomplish? You made a fix on something that again is faulty because you didnt check to make sure your doin it right the first time?" etc etc
Did I do a better job fixing my original post?
No I didnt, and neither did Castle when he said he went back to look at the power and used the original wrong numbers.
Honestly, I do expect more from the lead developer than this.
If you expect perfection, you WILL be disappointed.
The person above who equated Programming and accounting together painted a pretty good analogy. I do auditing for the company I work for and they are correct - you are supposed to go through the data with a fine tooth comb and be accurate. If you find mistakes as an auditor, you report it and get it fixed to make sure it doesn't happen again. If its a BIG mistake...well - there is Enron as an example of failed auditing.
There can either be 3 solutions that would make you happy JMS. They could:
A). Do what they do now (Which is try to get their code mistake free as possible, test it as best they can, and fix what gets broken or missed later)
B). Slow down their production schedule to get more testing done internally...I would guess a Similar QA process that a console game might have - which might take years to complete 1 issue
C) Raise the price of the game to higher an assload of additional QA to keep production schedule the same and your required level of quality.
Option C isn't going to happen, and option B would probably cause a sunset of the game. -
Quote:You don't program do you?Even if you DID originally catch the error, using the origal power numbers and not the reworked numbers what did you accomplish? You made a fix on something that again is faulty because you didnt check to make sure your doin it right the first time?
Those kinda mistakes arent tolerated in business. Why do you allow yourself and your developer team to let these mistakes "get by" in the first place?
See how easy it was for you to miss spell that word bolded above? When you are looking at a sheet of code or at a spreadsheet, its easy to go 'bug-eyed' and miss stuff.
Good programmers will make mistakes. If they took the time to test everything themselves (instead of having open beta's/bug reporting done by users), we'd still be back in i3. -
Not to bad...minus the lack of jump. But, if you don't want it there is no point suggesting it.
Id add the miracle proc someplace, extra end recovery is better than the .5% regen you get with DR on. I would also consider dropping the fighting pool for something else - perhaps leadership. I am not sure how close you can get to the perception cap anymore solo, but with the Perception proc/tactics/targeting drone, you should be able to see stalkers without CM (within 10ft). But my math could be way off.
...Gotta say this. Without jump, you might find yourself very frustrated when you can't kill things. -
Kin/sonic corr and X/storm MM then if this is villain only.
I think this might be fun to watch while drunk. I mean...watching teh reg1n not be able to hit heals or watching all the brutes become squishy without their toggles sounds amusing.