Base Res Quest
That 30% should be coming from TI, and is not a bug.
temp invuln
I wouldn't be super set on mids numbers since, from what i can tell, it doesn't take into account DR.
Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.
That is a given. But the power does grant 30% psi dr.
Oh wow ok, cool... didn't think that invul had any psi res, thats pretty nice then.
Well it would be if DR wasn't in place... worse idea ever tbh. Heal decay I can live with, even TS you get used to, but DR ! Fek that's a daft idea...
Whoever thought that up should be dragged out into the street and shot.
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
Oh wow ok, cool... didn't think that invul had any psi res, thats pretty nice then.
Well it would be if DR wasn't in place... worse idea ever tbh. Heal decay I can live with, even TS you get used to, but DR ! Fek that's a daft idea... Whoever thought that up should be dragged out into the street and shot. |
But with DR, you can have every toggle running, pop 20 oranges, have The archmage accolade going + Unstoppable, and you top out about 60% resistance
In PvP, Invul gets Psi resist in TI and unstoppable. TI grants 30% to everything I think in PvP.
But with DR, you can have every toggle running, pop 20 oranges, have The archmage accolade going + Unstoppable, and you top out about 60% resistance |
20 % Res from 1 Toggle before DR
20% Res from 5 set bonuses
Same res out of pvp, but after DR does it effect the total(20%) or is there more of an effect on each set bonus as each one diminishes??
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
Does DR effect the total or the amount??? for example.
20 % Res from 1 Toggle before DR 20% Res from 5 set bonuses Same res out of pvp, but after DR does it effect the total(20%) or is there more of an effect on each set bonus as each one diminishes?? |
For example if Aim + Buildup give X + damage = X ammount of reds
But, I am not totally sure
Im not really sure what you are asking, but DR just looks at the total of every attribute, it doesnt care where it came from.
It takes the total, then applies a formula that compresses your total harder, the larger the total is.
My corr has ~40 base psi dr. Turning on dark embrace is another 31%, world of pain is 14%. Popping an orange is +10%.
What I actually get in zone/arena looks like this:
base: ~30% total
+ embrace: 41% total
+ WoP: 43%
+ orange: ~45%
Numbers arent exactly right, but that is roughly the progression.
I could turn them on/pop them in any order and it wouldn't matter. I'd still wind up with the same total because the formula that calculates your DR amount only looks at the total you have from all sources before calculating what you will actually have in zone.
after slotting and DR you'll be in the low 40's for psi res but you can get it to mid fortys with other IO's that give +psi res.
Devs Just need to give Psi Defense and resistance to everyone in PvP like they do with everything else. This is why so many people take Psi Blasters. I mean have you every seen the PvP League? I am sorry, I meant to say Psi Blasting League.
Devs Just need to give Psi Defense and resistance to everyone in PvP like they do with everything else. This is why so many people take Psi Blasters. I mean have you every seen the PvP League? I am sorry, I meant to say Psi Blasting League.
Go read the i13 patch notes, or any in game pvp info.
Just so you know the reason psi is so popular is because its a better spiker. Not because of the lack of resistances by people because they all do get it now.
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.

Tanks don't get it inheirently like the other sets. Ice, Shield and Stone dont get any DR added to their powers. Ice got some psi def added to glacial. Shield got 'real' psi dr added to the melee toggle.
Mids is showing that my Invul is getting about 30% base res to Psi in pvp... is this a bug or??
Does anyone have the base res figures so I can compare then to mids.
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.