What can the other secondaries do better than /Shield?
I do think that /SD is arguably the most effective Scrapper secondary. I also think that doesn't make the other secondaries pointless, far from it in fact.
Even if /SD was the best secondary, (I don't believe it's possible for a secondary to be objectively "best" but w/e, for the sake of argument), it still doesn't invalidate the other secondaries.
Dark can reach similar levels of mitigation, has better esoteric protection/resists and has a stupidly large heal on top of it.
SR is easier to softcap, has much better DDR and a recharge buff.
Invuln has better resists, a better HP buff and can get comparably high defenses.
Regen has QR, MoG which is fantastic and benefits a lot more from player skill than SD. It is also similarly punitive for not paying attention/lack of skill.
WP has better regen, can have comparable defense and QR.
Elec has better endurance management tools, better resists and a recharge buff.
Fire...well, I think Fire Armor needs some help to be honest. SD offers both better offense and protection than it.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
That even if other Scrappers can say, run solo missions +4 x8, they can't do it as fast as /Shield can. |
SC, on SOs, outperforms damage auras before AaO is factored in. With AaO and IOs, Shield scrappers are quite a bit ahead of every other secondary (and indeed, ahead of many blasters as well) when it comes to damage output.
Other secondaries can do specific things better than Shield in specific scenarios, but usually it relates to survivability in situations where DDR doesn't matter.
It's often said Shield is bad on SOs ; I couldn't disagree more with that. Shield is head and shoulders above anything else on SOs as long as you play to its strengths.
I've seen people make the "X is bad for [specific situation]" claim for one other very popular combo, fire/kin. They were also wrong here. I think the reasons are multiple. Part of it might be players of the combo who have no doubt it's OPed and fear a nerf, so try to downplay how strong it is in public ; the other part might be that the combo is so strong that many players flock to it, including people who're looking for an "I win" button. The latter tend to be mediocre players, and many are inclined to take their casual experience of seeing a bunch of people play the combo poorly and assume that means it isn't all that great.
Ultimately, I don't think it's fair to mislead people away from Shield if what they want is to play the most powerful thing. If you want to promote diversity, the best step is play your Shield characters less if at all and instead push yourself harder to do awesome things with other secondaries. Lead by example. How many Kat/DA did we actually see before Werner posted about his ? It works.
I mean, I was flat out told tonight that no Scrapper combination could out perform /Shield, in any arena.
With SO's Shields is no where near the level of performance with IOs. Its like playing a sturdy blaster with mez protection and a PBAoE rain of arrows. WP and Regeneration are probably the best secondaries with SOs as well as leveling.
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
Shields is cool and all but I find SR to be the bees knees in terms of straight up survivability. I should note that my experience with SR is from a Brute perspective while my SD experience is with Scrappers.
So, I was thinking that in order to be able to make alternate suggestions for those new to Scrappers, I'd get some pointers from the experts. Basically, what do you all feel that other secondaries do better than /Shield? I'd just like to have the best argument possible available so that I can maybe convince some people of reasons that they might play something that they find fun other than /Shield.
And thanks! |
*Haven't leveled an invuln or an energy aura toon
Some of the other secondaries can be built for more survivability. So if your goal is to conduct extreme survivability tests than a set like invuln can surpass it.
Or course you have to wonder if the amount that some of the other secondaries can be built to out-survive shields is equitable to the amount that shields can out damage/speed compared to them? The answer is a resounding no.
Shields can eclipse ever other set in what actually matters in the game and the only way to progress a character - Defeats.
Not really looking forward to when it gets the EM treatment as I enjoy my bs/shield, but...it has to be coming.
If you are a tru warrior and never use inspirations while leveling up then all the secondaries are probably better than shields. If you aren't afraid to use the occassional inspiration than shields levels as well as anything*
*Haven't leveled an invuln or an energy aura toon Some of the other secondaries can be built for more survivability. So if your goal is to conduct extreme survivability tests than a set like invuln can surpass it. Or course you have to wonder if the amount that some of the other secondaries can be built to out-survive shields is equitable to the amount that shields can out damage/speed compared to them? The answer is a resounding no. Shields can eclipse ever other set in what actually matters in the game and the only way to progress a character - Defeats. Not really looking forward to when it gets the EM treatment as I enjoy my bs/shield, but...it has to be coming. |
Like I said my guess is we will drop from 10 to 8 targets for damage buff
Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA
Wasn't /invuln used to set the record for soiling the most simultaneous gm-created AVs?
Can /Shield beat the record?
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Alright. Yeah, I can see what you mean (I think). Some people, especially veteran MMO players, sometimes consider the best combo to be the baseline and everything else to be gimped, and might avoid even trying other sets if they're told Shield is king. I'm stuck in the CoH mentality where everyone is awesome and some are just a little bit more awesome than others, and didn't make the jump to a potential new player's perspective.
Personally, what I would say other secondaries can do better than shield is survive on SOs. If we're coming at this from the perspective of a new player, they aren't going to be IOing their scrappers out the wazoo yet. On SOs, without any extra defense boosting powers bar maybe CJ, shield is gonna be pretty squishy compared to several of the other secondaries. AAO and shield charge will help by lowering the amount of time enemies have to shoot at you, but on SOs shield charge won't be up every spawn, and leveraging AAO with just shield's base defense is risky.
Basically, I think we're all a bit too used to having IO builds, or even just the experience to leverage things like AAO without getting killed. For a player new to scrappers who's going to be using SOs/generics, many of the other secondaries are likely going to be easier to use and survive with.
Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!
This thread was a good read.
I think I had my first real taste of powerset envy when I kept checking back into the Pylon Results thread.
Seeing FM/SD and DM/SD break the 300DPS mark while my claws/sr hit the wall at 200 was, quite frankly, kinda sad.
Made me annoyed that I couldn't make a claws/sd, regardless of the fact that such a combo would have even MORE ridiculous amounts of AoE damage.
Be well, people of CoH.

I think there is a *max* performance bias with those who claim /sd is top and they may only be thinking about liminal perfomance - /sd benefits most from IO's and Hami-O's by a lot. Only using *SO's,* /shield, as has been stated, is far from the best in survivability or:
/sr - fast/light feel, +recharge, easy to soft-cap *with DDR*
/wp - great endurance, great regen, good resistance/health
/regen - have to watch health and plan a little, but can be great and very durable
/invuln - layered protection, performs best when in the frey of a lot of enemies that will survive the hero's alpha - something underused by the devs.
I dont know much about /da, and i wasnt impressed with /fa, but /SD and /FA have one thing in common they do a good job at enhancing damage, which is very important in mitigation. And that being said the faster you can kill everything the more survivable you are. This is a great benefit in this game.
Primaries not withstanding (and they contribute significatly to survivability, especially when seriously considering how to pair with the secondary), there are several secondaries that outperform /sd.
The big Q, in general, is what do want to do with the end build, and thus, in what areas are they performing so well?
Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server
This thread was a good read.
I think I had my first real taste of powerset envy when I kept checking back into the Pylon Results thread. Seeing FM/SD and DM/SD break the 300DPS mark while my claws/sr hit the wall at 200 was, quite frankly, kinda sad. Made me annoyed that I couldn't make a claws/sd, regardless of the fact that such a combo would have even MORE ridiculous amounts of AoE damage. |
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

Just out of curiosity Bill, have you ever IO'd out a level 50 */SD?
At some point, I may do non-purple builds for my alts.
The only SD I currently have is my new ma/sd scrapper.
Be well, people of CoH.

This thread was a good read.
I think I had my first real taste of powerset envy when I kept checking back into the Pylon Results thread. Seeing FM/SD and DM/SD break the 300DPS mark while my claws/sr hit the wall at 200 was, quite frankly, kinda sad. Made me annoyed that I couldn't make a claws/sd, regardless of the fact that such a combo would have even MORE ridiculous amounts of AoE damage. |
Luckily, I just play for fun and I enjoy most of my characters. If I were competitive I'd have given up a long, long time ago.
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Other secondaries are better at using Katana, Spines, Claws, and Dual Blades.
DA, WP, Regen, and Fiery are better at self-rezzing.
DA, EL, Fiery, Invuln, and to a lesser extent Regen are better at having special effect auras.
DA, EL, Fiery, Regen, and to a lesser extent WP and Invuln are better at self-healing. This can mean they are better at making a mistake and recovering (much like self-rezzing, only without the defeat).
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
I mean, I was flat out told tonight that no Scrapper combination could out perform /Shield, in any arena. That even if other Scrappers can say, run solo missions +4 x8, they can't do it as fast as /Shield can. And the problem I'm having with that is that those new to Scrappers that are bombarded with this way of thinking might be persuaded against other sets that they might enjoy.
Negative. I have two main characters. My claws/sr scrapper and my dm/wp brute. They get the purple builds of doom.
At some point, I may do non-purple builds for my alts. The only SD I currently have is my new ma/sd scrapper. |

I have a MA/SD Scrapper too and enjoy playing her a lot, but being realistic it probably won't get you where you want to go as far as challenges go.
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

The ma/sd is pure concept. I'll be happy with whatever he manages to max out at. I've spent 5 years trying to find a concept that fit what *I* would be if suddenly back in great shape and dropped into Paragon City.
With the new punches in MA and a pothole cover for a shield, I finally got what I want. Some fisticuffs and a little shield bashing. Looks just like me. Or rather, would if I took the 30 pounds of fat covering my muscles and turned it into muscle.
Be well, people of CoH.

I guess we'll see how far the Incarnate levels can push your MA/SD, huh?
I am looking forward to making my Fire/Fire/Fire even more powerful with the system. Can't wait to have a taste of it in a couple of months here.
Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP
Remember kids, crack is whack!
Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it

My hope on the Incarnate front is that BAB figures out how to completely remove redraw penalties from the weapon sets.
It'll be a big bummer to have to avoid using some signature attack because it kills Bill's DPS due to redraw.
Be well, people of CoH.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
Whoever told you that has very little experience playing a scrapper. I have NEVER been able to solo 4 AVs at one time and I've tried many times. In PvP a shield scrapper will get nuked, hard.
With SO's Shields is no where near the level of performance with IOs. Its like playing a sturdy blaster with mez protection and a PBAoE rain of arrows. WP and Regeneration are probably the best secondaries with SOs as well as leveling. |
I have a very nice fire/shield, about 241+DPS, has aid self, hasten...
She can do missions that are set +4/8... but so can all my scrappers... thats how I build them. My Ele/Ela and Kat/Ela are great in solo +4/8 missions, and my Fire/WP can literally go AFK in a +4/8. /Shield is by no means the end-all-be-all... but it does excel at specific areas that are highly regarded in this community.
My DM/SR still has the most solo different AV kills under its belt, it can't do 4 AVs at the same time like the Fire/WP, but can drop AVs that waste my /WP in about 20 seconds (Anti-Matter, Drek).
I might be one of a handful of people who even play Electric Armor, but that might be because a lot of people had a bad taste in their mouth about the original version of that set (pre-Energize). My Ele/ElA has about 35% melee and 38.7% smash/lethal defense, plus the heal, regen, resists, -end, knockdown and basically infinite endurance.... one of my favorite AoE based toons by far.
I think you're right about /fire though, needs a lot of work to be viable... although it can excel given the right set up.
I'm a big fan of running the Hess TF with all Scrappers and it seems like when I do, if there is a full team of eight, four or even five of the Scrappers will have /Shield as a secondary. I'm not saying I have any problem with /Shield, in fact, I have a level 50 Fire/Shield that is probably my third favorite Scrapper but I've seen too many conversations lately where a person new to Scrappers is told to make a Shield Scrapper because it's pointless to play anything else now. I don't agree with that, and it makes me sad.
So, I was thinking that in order to be able to make alternate suggestions for those new to Scrappers, I'd get some pointers from the experts. Basically, what do you all feel that other secondaries do better than /Shield? I'd just like to have the best argument possible available so that I can maybe convince some people of reasons that they might play something that they find fun other than /Shield.
I mean, I was flat out told tonight that no Scrapper combination could out perform /Shield, in any arena. That even if other Scrappers can say, run solo missions +4 x8, they can't do it as fast as /Shield can. And the problem I'm having with that is that those new to Scrappers that are bombarded with this way of thinking might be persuaded against other sets that they might enjoy.
That, and honestly, I'd just like to see a bit more variety out there, heh.
So, thoughts?
And thanks!