What can the other secondaries do better than /Shield?




Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
Hmmm.... Two words:

Lightning Rod
I hope they stay away from that is not as over powered as SC and its scrappers primary so damage is fine for the recharge it has

SC maybe leave it alone like 0.75 damage modi for brute and 0.85 for tanker and lower pet damage on scrapper from 1.125 to 1.0 or something like that ?

Fiercy Aura maybe chance Fiercy Embrace to a Toggle that makes mobs suffer a DOT each time they hit the AT and maybe a debuff burned hands like -10% damage to mobs that did hit can stack 3 times



How about an IO set that mitigates 99% of burns fear effects.

If electricity comes from electrons... does that mean that morality
comes from morons



Fairly new to the forums, and I've just been browsing around, and one thing I'm noticing is that people love to complain. A lot. And that's natural for people to want to do.
I personally have only been here a year or so. I'm still getting the hang of sorting out builds for toons, and I'm still getting the hang of actually PLAYING toons.
My first brute is DM/Shield. And I absolutely LOVE shield charge. It's disgustingly powerful, means I can do a fair amount of damage to most things in most mobs, and that's what I like. I've had a rough day, I want to come online, and I want to beat the living tar out of those pixels! But I also understand why the devs might wish to rebalance something like that. It really does do a helluva lot of damage when you're all buffed up with gods know what.
As much as rebalancing might suck, I think the devs have the right idea. I know we're the ones that play the game, but think about it. It's THEIR game. They made it, they tweak it, they pour their working lives into this game, all in the interest of a) making money (who wouldnt want to make money by attracting more subscribers or keeping the ones they have) and b) making it a fun and interesting gaming experience for us all.
Sure, I'd love shield charge to stay the way it is. I LOVE slamming into a group of critters and watching their health bars drop away. But at the end of the day, I understand that these changes need to be made to justify the way powersets work out.

What it all boils down to, for me, is that not everyone here is a powergamer out to squeeze every last percentage out of the game.
Some of us are just here to have fun, and kill things, and have a chuckle at the bodies flying left and right. That's me. I just want to have fun. If everything gets tweaked so its less damaging, less effective, and harder to play, then all the hours people pour into their toons means more reworks for even MORE money (come on, respec recipes are like diamonds in real life. ridiculously expensive and rare as hell!) and ultimately, less enjoyment for the casual "I just want to hurt things" gamer. I honestly dont have the time, effort, and inclination to pour that much time into planning a character, when all i want to do is relax and not worry about where I'm going to get 1.2 billion infamy from to get my character the way i want him. And believe me, I do worry about it.

It's hard enough getting most toons to the point where theyre even half effective unless you slot powers JUST right. There's very little in the way of leeway between "get smooshed" and "smooshing everything," you know? The difference of one slot in a power with a set of enhancements in it can make a hell of a lot of difference to whether you die, or survive. I hate the fact that I have to spend hours in something like MIDS hero planner trying to get that ever distant soft cap, and then things like blessing of the zephyr get nerfed (which i wasnt even aware of until it happened) and bam. my soft cap disappears. only just, but there it is. I know people said it was coming for a long time, but I spent a lot of time and effort on my build, and now that's gone, I've had to rework the entire thing and that took even longer! (sorry, mini rant there)

Having said all that: Please, don't nerf it too much. I dont want to have to rebuild a toon that I've spent an awful lot of hours and infamy on! If you must take a swing with that lovely nerf bat... swing gently?
Just my two cents, for what its worth.