What can the other secondaries do better than /Shield?




Originally Posted by Castle View Post

is the point my temple began to ache. There shouldn't be a 50% disparity in max performance here. I'm not too concerned about the protection levels shields can generate; it'll be needed. The DDB Resist is higher than designed, but, again, not really the major concern here.

AAO, actually looks fine. The maximum boost it can generate isn't that large.
Shield Charge isn't bad, basically it can get you to 2 scale 0.7 aoe's on, at best, an 19.5 second cycle time (ignoring Arcanatime, for the moment.) Then again, to get that, you've got a +400% Recharge, which is freakin' huge.

That leads me to believe the discrepancy lies with the primary sets Fire Melee and Dark Melee. Fire is MEANT to have higher DPS overall, so that's 'fine.' Dark Melee, not so much. I'd have to look at specific builds and slotting to see what's going on there, but that's a project I don't have time for now.

Several folks have suggested via PMs and in this thread that I look at Fiery Aura again; to bring it's performance up a bit. I'll see what I can do.
I totally needed to hear that, since I have had an otherwise unenjoyable day. Just hearing that Fire Aura might get some love makes me feel warmer and fuzzier.

Just remove the burn panic, and I swear, YOU WILL GET COOKIES!!! I'm talking crazy chocolate chunk, gonna need a glass of milk quality cookies.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
To be honest, I had two completely separate independent chances to catch this issue myself, and now that I look carefully the reason I missed both times is because I was familiar with the power already and assumed the Brute version was representative of every version. In other words, had Brutes not come first in alphabetical order I would have caught this in October. Going to have to make a mental note never to make that mistake again.
*looks at Arcana suspiciously* Are you SURE you don't work for NCSoft? Because statements like these are at the level of what a developer should do when they are looking at their game, not a player. Heh.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
*looks at Arcana suspiciously* Are you SURE you don't work for NCSoft? Because statements like these are at the level of what a developer should do when they are looking at their game, not a player. Heh.
A mistake is a mistake whether its your job or not. In this case, though, the reason I'm kicking myself is because I actually caught a related problem, this one in the AE.

Anyone ever make a custom critter in the AE that used Lightning Rod before I17 went live?

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I'm not going to even bother Pilgrim you responded to my post in such a rude manner.



Ummmm, what? What was rude about this?

Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
I leveled a Shield Tank well before the buff. It was awesome then and I devastated a mob by leaping in with Shield Charge and following up with Foot Stomp. It's crazy sick now. However, as others like me have pointed out, even if it gets reduced to reasonable levels, it is STILL GOING TO BE POWERFUL. Just not broken powerful.

So level up a Shield character whenever you want. It's a fun set and works well all the way around.

I know you're bringing up Oil Slick just because, but it doesn't apply. There are many things Castle is doing, and he does have to prioritize. Hopefully Fiery Aura and Oil Slick are up there on his list, at least.
Were you just joking about needing run with a Shields character before the "nerf?" Sorry if you were, but many people have said the same thing in this thread and I've always tried to counter that thinking.

And I'd like TA to get a look at as well (I noted that in the quote). I merely said that just because one thing is getting a look doesn't mean something else like Oil Slick should or will. Castle can only do so much.

None of that is rude, just discussing what you said. So, clarify? Please?

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Thank you, Arcana, for taking the time to explain in numbers what a lot of people knew to be true in experience. It's obvious in game that Shield Charge does nuke-damage, but I always assumed that was an intentional decision. I'm glad you were able to explain this in such a way that highlighted the problem. While I'm sure a lot of people will be disappointed in the inevitable downtweak, this is a huge step toward achieving game balance.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Thank you, Arcana, for taking the time to explain in numbers what a lot of people knew to be true in experience. It's obvious in game that Shield Charge does nuke-damage, but I always assumed that was an intentional decision. I'm glad you were able to explain this in such a way that highlighted the problem. While I'm sure a lot of people will be disappointed in the inevitable downtweak, this is a huge step toward achieving game balance.
Yeah, I really have to agree after seeing how out of whack those numbers are.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Ummmm, what? What was rude about this?
I think I found the problem.

Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
You should be banned IMO.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
This thread makes my head ache. I *really* don't want to look at Shields, do I?
do you want to? from the sound of it no.... do you need to well some people may argue with me but I say no....

The game WAS NOT MADE HARDER because of IOs therefore you cannot judge a power set based on IOs get any scrapper combination with just SOs and i garuntee you'll find that Invulnerability is WAY more powerful than Shield in nearly every way... take away the IOs you take away the shield.... It just seems overpowered like fire/kin controllers did way back when, all because there are so many with IOs you don't see many without them.... so everybody gets this idea in their head that shields are instantly epic... and they're REALLY not.... I have one at lv 47 right now that yes I do plan to IO out but with basic SOs I wasn't able to take out a group of enemies my level....without IOs we dont have nearly as much defense, nearly as much recharge( oh wait no recharge ) and not to mention lower HP, lower resistance, and lower recovery... without IOs all powersets would be fine... with IOs people are able to make false assumptions based on what they think is normal... when sombody puts 2-5 billion influence into ONE ENHANCEMENT you tend to imagine their character will be pretty powerful...for the reason that you cannot judge the set based on SOs alone this set is fine so all of you that complain come hit me up on the champion server and we can talk about why you think shield is OP because i'll show you otherwise



Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
I think I found the problem.

You should be banned IMO.
Totally. And nerf the word "the!" it is far too rude and powerful!

Most Amazing, look a page or so back, we discussed Shields with just SOs. You can get your defenses plenty high with SOs and good power picks. You won't be able to solo at +4/8, but not everyone can (or wants) to do that using IOs, either.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Most_Amazing View Post
do you want to? from the sound of it no.... do you need to well some people may argue with me but I say no....

The game WAS NOT MADE HARDER because of IOs therefore you cannot judge a power set based on IOs
We can't judge a powerset based solely on its IOed performance. For the purposes of performance-based balancing of powersets, two data points have the highest weight:

1. What the designed performance of the set is when slotted with SOs.

2. What the actual performance of the set is when datamined and averaged across the entire playerbase, from the absolute min/maxers to the completely incompetent (including important subslices, like the performance of all level 10-15 players or all 45-50 players, or all teamed players).

However, when those two metrics are balanced within a reasonable margin for error other factors are entirely appropriate to account for, including how well the set responds to being buffed by inventions. You can't break the above two requirements to go after high end performance, but you can and should go after high end performance in general to ensure its reasonable when compared to peer powersets.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
That quote isn't intended to imply that art and craft are two separate things you should have some of, its intended to imply that art and craft are two ways of describing the same thing.

In other words, all of the art in this game is crafted, and it can be judged on the basis of its craftsmanship. All of the craft in this game is directed towards its artistic expression, and all craftsmanship in this game can be judged on its ability to deliver its intended artistic expression. There is no art in the game devoid of craftsmanship, and nothing is crafted that isn't a part of the art of the game.

You can't add more craftsmanship to this game, You can only *improve* the craftsmanship that already exists in it. And that is *always* a good thing. Similarly you can't take away the artistry of the game, you can only improve it or degrade it. But this MMO has exactly the same mix of artistry and craftsmanship as all other games: 100% of both.

I was speaking to the level of artistry and craftsmanship, but of course different people will have different opinions on that as well. Two different people could look at the same painting, and one could consider it beautiful and well crafted while the other considered it complete garbage, while a third might hold an opinion somewhere inbetween.

And I don't agree that this game has the same level of artistry and craftsmanship as other games, I think it's superior in that regard, which is why I play it so much.

And finally, in terms of 'improvements', again, that is a matter of personal opinion. Even in terms of craftmanship, different builders have different opinons on what is the best crafting method, and the more complex the final product, the more variance in opinions you are likely to find.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I disagree with that strongly. Take the melee secondaries, especially the scrapper ones (including both versions of Invuln). They fiddled with them in basically every issue from release to Issue 5 by trial and error just to slowly converge on their Issue 5 values, and *then* they continued to fiddle with defense until I7.

However, knowing *only* what the numbers and mechanics were, the circa I7 performance of those sets could have been targeted computationally and generated that way right at launch. And in fact so much of what was done by trial and error in the past is now at least guided by computation, if not outright set by computation.

I personally cannot think of very many things that, were they to have been numerically analyzed for balance at the beginning of time with no prior experience in gameplay, the correct quantitative analysis wouldn't have generated far better results than the trial and error process did, and would have done it faster.

We'll just have to disagree then. Math is a wonderful tool, but it doesn't provide design infallibility. Just about any human endeavor involves trial and error to some degree.

There seems to be a persistent, impossible to quash rumor that Castle employed some new balancing formula on EM. In fact, while I'm sure Castle had to consent to the changes, most of the EM changes were at least partially driven by BaB, because they were animation changes. In fact, the change to ET caused everyone to forget that literally days earlier we were discussing the change to Energy Punch that came about as a side effect of changing the punch animation itself, which many powers share (including the original target of the change: Dark Melee).

One of the things they were trying to do was eliminate the 0.67 cast time powers, because it was difficult to fit a variety of nice looking animations in such a short cast time. And energy punch's cast time increase had a similar impact on EM as the ET change did across a large range of recharge.

There is no formula that factors in cast time that affects EM. Only Claws and Widows have a formula that incorporates cast time, and its a very rough one that I wouldn't personally say incorporates the perfect set of balance requirements for such a formula.

In any case, to say that EM was "asymmetrically balanced" just because it did more single target damage and less AoE is missing the "balance" part of "asymmetrically balanced." That's just asymmetrical. The balance part would have ensured that its strength sufficiently counterbalanced its weakness relative to peer sets for the net overall value of the set to be the same to within the margin of error of the balancing system. There was (and is) no system that currently can make that statement about either version of EM.

Which is the problem in a nutshell.

I'm not claiming that EM was balanced before the nerf, I'm saying it was less imbalanced vs competiting sets, because at least back then, it was on top alone in terms of single target damage and had one glorious, set defining power, which at least partially made up for the sets pitiful aoe abilities. And since aoe ability is so valuable in this game, even pre nerf em was underpowered and therefore imbalanced vs other competing sets that blew away it's aoe performance. Now, after the nerf, you have a set with a bunch of slow, mediocre powers, doing very good single target damage, but damage that is on par with competitors, while still being a bottom feeder in terms of aoe ability.

I don't know exactly what they are doing to achieve balance, but whatever they are doing isn't very effective when you have sets like EM, or even FA for example, sets that clearly underperform vs most of their competitors. Regardless, whatever method they used to 'balance' EM clearly failed, and I'd hate to see the same thing happend to SD.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
They play a really big part: they set it back several years.

PS: the last major numerical change to FA was a buff: a significant increase to Healing Flames.
So how do you 'balance' a power like shield charge? It's a very unique situation. No other secondary has a power like it. What do you balance it against? Realize that any answer you give will be your opinion, including any mathematic equation you might devise to deal with the question.

Some people might hold the opinion that a power like SC shouldn't even be available in scrapper secondaries. And they'd be neither right nor wrong, because that would be their opinion. Others feel it's overpowered because it's like a blaster nuke, so it needs to be nerfed down. Again, niether right nor wrong, it's their opinion.

In terms of what sc is doing now compared to its original design, I believe many of the changes were made intentionally because I recall many sd testers complaining about how weak sc was using the original design.

Ultimately, whatever the devs decide to do, will be their opinion on what is best for the game. This is not a 2 + 2 = 4 question.



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
So how do you 'balance' a power like shield charge? It's a very unique situation. No other secondary has a power like it. What do you balance it against? Realize that any answer you give will be your opinion, including any mathematic equation you might devise to deal with the question.

Some people might hold the opinion that a power like SC shouldn't even be available in scrapper secondaries. And they'd be neither right nor wrong, because that would be their opinion. Others feel it's overpowered because it's like a blaster nuke, so it needs to be nerfed down. Again, niether right nor wrong, it's their opinion.

In terms of what sc is doing now compared to its original design, I believe many of the changes were made intentionally because I recall many sd testers complaining about how weak sc was using the original design.

Ultimately, whatever the devs decide to do, will be their opinion on what is best for the game. This is not a 2 + 2 = 4 question.
Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man.

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Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
So how do you 'balance' a power like shield charge? It's a very unique situation. No other secondary has a power like it. What do you balance it against? Realize that any answer you give will be your opinion, including any mathematic equation you might devise to deal with the question.
That is actually pretty easy to answer. Shield Charge is a power in a set designed to mitigate damage. The large AoE KD radius does that well. Add some modest damage (1 scale or less) to the people getting knocked down for flavor. Give it around a 40 second recharge.

If you wanted, you could give it a longer recharge and make it do more damage to the main target, which is the route Castle went with.

It is pretty easy to see that a set that grants respectable mitigation as well as aggro utility and some additional +damage, like Shield, was not intended to and should not have a non-crashing, near nuke every 45 seconds. It was meant as a mitigation KD with some minor damage for flavor.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
We'll just have to disagree then. Math is a wonderful tool, but it doesn't provide design infallibility. Just about any human endeavor involves trial and error to some degree.
So you're saying you disagree, and then stating your position to be nearly the same as Arcanaville's. Obviously you read the post if you're quoting and saying you disagree, but the position you state after saying you disagree seems to be effectively the same as the post you disagreed with. Or are you saying math should be ignored until, somehow, it is determined (apparently without using math) that things are unbalanced, and then you might use a little math? Or is it that you feel math should be a minor consideration in the design process and should be considered inferior to hunches and guesses?

It seems to me that Arcana's position is that consistent math and processes should be used for initial balancing and design, but that adjustments should be made for how things work in actual play. Maybe i was misinterpreting, because that seems far more sensible to me than pulling numbers out of the air based on hunches and guesswork and then making sweeping changes when it fails to automagically balance everything. (Although i do seem to recall seeing the latter somewhere before...)

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Eh... Trial and error?

They kind of already did that. Rarely do you look at the math unless you notice something is borked through actual game play. So, yeah, trial and error phase complete.



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man.
Dude, this thread is filled with them, lol.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
So you're saying you disagree, and then stating your position to be nearly the same as Arcanaville's. Obviously you read the post if you're quoting and saying you disagree, but the position you state after saying you disagree seems to be effectively the same as the post you disagreed with. Or are you saying math should be ignored until, somehow, it is determined (apparently without using math) that things are unbalanced, and then you might use a little math? Or is it that you feel math should be a minor consideration in the design process and should be considered inferior to hunches and guesses?

It seems to me that Arcana's position is that consistent math and processes should be used for initial balancing and design, but that adjustments should be made for how things work in actual play. Maybe i was misinterpreting, because that seems far more sensible to me than pulling numbers out of the air based on hunches and guesswork and then making sweeping changes when it fails to automagically balance everything. (Although i do seem to recall seeing the latter somewhere before...)
The argument goes back before the post I quoted, and I her argument seem to be that trial and error is unnecessary and can be avoided. I disagree. Even in a game this far along, there will still be trial and error going forward in terms of development.

Now taking your argument in the 2nd paragraph in your post, what math and process was used to create shield charge? What equation/process could be used in creating a unique power in a defensive secondary?



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
That is actually pretty easy to answer. Shield Charge is a power in a set designed to mitigate damage. The large AoE KD radius does that well. Add some modest damage (1 scale or less) to the people getting knocked down for flavor. Give it around a 40 second recharge.

If you wanted, you could give it a longer recharge and make it do more damage to the main target, which is the route Castle went with.

It is pretty easy to see that a set that grants respectable mitigation as well as aggro utility and some additional +damage, like Shield, was not intended to and should not have a non-crashing, near nuke every 45 seconds. It was meant as a mitigation KD with some minor damage for flavor.
And when people complained the power was weak in beta, they changed it...



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
So how do you 'balance' a power like shield charge? It's a very unique situation. No other secondary has a power like it. What do you balance it against? Realize that any answer you give will be your opinion, including any mathematic equation you might devise to deal with the question.

Some people might hold the opinion that a power like SC shouldn't even be available in scrapper secondaries. And they'd be neither right nor wrong, because that would be their opinion. Others feel it's overpowered because it's like a blaster nuke, so it needs to be nerfed down. Again, niether right nor wrong, it's their opinion.

In terms of what sc is doing now compared to its original design, I believe many of the changes were made intentionally because I recall many sd testers complaining about how weak sc was using the original design.

Ultimately, whatever the devs decide to do, will be their opinion on what is best for the game. This is not a 2 + 2 = 4 question.
What you're saying is that Shield Charge is so unique of a power that any target the devs aim for would be totally subjective. I disagree that its that bad, but for the purposes of this discussion I'll accept that as at least a reasonable perspective.

What, then does trial and error do? If the devs have no idea what the power "should" really do, then what should they be looking for in each "trial?" If you have no idea what the power should be doing, you have no way of evaluating if the power is doing the right thing at all. And really, you shouldn't be adding things to the game that you have no idea at all what its purpose should be in the first place.

Its entirely possible the devs could *aim* incorrectly, in which case the mathematics of implementing that aim would lead to bad places. But when that happens, you're not supposed to throw your hands up in the air and say "oh well, lets try another completely random set of numbers" nor are you supposed to say "well, lets just keep fiddling with these knobs until we tune into a station we like." You're supposed to figure out *why* your aim was bad, and correct that bad judgment. And that too is mostly a numerical analysis (at least for the parts of the power that have numerical performance).

When Shield Charge left the bow, it could have hit something the devs didn't aim at, or it could have hit what they aimed at, but the devs aimed at the wrong thing. In both cases, that represents an error either in implementation fidelity or design judgment. In both cases that's an opportunity for learning: either for improving their design judgment or their implementation craft. Trial and error says just randomly guessing is better than trying to become a better game developer, and its always always the wrong choice.

The only time trial and error makes sense is during brainstorming. When you are trying to extend your craft significantly beyond where it has gone before, so you don't have an intuitive feel of either what your own design rules will do out in far or what your own numerical models will do in those regimes, some initial random trial to probe the new game space makes sense. But that should very quickly transition to more systematic testing, and it should never extend all the way to actual game implementation.

Just because there is subjectivity in game design, doesn't mean its without purpose. If it was completely purposeless, then when designing Elude's defenses if the devs accidentally set it to have 4.5% defense instead of 45% defense you're suggesting that they should try it out at that level first before deciding that 4.5% defense is "wrong." Because the choice to set it to 45% defense or 4.5% defense is completely arbitrary, and if its arbitrary who knows which decision will ultimately be "better."

That's not how it works. If Shield Charge had a design purpose, it should be possible to hit it, or get within the game's margin of error of it. If Shield Charge didn't have a design purpose that could realistically be aimed at, it was broken at birth. Once you say "I don't know what I want it to do, I'll just keep changing it randomly until I see something I like" you're not a game developer anymore: you're a random number generator that draws a salary.

The bottom line is that if Shield Charge was intended to be the best nuke in the game, the numbers say they hit that target in spades. If Shield Charge was not intended to be that kind of attack the numbers say they missed badly. That is not a matter of opinion. That's objective fact. Which one they were aiming for tells you if SC is bugged or not. Based on what Castle said, its objectively bugged. There's no subjectively whatsoever in that analysis.

On the subject of how to "balance" shield charge: its not actually a totally unique situation. There are other powers related to it that, if I was implementing the power, would act as guidelines for the limits of what the power should be capable of doing.

First of all, the two powers related to it are thunderstrike and lightning rod. Thunderstrike has a design similar to SC's original implementation, in that it delivers significant damage to its target and splash damage (and KB) to surrounding targets. Its design intent appears to be very similar to that of SC in that regard. Lightning rod, on the other hand, seems to be practically a clone of the original implementation of SC. It deals scale 2.4 at its target and 0.7 to surrounding targets, plus has a knockdown. My guess is that when the original concept of SC couldn't be implemented, LR was used as its alternate model.

Both of these powers deal high damage to a single target and a much lower level of splash damage to surrounding targets. And the reason for that is that high radius spherical AoEs tend to have less than scale 2.0 damage.

Then we have burn. The devs at one time thought Burn was overpowered if critters didn't make an attempt to run out of its radius. Burn deals a total of scale 3.0 in damage ticks if all of them land, and it does so in a much smaller radius than SC does: 8 feet vs 20 feet. If Burn is problematic dealing scale 3.0 over time within 8 feet, its not a matter of opinion on whether SC is problematic dealing scale 3.6 instantly within 20 feet.

Without being told, I would assume that spherical AoEs dealing 3.0 or better without extra restrictions are verboten for anything outside of blaster nukes, and anything that does more than 2.0 damage across the entire radius is questionable. Anything that does Lightning Rod damage is at least reasonable. My target for SC would be something between those two limits. And that's before even knowing what SC's actual design intent is. Is it intended to be stronger than LR, or similar. Is it intended to be focused, or distributed in its damage (more at the core, less all around, or more evenly distributed damage)? Is it intended to be used rarely, frequently, or something in between. Those things would inform my target for SC, before writing down a single number.

So no, I don't think SC is so unique of a situation that its completely beyond numerical analysis to implement. Ultimately, saying SC is beyond the ability for mathematics to handle is like saying its so unique its completely beyond the English language to handle.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



One request Castle,

If your gonna change SC like it obviously sounds like you are why not go the whole mile and not anything less let me explain.

Make it follow AT rules, let the scrapper one crit, give the brute one the 800% damage cap that brutes have, and I'm not a fan of tankers so I have no idea if their SC envokes gauntlet or not but if it doesn't make it so.

Thank you for reading.