What can the other secondaries do better than /Shield?




Originally Posted by Werner View Post
No, I'd argue that "not working as intended" is STILL an irrelevant factoid.

"Not balanced against similar powers" is the relevant fact here, even if the two may go hand in hand in this case, as Castle almost certainly intended that Shield Charge be balanced against similar powers based on his reaction. Balance, in general, is to be sought after, as it promotes diversity and decreases power envy. Diversity is good. Avoiding as much power envy as is practical is good, except to the extent that it makes people want to level up new characters ("Hey! That looks FUN!).

See Frosticus for some other valid reasons for supporting a nerf. I still say "oops" is not a valid reason.
I guess I have to ask what your definition of "working as intended" is. It almost sounds like you think it's whatever the heck Castle's whimsy chose upon. When to me, "working as intended" means that it is balanced against the other powers and ATs in the game, which seems to be Castle's intentions from his posts and how most of the game is set up.

Heck, I don't even know if we're really disagreeing, other than defining this concept differently. Because you said Frosticus had valid reasons for supporting the nerf and... those all pretty much stack up to how Shield Charge is not working as intended. To me, anyway. Heh.

Anyway, what to do about Shield Charge hurts my head (which is already dealing with illness). I suppose it's rather sporting of Castle not to change Shield Charge's numbers right away to what they're supposed to be, but maybe he'll find a middle point from those to where they are now after testing? I honestly don't know that there is an overall best solution to this now. I guess I'm glad I'm not him, heh.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
I guess I have to ask what your definition of "working as intended" is. It almost sounds like you think it's whatever the heck Castle's whimsy chose upon. When to me, "working as intended" means that it is balanced against the other powers and ATs in the game, which seems to be Castle's intentions from his posts and how most of the game is set up.

Heck, I don't even know if we're really disagreeing, other than defining this concept differently. Because you said Frosticus had valid reasons for supporting the nerf and... those all pretty much stack up to how Shield Charge is not working as intended. To me, anyway. Heh.
Yeah, sounds like we AREN'T disagreeing, and merely have different ideas of how much "working as intended" implies. Yes, I'm sure the devs intend that powers and power sets be fun to play, balanced, pretty to look at, and all sort of good things. In that sense, of COURSE that something isn't working as intended is a problem.

I'm just not assigning any of those characteristics directly to "working as intended". I'm keeping them on a separate list. In which case I guess it means we agree on the meat of the matter, and just disagree on a trivial point of where we pile particular beans as we're counting them.

Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Anyway, what to do about Shield Charge hurts my head (which is already dealing with illness). I suppose it's rather sporting of Castle not to change Shield Charge's numbers right away to what they're supposed to be, but maybe he'll find a middle point from those to where they are now after testing? I honestly don't know that there is an overall best solution to this now. I guess I'm glad I'm not him, heh.
If I were Castle, and did have time to look into this, I'd probably do a quick comparison of Shield Charge as it exists to Shield Charge as I intended to similar powers and any relevant power balancing equations they use. I'd give a quick glance over the other powers in the set to make sure they were all what I intended and were reasonably balanced. Then, assuming my originally-intended version was indeed properly balanced, I'd nerf/bugfix away.

Nobody has ever accused me of being particularly sensitive to what my users tell me they WANT, though. I'm a software designer. Part of my JOB is to look much deeper than what users tell me they WANT, and try to figure out what they NEED. Surprisingly often the two are in conflict. If so, I have enough clout that I can often get away with giving them what I think they need instead of what they've asked for. And usually, this works out for the best.

So yeah, if I were Castle, I'd ignore all the ******** and moaning and just work on the facts and what I personally believed was best for the game. I'd swing the nerf bat without hesitation if I thought it would make the game better overall (though keeping in mind that other things being equal, a game with a lot of nerfbat swinging is, overall, worse than one without it), and I'd sleep just fine at night no matter how many forum threads and private messages told me I was a jerk.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



In regards to the Halloween Banner event and new Lord Winter event.

Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
The only skill involved in those events is picking a server with a large population.
Sure, you can do it that way.

Those events can also be done other ways.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Captain_Freak View Post
i can tell you this. Aoe has very little impact vs a boss. Its useful against minions and slightly less useful vs Lts. This is from playing the game since I2 with the caveat that i dont fight malta, koa or low level cot and single player.

Sure, 7-8 people throwing a fireball will make a dent in a boss and demolish a spawn , but shouldnt it? that is the value of teamwork. I guarantee that a spawn throwing just basic attacks at one toon will do a number on anything but amrored At's

Theres plenty of games out there that DEMAND, not just ask but DEMAND that you take your team against one mobile. This game is the only one ive seen that goes with the idea that 1 player is more or less = to 3 minions.

(i played wow and have heard stories, ive seen FF11 played and heard stories, so Cox still is more aoe centric)
Bosses only generally make like 5% of a mission, though, so... yeah.



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
Noone is concerned over the performance of a 'minor subculture' least of all me. That's not even remotely the problem. SC is vastly overpower for everyone.
Saying that SC is 'vastly overpowered' is your opinion, and lucky for you, castle seems to agree with you. However, if it is agreed that SC is 'vastly overpowered' (I don't agree), then that simply adds weight to the complaints that a 'vastly overpowered' power somehow escaped detection by the devs for over a year and a half.

Underplayed powersets because of nerfs? The only one I can think of that even remotly fits that description is Energy Melee, and the problem there is that they changed the feel of the powerset, instead of just the numbers. New players don't notice anything wrong with EM.
First of all, yes EM is underpowered, and it's underpowered because they nerfed the numbers, and when you do that, it affects the 'feel' of the powerset. You don't think shield charging into a spawn with SC doing half damage isn't going to feel different? I can guarantee you it will, lol.

And another set was pointed out numerous times in this thread - fire armor. A good chunk of this thread is made up of posters who want the old burn back (or other various buffs), and seem to have castles ear, despite the fact when FA was nerfed way back when, I'm sure we heard the same arguments about FA being 'vastly overpowered'. If you don't learn from history, you're doomed to repeat it, I guess.

Overpowered sets that draw all the players towards them(like EM did, and SC does now to a lesser degree)because they clearly perform better than others, are far more detrimental to the game.
I'd agree if people were only playing SD, but that is DEFINITELY not the case, not even close. You see a deceiving shift to SD use in these threads because most of the posters are powergamers going for extreme performance, something that SD is best suited for. Leveling up on SO's, SD is mediocre at best.

It's very similar to how the devs reacted to posts that laughed at players who chose powersets other than EM, while ignoring the fact 99% of those posts were NOT in regard to pve and 90 some percent of the game, but were in regard to pvp, where EM was really the only viable melee set in the old version of pvp.

Yes, it shouldn't have happened. But it did, and leaving it as is, is NOT the solution.
Can you explain WHY leaving shield charge alone is not the solution? How exactly does it damage the game for you? Specific examples would be great.



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
If I were Castle, and did have time to look into this, I'd probably do a quick comparison of Shield Charge as it exists to Shield Charge as I intended to similar powers and any relevant power balancing equations they use. I'd give a quick glance over the other powers in the set to make sure they were all what I intended and were reasonably balanced. Then, assuming my originally-intended version was indeed properly balanced, I'd nerf/bugfix away.

So yeah, if I were Castle, I'd ignore all the ******** and moaning and just work on the facts and what I personally believed was best for the game. I'd swing the nerf bat without hesitation if I thought it would make the game better overall (though keeping in mind that other things being equal, a game with a lot of nerfbat swinging is, overall, worse than one without it), and I'd sleep just fine at night no matter how many forum threads and private messages told me I was a jerk.
Well, it's tough. As far as I can tell, Castle seems a bit like me, where we know we should ignore criticism, and often can, but still take it to heart (I'm a teacher, so I receive a fair amount of it). Sometimes you can learn a bit from the criticism, and part of me cares too much, so I do keep my ear out still.

I would agree that it warrants working on sooner rather than later, though. But I guess finding time to test does let Castle show that he got it to where he needs to be... which may feel warranted, after the response in this thread.

Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
Bosses only generally make like 5% of a mission, though, so... yeah.
Depends on your setting, though. At some settings, you can have a boss in almost every mob solo. Same thing on teams... the Citadel TF I was on tonight was replete with them. AOE certainly has its benefits (we needed more on the Citadel as well), but ST does have a stronger place than some feel like noting.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
I'll take a stab at this one and why SC bothers me even though I have two Shield toons (dm/shield brute, and bs/shield scrap).

I support the nerf to SC for several reasons.
1. It was never implemented as it was designed by Castle. No idea why that happened, or why it went live like that, but it did. As a result it is considerably better than L-rod in every way which is a no-no because it is a secondary power and L-rod is a primary power.

2. By comparison it makes my Fire armor toons feel inadequate. Yes they are jealous of Shield users, my own included. Teams throw around a lot of defense buffs, which benefit my mildly build shielder more than my FA and because Shield's offense scales better to team buffs (particularly recharge) than fire's offensive powers the disparity becomes larger and larger.

3. My blasters feel invalidated by Shield Charge. The current values of scrapper SC blow every blaster nuke out of the water with the exception of Rain of Arrows. I don't have a single blaster (other than arch) that wouldn't happily trade its t9 for SC. In fact the first time I used SC I said to myself "this is a blaster power" because of the huge radius, higher than any other scrapper power target cap and spammability of the power.

4. I think they are trivializing team content too much. It is sort of "oh watch the shielder decimate entire spawns while we follow and pocket buff him". It detracts from the "fun" and contribution that other toons are there to make. An arch blaster can do similar but at least they usually need heavy support, a shielder with even a little bit of buffing gains "enough" survivability to basically become a tankmage. Additionally, while an arch blaster can wipe entire spawns it is much more subtle, SC is front and center and kabooms the entire screen. Like many things in this game the tangibility of the power plays are large part in how it is perceived.

5. My position on the timing of this nerf and the progression of mistakes that have put us in this situation have been documented in previous posts. Suffice to say, it isn't positive. In fact, I think it should be hotfixed down to the original 133 damage value immediately. At which point if Castle frees up some spare time many months down the road like he said he can rework the power to how it is "intended" to be. That way the reworking won't be nearly as harsh and the current issue of it being ridiculously OP'd is placated.

You said:

"By comparison it makes my Fire armor toons feel inadequate. Yes they are jealous of Shield users, my own included."

We've all agreed that FA is underperforming and needs a buff after being over-nerfed way back when. Buffing FA is better solution to your problem than busting down SD users.

And what you're experiencing is the vastly imbalanced single target ability vs aoe ability in this game. You can ERASE SD and those imbalances will still be here. I'm sure you've teamed with fire/kins and mm's before. I remember feeling the way you do back when a buddy of mine put together a spine/da and wiped out entire spawns while I struggled to get a kill or two on my scrapper that was mostly single target.

If you're mostly single target, you're just not as valuable on a team as and aoe centric toon. The solution is very simple - build an aoe centric toon, and you have a LOT of choices in at's and combos outside of SD.

"Additionally, while an arch blaster can wipe entire spawns it is much more subtle, SC is front and center and kabooms the entire screen. Like many things in this game the tangibility of the power plays are large part in how it is perceived."

Did you just call for a nerf to how it looks too, lol?



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
Saying that SC is 'vastly overpowered' is your opinion, and lucky for you, castle seems to agree with you. However, if it is agreed that SC is 'vastly overpowered' (I don't agree), then that simply adds weight to the complaints that a 'vastly overpowered' power somehow escaped detection by the devs for over a year and a half.
Firstly, if SC ISN'T vastly overpowered (and it is) then find me another power in a Defensive set that does as much damage in the same amount of time.

Secondly, the Devs have stated on numerous occassions (and it only makes sense if you think about it) that they do not have the time to look at EVERY single power every time the game is updated. SC fell through the cracks, it seems. And, it seems to me, that Castle trusted someone else to do something to the power that ended up not being what he expected that person to do. All in all, it looks to be a case of "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" combined with a "while the cat's away the mice will play" sorta scenario here. AKA, SC didn't squeak and the cat wasn't looking when the mouse made his changes. Afterall, who would squeek about a power that is that awesome? (Aside from Arcanaville and others who actually look for that type of thing.)



Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
Yes, you're absolutely right. A mistake like this is "unacceptable", that it took them this long to notice it, despite numerous player comments over time, even more so. And it should get fixed asap, because leaving it in the game for another 6 months will only add insult to injury. My best guess as to why it isn't going to be fixed is that there simply isn't going to be any time to make the change, get it into a patch and on test before the test servers get occupied by the GR beta.

What I wanted to do with my post was to react against all those posters in this nerdrage fuelled threadnaught who seem to throw overboard every last bit of common sense they had and start insulting the devs, call everyone who dissagree with them a 'devpet/fanboy' and then start decrying 'the end of the game' (tm) because of all the nerfage being thrown around. And they do it every single time something like this happens. Just gets on my nerves's all.

I'm actually pleasantly surprised to get some decent replies like yours and Werners. I was expecting to log in today and find my rep well in the red with some amusing comments for me to read.
For the most part the discussion has been rational. We've had a few posts from people who haven't read the thread and have just jumped in due to the dev tracker and we seem to have recovered from Castle's initial folly. Overall not a bad thread with a lot of content being discussed I know there is a tendency to let a few bad apples (from either side) ruin things, but from the looks of it we are resisting pretty well (which is a challenge for me, I like getting riled up lol).

I'm very confident the reason you state for the delay is accurate. The problem it is going to create though is that the fallout of when the power is reworked is going to be massive. Probably one of the bigger blowouts we've seen since the AE exploits. Anyone that isn't aware of this thread is going to be hit by a Mack Truck of change and it is going to happen far enough down the road that everyone will have settled in to how the set operates.

There is a fix that can go in immediately (or close to it) and that is to revert it back to how it used to be for everyone (the value brutes still adhere to). We know that the reworked version is likely going to be at about that power level or a bit less. Hit it now while the power is still "young" and then hit it much more softly with a mechanical reworking later down the road to closer follow the vision Castle has for it. Honestly that's the only way I can readily think of that will diffuse most of this bomb. It is still going to explode, that is inevitable, but the difference could be a hand grenade vs a snuke in the snizz (if you watch southpark you'll know how deadly that could be lol).

Anyway, the drama is going to be epic if he sits on this for many months. Maybe he doesn't care as he feels that drama is going to happen either way, may as well just deal with it all at once much later down the road. Who knows.



Originally Posted by Enots View Post
We are an elitist group that will accept anyone? Please explain.
Actually Ro doesnt accept non Ro members on teams. Says so in the motd. /end



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
You said:

"By comparison it makes my Fire armor toons feel inadequate. Yes they are jealous of Shield users, my own included."

We've all agreed that FA is underperforming and needs a buff after being over-nerfed way back when. Buffing FA is better solution to your problem than busting down SD users.
I've already said this at least five or six times and it seems to be to the agreement of most poster that FA is due for some buffs and SC is due for a reduction. Strapping a nuke onto the back of FA to bring it up to the level Shield is operating at just creates two sets that are strongly overperforming.

I've even listed my suggestions for fixing FA in this very thread as have many others. I'm not sure if you are deliberately ignoring things already discussed for the purpose of building a baseless argument, or if you have genuinely forgotten what has already transpired.
And what you're experiencing is the vastly imbalanced single target ability vs aoe ability in this game. You can ERASE SD and those imbalances will still be here. I'm sure you've teamed with fire/kins and mm's before. I remember feeling the way you do back when a buddy of mine put together a spine/da and wiped out entire spawns while I struggled to get a kill or two on my scrapper that was mostly single target.
Actually no. I've never seen anything short of a crash based blaster tier 9 wipe spawns as quickly as a single scrapper SC does. Fire/kins, spines/da, mm's they are all very high damage, but it is always high dot, not instantaneously rendered damage. Big difference.

SC has a very rapid cast time and applies the damage instantaneously. None of the combos you just cited as supporting evidence can do anything like that.

If you're mostly single target, you're just not as valuable on a team as and aoe centric toon. The solution is very simple - build an aoe centric toon, and you have a LOT of choices in at's and combos outside of SD.
I'm sure this would have relevance if it was being discussed.

"Additionally, while an arch blaster can wipe entire spawns it is much more subtle, SC is front and center and kabooms the entire screen. Like many things in this game the tangibility of the power plays are large part in how it is perceived."

Did you just call for a nerf to how it looks too, lol?
Honestly if you haven't learned in life that perception is the only thing that matters then the lesson is overdue. What I'm saying is that SC is almost as visually pronounced as nova. It is impossible to miss and the whole team knows that you just rocked the entire game in one shot. Everything bounces up in the air and then falls down. Most of them never get up. SC is so visual it makes it "the scrapper show". The show headline just happens to be "Don't worry guys I got this and it will only take 1.716 seconds too!".

Rain of Arrows is not a headline stealer and it actually takes well over 4 seconds to cast with damage execution closer to 6 seconds.It is also subject to issues such as mobs running out of the aoe before the damage is applied and drawing agro while locked in to a very long animation. While the damage from SC is hitting the spawn at about 2.5 seconds. That is a big difference. The difference means that everyone can get a few attacks off before RoA hits. The result may be massive overkill, but everyone has a chance to participate and contribute. At the end of the day everyone is paying to play the game, not watch, but actually participate.

SC on the other hand is one of the faster cast times in the game attached to an AT that fears very little so doesn't need to hesitate to pull the trigger. It is resolved so fast that the spawn can actually be dead before the fireball that a ranged toon cast reaches them. Again big difference.

*What's really sad is that the best analog to SC, a power found in a defensive set, is a blaster tier 9. If that isn't a clear and decisive indication that something is amiss then I'm afraid nothing will.



Originally Posted by JamMasterJMS View Post
Why do you allow yourself and your developer team to let these mistakes "get by" in the first place?
Because there are no super-powered heroes that work on the dev team in r/l? Because they're human, and humans make mistakes?

Wait... Is it that you've been fired from a job for every single mistake you've ever made in your life, and you're bitter about it? How many jobs does that make for you? Thousands?

Or have you never made a single mistake in your life?

I realize I've been just as guilty about posting when I thought devs (or more accurately the marketing team) had "failed beyond all reason," but damn...give 'em a little breathing room, man.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Hey I know it isnt a scrapper secondary but while we are looking at fiery aura could we look at energy aura?

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



Regarding Shield Charge:

Give me an N...Give me an E...Give me an R...Give me an F...




Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
Hey I know it isnt a scrapper secondary but while we are looking at fiery aura could we look at energy aura?
I'm sure they'll give it a look when it gets proliferated over.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Its been a long time since i have found a toon that i LOVE to play... a long time! I have found that toon i love in my SD/Fire tank... I am enjoying the game again and running ALOT of content i havent in a while... the only real thing that has kept me here is the fact i cant find another game that 'jives' well with me.

I have two up coming ones i am gonna try DCUO and SWToR...

AE has been nerfed to hell.... PvP has been destroyed.... XP for Freaks 'fixed'... same for Family... its late, im tired... i am sure there are more examples of fairly recent nerfs...

to me it seems there is alot of resources being used to try to contain AE... So many lil bugs in this game that should have been addressed long ago have lingered... gone away and popped back up... lets address those things first...

Nerfs piss people off... we have enough pissed off people here right now... well some here and others that did indeed move on..

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



Several posts in this thread have already explained why Shield is the best scrapper secondary (PvE) and it isn't because of shield charge. It's because of Against All Odds the damage boost to our entire primary CONTINUOUSLY is too big an advantage for any other secondary to overcome. People also get too hung up on being able to cap the defenses. Yes you can but that is late game and with a huge investment of IO's it is fairly squishy the majority of the game.

I can see why Shield Charge does stir up so much animosity it is effectively a Blaster Nuke on a faster recharge than all the blaster's tier9s (except RoA and FA) which is somewhat silly. Shield charge is a novel power which makes the set feel different. So I would go one of two ways with its readjustment:

1) Increase the recharge dramatically to match blaster nukes (Boring but easy fix).
2) Cut the damage dramatically (1/10th current levels) and REDUCE recharge to 1min.

I like option 2 as it keeps the novelty of the power, the fun animation and provides player controlled mitigation in the secondary.

Maybe this has been 29 pages of extremely clever disinformation to keep the Devs from looking at AAO, but I doubt it. Shield Charge is not the problem inbalancing the armor secondaries but it is unbalanced compared to comparable powers across all the archtypes.



Originally Posted by AshWind View Post
Maybe this has been 29 pages of extremely clever disinformation to keep the Devs from looking at AAO, but I doubt it. Shield Charge is not the problem inbalancing the armor secondaries but it is unbalanced compared to comparable powers across all the archtypes.
Castle has already commented specifically on AAO. He doesn't feel an 81.3% persistent damage buff is "very large".

Taking a look it appears to be the second largest perma damage buff available in the game behind fulcrum shift on just SO's. Under high recharge things like soul drain and double rage surpass it. At any rate it is right up there in the top handful of what is available to us.

As for SC it is imbalancing the set, Castle has already supplied the numbers on it and earlier in the thread I supplied numbers on it vs some common comparables like blazing aura+burn. It is currently a lot better than anything else.



Originally Posted by AshWind View Post
Several posts in this thread have already explained why Shield is the best scrapper secondary (PvE) and it isn't because of shield charge. It's because of Against All Odds the damage boost to our entire primary CONTINUOUSLY is too big an advantage for any other secondary to overcome. People also get too hung up on being able to cap the defenses. Yes you can but that is late game and with a huge investment of IO's it is fairly squishy the majority of the game.

I can see why Shield Charge does stir up so much animosity it is effectively a Blaster Nuke on a faster recharge than all the blaster's tier9s (except RoA and FA) which is somewhat silly. Shield charge is a novel power which makes the set feel different. So I would go one of two ways with its readjustment:

1) Increase the recharge dramatically to match blaster nukes (Boring but easy fix).
2) Cut the damage dramatically (1/10th current levels) and REDUCE recharge to 1min.

I like option 2 as it keeps the novelty of the power, the fun animation and provides player controlled mitigation in the secondary.

Maybe this has been 29 pages of extremely clever disinformation to keep the Devs from looking at AAO, but I doubt it. Shield Charge is not the problem inbalancing the armor secondaries but it is unbalanced compared to comparable powers across all the archtypes.

AAO gives about a 1/3 boost to total damage and to get that bonus you have to be surrounded by 10 enemies. I guess you could argue that its to powerful because its a no brainer pick if you want to solo a pylon and for any other situation where you can drag n gray con minions to your target otherwise it just isn't that big a thing.

Edit: And to the cross AT balance concept it just isnt there. You can hardly complain about power sets becoming fotm when entire ATs are in the dustbin. If dual pistols remained insanely popular because of the animations would it need to be nerfed ? (Note the exact opposite is happening its getting buffed and still looks like its popularity is in decline)



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
(I'm a teacher, so I receive a fair amount of it).
Yowch... Now thats a tough gig I'd never want to have to play ><

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I have every secondary scrapper there is except shield...I've tried making several shields and have not completed any of them but what i do know is I love to play my
MA/Invuln....first toon I made 6 yrs ago
Fire/Fire...a beast till they put in fear from fire now all they do is run from me and i dont have burn
Spines/Dark...this is the only one i dont play anymore
So my answer is Play what you enjoy playing



Damn I just got my /SD IO'd out. At least give me the ability to put all those IO's on another toon or something like that before I put it on the shelf after the nerf.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
Castle has already commented specifically on AAO. He doesn't feel an 81.3% persistent damage buff is "very large".

Taking a look it appears to be the second largest perma damage buff available in the game behind fulcrum shift on just SO's.
So it's not as good as Fulcrum Shift, only affects you, and is in a primary damage dealers AT (though in it's secondary). And yet, after all these years, even old SOed Fulcrum Shift in Support/Control AT is still working as intended... AAO also has the added bonus of a taunt aura for the pre-high defenses death sentence. Yes, AAO is awesome on an expensive, level 50, defense capped character, I just don't think that is the balance standard this game was all about. But maybe I'm wrong with every build posted on the forums now running 10+ billion inf...

@SBeaudway on Pinnacle, TaskForce Titans Supergroup.



Originally Posted by AshWind View Post
2) Cut the damage dramatically (1/10th current levels) and REDUCE recharge to 1min.
LOL, 1/10th current damage? So, a Scrapper "nuke" on a 1 minute timer that does 14 points of base damage at level 50?


Uh, no.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Originally Posted by SBeaudway View Post
But maybe I'm wrong with every build posted on the forums now running 10+ billion inf...
I don't think I've spent even 1 billion on any of my toons. Even my fully IOed out widow probably wasn't that much. Other than her, I have an IOed out Elec/Invuln Brute who was pretty cheap, and two Shield toons who do fine without even needing to be soft-capped (they each have around 30% DEF), who I didn't spend much on. I guess I also have IO scraps on my Necro/Dark MM, but I'd be surprised if I even spent 100m on her.

The rest of my 26 toons just use standard IOs with a random IO scrap here or there.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.