What can the other secondaries do better than /Shield?




Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
*heh* So "devpet" is your preferred equivalent to fanboi i take it. A term used to automatically dismiss and deride anyone who doesn't agree with your constant negativity and contempt for the Devs.

i have to wonder why you continue subscribing to this game the way you constantly state your contempt for those running it. From what i've seen of your posts in this thread and similar threads regarding the Devs' approach to balancing the game i don't see how any characters could survive combat with a single even con minion at this point if the Devs were as incompetent and nerf hungry as you constantly assert.

i certainly can't believe the Dev team your posts seem to describe could add any functional new sets or powers to the game. They certainly wouldn't put in something like IO's unless they added character-wide penalties for slotting them.

If the Devs are so stupid, vindictive and incompetent, and everything's being nerfed into uselessness, why are you even bothering to post? They'll just nerf shields into uselessness anyway, just like they recently did to DP with i17's changes. After all, they're too incompetent and out of touch to do otherwise, right?

i hardly think the Devs can do no wrong, but i actually think they can (and do) get things right on occasion as well. My expectation is that sometime in the near future Shield Charge will be nerfed and FA buffed. i don't think either will be that extreme, but i will reserve judgment until i have more information. Probably because i'm some sort of devpet and fanboi who thinks the Devs can occasionally do something right.
I think the devs get things 'right' most of the time. If I see something I disagree with, I voice my disagreement, it's as simple as that.

Now, you equating that to me hating everything the devs do, and that I think all the devs are completely incompetent is simply wrong, untrue, and complete nonsense.

I'm guessing that stems from me mentioning 'devpets', lol. That would refer to posters who do exactly what I described, in that they defend anything and everything they do, absolutely. Now if you don't do that, then you're not a devpet and I clearly was not referring to you, so why be so upset? Come in close for a big hug little buddy.



Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
This game has several problems that differentiate it from other MMOs. First, the targeting geometry for most attacks is far too large. Second, the target caps are still too high relative to the tier in which they are recieved. Third, the recharge on AoE attacks is too low across the board and there is no cross-skill cooldown for AoEs.

A skill like Rain of Fire is many other MMOs would have more than a 1 minute cooldown, and would often lock out other AoE skills for an extended period once it was clicked. This doesn't happen in CoH, and players can throw a chain of RoF-Fireball-Fire Breath in 6 seconds and pretty much decimate a spawn.
The points you make are why I, and many others, play this MMO and not one of the others. If I want to single mob pull and fight things by ones and twos, I'll go play those games. In this game I can fight piles of minions, several LTs, and a couple Bosses all at once. That's always what the game has been, that's why I'm here. It does make me feel more superheroic than the other MMO model.

@SBeaudway on Pinnacle, TaskForce Titans Supergroup.



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
Yeah, I don't think I'll continue forward with my IOing plans for my Fire/Shield, and I'll probably dump what I've bought so far back into the base. My intent was to make a damage powerhouse. The AoE portion of that now sounds likely to take a big hit, probably about the time I finish earning the billions of influence and dumping it all into the character, since that takes me months. No thanks. No longer worth the time investment.

I'm not saying that it shouldn't be examined. Perhaps it should. I'm just not going to bother IOing something that's definitely going to be examined. I am way, way too tired of fixing or abandoning carefully-crafted characters that the devs nerf or even buff into something not at all like what I planned. Perhaps if someone could just tell me what powers and which IOs might be STABLE for a couple years, it'll be worth the investment. But obviously that can't happen. At this point, I'm kind of thinking I'll never bother with a top end build again. I'll just keep leveling up alts until I tire of that, and then give up on the game completely.

Again, not saying not to nerf Shield Charge. Not working as intended, blah blah blah, fine, whatever.

But I'm just not sure if I can take it any more.
And here is a great reason why you don't mess with stuff that's been in the game for so long, this late in the games life, unless it's ridiculously broken. And sure, SD does lots of damage, but it hasn't stopped people from playing other sets, nor is SD an 'auto win' button. It's exceptional but not game breaking.

People like werner will abandon their build and move on or quit, while a lot of other angry players will have to strip their sd's of IO's with the limited respec system and move on to something else, while a bunch more will rage quit. All that for what? Is SD damaging the game that much? I'd argue no, obviously, lol.

If you're going to make massive adjustments to a powerset, that is what beta is for. If you miss it in beta, catch it within a few months. But to wait over a year is just flat out ridiculous. And yeah, I've heard the argument 'all the other mmo's do it' - ok, but they almost always have the results you see here, disgruntled players who lose confidence in what they are playing, and end up losing the desire to play it.



Originally Posted by SBeaudway View Post
The points you make are why I, and many others, play this MMO and not one of the others. If I want to single mob pull and fight things by ones and twos, I'll go play those games. In this game I can fight piles of minions, several LTs, and a couple Bosses all at once. That's always what the game has been, that's why I'm here. It does make me feel more superheroic than the other MMO model.
Same. It's a super hero game, I don't enjoy having a super hero getting killed by two hellions, lol. Now in a game where you're just some regular schmo, you could get greased by anybody, and that's fine. And I'm not saying it's that bad in this game either, I'm simply saying I'd rather see more powers like SC, and less powers like whirling hands.

Thing is, I think most of the people who play this game want to feel 'overpowered', you know, like a super hero... I noticed this fact when AE came out and whenever we played one of the more challenging missions (ie. the ones that could kill off players regularly) everyone seemed to despise those, and seemed to favor the easy ones (ie, the ones where they felt really powerful). Does that mean let the players be invincible? Of course not, but powers like SC don't make you anywhere near invincible.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
IMO the set needs more slow resistance, like upwards of 60%+, it still relies very heavily on its heal, the 20% added to temp protection was mildly pacifying, but is still easily overwhelmed by pretty much any and all -rech thrown at it.

Blazing Aura is just a tiny bit better than other damage auras. I think it needs to inherent the standard chance of additional fire dot. Obviously pretty low value, just ticks of like an extra 2 damage. Does two things: makes BA better and gives it the impression of setting things on fire cause even if they leave the aura they can still take a small amount of damage. Increase radius to 10ft (this can happen to all auras imo)

FE needs to be improved a lot. 30 duration for fire damage (to match brute/dom), 20 duration for non-fire. Reduce rech to 150. It provides no tohit buff so it should be a bit better than buildup at boosting damage.

Love to see Rofflecopter of the Pheonix made usable while alive. Even if it comes with a heavy damage reduction down to 150-200 base.

Some great ideas for burn have been presented in this thread already. Back when we were all happier about life I'm still a huge fan of making it into a firewalk kind of drop pet, but that is probably a pipe dream.
I'd like to see consume improved. At least lower the recharge time considerably.



Originally Posted by Silencer7 View Post
It's kind of amazing to me how much stock people put in the influence of the forums. If /shield is going to get nerfed it's going to get nerfed, so matter what kind of messaging people try to propogate in the scrapper forum. The devs aren't so clueless that they have no idea what /shield is capable of.

I have an SS/shield brute and I'll cry as hard as anyone if shield charge gets toned down, but... it needs it. And that's on my brute, who has to balance defensive needs against damage. I can't imagine how nuts it must be on a scrapper who can just go all out for damage and recharge.
What are you talking about, scrappers need to worry about 'defensive needs' as much as a brute, especially an SD running AAO, and they have less health as well...



Originally Posted by SBeaudway View Post
The points you make are why I, and many others, play this MMO and not one of the others. If I want to single mob pull and fight things by ones and twos, I'll go play those games. In this game I can fight piles of minions, several LTs, and a couple Bosses all at once. That's always what the game has been, that's why I'm here. It does make me feel more superheroic than the other MMO model.
I don't know if I'd change anything either-- I too like feeling like a super hero. But you could double the recharges and halve the number of targets hit on many AOEs in this game and STILL do more area damage than characters in many other MMOs.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
As I've said before, if I could add anything to the game by snapping my fingers, it would not be new zones or powersets or task forces: it would be better design tools.
There's nothing in this game right now that is so terribly broken that I would prefer 'better design tools' over new content, but opinions vary I guess (unless the better design tools resulted in faster production of new content in the future...). I think most of the playerbase right now is flat out dying for new content, not sitting around angry that SC is doing so much damage, so thank god GR is on the way.



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Congratulations! I have yet to slot a single purple enhancer, ever, and I do anything I darn well want to. Purples are far overpriced, and simply not that neccesary.

Yeah, I suspect there will be nothing good whatsoever in Going Rogue, and the Incarnates powers/abilities are going to be totally boring, too.

...wait. No, there's CRAP-TON of neat stuff looming on the horizon. I suspect alt-itis will keep us all going for years to come. SD is just another FOTM.

Stay strong, man! STAY STRRRRRONG!

The point he was making, i think, is - there probably is some really good stuff in GR, and he'll probably invest a ******** of time into it only to find out the thing he liked was 'too good' because someone put the wrong values in, over a year ago, and then it would get nerfed into something that didn't appeal to him. That's what this kind of activity creates - uncertainty, which pisses off many customers, even if it doesn't bother you specifically.



Has anyone else noticed the irony of talking about undoing nerfs that were made to FA so long ago to a supposedly 'overpowered' and 'imbalanced' powerset, that is now an underpowered and underplayed powerset in the wake of SD's castration?



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
There's nothing in this game right now that is so terribly broken that I would prefer 'better design tools' over new content, but opinions vary I guess (unless the better design tools resulted in faster production of new content in the future...).
I can't think of any other way to judge the design tools as being "better" other than to be able to generate the same desired results faster and more error-free. Every balance problem Castle works on is a critter we don't get: every error correction translates to powersets we won't ever get to play. Think about where we would be today if just *half* of the balance problems and typographical errors from release to now were prevented by better design and analysis tools.

The more I think about it, the more I think I should just write some.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

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Originally Posted by JamMasterJMS View Post
Those kinda mistakes arent tolerated in business. Why do you allow yourself and your developer team to let these mistakes "get by" in the first place?
I love it when people spout nonsense like this. "Those kinda mistakes" happen all the time in business, and are often tolerated. I see it all the time, and I work at one of the largest trucking companies in America.

You fix it and try to do better next time. Sometimes someone is disciplined or loses their job, depending on the reason that the mistake occured, how much it cost the company, and how public it was, but quite often they are just told "do better next time" and nothing more is said.

On the subject at hand, I've been certain that Shield Charge was going to get a nerf as soon as I saw a shield toon in action. (Your most damaging attack should not come from your defensive powers, IMO.) I'm just surprised it took this long for the devs to notice.

I'm just glad that I got my shield brute leveled up an IO'd out in time to enjoy the "overpoweredness" for once. Even with reduced damage for SC (if that is what they eventually decide) it is still a great set and SC will still do a lot of damage.



I'm kind of torn on the "changes wreck my build" line of thought; probably because I tend to view the game through both "mechanics" and "immersion" lenses.

From a mechanics standpoint, I'm sort of "meh" on "build-wrecking". High end, min/maxed builds are precarious balances of trade-offs, but also risk and reward. The trade-offs vary from build to build, but the risk versus reward is always the same; you risk the future viability of your current build's efficacy for the reward of its current efficacy. There are always going to be changes to powers, critters, mechanics, etc. It's impossible, or at least very difficult, to anticipate how any given build is going to be affected by X change(s) Y issues down the line. Obviously, some changes carry more weight than others (examples: ED, GDF, IOs, Energize), but finely tuned builds can fall apart under the "duress" of even minor (and sometimes predictable and understandable) tweaks (BotZ).

However, I'm not so "meh" on this same topic from an immersion standpoint. Say you've got a Scrapper who has soloed every Praetorian AV, cruises through RWZ challenges, and maybe even solos high level TFs. Then one day, your hero wakes up to discover that he can no longer do these things. It's kind of immersion-breaking, which bothers me far more than the mechanics of wrecked builds.

Just my .02 inf.



Originally Posted by SBeaudway View Post
The points you make are why I, and many others, play this MMO and not one of the others. If I want to single mob pull and fight things by ones and twos, I'll go play those games. In this game I can fight piles of minions, several LTs, and a couple Bosses all at once. That's always what the game has been, that's why I'm here. It does make me feel more superheroic than the other MMO model.
Yeah... I really do enjoy how the game is set up. I kind of understand how it can get a tad unbalanced, but I also like it. I'd be interested to see what the new endgame stuff does to make the game more challenging. If it ups the difficulty for that content without changing how the AOEs work, I'm fine.

Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
And here is a great reason why you don't mess with stuff that's been in the game for so long, this late in the games life, unless it's ridiculously broken. And sure, SD does lots of damage, but it hasn't stopped people from playing other sets, nor is SD an 'auto win' button. It's exceptional but not game breaking.

If you're going to make massive adjustments to a powerset, that is what beta is for. If you miss it in beta, catch it within a few months. But to wait over a year is just flat out ridiculous. And yeah, I've heard the argument 'all the other mmo's do it' - ok, but they almost always have the results you see here, disgruntled players who lose confidence in what they are playing, and end up losing the desire to play it.
I snipped this down a bit. Basically, I would say Werner is overdoing it, since all Castle has said is that Shield Charge would get toned back (he even said what the numbers were supposed to be which are still QUITE good). Of course, it's up to him to decide what he wants to invest in.

There is still the basic problem that other people pointed out, and it's that things are going to change in the game. Preferably it won't be too many nerfs, but it is going to happen. You just can't expect things not to change, even if it has been in the game awhile.

And believe me, I do also feel the irony you describe of Fiery Aura now needing improvements (well, on top of others that have been made over the years). Really, Burn was the more overpowered portion of the set, and it got smacked down overly hard... which revealed other weaknesses in the set (oh, and I do think Consume could use lower recharge as well... a lot of other end recovery powers have much less recharge). Burn needed to be toned down, that's for sure, but I wish it had been adjusted well when it got hit so hard.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
I think you're overreacting to the potential change. Even if SC were to get it's damage cut in half, a fire/shield would still be a damage monster.
Oh, probably. But I can be a moody *****. I left the game for about six months after all the Regen nerfs. Came back because nothing else was as fun. Abandoned Werner a second time after a series of changes that were a net BUFF in most situations, because his build was no longer finely tuned to match the new rules, which made me feel suboptimal even if I was better, and it seemed like more trouble to make him optimal than to just focus on some new toon.

Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post
Werner, I think right now is probably one of the worst times you could ever hope for stability in a build, and it's not even because a power(set) might be looked at. Even if they're locked in and not changed for a year, I bet your builds wouldn't be "safe." Why? Going Rogue.
This will sound really stupid, because it is, but I somehow forgot about Going Rogue in all of this. Yes, of course this is a bad time to hope for stability. I should probably hold off on anything that I consider "long term" like purpling out a character. It just makes sense right now. I should relax and level up some characters that sound like fun. The cards are all getting thrown in the air soon. I should stop worrying about build planning.

Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
I wouldn't plan a top-end build until say ... this time next year. Well, unless you can afford to top-end build a character multiple times in one year.
Well, I don't have the cash on hand, but I'm very good at generating it quickly. But I haven't really been in the mood for earning influence. More in a mood for leveling alts. In which case the answer is obvious, I suppose - I should spend my time leveling alts, and not worrying about putting together any top end builds. Do what I currently find fun. Duh.

Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
Anyway, since SC has been so overpowered. I personally don't mind, expected it really, it being brought in line at some point or another.
I USED TO expect a nerf. It was obviously very strong. Looked like a likely target. Then they BUFFED it instead. At that point, I figured they MUST have looked at it more carefully, and decided that not only were they satisfied that it wasn't overpowered, but they felt it was actually less powerful than they intended. So I stopped worrying about the impending nerf to it at that point.

The nerf I still expected (and kind of still expect) was for them to make the DDR in Active Defense unenhanceable. THAT I was prepared for mentally, and I made sure that my character concept and build were still satisfying even if my DDR got nuked. But massive AoE was kind of central to the concept. Even "remarkably good AoE" is kind of drifting away from what I intended. In any case, yeah, Going Rogue, everything changing, not a good time to look for stability. Much better time to go character surfing.

Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
There's always respecs. Granted, unless you're a 4 year vet it's going to come with a price (and a hefty one at that), but spending a few hundred millions to move billions worth of IOs from one character to another isn't so costly in the long run.
I've got billions of respecs (I counted!). It's not so much the cost as it is the trouble. Replan, repurchase, do a few respecs in a row. Shouldn't I be playing the game instead? The answer, of course, is yes. And so that's what I'll be doing. Trying to just play the game and enjoy myself.

Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
Also, other people in this thread need to quit crying. If we hypothetically discovered an archaic law on the books that said murder wasn't illegal as long as it was committed between the hours of 2 and 4 AM, would you argue that we should allow murders between 2 and 4 AM to remain legal just because "that's how they've been for 235 years"?

No? I think not.

So why then do we have people crying it's unjust to nerf Shield Charge, a power that singlehandedly badly devalues every single other Scrapper secondary in high-end play, just because it's been this powerful for a year?
I can't speak for other people. For me it isn't so much about the size of the nerf (or buff), but the mere fact that the rules are changing.

Someone keeps taking my toys away, breaking them, and then gluing them back together all different. I don't care much if it's better or worse when they're done. I care that someone keeps taking my toys away and messing with them. I just want to be able to play with my toys without them constantly being taken away for adjustments.

Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post
Side note: The more specialize and fine tuned your build is, the more susceptible it is to being disrupted. A build with perfectly 45% def, just enough recharge for the best attack chain, and just enough end to sustain it will be upset if any of those factors are disrupted (via nerfs, buffs, new enemies, IO changes, etc), then build breaks. I've seen this happen in just about every MMO out there. In any MMO, you have to expect that things will change on you, for better or for worse.
Right, and my builds tend to be very finely tuned. Exactly soft-capped defense. Exactly sustainable endurance. Exactly enough damage output to achieve some particular goal. Whatever it might be. That fine balance is easily disrupted, even by buffs. But you are right that it is simply the nature of MMOs. I need to roll with these punches, or find a different pastime. That's just the way of it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Min/maxing in MMOs is a blood sport. If you are good at it, but don't treat it as one, you'll burn out eventually, because no MMO is going to let you consistently do it with immunity.
Yeah. So I guess what I'm discovering is that I might have the skill to min/max, but I don't have the heart for it, the perseverance for it. Or perhaps more accurately, I don't have the heart for it 24/7. Sometimes I just need to chill out, play the basic game (which is fun and not nearly so sensitive to these little changes), and recharge my batteries. That's cool. Just need to recognize when I'm burning out on the high end game and walk away for a bit.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
TWhenever I've brought up the subject of making smarter critters, one immediate thing that comes to mind is making them scatter more so that they don't all bunch up in stupidly obvious AoE bullseyes. But there are always players that respond that they don't *want* smarter critters: they want bowling pins they can just mindlessly vaporize with AoEs, and lots of them.
If I'm honest with myself, I'm in the bowling pin camp. If I wanted smart AI, I'd PvP. I want my bad guys to be lambs to the slaughter. OK, they can be LIONS to the slaughter, and I prefer it that way, but I don't want them, for instance, running away when they get hurt. Stand still and let me kill you! It's so ANNOYING chasing you down! I'd probably have similar opinions if the enemies were smart enough to spread out to avoid AoEs, send someone running to the next group to pull them over too, or whatever a smarter enemy would do.

Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
The point he was making, i think, is - there probably is some really good stuff in GR, and he'll probably invest a ******** of time into it only to find out the thing he liked was 'too good' because someone put the wrong values in, over a year ago, and then it would get nerfed into something that didn't appeal to him. That's what this kind of activity creates - uncertainty, which pisses off many customers, even if it doesn't bother you specifically.
Well, that's probably the point I WOULD have been making had I not completely forgotten about Going Rogue while in the throes of nerdrage.

I think I'll have more tolerance for change in Going Rogue, at least for a while. It's going to be big and new. Of course I should expect changes. But after a year or two? I'd really hope they have it ironed out, but evidence is they probably won't, and I probably shouldn't expect it. That's just not how MMOs work, even if I wish it was how they worked.

Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Basically, I would say Werner is overdoing it, since all Castle has said is that Shield Charge would get toned back (he even said what the numbers were supposed to be which are still QUITE good). Of course, it's up to him to decide what he wants to invest in.
I AM overdoing it. It IS how I feel when I'm in a bad mood, but I also recognize that I'm being a petulant child over a fairly minor "we'll look into it" regarding something that was very, very powerful. I like playing this game. A lot. There are aspects of it I don't like, and moving my cheese constantly is one of those aspects. But it's simply part of the MMO genre. I've actually pretty much told other people to suck it up and deal with aspects of the MMO genre they don't like, or find a different genre. I seriously need to take my own advice.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Bloody hells....

"Yesss...let the Rage consume you!"

It's 4:33am and I ended up reading ALL of this, you ********!!

I mean...strewth almighty on a stick...

Castle: Requires: Break from hatred
Arcanaville: Knowledge: Overwhelming
Anger: Thread levels: Rising
Exclamation: Sheesh...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
I AM overdoing it. It IS how I feel when I'm in a bad mood, but I also recognize that I'm being a petulant child over a fairly minor "we'll look into it" regarding something that was very, very powerful. I like playing this game. A lot. There are aspects of it I don't like, and moving my cheese constantly is one of those aspects. But it's simply part of the MMO genre. I've actually pretty much told other people to suck it up and deal with aspects of the MMO genre they don't like, or find a different genre. I seriously need to take my own advice.
Hey now, I wouldn't call you a petulant child, that's just mean. I was just trying to help you see the error of your ways, heh. So see the bright side! Shield Charge will still be wicked cool, fun, and effective!

I do know what you mean, though... I don't like having to respec and try to avoid it as much as I can (I generally plan my bulids out to a T on Mid's before playing them much, and adjust that build as I level, meaning I don't have to respec from a bad choice very much). However, it still happens.

Probably the most annoying thing for me was when I got a Stone/SS Tanker to 32 and found I hated Granite form with a passion. I had even started to IO him, too. I dropped him when Shields came out, plucking out as many of his IO sets as I could, but that was a pain... I did that over a couple of weeks, I think, as I hate wasting game time on respecs.

Enough rambling, but I do know the pain of shifting stuff around and repecing.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Accept proper coloring, for one.



Im not really on either side of this debate over /Shields and etc, but I just hope that all of these recent changes convince the Devs to revamp the respec system to better cope for these type of changes. >.>

"An army is a team. It lives, eats, sleeps, fights as a team. This individuality stuff is a bunch of BS." -General George Patton

-Lord Azazel



Originally Posted by Lord_Thanatos View Post
Im not really on either side of this debate over /Shields and etc, but I just hope that all of these recent changes convince the Devs to revamp the respec system to better cope for these type of changes. >.>
Oh, I think Castle (maybe someone else?) mentioned somewhat recently he'd ask about revamping the respec system, but not to expect anything from it until much later.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Similar to Werner if you are performance driven, but resource limited (ie time, inf, etc) so that when you invest into min/maxing something it is usually one of the only things you devote yourself to, it can be very frustrating when the cheese is ever moving.

It is inevitable, but it doesn't detract from the subjective dissatisfaction in any way. If you gravitate toward popular mechanics you increase the likelihood of the carpet being pulled out beneath you. However, I once thought I had it figured out by min/maxing non-popular builds that even at peak were still shadows of what could be achieved within the AT on other combos. Sort of "stay off the radar" mentality. Then storm's lightning storm got cut in half lol. Oh man that was frustrating, especially how it was conducted too.

But anyway, I guess my point is: if you want bleeding edge performance, you better be prepared to bleed.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Bloody hells....

It's 4:33am and I ended up reading ALL of this, you ********!!

I mean...strewth almighty on a stick...

Castle: Requires: Break from hatred
Arcanaville: Knowledge: Overwhelming
Anger: Thread levels: Rising
Exclamation: Sheesh...
You can tell when TA is mentally broken because he starts talking like the Rikti...

On the subject of enhanced AI, I really prefer that sort of things in very specific Story Arcs or in Task/Strike Forces. I don't want to always have to think really hard about what I'm doing every time I get in the game, but at the same time I still like that there's opportunity to be challenged if I so desire it.



Originally Posted by Marsquake2 View Post
thats how arcanaville works. doesnt she sound smrt?
Well, I would suppose that she sounds smart because she IS smart.



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Yeah... I really do enjoy how the game is set up. I kind of understand how it can get a tad unbalanced, but I also like it. I'd be interested to see what the new endgame stuff does to make the game more challenging. If it ups the difficulty for that content without changing how the AOEs work, I'm fine.

I snipped this down a bit. Basically, I would say Werner is overdoing it, since all Castle has said is that Shield Charge would get toned back (he even said what the numbers were supposed to be which are still QUITE good). Of course, it's up to him to decide what he wants to invest in.

There is still the basic problem that other people pointed out, and it's that things are going to change in the game. Preferably it won't be too many nerfs, but it is going to happen. You just can't expect things not to change, even if it has been in the game awhile.

And believe me, I do also feel the irony you describe of Fiery Aura now needing improvements (well, on top of others that have been made over the years). Really, Burn was the more overpowered portion of the set, and it got smacked down overly hard... which revealed other weaknesses in the set (oh, and I do think Consume could use lower recharge as well... a lot of other end recovery powers have much less recharge). Burn needed to be toned down, that's for sure, but I wish it had been adjusted well when it got hit so hard.
I just hope when they look at SD, they look at what they did to sets like FA and EM when they 'looked' at them, and not make the same mistakes, and overnerf the set into becoming an underperforming set that isn't fun to play. And IMO, SC is a HUGE reason why SD is fun to play and worth leveling up. Obviously, I'd have to wait to see how badly they weaken it to see if its still worth playing for me, but cutting the damage in half would probably ruin the set for the way I enjoy it.

As many people as there are who complain that SC is too powerful, a similar amount of players complain about SD being a bit weak comparative to other sets leveling up. If they're going to hamstring SC, maybe they could throw people a bone by buffing up some of the other powers so it's a bit better on SO's and at lower levels.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I can't think of any other way to judge the design tools as being "better" other than to be able to generate the same desired results faster and more error-free. Every balance problem Castle works on is a critter we don't get: every error correction translates to powersets we won't ever get to play. Think about where we would be today if just *half* of the balance problems and typographical errors from release to now were prevented by better design and analysis tools.

The more I think about it, the more I think I should just write some.
True, but this far into the game, can you go back and reset all the design tools, then force all of your existing material into that setup, while still providing new content to keep a player base?

And even if you had a better set up/organized design system, devs would still tinker with existing powers looking for that elusive 'perfect balance' which imo, is nearly impossible in a game with so many variables involved.

Even with what appears to be a bit of a haphazard design system, the game works pretty well overall, and even though there are clearly imbalances, it still provides an enjoyable gaming experience. It seems everyone has accepted the idea of balance equates to some sort of nirvana, and I'm not so sure that is an unquestionable truth. It can be argued that having some imbalance allows for more variety and adds flavor to the game. If all the sets were perfectly balanced and all did the same exact single target damage and aoe damage overall, to me, that would be a boring, uninspired mess.

I think it's the old math/science vs art thing, some people have to keep the color absolutely inside the lines, others scribble all over the place - i think this game is somewhere in the middle, and it works, for me at least. I just wish the games 'artists' would stop messing with the pictures they've already completed and make some new ones.