What can the other secondaries do better than /Shield?




Originally Posted by EmpireForgotten View Post
You don't program do you?

See how easy it was for you to miss spell that word bolded above? When you are looking at a sheet of code or at a spreadsheet, its easy to go 'bug-eyed' and miss stuff.

Good programmers will make mistakes. If they took the time to test everything themselves (instead of having open beta's/bug reporting done by users), we'd still be back in i3.
Let me see if I can get my point across this way.

Originally Posted by JamMasterJMS View Post

Even if you DID originally catch the error, using the origal power numbers and not the reworked numbers what did you accomplish? You made a fix on something that again is faulty because you didnt check to make sure your doin it right the first time?

Those kinda mistakes arent tolerated in business. Why do you allow yourself and your developer team to let these mistakes "get by" in the first place?

"Even if you DID originally catch the error, using the ORIGINAL pwer nombers and nut the reworked numbers what did you accomplish? You made a fix on something that again is faulty because you didnt check to make sure your doin it right the first time?" etc etc

Did I do a better job fixing my original post?
No I didnt, and neither did Castle when he said he went back to look at the power and used the original wrong numbers.

Honestly, I do expect more from the lead developer than this.

Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary

Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Yeah, I like Blasters too.



Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
So why then do we have people crying it's unjust to nerf Shield Charge, a power that singlehandedly badly devalues every single other Scrapper secondary in high-end play, just because it's been this powerful for a year?
I don't think anyone is saying what you think they are saying. Have you read the thread?

I'm getting a strong feeling a lot of people posting haven't actually read what they are posting about.



Originally Posted by Silencer7 View Post
It's kind of amazing to me how much stock people put in the influence of the forums. If /shield is going to get nerfed it's going to get nerfed, so matter what kind of messaging people try to propogate in the scrapper forum. The devs aren't so clueless that they have no idea what /shield is capable of.
If you have read this thread in its entirety you wouldn't be posting this. This thread is an example of the exact opposite of what you are saying.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
I can't count the number of people I know that put serious effort into making something superior and then left after it was dumbed down to sub mediocrity.

The devs seem to have an ongoing quest to nerf skill in playing the game and its very detrimental to the health of the game. Most people will only chase after the wallet on the string for so long then they find something else to do that is actually fun
Um, not that I'm unsympathetic to frustration with moving cheese...


I don't know if I'm going to count creating purpled-out FOTM builds as either "making something superior" or as "skill in playing the game."



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
In addition, I suspect what Arcanaville is feeling so clever about is the fact that you can activate a glowy while defeated. (Naughty, I know, but I never bother, I like hittin' stuff too much.)
Strike two. That would neither buff nor nerf player performance in the game by any significant amount.

I know for a provable fact that the standard factions are getting far tougher, because I designed a custom AE faction to fight and handily defeat Carnies. A few months ago, it was a slaughter. Now, the Carnies crush them.
Microscopically warmer. But probably observer error, unless your definition of "few" has double-digits.

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Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
The above. Over and over again.

I can't count the number of people I know that put serious effort into making something superior and then left after it was dumbed down to sub mediocrity.

The devs seem to have an ongoing quest to nerf skill in playing the game and its very detrimental to the health of the game. Most people will only chase after the wallet on the string for so long then they find something else to do that is actually fun
Castle can nerf powers, powersets, ATs, IOs, etc. He cannot nerf "skill." When I say "skill," I mean the player's ability to play the game and their knowledge of game mechanics. A player who is skilled will still be able to leverage a power more than those that do not possess "skill." A skilled player willl still know how to react in situations where an unskilled player will not.

If Castle nerfs a power, like Shield Charge, a "skilled" player will be able to adjust and adapt to that change. They may not be able to reach the same peak that they did before, but their skill remains the same. Even if a set, like Shield, was nerfed to "uselessness," a skilled player would be able to identify the next best build and utilize that instead.

I absolutely cannot accept the notion that "skill" simply equates to utilizing a very powerful ability. That is not "skill," that is a crutch.

Side note: The more specialize and fine tuned your build is, the more susceptible it is to being disrupted. A build with perfectly 45% def, just enough recharge for the best attack chain, and just enough end to sustain it will be upset if any of those factors are disrupted (via nerfs, buffs, new enemies, IO changes, etc), then build breaks. I've seen this happen in just about every MMO out there. In any MMO, you have to expect that things will change on you, for better or for worse.

The thing that's annoying to me isn't that things change, but what it takes to adjust a build after something changes - which is a different subject entirely.



Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
Lots of people are asking me if there was or is a problem with the streakbreaker. To the best of my knowledge, it was and is still working fine.

A bug in the streakbreaker wouldn't be something that would lend itself to be particularly exploitable either (any more than it already is, which is not really), and if it wasn't exploitable I would have written an article about the change to inform players.

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Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
I don't think anyone is saying what you think they are saying. Have you read the thread?

I'm getting a strong feeling a lot of people posting haven't actually read what they are posting about.
I read most of it, yes, so I'm aware there are a few different controversies flying here at once. There's the Shield Charge errors which Castle acknowledged (the only point I commented on), there's the question of balance of Fiery Melee versus Dark Melee (which I'm not qualified to comment on), and of course, there's the concerns about Fiery Aura being underpowered as well (which I think has merit).

It's also fair to say that the people crying about it are a minority in this thread, if an extremely vocal one. The argument goes back further, though; people made the same argument about the Blessing of the Zephyr nerf, and whatever you or anyone else thought about that one, I stick to the belief that how long something has been in a flawed state is not an argument in favor of leaving it flawed.

When something's broken, you fix it. And ultimately, there are very few of us on these forums who are objectively qualified to identify something as "broken" or "not broken". To be fair, I wouldn't consider myself qualified to make that judgment; I pretty much reserve that for the people who actually have access to the code. What we are qualified to identify is whether or not we "like" or "dislike" something.

Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the developers to make a good faith effort to ensure that player power remains within the range for which they have designed the game, or at least reasonably close, and when outliers are discovered (either way), to rein them in by correcting those outliers to more normalized values. It is entirely possible (and in the case of something like Blessing of the Zephyr or Shield Charge, likely) that there will be people who "dislike" the change, but if the expected power curve around which the core of the game is designed is being thrown out of whack, it needs to be corrected, period.

That all said, I do agree with the other posters that it's fairly disturbing that something this massive slipped under the radar, and wonder if perhaps it wouldn't be in the powers team's interest to do a once-over of all the player powersets to make sure they are in fact performing where the documents say they're supposed to, across the board, because if one error like this can get through, I would be highly surprised if there weren't more.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Lots of people are asking me if there was or is a problem with the streakbreaker. To the best of my knowledge, it was and is still working fine.

A bug in the streakbreaker wouldn't be something that would lend itself to be particularly exploitable either (any more than it already is, which is not really), and if it wasn't exploitable I would have written an article about the change to inform players.
I take that to mean that the potential exploit isn't fixable by its nature. I've no idea what it might be, but either way, if that's the case, it's probably in the game's best interest that we not try and dig this one up. :P



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
That's fine with me, but please please please look at the Immunes Engineer's numbers for their Phalanx Fighting. I gather a bunch of them and start the beat down, but the Engineer's chance to hit is the only one that goes down to 5%. All of the others have much higher last chance to hit values in said gathered group of enemies.
This was something I PMed Castle about in CB. He said pretty much what he said here; that they only fixed something that was broken. He didn't seem too concerned with the Engineers. So, I second that the Engineers get looked at.




Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
The above. Over and over again.

I can't count the number of people I know that put serious effort into making something superior and then left after it was dumbed down to sub mediocrity.

The devs seem to have an ongoing quest to nerf skill in playing the game and its very detrimental to the health of the game. Most people will only chase after the wallet on the string for so long then they find something else to do that is actually fun
By "the devs" you do mean, of course, all of the MMO devs in the industry combined and not just Paragon Studios devs. Because no dev team I'm aware of could or would give Werner the guarantee he's referring to, and every dev team I'm aware of would, if they were being honest, give the converse guarantee that everything that exists at the very highest levels of performance would eventually be reviewed, and possibly altered in some way.

Min/maxing in MMOs is a blood sport. If you are good at it, but don't treat it as one, you'll burn out eventually, because no MMO is going to let you consistently do it with immunity.

Could it be a lot more stable? Sure: its well within the realm of human ability to get five, perhaps ten times more stable by much more numerically careful design. I'm not giving the devs a pass for making what are clearly avoidable errors**. But no MMO designed by human beings will ever be able to grant min/maxers guaranteed performance stability at the high end of the game. Its not going to happen here, or anywhere else.

** Fundamentally, the problem is that the design tools aren't designed for transparency or auditability, nor do they have a trivial way of performing validation checks on anything. As I've said before, if I could add anything to the game by snapping my fingers, it would not be new zones or powersets or task forces: it would be better design tools.

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Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post
Side note: The more specialize and fine tuned your build is, the more susceptible it is to being disrupted. A build with perfectly 45% def, just enough recharge for the best attack chain, and just enough end to sustain it will be upset if any of those factors are disrupted (via nerfs, buffs, new enemies, IO changes, etc), then build breaks. I've seen this happen in just about every MMO out there. In any MMO, you have to expect that things will change on you, for better or for worse.

The thing that's annoying to me isn't that things change, but what it takes to adjust a build after something changes - which is a different subject entirely.

All mine certainly took a hit...
Not so much on defense but rather on the endurance usage since I seem to have a habit on just having enough endurance.
Now I'm not even sure if I should go through the trouble of rebuilding those builds



Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
I take that to mean that the potential exploit isn't fixable by its nature. I've no idea what it might be, but either way, if that's the case, it's probably in the game's best interest that we not try and dig this one up. :P
It might be fixed now: I'm not sure. If I become absolutely certain it is fixed, I will write up something for the forums**. Until I'm certain, however, its always possible someone will be able to read what I write and figure out alternate ways to exploit the issue other than the ones I know about (even after that, someone could still outsmart me and figure out a way, but that's always a possibility you can't eliminate with absolute certainty no matter how much testing you do).

This is not intended to be a tease: if I thought the chances were low I would ever be able to mention this ever, I wouldn't refer to it now. I *think* the day will come when I will be able to describe this in detail, which is why I'm willing to refer to it now. Whenever I *can* describe something to the players, I generally try to, and the devs generally give me enormously wide latitude to do so.

** This is a case where I need to be certain its unexploitable myself, independent from whatever the devs think, because I'm the only person that has tested it to an insane degree.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
I take that to mean that the potential exploit isn't fixable by its nature. I've no idea what it might be, but either way, if that's the case, it's probably in the game's best interest that we not try and dig this one up. :P
Since you've said that, I'm now feeling the urge to make a public guess.

My WAG is something to do with A.I. behavior. Castle once joked about AV Ghost Widow being easy for him to solo by using patterns of emergent behavior from the AI routines. Others pointed out that as he's a lead designer, that's not "easy" and it could possibly be considered exploitive.

AI behavior is something obscure enough that the average player wouldn't notice but Arcana might. Depending on how you tweaked it, it could definitely alter the effectiveness of critters without being readily apparent what was going on.

Personally, I wish we could influence the "intelligence" of the AI as part of the difficulty. At the very least, I wish somebody would tell the Cabal and Warwolves that running around in circles isn't a battle tactic...



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
If you have read this thread in its entirety you wouldn't be posting this. This thread is an example of the exact opposite of what you are saying.
I've read most of it. I mostly see castle saying "Maybe I'll check it out" (time permitting.) Community relations is part of castle's job, so this is exactly the response that people should expect, but functionally it doesn't mean much.

Which is the point I made originally. They're going to make decisions based on observation of player behavior, not based on what the forum says. Except in rare cases the forum doesn't have access to the data to make a persuasive case about the relative strength of power sets. The forum can bring anecdotal evidence to the attention of the devs, but they aren't going to make decisions based on that (and if I read into the tone of his posts, castle was aware of the issues with /shield anyway.)

@Dysc, on virtue:
Virtue blues: Overnight (DP/MM), Kid Ridiculous (FC/rad), Panorama (Ill/time)
Virtue reds: Block Party (SS/SD), Goldcrush (earth/fire), Deadwire (claws/elec), Snowcrush (ice/kin)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
By "the devs" you do mean, of course, all of the MMO devs in the industry combined and not just Paragon Studios devs. Because no dev team I'm aware of could or would give Werner the guarantee he's referring to, and every dev team I'm aware of would, if they were being honest, give the converse guarantee that everything that exists at the very highest levels of performance would eventually be reviewed, and possibly altered in some way.

Min/maxing in MMOs is a blood sport. If you are good at it, but don't treat it as one, you'll burn out eventually, because no MMO is going to let you consistently do it with immunity.

Could it be a lot more stable? Sure: its well within the realm of human ability to get five, perhaps ten times more stable by much more numerically careful design. I'm not giving the devs a pass for making what are clearly avoidable errors**. But no MMO designed by human beings will ever be able to grant min/maxers guaranteed performance stability at the high end of the game. Its not going to happen here, or anywhere else.

** Fundamentally, the problem is that the design tools aren't designed for transparency or auditability, nor do they have a trivial way of performing validation checks on anything. As I've said before, if I could add anything to the game by snapping my fingers, it would not be new zones or powersets or task forces: it would be better design tools.
Re: The design tools: That's sad if so, especially for things like powerset evaluation. They have all the data.

In this case, it really doesn't seem the case you would need the tools.

As to stability, that is completely under their control just a matter of desire.



Originally Posted by Sarrate View Post
Castle can nerf powers, powersets, ATs, IOs, etc. He cannot nerf "skill." When I say "skill," I mean the player's ability to play the game and their knowledge of game mechanics. A player who is skilled will still be able to leverage a power more than those that do not possess "skill." A skilled player willl still know how to react in situations where an unskilled player will not.
They can't take away the intrinsic skill, they can minimize its benefits.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
And that is a perfectly fine and sane response to the situation.

Where I am disliking Frosticus in this regard is that he has moved away from attempting to help address a possible situation, and is instead attacking the character of a person who was looking into a possible issue, insisting that he must be incompetent for doing so. A situation Castle is only likely looking at because the original discussion included people who are made up of a group I like to call the "Know-what-the-hell-they-are-talking-about Brigade."

Blatantly displaying disrespect for someone, and then demanding they act professionally towards you is a **** move, and I expect better behavior than that from *anyone* regardless of whether or not they receive money or give it.

Yeah, I really like Castle and co. I think they're great, personally, and hate it when people attack them. I do think it's odd how mistakes like these seem to slip in game (or go unnoticed even though players point them out), but I'm not going to be mean about it. Hopefully some good things will get adjusted to how powers are changed from all this.

I really do hope something happens with Fiery Aura though all this. I love the set, and have had MANY discussions about improving it (I even thought I PM'd Castle with some ideas over a year or so ago), but if it takes this thread for something to happen rather than the others I've engaged in since the "buff War Mace" thread, I'll take.

For what it's worth, the best ideas I've heard were:

1. Make Fiery Embrace last 20 seconds for all damage, so you are not punished for picking a non-Fire attack set.
2. Make Burn work. Either make it a one time AOE cast that hits mobs in its radius (either with a DoT or whatever Castle thinks is proper), or take out the fear component and up the recharge level to a point that Castle is okay with Burn doing what it does. Don't leave the power as it is, where it doesn't help a tanker, brute, or scrapper tank, or do real offensive damage with far too much setup. It doesn't have to be just like Shield Charge (though an explosion like power would be cool), just similarly useful. And after seeing this thread... well balanced, heh.
3. Adjust Rise of the Phoenix so it can be of some use while alive as well. I'm less attached to this one, as I think it's an okay power now, if kind of a not so fun power to have at the tier 9 level.

I'd like to have KB protection and Immobilize protection as well (Fire doesn't do anything that is better than other sets that get those protections). But things I recall Castle saying about such protection leads me to believe that they aren't going to change that. I don't know why, since I can think of game fiction reasons that Fiery Aura can't be immobilized or KB'd, but that's what I remember. Of course, I might be remembering wrong.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
They can't take away the intrinsic skill, they can minimize its benefits.
So, using SC, how did the devs nerf skill?



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Re: The design tools: That's sad if so, especially for things like powerset evaluation. They have all the data.
Castle confirmed my description of the powers design tools in the last closed beta, as well as my description of its limitations: in particular, nothing happens in an automated fashion, and nothing ever has happened in an automated fashion to the actual powers definitions. Its all done literally by hand.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Yeah, I really like Castle and co. I think they're great, personally, and hate it when people attack them. I do think it's odd how mistakes like these seem to slip in game (or go unnoticed even though players point them out), but I'm not going to be mean about it. Hopefully some good things will get adjusted to how powers are changed from all this.
Well, you've got to bear in mind that when the player base is looking at a power's performance, it's a matter of "OMG! Look how awesome Shield Charge is!"

OTOH, when the devs are designing and implementing the powersets in the first place, it's "Now what value am I plugging into this cell on this spreadsheet?"

After the fact, it takes a certain, critical amount of feedback and data and an opportunity in terms of time to revisit the situation. Then more so to actually fix it, now that you're dealing with peoples' characters and game play.

Do I wish that the mistake hadn't been made? Sure. Do I think it reflects poorly on Castle that he can't intuitively translate a numeric value into the behavior of a computer simulation? Absolutely. But in the grand scheme of things, I don't think it's the worst possible shortcoming to have or that it makes him bad at his job.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Castle confirmed my description of the powers design tools in the last closed beta, as well as my description of its limitations: in particular, nothing happens in an automated fashion, and nothing ever has happened in an automated fashion to the actual powers definitions. Its all done literally by hand.
Yech. Hopefully, the tech they've employed in the MA for weighting power selections can be adapted into at least a primitive "checksum" value for development purposes.



Originally Posted by Starjammer View Post
Personally, I wish we could influence the "intelligence" of the AI as part of the difficulty.
That would be cool if we could. Perhaps one day. The critical issue is making "smarter" and "dumber" AI that were computationally inexpensive: AI burns limited server cycles. The trick is to make the AI seem smart without having to actually be smart, and I think that is theoretically possible. But probably a low priority for the devs, since "smarter critters" isn't something that improves the game in a visible way to most existing and prospective players.

There are catches, though. Whenever I've brought up the subject of making smarter critters, one immediate thing that comes to mind is making them scatter more so that they don't all bunch up in stupidly obvious AoE bullseyes. But there are always players that respond that they don't *want* smarter critters: they want bowling pins they can just mindlessly vaporize with AoEs, and lots of them. Making smarter AI optional within the difficulty settings allows players to opt-out of that behavior, but it creates a conundrum for the devs as to whether that actually means the improved AI creates a leveling penalty on players that opt-in.

If we were talking about a hypothetical sequel to this game, where there was no need to honor pre-established expectations, I know where I stand on this subject. Its a little more grey when we're talking about making changes to the game that will monkey with people's difficulty expectations without a balance-significant reason for doing so.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



A nice compromise might be mob groups that behave differently inherently. It's sort of like, say, Malta vs. Council: Council tends to be a bit of a cakewalk with a reasonably balanced team, while Malta can cause all sorts of troubles. Instead of just cranking the powers up to 11 like they did with Malta, though, they could adjust the AI so that corner pulling and AoE immobilizing isn't always the best tactical option.



Originally Posted by Silencer7 View Post
I've read most of it. I mostly see castle saying "Maybe I'll check it out" (time permitting.) Community relations is part of castle's job, so this is exactly the response that people should expect, but functionally it doesn't mean much.

Which is the point I made originally. They're going to make decisions based on observation of player behavior, not based on what the forum says. Except in rare cases the forum doesn't have access to the data to make a persuasive case about the relative strength of power sets. The forum can bring anecdotal evidence to the attention of the devs, but they aren't going to make decisions based on that (and if I read into the tone of his posts, castle was aware of the issues with /shield anyway.)
If this is all that you've gathered from the thread, then you haven't read it in it's entirety and you have missed a good bit of the point. Castle is going to nerf Shield Charge purely based upon the posts in this thread and what they have revealed about the damage values. It is a nerf that I feel is warranted, though I will miss what it currently does immensely just like I miss what the old /Regen used to be capable of. The nerf won't be for awhile, as he said that he can't addres it immeadiately, but make no mistake - it is coming and it is directly in response to forum posts.