What can the other secondaries do better than /Shield?




Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Come on. Don't treat me like an idiot if you aren't sure about it.

Or here's an idea: Don't treat people like idiots. It's a bad habit and doesn't reflect well upon you.
And this absurd rant reflects *SO* well on you.

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Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
In recent months I've noticed a lot of bad guys getting bumps:
I know for a provable fact that the standard factions are getting far tougher,
Same with Banished Pantheon, for that matter.
And you know what? They nerfed accuracy!

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Originally Posted by DR_EVIL_NA View Post
You are so right, me.
Lets slow down and take a breath here. Lets talk up some positives about secondaries kids.
I'm tired of constant worry of my beloved powersets being nerfed, so why not rather concentrate on what we love.
If you love it (and laugh at other people for not loving it on the forums), the nerf will come... lol.

I'd like to propose a new name for the power - Shield Tickle!

And while we're reworking the power, if you're charging into a group of enemies and hitting them with your shield, shouldn't you take some self damage as well?



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
And you know what? They nerfed accuracy!
Again?! Even if they did, the devs wouldn't know about it for at least a couple of issues...



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
I know for a provable fact that the standard factions are getting far tougher, because I designed a custom AE faction to fight and handily defeat Carnies. A few months ago, it was a slaughter. Now, the Carnies crush them.

Same with Banished Pantheon, for that matter.
That could just as easily be a symptom of AE custom critter changes. I certainly haven't noticed Carnies getting tougher in the real game.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Yo Scrappers. I'm really happy for you, I'm going to let you finish talking about Shield Defense nerfs, but Castle said one of the best things of all time. OF ALL TIME.

Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Several folks have suggested via PMs and in this thread that I look at Fiery Aura again; to bring it's performance up a bit. I'll see what I can do.

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Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
I hope the people(s) responsible for the series of separate and distinct errors that have resulted in SC being what it is today get the wet noodle beating they deserve or however PS doles out reprimands to prevent such future easily avoidable mistakes.

It is a big disconcerting though, the "clients" have been sending in reports that should have been "audited" for a long time regarding Shield Charge. If the issue had just gone unattended that would be one thing, but it received green light for a major change and wasn't "audited" at that point either.

Is there a lack of communication at PS where the QA team doesn't have access to proper information on how the power designers have implemented powers to function? Something is amiss internally because this issue was easily preventable and is now either going to result in a massive nerf or at the very least another ill afforded time sink from an overworked power design team to rectify the issue.

What the old saying? "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Test stuff better before it goes live please and at the very least please don't authorize changes to powers without some form of audit performed on said power (this is honestly what is bugging me most). You're a busy guy and now look at the mess that has been created. We all want the game to succeed, but players have a right to be upset in this case. You strike me as being overly defensive about this issue, but regardless of where you want the blame to be placed it is not in the hands of the players. We have performed our due diligence with regard to Shield Charge and the same can not be said of PS. If you are getting upset at what players are saying now just wait until you go through with the necessary (and large) reduction to the power, it will be worse than ever because it was approved for a massive buff. And All in a short time frame relative to the evolution of other powers in this game.

We all understand that this may not be your fault directly, but you are the one addressing the issue and afaik you oversee the powers team. You are welcome to throw an underling under the bus if you want, some managers do that, or you can accept the responsibility inherent with overseeing a team.

I'm not interested in the forthcoming apology that has accompanied many of the power changes recently. I couldn't care less if you guys are remorseful about changing things. I personally think it is pretty tacky to attach emotion to the process and seems manufactured actually. I care about the specific breakdown in the process that allowed something like this to happen and making sure it is corrected so that future development is more efficient and productive. If the limited time card is going to be played constantly then I'm interested in making that finite resource stretch further.

Agreed, but I'm standing behind you to avoid all the devpet shield charges that are sure to ensue...



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Yo Scrappers. I'm really happy for you, I'm going to let you finish talking about Shield Defense nerfs, but Castle said one of the best things of all time. OF ALL TIME.

Yeah everybody, don't focus on shield charge getting de-balled, you might get one point of kb protection in rise of the phoenix!!!



I personally wouldn't mind if Castle left the numbers as they are, or if he reduced them to their proposed numbers.

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
I personally wouldn't mind if Castle left the numbers as they are, or if he reduced them to their proposed numbers.

Yeah, I doubt many people will mind.

"Yo Scrappers. I'm really happy for you, I'm going to let you finish talking about how much you hate the fact Shield Charge doesn't even kill elderly poodles on life support now, but whirling hands is one of the best powers of all time. OF ALL TIME.



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Yo Scrappers. I'm really happy for you, I'm going to let you finish talking about Shield Defense nerfs, but Castle said one of the best things of all time. OF ALL TIME.
Er, no, you must be mistaken. The Dev's have a solid policy to never buff anything.

I reads it on the internetz, so it must be true! LOL.

(Although a boost to fire armor would be teh sweet!)

Also, folks need to chill. This thread is far from the first time SD has been looked at, I posted months ago that it was inevitable it was getting nerfed.

Hmmm, how gud is mah search-fu.....

Seems is gud!


If you have to hate on anybody, bring it, I am tuff.



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
Yeah, I doubt many people will mind.

"Yo Scrappers. I'm really happy for you, I'm going to let you finish talking about how much you hate the fact Shield Charge doesn't even kill elderly poodles on life support now, but whirling hands is one of the best powers of all time. OF ALL TIME.
Man, that would be awesome if Whirling Hands got a buff. Maybe when they do a proliferation over to Scrappers, the set will get another balance pass.

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Man, that would be awesome if Whirling Hands got a buff. Maybe when they do a proliferation over to Scrappers, the set will get another balance pass.

Not sure if we will ever get it

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
In recent months I've noticed a lot of bad guys getting bumps: Cimmy's, for example, now seem to buff each other quite a bit more when you herd them up so they're much harder to hit
That was actually a simple bug fix. They were supposed to be buffing one another all along, but due to a last minute change in timing, the buff wasn't applying properly.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
That was actually a simple bug fix. They were supposed to be buffing one another all along, but due to a last minute change in timing, the buff wasn't applying properly.

Thanks, then!

Now, they're FUN.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
That was actually a simple bug fix. They were supposed to be buffing one another all along, but due to a last minute change in timing, the buff wasn't applying properly.
That's fine with me, but please please please look at the Immunes Engineer's numbers for their Phalanx Fighting. I gather a bunch of them and start the beat down, but the Engineer's chance to hit is the only one that goes down to 5%. All of the others have much higher last chance to hit values in said gathered group of enemies.

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I have said this before, but I think it is time for it again. Arcana puts more brain power into this game than most people have total. I am thankful for this.

Castle does the best he can with the resources he has. (I wish he would put a bit of time to look at Fire Armor again.) Crap happens and stuff gets by. Darn.

It is a game... and one I enjoy playing. Thanks to Castle for making changes and to Arcana for being a data guru.

I used to have a second account, now deactivated, which has a 50 fire/shield scrapper and a 50 shield/ice tanker, and various other 50's. Both were great toons. The shield/ice tanker out performed my fire/ice tank only using SO's. (I have a 50 shield/fire tank on my primary account so I did not recreate the shield/ice.)

When kinetic melee is released, I will make a kinetic/shield scrapper. Not because I think it will be the best ZOMG FOTM, but because I want another shield scrapper and to have it on my active account. (I have spine/vuln, bs/regen, and fire/wp on my primary account.)

Will the damage being lowered on SC make me angry and want to leave the game... nope. Burn nerfs have not run me off yet, and my main badging toon is a fire/ice tank which is underwhelming at best. (The one toon from my second account I did recreate on my primary was a stone/fire tank because it is that good- with IO's. My two task force toons are a rad/rad def and the stone/fire tank.)

Ice Ember



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
I like how you attack the guy in what was once a productive discussion about a possible problem, then proclaim he's emotional when he defends himself against all your negative assumptions upon his character. Your entire argument against him is based entirely on your assumption of what his motivation is, and that's crap. I usually respect your opinion, but you're really letting your emotion get in the way of your intelligence with this one.
I think the discussion has moved past where you think it is.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Castle say he is the one that did the original design for SC?

And if I'm reading correctly it never made it into the live game following that design principle. He then Ok'd it for a massive change, but didn't bother to check the results of that change.

He also referenced incorrect information about the power suggesting he didn't even have the right information until Arcana provided it (I don't think I was alone in my "who farted" look at the numbers he posted). How long would this issue have gone unnoticed for? I mean it wasn't noticed from the other numerous postings about the power prior to this.

I'm honestly not trying to be disrespectful I'm trying to find out why this break down has occurred. There are a lot of things I'd like to see happen in this game. They have less likelihood of happening if the powers team needs to revisit things and dump hours and hours into fixing something that should have been rectified before it ever went live. And if not then, then certainly when a second change to the power was authorized. It really really really has nothing to do with seeing the future like SDragon has unsuccessfully deflected with. Castle said he designed the power to operate in a certain manner and it initially went live not operating in that manner. You don't need a crystal ball to determine a problem. You don't even need any foresight, just the ability to cross your t's and dot your i's.

If you want me to thank him for saying he'll eventually fix this issue I won't. It is unnecessary. In fact, I'm not convinced dumping more hours into this set is worthwhile because it sounds like a redesign of the power is what will happen. It won't happen for many months still and by then everyone will have grown accustom to how it functions and it is just going to be another nightmare when it goes down. I'd rather he just sets it back to the original live value so that the problem is less glaring and then move on to other projects.

I will say thanks for looking into FA. In fact, I already did.

It's because I have respect for his position that I demand high quality and consistency. Just as I have high expectations of the Partners at work, or the CFO, or the VP of marketing. If you have the title it comes with expectations of performance. Mistakes can and will still happen, but this time it sounds a lot more like not looking before crossing the street rather than a piano falling from the sky and randomly hitting you.



Well this thread went down the toilet in a hurry.

Cyber_naut: As fond as I am of frothing hyperbole, if Shield Charge used the correct values it would still blow Whirling Hands out of the water.

Castle: Looking forward to the FA changes. I am curious though, do you have a rough idea whether you'd be buffing its offensive or defensive capabilities? I know the changes earlier in the thread were mostly about Burn, (removing fear, making it a DoT rather than a placed patch, etc), but given what you said about SD softcapping not being an issue because it'll be needed, I would think FA could use a defensive buff too.

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Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
In fact, I'm not convinced dumping more hours into this set is worthwhile because it sounds like a redesign of the power is what will happen. It won't happen for many months still and by then everyone will have grown accustom to how it functions and it is just going to be another nightmare when it goes down.
Yeah, I don't think I'll continue forward with my IOing plans for my Fire/Shield, and I'll probably dump what I've bought so far back into the base. My intent was to make a damage powerhouse. The AoE portion of that now sounds likely to take a big hit, probably about the time I finish earning the billions of influence and dumping it all into the character, since that takes me months. No thanks. No longer worth the time investment.

I'm not saying that it shouldn't be examined. Perhaps it should. I'm just not going to bother IOing something that's definitely going to be examined. I am way, way too tired of fixing or abandoning carefully-crafted characters that the devs nerf or even buff into something not at all like what I planned. Perhaps if someone could just tell me what powers and which IOs might be STABLE for a couple years, it'll be worth the investment. But obviously that can't happen. At this point, I'm kind of thinking I'll never bother with a top end build again. I'll just keep leveling up alts until I tire of that, and then give up on the game completely.

Again, not saying not to nerf Shield Charge. Not working as intended, blah blah blah, fine, whatever.

But I'm just not sure if I can take it any more.

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Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Well this thread went down the toilet in a hurry.

Cyber_naut: As fond as I am of frothing hyperbole, if Shield Charge used the correct values it would still blow Whirling Hands out of the water.

Castle: Looking forward to the FA changes. I am curious though, do you have a rough idea whether you'd be buffing its offensive or defensive capabilities? I know the changes earlier in the thread were mostly about Burn, (removing fear, making it a DoT rather than a placed patch, etc), but given what you said about SD softcapping not being an issue because it'll be needed, I would think FA could use a defensive buff too.
The last round of buffs for Fiery Aura were more damage mitigation related. I am not opposed to seeing more mitigation for the set, but I'd rather Fiery Aura be able to shine in generating more damage, whether it be directly (a better Burn) or indirectly (such as buffing Fiery Embrace.) Or we could have an increase for both mitigation and offense.

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
The last round of buffs for Fiery Aura were more damage mitigation related. I am not opposed to seeing more mitigation for the set, but I'd rather Fiery Aura be able to shine in generating more damage, whether it be directly (a better Burn) or indirectly (such as buffing Fiery Embrace.) Or we could have an increase for both mitigation and offense.
While I wouldn't be against a FE buff, I think a buff making Burn more useful as an offensive tool would be cooler. FE is a great power and I love it, but I think being able to leverage Burn more would be more interesting and fit better with the set as a whole.

Dream World: Burn gets buffed, resists get buffed, KD and Immob protection and KD resistance added to either the toggles or Temperature Protection.

The KD prot/resistance and Immob protection is mostly a QoL issue, but that's because I don't think having to slot KB prot IOs or take CJ adds interesting flavour >.>

I would be the happiest Silas :3

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Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Castle: Looking forward to the FA changes. I am curious though, do you have a rough idea whether you'd be buffing its offensive or defensive capabilities? I know the changes earlier in the thread were mostly about Burn, (removing fear, making it a DoT rather than a placed patch, etc), but given what you said about SD softcapping not being an issue because it'll be needed, I would think FA could use a defensive buff too.
IMO the set needs more slow resistance, like upwards of 60%+, it still relies very heavily on its heal, the 20% added to temp protection was mildly pacifying, but is still easily overwhelmed by pretty much any and all -rech thrown at it.

Blazing Aura is just a tiny bit better than other damage auras. I think it needs to inherent the standard chance of additional fire dot. Obviously pretty low value, just ticks of like an extra 2 damage. Does two things: makes BA better and gives it the impression of setting things on fire cause even if they leave the aura they can still take a small amount of damage. Increase radius to 10ft (this can happen to all auras imo)

FE needs to be improved a lot. 30 duration for fire damage (to match brute/dom), 20 duration for non-fire. Reduce rech to 150. It provides no tohit buff so it should be a bit better than buildup at boosting damage.

Love to see Rofflecopter of the Pheonix made usable while alive. Even if it comes with a heavy damage reduction down to 150-200 base.

Some great ideas for burn have been presented in this thread already. Back when we were all happier about life I'm still a huge fan of making it into a firewalk kind of drop pet, but that is probably a pipe dream.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
IMO the set needs more slow resistance, like upwards of 60%+, it still relies very heavily on its heal, the 20% added to temp protection was mildly pacifying, but is still easily overwhelmed by pretty much any and all -rech thrown at it.

Blazing Aura is just a tiny bit better than other damage auras. I think it needs to inherent the standard chance of additional fire dot. Obviously pretty low value, just ticks of like an extra 2 damage. Does two things: makes BA better and gives it the impression of setting things on fire cause even if they leave the aura they can still take a small amount of damage. Increase radius to 10ft (this can happen to all auras imo)

FE needs to be improved a lot. 30 duration for fire damage (to match brute/dom), 20 duration for non-fire. Reduce rech to 150. It provides no tohit buff so it should be a bit better than buildup at boosting damage.

Love to see Rofflecopter of the Pheonix made usable while alive. Even if it comes with a heavy damage reduction down to 150-200 base.

Some great ideas for burn have been presented in this thread already. Back when we were all happier about life I'm still a huge fan of making it into a firewalk kind of drop pet, but that is probably a pipe dream.
Honestly, I've never found the lack of slow resistance to be that big a deal. I'd certainly take it, but I'd sooner see the KB/immob hole patched. Plus if the resistances got buffed up the set wouldn't be as reliant on the heal to stay upright.

At the moment FA seems mostly like a set with a heal and some resistances so you don't have to use the heal as much. As opposed to what I'd like it to be, a resistance set with a heal.

I'd love for Blazing Aura to be bigger, hell, all of the damage auras. I doubt that's gonna happen though. The chance-for additional ticks for setting them on fire would be nice.

The thing about FE being better at buffing damage than Build Up has one problem though, BU is in a primary set whereas FE isn't. Powers in primary sets are supposed to be better at stuff than their secondary set counterparts, (lol, LR vs SC m i rite?).

I've often wanted RotP to be changed so it could be used when alive. Either as some kind of defensive/offensive buff or just for the damage. If Burn got changed though so we could use it offensively, I'd be okay with RotP being left as a rez.

I wouldn't mind Burn losing the Fear and staying more or less as is, but I think it'd be a lot cooler as another PBAoE rather than a placed patch. More like Irradiate/Combustion, with an increased radius and increased target cap.

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