What can the other secondaries do better than /Shield?




Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
If it makes you feel better, the poster you were responding to had it wrong. Castle said he would maybe look at Fiery Aura when he had the chance, not Fiery Melee. Which makes sense... Aura needs tweaking, Melee is just dandy.
Actually, you've got it wrong. The poster I was responding to was referring to this post by castle:

"That leads me to believe the discrepancy lies with the primary sets Fire Melee and Dark Melee. Fire is MEANT to have higher DPS overall, so that's 'fine.' Dark Melee, not so much. I'd have to look at specific builds and slotting to see what's going on there, but that's a project I don't have time for now."

So the poster was jokingly asking for a buff to fire melee.

I would also say you need to be a tad more realistic with your expectations, too. I would like for changes to get routed in more quickly, but an MMO is dynamic. Nerfs and buffs are going to come and go, no matter how long something has been in a game... especially when much of the dev team is tied up with developing a new endgame system and expansion. Even if there wasn't all that going on, changes are still going to happen.
I would say you can have your opinion and I can have mine.

In my opinion, it's bad business to drop massive nerfs, like cutting the damage a power does in half, on things that have been in the game for over a year, especially in a game that is as mature as coh is.

It's even worse when said power has recently been altered in an upward direction, and still nobody seemed to realize what is supposedly obvious, that shield charge is vastly overpowered and/or that some enormous mistake had been made in assigning damage to that power.

And finally, this thread makes me wonder if this quest for perfect balance is even good for the game. Players love the set shield defense in large part because it has a great power in shield charge. Why? Because the power IS exceptional. It's the same reason so many players used to love energy melee, the key words in that sentence being 'used to'. I think more sets could use an exceptional power, rather than trying to make all of the sets a bland mix of mediocre powers, balanced by some kind of ******** equation that couldn't possibly take into account all of the variables this game presents. This game needs more shield charges and less 'burn' powers. It needs more old school energy transfers and less barrages. It needs more new siphon lifes and less old siphon lifes - look what that did for dark melee as a set.

If you disagree with me that's fine, but don't phrase the situation as me being against any changes. I'm not. I'm simply against changes that I believe with turn city of heroes into city of mediocrity, and I'm opposed to changes that I believe will have a negative impact on player population, because that has a huge impact on this game as a whole, even if the majority of posters here seem to be primarily soloists.



Just for clarification:

1.a. Shield Charge was supposed to have the varying damage values as you move away from the epicenter all along? (ie L-rod)

1.b. But it was introduced without it and the entire aoe was doing the epicenter damage across the whole 20ft radius?

2. It then received the green light to be adjusted to adhere to AT damage modifiers (no comment on how inconsistently this get applied to pseudo-pets) with the Brute value used as base and everyone else adjusted upwards (1.5x increase for scrappers). But no one checked to see if it was WAI?

3. In fact, scrappers were supposed to be the ones that kept the old peak value and everyone was supposed to be adjusted downward yes?

Someone should have given Shield more defense debuff resistance because that was a cascade of failures. Not trying to be mean when I say this, but if someone dragged out my / my team's work, and it was done to this degree of quality I'd have a headache too. Where I work I probably wouldn't have a job at that point either, but admittedly that is because such mistakes cost the company/clients a lot of money so the margin for error is a lot smaller.



Why did it take this long to figure out that Shield Charge on a Scrapper doing 740 points of damage to a 20' radius every 45 seconds, with just SOs, was not WAI? What about 800 points of damage every 25 seconds while having 95% mitigation to 99% of all attacks?

A lot of us posted about things being whacked out, but I salute you Frosticus for finally bringing the numbers and a logical debate (Fire Armor) to the table. How many threads existed since Shields was introduced merely complaining about LR versus SC and the varying damage radius discrepancy? This is pretty silly.



Originally Posted by Selenir View Post
It terrifies me that this is possible... do you need to be IO'd with solid purples to get this absurd level of invincibility, or can you get it with SOs or a non-purple IO build?
Actually, purples have almost nothing to do with being suvivable. Purples are for recharge, recovery/regen, and accuracy. Being able to live through almost anything comes from slotting WP and getting help from your primary with sets like kinetic combat and touch of death, also the defense uniques.

The more people I meet, the more I'm beginning to root for the zombies.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Gosh, I dunno, maybe that's why I said it was a bigger project than I could look into at the moment? I'm well aware there are a vast number of variables that go into performance, and that this particular case is rather "edge case" in the first place. Do I think there is a real problem with Dark Melee? No, not really. There *could* be, there is at least some "evidence" of it, but without deconstructing what's going on, I don't know. That evidence is NOT the fact that under certain circumstances, it can generate 300 dps, it *is* the fact that it can generate roughly the same DPS as Fire Melee, which is meant to have higher DPS than other sets since it has less soft-control.
As much ST DPS that is though. I the AoE department Dark Melee falls in behind all the others by a long shot which I believed was the downside of the set. If not the intended downside it is certainly the one that has hit my characters

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Can someone nerf Castle already....he is way overpowered!!!




So, if/when shield charge gets gutted, will it be able to crit? Seems the lesson we need to learn is that if something is good use it, abuse it, just don't post about it.

The more people I meet, the more I'm beginning to root for the zombies.



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
Nerf BillZ!
Been done. I respeced. All is well.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by PracticallyGod View Post
you dont know how fotm works do you?
In well-managed games, an overpowered fotm gets the nerf bat after a while, after which it stops being fotm. Fire/Kin next baby!



Originally Posted by JuliusSeizure View Post
Why did it take this long to figure out that Shield Charge on a Scrapper doing 740 points of damage to a 20' radius every 45 seconds, with just SOs, was not WAI? What about 800 points of damage every 25 seconds while having 95% mitigation to 99% of all attacks?

A lot of us posted about things being whacked out, but I salute you Frosticus for finally bringing the numbers and a logical debate (Fire Armor) to the table. How many threads existed since Shields was introduced merely complaining about LR versus SC and the varying damage radius discrepancy? This is pretty silly.
Fire armor still wont get a buff. I was hopeful and it has now faded.

When SC eventually gets nerfed, it will still be better than Burn. AAO will still be better than FE.

Ice Ember



Originally Posted by MaxLongstreet View Post
In well-managed games, an overpowered fotm gets the nerf bat after a while, after which it stops being fotm. Fire/Kin next baby!
And then the next thing becomes FotM and the cycle repeats. Forever.

Though that's a poor excuse to say we should never balance things.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



And then the next thing becomes FotM and the cycle repeats. Forever.
There's a number of people who gravitate around the perceived best, that's true ; but as things get more and more balanced the disparity between played powersets gets smaller.

Just consider Scrappers, before Shield it was a mix of SR/Regen/WP, with a few Inv, DA and FA here and there. Since Shield was introduced it feels like 1 every 2 scrappers is a Shielder - not claiming this is any accurate but casual glances at what people play ingame tend to be enough to tell trends when done 30, 50, 100 times over different hours/days even if you don't track the data.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Been done. I respeced. All is well.
So you're telling me Super Reflexes even let you sense an oncoming nerf, so you respec'd your character and dodged it?

Impressive. Very impressive Bill.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

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Originally Posted by MaxLongstreet View Post
In well-managed games, an overpowered fotm gets the nerf bat after a while, after which it stops being fotm. Fire/Kin next baby!
I'd like you to point to the specific single power in Fire Control or Kinetics that is performing at nearly twice the explicitly intended strength.

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Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
I'd like you to point to the specific single power in Fire Control or Kinetics that is performing at nearly twice the explicitly intended strength.
Smoke. It over powers all... nothing to see here.

Ice Ember



Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
Yes, buffs and nerfs both need to be applied to maintain homeostasis. Other than that:

Unsustainable? Horse puckey.

Game-playing populations are transient, it is the nature of the beast. To allow the CoH franchise to survive and prosper, new players must come online to replace the old. Ideally, over time old players return as well, to re-experience the gameplay.

Thus, that psychological shift you casually dismiss using five-dollah werds is repeated with each new generation and iteration of players. Call it the 'HOLY COW THIS IS AWESOME' factor. As long as you are impressing new players, and returning repeat players, you win.
1. You're overpaying for words. This costs only $5.95 and includes all of those words plus many more.

2. The only way to consistently buff the players without the PvE game becoming ludicrous is to compensate by buffing the critters proportionately. The net result is that rather than one thing being nerfed, everything else gets buffed and that thing still drops in relative performance, which should not impress many people. But if you are explicitly interested in impressing the people that could be impressed by such a numerical shell game, or are one of them yourself, then my original post isn't snark, because that's exactly the sort of numerical shenanigans (now on sale for only $0.15) that is AWESOME.

3. That's why the psychological shift is unsustainable, and probably also deleterious (SRP: $0.18) in the long term. You could get lucky and join the game just as a global buff cycle was going on, but very quickly you'd find yourself in an even larger nerf cycle to compensate, and because these changes affect more things than targeted nerfs they would affect a far larger number of players every time they occured.

About the only way that the "buff not nerf" philosophy has any chance of working is ironically to do most of it in secret, because this would leverage the simple fact that most players - even most forum posters - cannot tell if they are being buffed or nerfed unless they are explicitly told, or it affects a number they explicitly check. Implicit buffs and nerfs, which occur as a result of the situation changing rather than a big floating number changing, almost always slip detection for long periods of time, and are sometimes never detected except when a player happens to stumble over them while testing something.

In fact, I bet I could personally buff the players by 30% or more in a wide range of normally encountered situations, then several issues later nerf them by an even larger amount in the same situations, and no one would notice either change. The question is whether the devs would accept such a development philosophy just to manipulate the psychological state of the playerbase to their advantage. I suspect generally not, although I also suspect that every dev team does it to at least some slight degree in certain corner cases.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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In fact, I bet I could personally buff the players by 30% or more in a wide range of normally encountered situations, then several issues later nerf them by an even larger amount in the same situations, and no one would notice either change.
Oh, c'mon, A, even *I* have more faith in some of us than that.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
Just for clarification:

1.a. Shield Charge was supposed to have the varying damage values as you move away from the epicenter all along? (ie L-rod)
It originally did, but was changed to its current form.

1.b. But it was introduced without it and the entire aoe was doing the epicenter damage across the whole 20ft radius?
Worse. Originally the power did 1.0 damage at the center and 0.7 in an AoE. That meant the power did 1.7 at the center and 0.7 everywhere else. When it was changed, someone took the 1.7 at the center as the base damage and *stacked* the 0.7 bonus damage on top of that, turning it into a 2.4 scale damage power which now did that damage everywhere.

My memory on the precise order of events for Shields is a bit hazy, but this might have happened at the same time they were having issues with the mechanics of the power, and players were complaining the power's damage was ineffectual relative to the difficulty of getting the power to work. It might have been buffed when the mechanics were still being monkeyed with, which partially masked the in-game effect of the damage buff.

Its still a mistake that should never be made. Its basically a translation error: someone tried to mentally translate what the power did into simpler numbers for analysis incorrectly, then back-translated it to the power spreadsheets with that error. Its a mistake that is easier to make than people might think due to the nature of the powers database, but its still a mistake that should not be made.

2. It then received the green light to be adjusted to adhere to AT damage modifiers (no comment on how inconsistently this get applied to pseudo-pets) with the Brute value used as base and everyone else adjusted upwards (1.5x increase for scrappers). But no one checked to see if it was WAI?
Basically yes, although not quite so straight forward. But yes.

3. In fact, scrappers were supposed to be the ones that kept the old peak value and everyone was supposed to be adjusted downward yes?
Close. If you assumed that the original power implicitly assumed 1.0 damage modifier (because that's what pets basically do) then scrappers were supposed to go up slightly, and tankers and brutes were supposed to go down moderately, from the original numbers (which is what the numbers Castle posted in this thread also imply).

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Oh, c'mon, A, even *I* have more faith in some of us than that.
Have you ever known me to place a bet on something about the game I didn't already know I would win? This has already happened once.

I just can't discuss it at the moment because it involves a potential exploit. Rest assured there's a really good game mechanical article coming one day about it. But to be honest, there are players out there sharp enough to have caught it in theory, so I am slightly surprised it has not been detected to this day. But you would have to have been looking right at the issue to have seen it, and ironically the very players most likely to spot the problem were also least likely to experience the problem often enough to notice. And if you tried to look for it now, I doubt there would be a way to detect it because nothing would appear to be wrong today. In terms of the issue, the game looks probably exactly the way most players assume should. It just never actually did until it was changed to fix the issue in question.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



I had a longish post written earlier that didn't make any sense because I'm fighting off illness, but Arcana basically captured what I wanted to say about balance. Lucky me!

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Have you ever known me to place a bet on something about the game I didn't already know I would win? This has already happened once.

I just can't discuss it at the moment because it involves a potential exploit. Rest assured there's a really good game mechanical article coming one day about it. But to be honest, there are players out there sharp enough to have caught it in theory, so I am slightly surprised it has not been detected to this day. But you would have to have been looking right at the issue to have seen it, and ironically the very players most likely to spot the problem were also least likely to experience the problem often enough to notice. And if you tried to look for it now, I doubt there would be a way to detect it because nothing would appear to be wrong today. In terms of the issue, the game looks probably exactly the way most players assume should. It just never actually did until it was changed to fix the issue in question.
Aaaand now I'm going to be trying to figure out what this could possibly be for the rest of the day.

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Originally Posted by Castle View Post
You're right. I did use .85 instead of .8 for the math. I always think of tankers having a .85 mod for some reason. I've been making that same mistake for years. Thankfully, the game applies the mods instead of me having to pre-calculate things, so it's not as bad as it COULD be.

FWIW, nothing is going to be done about this for now. It's too big and widespread of an issue for me to unilaterally decide on how to approach it. I'll give folks a heads up on what is decided as soon as I know.
Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Good catch. I was looking at the original power, as I designed it, rather than the reworked version that was done later. For scrappers, it is scale 3.6 on the Minion_Pet table, which is a far cry from the scale 1.4 on the Minion_Pet table I originally designed for it. I vaguely remember someone (Synapse? Sunstorm? I'd have to dig into check in notes to see) asking me if they could update it to include AT Mods in the damage scales and saying yes.

Hmm...yeah, ok. I can very easily see what happened here.

Shield Charge when released was set for a scale 1.7 damage to all targets within 20' of impact, with 0.7 scale bonus within 3' of impact. When the change to allow AT scaling was made, the bonus damage was rolled into the overall damage, for a scale of 2.4 to all targets in a 20' radius. At the same time, instead of have Brutes getting a mod of 0.75 applied, they were treated as the base.

So, instead of:
Brutes 3' scale 1.8, 20' scale 1.275
Tankers 3' scale 2.04, 20' 1.445
Scrappers 3' scale 2.7, 20' scale 1.9125

We get:
Brute 20' scale 2.4
Tanker 20' scale 2.712
Scrapper 20' scale 3.6

That REALLY sucks.
Thank goodness this is a video game. If it were an accouting firm or another business where calculations meant something the quoted poster would be out of a job.

And having forum posters catch these mistakes instead of double or triple checkin your work speaks bad about again quoted poster

Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary

Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Yeah, I like Blasters too.



Originally Posted by JamMasterJMS View Post
Thank goodness this is a video game. If it were an accouting firm or another business where calculations meant something the quoted poster would be out of a job.

And having forum posters catch these mistakes instead of double or triple checkin your work speaks bad about again quoted poster
The "above poster" would be the one who found the error thanks to reports from "the clients", rather than the one who created the error. Or, are you saying it is accounting policy to fire the auditors for finding mistakes?



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
The "above poster" would be the one who found the error thanks to reports from "the clients", rather than the one who created the error. Or, are you saying it is accounting policy to fire the auditors for finding mistakes?
Take that, JMS. Haha!