What can the other secondaries do better than /Shield?




So in other words ride my SC to all new levels until it is nerf not that it helps with AV soling if I used it in my attack chain I have no AAO fodder

Langar Thurs-Katana/SR 50; Hejtmane-DM/DA 50
Rogue Spear-Spines/DA 50; Hypnosis-Ill/Rad 50
Sir Thomas Theroux-DM/SR 50; Melted Copper-Fire/Shield 50
Byzantine Warrior-DB/ELA 50;Blade Tempo-50 DB/EA



Originally Posted by SDragon View Post
I think I know what's going on in this thread...

All the good will aimed at David Nakayama has created an imbalance in the force. It's siphoned away the goodwill aimed at other Devs!
No, they've been siphoning the good will quite well on their own lol.

Maybe Castle is a Kinetics blaster?!

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by BrokenPrey View Post
Not that I know of, Shred's is alleged 300dps but again we can't say for sure becuse of Dull Pain. In the Plyon thread the top is 289DPS. I did 296DPS with my DM/SD against Romulus. That is the highest that I know of.
Even if it was 300, that would be slightly skewed by the fact that Shadowhunter has -20% negative energy resistance, so while it may achieve 300+ on him, it would be lower against things without that weakness.

Of course if the weakness was already taken into account for that calculation, then please ignore this :-P



So based on my understanding of Castle's posts in this thread, we've gone from "Shields won't get nerfed right now because it's too widespread an issue to fix" to "Dark Melee may need a nerf because its DPS is too high." Nevermind that DM lacks any decent and reliable AoE, requires large amounts of targets to perform at such high levels (to feed Soul Drain), and the DPS numbers tossed around here were based on relatively tweaked-out builds. Also nevermind that the apparent leap in logic being made here is nerfing a set that's been around since launch would not have as widespread an effect as nerfing a set that's only been around 18 months. Seriously, WTF?

(See also: Energy Transfer nerf)

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The "buff not nerf" philosophy is a vacuous fiction with no rational numerical consequence due to the fact such changes ultimately require compensating alterations which when normalized have an immaterial differential result. Its only game design benefit is a transient psychological perspective shift which is unsustainable.

Yes, buffs and nerfs both need to be applied to maintain homeostasis. Other than that:

Unsustainable? Horse puckey.

Game-playing populations are transient, it is the nature of the beast. To allow the CoH franchise to survive and prosper, new players must come online to replace the old. Ideally, over time old players return as well, to re-experience the gameplay.

Thus, that psychological shift you casually dismiss using five-dollah werds is repeated with each new generation and iteration of players. Call it the 'HOLY COW THIS IS AWESOME' factor. As long as you are impressing new players, and returning repeat players, you win.

I feel this to be absolutely true, because I recently teamed up with two fresh faces in Atlas. One guy was on a trial account, the other had been playing for two weeks.

So what'd I do? I said, "Hey, wanna get a jet pack? My treat!"

Then I took them out to the Shadow Shard to buy one.

Since we were out there, I also took them to see the Storm Palace. I mean, we were in the neighborhood....

I'm pretty sure there's two more long-term players now. One guy kept saying 'Man, this game is SO EPIC!"

So, while I luvs me some numbers, I think you might be a leeetle too invested in this argument with the numbers. Do not discount that psychological perspective shift so cavalierly.

So. How's about some buffs? The Devs could think of it as a down-payment on the next round of nerfs



Also nevermind that the apparent leap in logic being made here is nerfing a set that's been around since launch would not have as widespread an effect as nerfing a set that's only been around 18 months. Seriously, WTF?
Way to ignore the huge buffs DM recently got. In other words, the DM that exists today is not what it was at launch. Just like everything else in this game. **** gets changed.

Castle won't be nerfing DM because of this thread. On its own without saturated Soul Drain it's still nothing special.

Get a ******* grip, people.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post

Bless you Hazygreys.

Lisa-Feels the same way.
Point of order:

I have two level 50 shield toons (sd/wm tank and bs/sd scrapper) that are both fully equipped with shiny free SO's I got with AE tickets. Both toons cost essentially zero influence.

Both do just fine on any content I want to do with them. For example, both have done ITF's with no issues whatsoever. I find that shield does very very well on teams.

Now, my fm/sd scrapper? That one dies, even on teams. To much aggro due to the damage output. But I'm cool with that!



Does the BS/sd do well because you use parry?

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Castle won't be nerfing DM because of this thread. On its own without saturated Soul Drain it's still nothing special.

Get a ******* grip, people.
This, seriously. I wish we could hide Castle's posts so the doomcriers would piss off. No one is getting nerfed. DM especially. SC will likely go back to the way it was meant to be (with the previously listed numbers). That, however, would've happened regardless. Stop ********. **** happens.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Why are they looking at pylon times instead of datamining defeats per hour?



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
Does the BS/sd do well because you use parry?
Well, I know how to plan builds, so my slotting and power choices aren't terrible.

Then I use parry when I need it, and I do some knockdowns, and I tend to cram in close to the tank for the phalanx fighting, and I know how to joust when all that fails.

Plus, since I tend to wedge in close, the already excellent BS damage is even moar awesome. Plus BS is a strong debuffing set (for a scrapper) so I bring a lot of subtle utility to teams that makes things just 'go smoothly.'

bs/sd just go together like peanut butter and jelly



Originally Posted by Terror1 View Post
Why are they looking at pylon times instead of datamining defeats per hour?
they're not . That's why nothing is going to happen.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Originally Posted by PracticallyGod View Post
If we go with the current Castle trend, he will change it inside of 3 issues or one and a half years
PvP. 4 issues and counting.

I also remember Castle saying spines being too good. in i12



Look Castle, I've been trying really hard to be supportive of you since taking a break after the last time I got sick of some of your shortsighted moves. But if you want that kind of support then you can't post things that are representative of someone with no understanding of the situation and expect it to just go over smoothly. You are supposed to be the guy that knows. If you don't know it is far better to PM someone who does before proceeding.

Just because he hasn't personally experienced something doesn't mean he's ignorant of it. He, and the other Devs, know quite a bit more about how this game works and have access to tools to find out even more than even the best number crunching, demorecording players because they're developers. You could PM him all the data you've come up with for a month straight, and he'd still rely on the tools he has to make final decisions. What you and other players say only give them a starting point.

The Devs have a purpose in mind for everything they do, and they've stated that purpose in many forms. They might fall short of your purpose, but that doesn't make them short-sighted. It just means your vision and their vision don't match. It happens. In the end, they've chosen a path, and it's up to the players to follow it or find another game to play that suits their goals better.

If I were Castle, I wouldn't have said anything more than he did. He acknowledged player concerns, and said he'd look into it when he had time. He didn't make any promises, and said nothing concrete about what changes, if any, would be made. What more do you want right now?

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Just because he hasn't personally experienced something doesn't mean he's ignorant of it. He, and the other Devs, know quite a bit more about how this game works and have access to tools to find out even more than even the best number crunching, demorecording players because they're developers. You could PM him all the data you've come up with for a month straight, and he'd still rely on the tools he has to make final decisions. What you and other players say only give them a starting point.

The Devs have a purpose in mind for everything they do, and they've stated that purpose in many forms. They might fall short of your purpose, but that doesn't make them short-sighted. It just means your vision and their vision don't match. It happens. In the end, they've chosen a path, and it's up to the players to follow it or find another game to play that suits their goals better.

If I were Castle, I wouldn't have said anything more than he did. He acknowledged player concerns, and said he'd look into it when he had time. He didn't make any promises, and said nothing concrete about what changes, if any, would be made. What more do you want right now?
I hope you are right, but I publicly stated the same thing with even more gusto than you with regard to the upcoming pvp changes back in i12. I'm sort of in a position now of "fool me once..." His post in this thread show he is/was using the wrong numbers and may or may not have reacted poorly to a very small and insignificant sample that may or may not be representative of what actually occurs in game.

He's as fallible as anyone has a right to be, but he has certain expectations placed on him due to his position and responsibilities. One of those is probably checking the final version of a power before it goes live after you give the OK to let it be changed (ie gave the nod to change SC to abide by AT modifiers), which from his postings didn't happen. If that is the responsibility of someone else then it should also be the responsibility of someone else to give the initial green light to change.

The other is probably checking to ensure you are posting accurate information with regard to what is being discussed. If something is performing well and he says he'll "look into it" that is generally not a good thing if you like that aspect of performance (ie DM now enters the discussion because of what appears to be misinformation being used regarding Shields).

I don't really care what happens tbh, it is just a game and I'm not hooked on any melee AT, but the guy has very limited time by his own admission. From an efficiency standpoint of not wasting time it is probably useful to be using accurate information and to not publicly state concern over a very small sample of results. Doing that is what half-cocked players get to do, not the lead powers dev.

Just imo of course and I'm sure you guys are absolutely right that he has much more accurate and complete information than we do and it will be properly used in the event of changes occurring. It only makes sense based on what we've seen.

edit: This is a retarded tangent to what was once a very productive discussion. He is welcome to chase ghosts all day if he wants. And if he decides to roll his face around on the keyboard and then hit submit we should all be gracious of it.



Originally Posted by Marsquake2 View Post
gg picking out the tiniest sliver of a post and responding to it but leaving everything else left to the void.
He was a tad snarky in his response to you, but it was warranted. You were getting annoyed about him making sweeping generalizations when he wasn't. He said he would have to look into it a lot further... here's his first post on that bit. "I'd have to look at specific builds and slotting to see what's going on there, but that's a project I don't have time for now." He wasn't saying that he would make a change to powers, just that he would have to look and see if there were outliers if he had time.

Then you posted what you did, and he replied snarkily because he already covered your concern. People do not like being misconstrued, even if it's almost to be expected on an internet forum.

For those all worried about a change to Shield Charge, here's a reminder of what he said:

"FWIW, nothing is going to be done about this for now. It's too big and widespread of an issue for me to unilaterally decide on how to approach it. I'll give folks a heads up on what is decided as soon as I know."

Castle isn't making wild presumptions, and he's going to look into things thoroughly. So no more overreacting.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
For those all worried about a change to Shield Charge, here's a reminder of what he said:

"FWIW, nothing is going to be done about this for now. It's too big and widespread of an issue for me to unilaterally decide on how to approach it. I'll give folks a heads up on what is decided as soon as I know."

Castle isn't making wild presumptions, and he's going to look into things thoroughly. So no more overreacting.
I believe that the reason for the "overreacting" is that /Shields is being considered for moderation at all. SC numbers obviously warrant an eventual alteration as they do not correspond with intended scaling, which Castle's posts do indeed indicate.

Castle's posts also mentioned concern with FM/ and DM/ damage in connection with top end DPS when compared to other primaries, specifically referencing the pylon run results as mentioned by BillZ.

I don't believe that any changes are needed on these powersets, nor do I believe that Castle will think so once he takes into consideration their performance in all other areas. I would hope that the Devs wouldn't base a decision about powerset balance upon a single aspect of the game, especially one that the vast majority of the playerbase is incapable of even attempting.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Way to ignore the huge buffs DM recently got. In other words, the DM that exists today is not what it was at launch. Just like everything else in this game. **** gets changed.
I'm aware that DM was buffed (and then had activation times on the tier 1 and 2 increased slightly, remember that?) in I13 - not exactly "recent" even on the scale of this game's six-year timeline. I didn't "ignore" anything, because the buffs the set received are completely irrelevant to the discussion at hand. The discussion is relevant to DM as it exists today, not as it existed before I13.

I do find it amusing that given justification for not making changes that would be good for game and powerset balance (correcting gamebreaking overbuffing, fixing Stone Armor, etc.) is "it's too widespread to change," and that there isn't a good solution for "fixing" Shield Charge just yet, when the possible best solution is to simply give it the numbers it should have (i.e. copy Lightning Rod's attributes).

Castle won't be nerfing DM because of this thread. On its own without saturated Soul Drain it's still nothing special.
Maybe, maybe not. Regardless, saying what amounts to "Dark Melee shouldn't be putting out as much DPS as Fire Melee, so I'm going to have to look into that" sounds sort of ominous.

Get a ******* grip, people.
Sounds like someone's getting their feathers a bit ruffled, and it sure isn't me. To quote that little red dot next to my previous post in this thread, "now you're just embarrassing yourself."

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Yup, I have an extremely low tolerance for certain types of posts and those that post them these days.

You admit that changes to powersets are common around here. Good. That'll help you deal with all the future buffs/nerfs coming down the pipe.

"Ominous." Oooo scary, get out the torches and pitchforks. The dark is out there.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
That'll help you deal with all the future buffs/nerfs coming down the pipe.
Yes, I've obviously had issues with these sorts of things.

*rolls eyes*

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
MA/SRs that played since release deserve a special veteran reward or something. A machine gun storm kick would have been fine: what we actually had was Flurry for Feet.

There is *nothing* to compare to MA/SR at release. If release MA/SR was a difficulty level, it would award a MasterOf badge.
Heh - I played MA/SR in the beta. At launch, I decided to go with DM/SR for my main, instead (although, to be fair, that was mainly because I wanted a punching set, instead of kicks. But, perhaps that's just a rationalization, because, yea, it sucked ).

Like a Runaway Train!
SS's Crey Profile
SS's Virtue Handbook Page
Liberty League: Leave the Justice to Us!



When SC gets its well deserved nerf, my opinion of Castle will definitely increase. This will go a ways towards balancing the game and diversifying powersets in use.



Originally Posted by MaxLongstreet View Post
When SC gets its well deserved nerf, my opinion of Castle will definitely increase. This will go a ways towards balancing the game and diversifying powersets in use.



Originally Posted by MaxLongstreet View Post
When SC gets its well deserved nerf, my opinion of Castle will definitely increase. This will go a ways towards balancing the game and diversifying powersets in use.
you dont know how fotm works do you?



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
He was a tad snarky in his response to you, but it was warranted. You were getting annoyed about him making sweeping generalizations when he wasn't. He said he would have to look into it a lot further... here's his first post on that bit. "I'd have to look at specific builds and slotting to see what's going on there, but that's a project I don't have time for now." He wasn't saying that he would make a change to powers, just that he would have to look and see if there were outliers if he had time.

Then you posted what you did, and he replied snarkily because he already covered your concern. People do not like being misconstrued, even if it's almost to be expected on an internet forum.

For those all worried about a change to Shield Charge, here's a reminder of what he said:

"FWIW, nothing is going to be done about this for now. It's too big and widespread of an issue for me to unilaterally decide on how to approach it. I'll give folks a heads up on what is decided as soon as I know."

Castle isn't making wild presumptions, and he's going to look into things thoroughly. So no more overreacting.

wasnt my post he was responding to, I merely pointed out what he did