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In case you missed it, there is a MSR tonight at 6 pm EST
According to the LB MOTD, there is a hami raid tonight at 9 pm est
Speeds are great when you want to get stuff done and the person running them knows what they are doing. Jom springs to mind.
Speeds are horrible when the person running them thinks they know what they are doing. I've been on some "speeds" where it took as long as a normal run. -
K. Is this for easy reference or something?
New and refreshing. To the OP, I guess it depends on how long you keep this weekly team up, but I believe eventually you won't be able to edit your first post. You would be better off just making a new post in here for each week.
By george you're right Matt, good job on the detective work.
They didn't want to talk about it, stating that LFA wasn't a forum for discussion.
Quote:I'll say. This transpired when I logged in.
Differences of LB, LFA, SHF is that they are moderated differently
"[LFA]@playername* has been kicked from channel 'LFA' by @mod*"
The mod was asked why playername* had beend kicked:
"[LFA]mod*: I silenced him once, then when he was unsilenced he went off on a rant and rage quit the channel. As I am personally tired of his continued harassment, yes, he was kicked."
followed by
"[LFA]@playername* has been kicked from channel 'LFA' by @mod*
[LFA]@playername* has been kicked from channel 'LFA' by @mod*
[LFA]mod*: Sorry for the spam all.
[LFA]@playername* has been kicked from channel 'LFA' by @mod*"
*name removed -
"Why are there so many ostriches? The brochure said there would be a few..."
That is, you're saying you know a mod is causing trouble but the solution is ignore them. -
Quote:I was in LFA for a fair amount of time before I made judgement. Like Ukaserex said, you will see the same TFs or teams forming across 3-6 chat channels. That being said, while I was in LFA there was a mod who kept talking down on LB, even saying they got kicked from LB for no reason.I use all of the channels that Liberty pretty much has to offer. The difference between LB and LFA is that LB has a fair amount of foolishness, which is fun to join on some occasions. But there are times where I only have a couple of hours when my daughter is laying down and need to get something together fast. And to be honest lately that has been on LFA. I can get a team together and start rolling so i don't waste time.
Today, I saw that mod in LB being told "Please don't stir the pot any more" by an LB mod while drama was brewing. " Look at all this drama. Don't like it? Head over to LFA. ;-)" was the response given.
There's a saying, that 'any publicity is good publicity', but I feel like it's not always true. -
Probably because the OP explained they don't know how to use mids that well and all anyone did was say go make a build yourself. He's probably afk figuring out how to use it.
With the length of some of ya'll posts I'd think the same amount of time could have been put to making a build real quick for the guy.
Right-click your chat tab, then click channel search and type in a channel name. As long as the channel isn't private you will get results.
A little late to the discussion, but calling LFA THE community channel in your broadcasts in Atlas is a little misleading. Last I looked, LB had over 1800 members. LFA? Not even a third of that. THE community channel would be the one that has more of the community in it.
It seemed like there were numerous folks giving orders and very few following.