Issue 19 Builds Needed Please




Hiya All,

Is it possible someone can make me some nice builds due to me not having enough experience in mids :P, I want builds for a Fire/Kin and the other for a Plant/Kin. These two controllers are for farming purposes so basically Capped S/L Defense and S/L Resist if Possible, so basically good survivability. I want both with good Recharge too if possible. Budget can be as much as it needs to be... Purple sets is great where need to be slotted, just want good builds :P thats all im looking for. Thank you very much to anyone who puts there time into doing the builds - Very much appreciated



You'd be better off playing around with Mids, posting your builds and then asking for critique. It doesn't always work out, but people will usually respond better to that.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



I always love the "I don't want to bother putting any effort into this and want someone else to do the work for me" build threads.. And of course this one includes the seemingly mandatory "budget doesn't matter" statement.



You should be able to search the forums for a decent Fire/Kin build. Maybe Plant/Kin too. I expect to see a series of posts coming up soon about it now that people are adjusting builds for alpha slots, so you may want to hang on for that. I'm guessing most Fire/Kins are going to Alpha for Recharge (they don't need the Damage or Defense), which may have some interesting results on builds.



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
I always love the "I don't want to bother putting any effort into this and want someone else to do the work for me" build threads.. And of course this one includes the seemingly mandatory "budget doesn't matter" statement.
Erm... its not the fact that i havent put any effort into doing the builds myself and make someone else do the work for me, Ive actually made a couple of builds based on the controllers but the end result of the builds isnt really what I was hoping for and thats why I thought it would be a good idea posting on the forums so that others could help me and come up with somthing what I would like... but in return theres always some idiots who start to think the opposite about others and see them as lazy, and thats not the case.



With the exception of melee AT's, it's highly unlikely you'll see see a cap in both defense and resist. It's an either or thing with defense being more likely to reach it's cap. I suppose it's possible to get both if you keep PFF running, but that wouldn't be any fun. Capped s/l and ranged sounds more doable. Forget about resists.

50 SM/WP Brute - D Block
50 FM/ELA Brute - Raging Daemon
50 Acher/MM Blaster - Dark Reiver
50 FM/SD - Firestorm Brigade

You were right to fear me...



Originally Posted by kash007uk2 View Post
... but in return theres always some idiots who start to think the opposite about others and see them as lazy, and thats not the case.
If you're not lazy, then put something together, and we'll help from there. Generally, none of us want to do all the work for you, at least not for free.

Considering that budget doesn't matter to you, I'll go ahead and offer my standard rate. For a small payment of one billion inf, I will make a build to your specifications. Guaranteed performance. For an idea of what my builds can do, follow the link in my sig for what I've done with Dark Armor.

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Originally Posted by kash007uk2 View Post
Hiya All,
I want both with good Recharge too if possible. Budget can be as much as it needs to be... Purple sets is great where need to be slotted, just want good builds :P thats all im looking for.
You can make just about any decent spec great with a few billion and any good spec Godly.

You probably do need to give us some ballpark figure inf wise. Not point showing you a 4-5+ billion inf build when probably one 1-2% of the game population can actually afford it (and odds are you are not one of them).



Originally Posted by kash007uk2 View Post
Erm... its not the fact that i havent put any effort into doing the builds myself and make someone else do the work for me, Ive actually made a couple of builds based on the controllers but the end result of the builds isnt really what I was hoping for and thats why I thought it would be a good idea posting on the forums so that others could help me and come up with somthing what I would like... but in return theres always some idiots who start to think the opposite about others and see them as lazy, and thats not the case.
No offense, but when I read your initial post, I thought, "I don't really need to spend my time helping out that guy when he doesn't want to put in the effort to learn Mids himself . . . especially with a start date of Dec 2004!" Trust me, most of the people here are helpful for the most part. But when we see a post that almost looks like, "Can I borrow your lawnmower . . . and can you do me the favor of mowing my lawn?" then folks are likely to get a little bit snarky.

Mids is pretty easy to use. The interface is pretty similar to doing a respec in game (only better). Plus, there are a lot of subjective things about doing a build -- it depends on playstyle. For example, I don't have a single controller who is maximized on either Defense or Resistance (and I have a LOT of controllers). I focus on Control, buffing and debuffing, and then damage. If I can control foes, what do I need Defense for? I'm not personally a big fan of farming, either. That's pretty boring to me.

Bottom line: Play around with Mids and try to make your own build. Then post it here and the helpful folks will give you some tips to make it better.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



To the OP:

Before you get all upset with the Controller crowd, let me offer a little historical perspective. For the most part this AT community is one of the friendliest, most helpful and knowledgable in the game. It's a special breed of player that focuses on the Controller and it really shows in how they interact with players new and old. For the most part this is one of the few sections of the forums that is relatively drama free.

That said, there is a dark little corner of the Troller Forums: the fire/kin poster. Oh nothing against fire/kins or fire/kin players for that matter; I have one myself (and have since issue 2) The problem is fire/kin's have been the Farmer Du Jour forever (nothing against farming in general) and with it comes some great and well thought-out players, but it also attracts new players looking to get to "the End Game" or speed through levels before ever learning the game or their way around the forums. And while that is but a small portion of the playerbase and the people lurking the forums, those of us that haunt these parts of the forums sometimes get a little testy because there can be very heavy days that seem devoted to fire/kins and farming builds from players with very little interest in even looking for their answers or doing a modicum of research before asking.

Hey Mental, what's the problem with that you ask? Well to start there are a lot of posts similar to yours started just above three other threads devoted to "The best fire/kin farming build" Some people take exception to going into yet another thread when there are plenty on the first page to paruse. Secondly, it's pretty durned common for the fire/kin "I want a 1337 fire/kin build, now!" to post with "some excuse" as to why they don't have a build available for us to go over. And while your post didn't, the posts typically sound something like. "I'm not good at using Mids, LOL" "I can't seem to get Mids to work, LOL", "I know where I want the powers but I'm not good with set's, LOL" , or (Insert your own excuse here) followed almost always by 'LOL' or 'lawlz'. The point is, if people seem touchy it's not because they are neccesarily jerks or unhelpful. It's just that, well, your post ain't the first of it's type to come around here (by a longshot) and while your intentions may be as innocent and pure as fresh snow, we do get a lot of LEET Boyz, lazy players and scoundrels come through here expecting the eggheads to do the work for them so they can go out there and get 'phat lootz'.

All we typically ask is that you come to the table with a little effort. The build doesn't have to be uber, or even good for that matter (just don't be sloppy and throw something together that makes no sense....they can smell deception around here). But effort on your part gets you very far with this crowd, trust me. There are some good people in these parts.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Just toss up one of the builds you started, and folks will work with it, and offer advice on what to tweak to make it better.

Don't I know you???



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
I always love the "I don't want to bother putting any effort into this and want someone else to do the work for me" build threads.. And of course this one includes the seemingly mandatory "budget doesn't matter" statement.
This is pretty much why I stopped posting builds as of a few years ago unless I want feedback myself. I flat out turn down all PM requests for builds too (and I get a few now & then), always asking they just post a build on the forums and we'll provide critique.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Ah. Good someone else started a thread for me. I don't need to do it myself.

I don't want to bother putting any effort into this so someone else needs to make a Fire/Rad build for me to use. It should be able farm really good so budget doesn't matter.

I don't have any Inf so if you guys could just take a collection among yourselves that would great. I don't have time to go to each of you individually.

Also once you do all that, what is a good farm? I can door sit for a few dozen to see which ones are best, but I only play from 1am to 4am. I live in Salomon Isles so you will have to find out what time that is your time. I can't be bothered right now so send me a PM. I won't charge you much to play in my farm.

Thanks ahead of time.



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
For the most part this AT community is one of the friendliest, most helpful and knowledgable in the game.
True for the most part, but sometimes you can actually post a build, indicate what your playstyle is/what the end results are going to be and still not have anyone really reply with assistance at all. I see this less in the Controller forums than others but it still happens. I guess it's just one of those things.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



With the length of some of ya'll posts I'd think the same amount of time could have been put to making a build real quick for the guy.



Originally Posted by Private Eyes View Post
With the length of some of ya'll posts I'd think the same amount of time could have been put to making a build real quick for the guy.
It's just a principle. If OP doesn't lift a finger towards making their build or show that they have done that, why should we?

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

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Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
It's just a principle. If OP doesn't lift a finger towards making their build or show that they have done that, why should we?
Agreed and on top of it all, even though it's not rocket science, making builds on MIDs gets easier the more you play around with it as opposed to, "Is it possible someone can make me some nice builds due to me not having enough experience in mids :P".

Just a matter of doing it and should give you a better understanding of powers etc as well.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
It's just a principle. If OP doesn't lift a finger towards making their build or show that they have done that, why should we?
Exactly.. OP tried the same thing in the Defender forum, and didn't get any responses either. There's a reason for that.



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Exactly.. OP tried the same thing in the Defender forum, and didn't get any responses either. There's a reason for that.
Not always though...
Like I said earlier, you can post a build and get 500+ views with little or no help. Not sure what that x factor is that causes people to respond/not respond, but it happens.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
Not always though...
Like I said earlier, you can post a build and get 500+ views with little or no help. Not sure what that x factor is that causes people to respond/not respond, but it happens.

There are a few things that can increase the chances of a response, like explaining your playstyle, explaining your strategy and preferences and, most of all, asking specific questions. That will be more effective than, "Here's my build. Whaddya think?" And far, far more effective than, "Give me a build on XXX/YYY!"

I know that I am more likely to respond to a quick, concise question than a general post where I'll have to spend a long time trying to figure out what the problems are and then spend a long time having to type out a response . . . knowing that half of the time, the person pays no attention to my advice, because he looks at it differently than I do.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by Local_Man View Post
There are a few things that can increase the chances of a response, like explaining your playstyle, explaining your strategy and preferences and, most of all, asking specific questions. That will be more effective than, "Here's my build. Whaddya think?" And far, far more effective than, "Give me a build on XXX/YYY!"

I know that I am more likely to respond to a quick, concise question than a general post where I'll have to spend a long time trying to figure out what the problems are and then spend a long time having to type out a response . . . knowing that half of the time, the person pays no attention to my advice, because he looks at it differently than I do.
I hear you. It just still surprises me when anyone posts a build, asks for general thoughts and hundreds of views responses. It also surprises me when someone does the above, gets a lot of different views/responses and the OP never signs back into the thread to say thanks or quickly state which direction they will head with the advice received.

When everything is said and done, it's not always a bad thing when the "experts" may not have a chance to respond to a request for build forces people to do their own forum research and possibly get a better understanding of how powers/IOs work etc.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Probably because the OP explained they don't know how to use mids that well and all anyone did was say go make a build yourself. He's probably afk figuring out how to use it.



Originally Posted by CrazyJerseyan View Post
I hear you. It just still surprises me when anyone posts a build, asks for general thoughts and hundreds of views responses. It also surprises me when someone does the above, gets a lot of different views/responses and the OP never signs back into the thread to say thanks or quickly state which direction they will head with the advice received.
Posting in-depth build critiques is usually a thankless job, as you yourself note above. It's also usually redundant; on any given forum I can usually find at least three separate threads requesting the same thing on the very first page -- or close enough to the same thing.

Doesn't mean I don't occasionally critique builds or even post example builds in response, but I can see why people shy away from it. It's one thing to post general advice about a given power set or combo; it's another thing to analyze a poster's specific build and then adjust it based on his specifications.

In this particular case, the OP doesn't give anyone much to work with. The budget-doesn't-matter-because-I'm-gonna-farm thing is a bit of a red flag too -- not because any build is out-of-reach to anyone who's determined enough to invest in a character, but rather, because the most expensive builds tend to take a little more dedication and focus than most people are willing to put into them (including me, most of the time). And if the OP's idea here is to make a farmer then at what point does the farmer build itself take up too many resources? If you have those resources before you roll the farmer, then why do you need the farmer? If not, then isn't it self-defeating to spend half a year outfitting a character whose only purpose is to outfit other characters?

Chicken, meet egg. Fairly or unfairly, farmer-build requests make me skeptical. If you take the request at face value and post some monstrously expensive build, then you can almost set your watch to the inevitable market-forum whine, or the inevitable request for a cheaper intermediate build.

When everything is said and done, it's not always a bad thing when the "experts" may not have a chance to respond to a request for build forces people to do their own forum research and possibly get a better understanding of how powers/IOs work etc.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build